select cl.relname,att.attname,att.atttypid,f.* from pg_class cl
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att on att.attrelid = cl.oid
LEFT JOIN td_f_field_info f on f.party_table_name=cl.relname and f.field_name=att.attname
-- LEFT JOIN pg_type t on
where cl.relname like 'dpm%'
and att.attname not like '........pg%'
and cl.relname not like '%pkey%'
and f.id is null
and att.attnum>0
ORDER BY cl.relname;
SELECT f.* from td_f_step_table_rel r
LEFT JOIN td_f_table_info t on r.table_id=t.id
LEFT JOIN td_f_field_info f on t.party_table_name=f.party_table_name
where r.flow_step_id='2' and r.flow_sub_step_id='4' ORDER BY t.party_table_name;
3:将表dpm_5_base_person中的数据 循环添加进 td_f_field_info
INSERT into td_f_field_info(id,party_table_name,field_name,data_type,description )
(select uuid_generate_v1(),cl.relname,att.attname,t.typname,col_description(att.attrelid,att.attnum) from pg_class cl
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att on att.attrelid = cl.oid
LEFT JOIN td_f_field_info f on f.party_table_name=cl.relname and f.field_name=att.attname
LEFT JOIN pg_type t on att.atttypid=t.oid
where cl.relname like 'dpm_5_base_person'
and att.attname not like '........pg%'
and cl.relname not like '%pkey%'
and f.id is null
and att.attnum>0
ORDER BY cl.relname) ;
4:-- 将表字段存在但是field_info中不存在的字段插入到field_info中
INSERT into td_f_field_info(id,party_table_name,field_name,data_type,description, is_null,max_length )
(select uuid_generate_v1(),cl.relname,att.attname,t.typname,col_description(att.attrelid,att.attnum),
(case att.attnotnull when 't' then '0' else '1' end),
(CASE WHEN att.atttypmod >=4 THEN att.atttypmod- 4 WHEN att.atttypmod
from pg_class cl
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att on att.attrelid = cl.oid
LEFT JOIN td_f_field_info f on f.party_table_name=cl.relname and f.field_name=att.attname
LEFT JOIN pg_type t on att.atttypid=t.oid
where cl.relname like 'dpm_2_6_inspect_option%'
and att.attname not like '........pg%'
and cl.relname not like '%pkey%'
and f.id is null
and att.attnum>0
ORDER BY cl.relname) ;
5:postgreSql中char类型的数据,如果长度设为8 不足8个字符的字符串会自动补空格 比如值为'123' 存到数据库里实际为'123 '
6:INSERT INTO "public"."td_f_approve_defined" ("task_id", "step_id", "step_name", "sub_step_id", "sub_step_name", "approve_role", "update_date", "update_by", "level", "version", "person_name", "create_by", "create_date", "del_flag") VALUES ('2', '1', '申请入党', '2', '党组织谈话', '4', '2018-05-07 13:50:39', '11', '1', '1', '11', '1', '2018-05-07 13:51:00', '0');
添加td_f_approval_define 表中数据
7:select * from tf_f_org where length(code)=18
select * from tf_f_org where length(code)=24 and org_name like '%海洋%'
select * from tf_f_org where length(code)=24 and code LIKE '000002000008000011%'
select * from tf_f_org where length(code)=24 and parent_id='d367736e-57de-11e7-b7aa-0050569a68e4';
SELECT * FROM "public"."tf_f_org" WHERE "org_name" LIKE '%潍坊滨海经济技术开发区%' LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0
汇总 单项汇总