

1. 环境准备

1.1 配置存储管理器PSM的共享库

SinoDB 内置了一个存储管理器PSM,该存储管理器的接口库位置为$INFORMIXSERVER/lib/libbsapsm.so

  • 查看接口库

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ cd $INFORMIXSERVER/lib

[informix@vm84145 lib]$ pwd


[informix@vm84145 lib]$ ll |grep libbsapsm.so

-r-xr-xr-x 1 informix informix 1927078 Aug 16 2017 libbsapsm.so

[informix@vm84145 lib]$

  • 使用onbar时,需要做一些简单的配置,配置参数如下:
参数 说明
BAR_BSALIB_PATH 指定不同存储管理器的共享库(XBSA)
BAR_MAX_BACKUP 定义并行程度,确定要并发运行的备份和恢复进程数
LTAPEDEV 指定逻辑日志备份目录
  • 配置参数

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c |grep BAR_BSALIB_PATH |grep -v '#'


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wf BAR_BSALIB_PATH=/home/informix/sinodb/lib/libbsapsm.so

Value of BAR_BSALIB_PATH has been changed to /home/informix/sinodb/lib/libbsapsm.so.

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c |grep BAR_BSALIB_PATH |grep -v '#'

BAR_BSALIB_PATH /home/informix/sinodb/lib/libbsapsm.so

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wf LTAPEDEV=/home/informix/backups

Value of LTAPEDEV has been changed to /home/informix/backups.

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c |grep LTAPEDEV |grep -v '#'

LTAPEDEV /home/informix/backups

[informix@vm84145 ~]$


  • 语法:

onpsm -D list

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name

FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /home/informix/sinodb/backups

FILE LOW --/-- LOGPOOL /home/informix/sinodb/backups

[informix@vm84145 etc]$



  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name

FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /home/informix/sinodb/backups

FILE LOW --/-- LOGPOOL /home/informix/sinodb/backups

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$mkdir -p /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$mkdir -p /home/informix/psmpool/logpool

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D add /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool -g DBSPOOL -p HIGHEST -t FILE

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D add /home/informix/psmpool/logpool -g LOGPOOL -p HIGHEST -t FILE

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name

FILE LOW --/-- DBSPOOL /home/informix/sinodb/backups

FILE HIGHEST --/-- DBSPOOL /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool

FILE LOW --/-- LOGPOOL /home/informix/sinodb/backups

FILE HIGHEST --/-- LOGPOOL /home/informix/psmpool/logpool

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D del /home/informix/sinodb/backups -d

Delete the device from ALL pools and DELETE ALL backup objects stored in

FILE devices? (y/n) y

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type Prio Block/Size (MB) Pool Name Device Name

FILE HIGHEST --/-- DBSPOOL /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool

FILE HIGHEST --/-- LOGPOOL /home/informix/psmpool/logpool

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ ^C

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ ll /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool

total 0

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ ll /home/informix/psmpool/logpool

total 0

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$

2. 备份与恢复实验


(1) 数据空间文件被删除时的数据完全恢复

(2) 表删除后基于时间点的不完全恢复

image660×572 15.8 KB

步骤1: 创建数据库和表(t1)

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess sysmaster -

Database selected.

> create database psmdb in datadbs1 with log;

Database closed.

Database created.

> create table t_dept(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(20));

Table created.

> create table t_employee(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(20));

Table created.

> info tables;

Table name

t_dept t_employee




  • 语法

insert into t_dept values(1, 'dept_1');

insert into t_dept values(2, 'dept_2');

insert into t_dept values(3, 'dept_3');

  • 查询结果

> select * from t_dept;

f_deptid f_deptname

1 dept_1

2 dept_2

3 dept_3

3 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 10:39:52



  • 语法

insert into t_employee values(1, 1, 'employee_01');

insert into t_employee values(2, 1, 'employee_02');

insert into t_employee values(3, 2, 'employee_03');

insert into t_employee values(4, 2, 'employee_04');

insert into t_employee values(5, 3, 'employee_05');

  • 查询结果

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

5 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 10:41:03


步骤3: 系统进行L0备份(t4)


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 17:42:00 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io

P-1 0 1024 57951 927 62.51

phybegin physize phypos phyused %used

3:53 1023945 142057 13 0.00

Logical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io

L-3 0 512 422146 50692 39539 8.3 1.3

Subsystem numrecs Log Space used

OLDRSAM 421482 44029124

HA 629 27676

DDL 35 12180

address number flags uniqid begin size used %used

475dffa8 7 F------ 0 2:53 102390 0 0.00

475fbf88 8 A------ 0 2:102443 102390 0 0.00

4886fd90 9 A------ 0 2:204833 102390 0 0.00

4886fdf8 10 A------ 0 2:307223 102390 0 0.00

4886fe60 11 U-B---- 11 2:409613 102390 51 0.05

4886fec8 12 U-B---- 12 2:512003 102390 10 0.01

4886ff30 13 U------ 13 2:614393 102390 40589 39.64

4886ff98 14 U------ 14 2:716783 102390 8 0.01

473abf68 15 U------ 15 2:819173 102390 50582 49.40

47481f40 16 U---C-L 16 2:921563 102390 18 0.02

10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg |grep SERVERNUM


[informix@vm84145 ~]$


  • 语法

onbar -b -L 0

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 0

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)

1 2022-03-07 11:22:14 24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1

2 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1

3 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1

4 2022-03-07 11:22:14 9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1

5 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1

6 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1

7 2022-03-07 11:22:14 1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1

8 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1

9 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1

10 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1

11 2022-03-07 11:22:15 79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1

12 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1

13 2022-03-07 11:22:16 98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1

14 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1

15 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1

16 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1

17 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1

18 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1

[informix@vm84145 ~]$




  • 语法

insert into t_employee values(11, 1, 'employee_11');

insert into t_employee values(12, 1, 'employee_12');

insert into t_employee values(13, 2, 'employee_13');

insert into t_employee values(14, 2, 'employee_14');

insert into t_employee values(15, 3, 'employee_15');

  • 查询结果

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_11

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

14 2 employee_14

15 3 employee_15

10 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 14:27:27



  • 语法

onbar -b -L 1

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 1

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)

1 2022-03-07 11:22:14 24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1

2 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1

3 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1

4 2022-03-07 11:22:14 9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1

5 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1

6 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1

7 2022-03-07 11:22:14 1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1

8 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1

9 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1

10 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1

11 2022-03-07 11:22:15 79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1

12 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1

13 2022-03-07 11:22:16 98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1

14 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1

15 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1

16 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1

17 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1

18 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1

19 2022-03-07 14:28:38 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1

20 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1

21 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1

22 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1

23 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1

24 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1

25 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1

26 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1

27 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1

28 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1

29 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1

30 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2

31 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2

32 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2

33 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2

[informix@vm84145 ~]$




  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_employee values(16, 3, 'employee_16');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_11

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

14 2 employee_14

15 3 employee_15

16 3 employee_16

11 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 14:33:01



  • 语法
onbar -b -L 1
  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 1

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)

1 2022-03-07 11:22:14 24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1

2 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1

3 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1

4 2022-03-07 11:22:14 9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1

5 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1

6 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1

7 2022-03-07 11:22:14 1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1

8 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1

9 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1

10 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1

11 2022-03-07 11:22:15 79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1

12 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1

13 2022-03-07 11:22:16 98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1

14 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1

15 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1

16 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1

17 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1

18 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1

19 2022-03-07 14:28:38 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1

20 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1

21 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1

22 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1

23 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1

24 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1

25 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1

26 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1

27 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1

28 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1

29 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1

30 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2

31 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2

32 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2

33 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2

34 2022-03-07 14:34:06 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.2

35 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.2

36 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.2

37 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.3

38 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.2

39 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.4

40 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.2

41 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.2

42 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.2

43 2022-03-07 14:34:09 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.4

44 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.1 /sinodb/0/18/sinodb.1

45 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.5

46 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.5

47 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.5

48 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.5

[informix@vm84145 ~]$





  • 语法

insert into t_employee values(21, 1, 'employee_21');

insert into t_employee values(22, 1, 'employee_22');

insert into t_employee values(23, 2, 'employee_23');

insert into t_employee values(24, 2, 'employee_24');

insert into t_employee values(25, 3, 'employee_25');

  • 查看数据

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_11

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

14 2 employee_14

15 3 employee_15

16 3 employee_16

21 1 employee_21

22 1 employee_22

23 2 employee_23

24 2 employee_24

25 3 employee_25

16 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 14:40:09



  • 语法

onbar -b -L 2

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 2

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)

1 2022-03-07 11:22:14 24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1

2 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1

3 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1

4 2022-03-07 11:22:14 9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1

5 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1

6 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1

7 2022-03-07 11:22:14 1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1

8 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1

9 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1

10 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1

11 2022-03-07 11:22:15 79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1

12 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1

13 2022-03-07 11:22:16 98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1

14 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1

15 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1

16 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1

17 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1

18 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1

19 2022-03-07 14:28:38 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1

20 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1

21 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1

22 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1

23 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1

24 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1

25 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1

26 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1

27 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1

28 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1

29 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1

30 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2

31 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2

32 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2

33 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2

34 2022-03-07 14:34:06 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.2

35 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.2

36 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.2

37 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.3

38 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.2

39 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.4

40 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.2

41 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.2

42 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.2

43 2022-03-07 14:34:09 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.4

44 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.1 /sinodb/0/18/sinodb.1

45 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.5

46 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.5

47 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.5

48 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.5

49 2022-03-07 14:53:10 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/2/sinodb.1

50 2022-03-07 14:53:11 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/2/sinodb.1

51 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/2/sinodb.1

52 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/2/sinodb.1

53 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/2/sinodb.1

54 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/2/sinodb.1

55 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/2/sinodb.1

56 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/2/sinodb.1

57 2022-03-07 14:53:13 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/2/sinodb.1

58 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/2/sinodb.1

59 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.2 /sinodb/0/19/sinodb.1

60 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.6

61 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.6

62 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.6

63 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.6

[informix@vm84145 ~]$


  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:22:30 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io

P-1 38 1024 58319 939 62.11

phybegin physize phypos phyused %used

3:53 1023945 142425 38 0.00

Logical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io

L-3 0 512 424219 51014 39854 8.3 1.3

Subsystem numrecs Log Space used

OLDRSAM 423540 44231256

HA 644 28336

DDL 35 12180

address number flags uniqid begin size used %used

475dffa8 7 U-B---- 17 2:53 102390 88 0.09

475fbf88 8 U-B---- 18 2:102443 102390 62 0.06

4886fd90 9 U-B---L 19 2:204833 102390 78 0.08

4886fdf8 10 U---C-- 20 2:307223 102390 11 0.01

4886fe60 11 U-B---- 11 2:409613 102390 51 0.05

4886fec8 12 U-B---- 12 2:512003 102390 10 0.01

4886ff30 13 U-B---- 13 2:614393 102390 40589 39.64

4886ff98 14 U-B---- 14 2:716783 102390 8 0.01

473abf68 15 U-B---- 15 2:819173 102390 50582 49.40

47481f40 16 U-B---- 16 2:921563 102390 101 0.10

10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$




  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_dept values(4, 'dept_4');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_dept;

f_deptid f_deptname

1 dept_1

2 dept_2

3 dept_3

4 dept_4

4 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 14:55:32




[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> update t_employee set f_employeename = 'employee_updated' where f_employeeid = 11;

1 row(s) updated.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_updated

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

14 2 employee_14

15 3 employee_15

16 3 employee_16

21 1 employee_21

22 1 employee_22

23 2 employee_23

24 2 employee_24

25 3 employee_25

16 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 14:56:24




  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:26:14 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io

P-1 41 1024 58319 939 62.11

phybegin physize phypos phyused %used

3:53 1023945 142425 41 0.00

Logical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io

L-2 0 512 424226 51016 39856 8.3 1.3

Subsystem numrecs Log Space used

OLDRSAM 423547 44231732

HA 644 28336

DDL 35 12180

address number flags uniqid begin size used %used

475dffa8 7 U-B---- 17 2:53 102390 88 0.09

475fbf88 8 U-B---- 18 2:102443 102390 62 0.06

4886fd90 9 U-B---L 19 2:204833 102390 78 0.08

4886fdf8 10 U---C-- 20 2:307223 102390 13 0.01

4886fe60 11 U-B---- 11 2:409613 102390 51 0.05

4886fec8 12 U-B---- 12 2:512003 102390 10 0.01

4886ff30 13 U-B---- 13 2:614393 102390 40589 39.64

4886ff98 14 U-B---- 14 2:716783 102390 8 0.01

473abf68 15 U-B---- 15 2:819173 102390 50582 49.40

47481f40 16 U-B---- 16 2:921563 102390 101 0.10

10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -l

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:26:57 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io

P-1 41 1024 58319 939 62.11

phybegin physize phypos phyused %used

3:53 1023945 142425 41 0.00

Logical Logging

Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io

L-1 0 512 424248 51021 39861 8.3 1.3

Subsystem numrecs Log Space used

OLDRSAM 423569 44234048

HA 644 28336

DDL 35 12180

address number flags uniqid begin size used %used

475dffa8 7 U-B---- 17 2:53 102390 88 0.09

475fbf88 8 U-B---- 18 2:102443 102390 62 0.06

4886fd90 9 U-B---L 19 2:204833 102390 78 0.08

4886fdf8 10 U------ 20 2:307223 102390 14 0.01

4886fe60 11 U---C-- 21 2:409613 102390 4 0.00

4886fec8 12 U-B---- 12 2:512003 102390 10 0.01

4886ff30 13 U-B---- 13 2:614393 102390 40589 39.64

4886ff98 14 U-B---- 14 2:716783 102390 8 0.01

473abf68 15 U-B---- 15 2:819173 102390 50582 49.40

47481f40 16 U-B---- 16 2:921563 102390 101 0.10

10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$



  • 在灾难发生前,删除一个记录,用于后续恢复时的验证用例。


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> delete from t_employee where f_employeeid = 14;

1 row(s) deleted.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_updated

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

15 3 employee_15

16 3 employee_16

21 1 employee_21

22 1 employee_22

23 2 employee_23

24 2 employee_24

25 3 employee_25

15 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 15:00:05




  • 语法

cd /home/informix/dbs/

rm -rf datadbs1-1

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ cd /home/informix/dbs/

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll

total 19968000

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 25 18:13 bindbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 14:58 datadbs1-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs2-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs3-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs4-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs5-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 14:59 llogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 14:58 plogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 14:58 rootdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Mar 1 17:31 sbdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs2

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs3

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ rm -rf datadbs1-1

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll

total 17920000

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 25 18:13 bindbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs2-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs3-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs4-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs5-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:03 llogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:03 plogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:03 rootdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Mar 1 17:31 sbdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs2

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs3

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$




[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_dept values(5, 'dept_5');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_dept;

f_deptid f_deptname

1 dept_1

2 dept_2

3 dept_3

4 dept_4

5 dept_5

5 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 15:04:33




  • 语法

onbar -b -l

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$onbar -b l

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID Date Created Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)

1 2022-03-07 11:22:14 24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1

2 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1

3 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1

4 2022-03-07 11:22:14 9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1

5 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1

6 2022-03-07 11:22:14 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1

7 2022-03-07 11:22:14 1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1

8 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1

9 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1

10 2022-03-07 11:22:15 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1

11 2022-03-07 11:22:15 79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1

12 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1

13 2022-03-07 11:22:16 98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1

14 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1

15 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1

16 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1

17 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1

18 2022-03-07 11:22:16 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1

19 2022-03-07 14:28:38 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1

20 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1

21 2022-03-07 14:28:40 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1

22 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1

23 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1

24 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1

25 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1

26 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1

27 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1

28 2022-03-07 14:28:41 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1

29 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1

30 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2

31 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2

32 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2

33 2022-03-07 14:28:42 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2

34 2022-03-07 14:34:06 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.2

35 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.2

36 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.2

37 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.3

38 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.2

39 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.4

40 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.2

41 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.2

42 2022-03-07 14:34:08 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.2

43 2022-03-07 14:34:09 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.4

44 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.1 /sinodb/0/18/sinodb.1

45 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.5

46 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.5

47 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.5

48 2022-03-07 14:34:10 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.5

49 2022-03-07 14:53:10 0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/2/sinodb.1

50 2022-03-07 14:53:11 0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/2/sinodb.1

51 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/2/sinodb.1

52 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/2/sinodb.1

53 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/2/sinodb.1

54 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/2/sinodb.1

55 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/2/sinodb.1

56 2022-03-07 14:53:12 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/2/sinodb.1

57 2022-03-07 14:53:13 0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/2/sinodb.1

58 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/2/sinodb.1

59 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.2 /sinodb/0/19/sinodb.1

60 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.6

61 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.6

62 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.6

63 2022-03-07 14:53:14 0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.6

64 2022-03-07 15:05:24 0.0 /sinodb/0/20/sinodb.1

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -g arc

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:35:28 -- 2374324 Kbytes

num DBSpace Q Size Q Len Buffer partnum size scanner

Dbspaces - Archive Status

name number level date log log-position

rootdbs 1 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x12018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0xd018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x13018

llogdbs 2 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

plogdbs 3 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

bindbs1 7 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

sbdbs1 8 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x18018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

datadbs1 9 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

datadbs2 10 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

datadbs3 11 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

datadbs4 12 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

datadbs5 13 0 03/07/2022.11:22 16 0x1d018

1 03/07/2022.14:34 18 0x16018

2 03/07/2022.14:53 19 0x1b018

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$




Cannot open chunk '/home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1'


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -ky

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onninit -vy

bash: onninit: command not found...

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ oninit -vy

Reading configuration file '/home/informix/sinodb/etc/onconfig.sinodb'...succeeded

Creating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs...succeeded

Allocating and attaching to shared memory...succeeded

Creating resident pool 22166 kbytes...succeeded

Creating infos file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.infos.sinodb"...succeeded

Linking conf file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.conf.sinodb"...succeeded

Initializing rhead structure...rhlock_t 32768 (1024K)... rlock_t (13281K)... Writing to infos file...succeeded

Initialization of Encryption...succeeded

Initializing ASF...succeeded

Initializing Dictionary Cache and SPL Routine Cache...succeeded

Initializing encryption-at-rest if necessary...succeeded

Bringing up ADM VP...succeeded

Creating VP classes...succeeded

Forking main_loop thread...succeeded

Initializing DR structures...succeeded

Forking 1 'soctcp' listener threads...succeeded

Starting tracing...succeeded

Initializing 32 flushers...succeeded

Initializing SDS Server network connections...succeeded

Initializing log/checkpoint information...succeeded

Initializing dbspaces...succeeded

Opening primary chunks...oninit: Cannot open chunk '/home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1'. errno = 2


Validating chunks...succeeded

Initialize Async Log Flusher...succeeded

Starting B-tree Scanner...succeeded

Init ReadAhead Daemon...succeeded

Init DB Util Daemon...succeeded

Initializing DBSPACETEMP list...succeeded

Init Auto Tuning Daemon...succeeded

Checking database partition index...succeeded

Initializing dataskip structure...succeeded

Checking for temporary tables to drop...succeeded

Updating Global Row Counter...succeeded

Forking onmode_mon thread...succeeded

Creating periodic thread...succeeded

Creating VP cache drain thread...succeeded

Creating limits manager thread...succeeded

Starting scheduling system...succeeded

Verbose output complete: mode = 5

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line (CKPT REQ) -- Up 00:00:26 -- 2374324 Kbytes


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


  • 语法

touch datadbs1_1

chmod 660 datadbs1_1

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll

total 17920000

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 25 18:13 bindbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs2-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs3-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs4-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs5-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:08 llogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:08 plogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:08 rootdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Mar 1 17:31 sbdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs2

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs3

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ touch datadbs1-1

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ chmod 660 datadbs1-1

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll

total 17920000

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 25 18:13 bindbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 0 Mar 7 15:10 datadbs1-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs2-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs3-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs4-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 1 17:31 datadbs5-1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:08 llogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:08 plogdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar 7 15:08 rootdbs

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Mar 1 17:31 sbdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs1

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs2

-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 524288000 Mar 7 14:58 tempdbs3

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


  • 语法

onstat -

onbar -r

onmode -m

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -ky

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'sinodb'

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onbar -r

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Quiescent -- Up 00:00:45 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -m

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_updated

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

15 3 employee_15

16 3 employee_16

21 1 employee_21

22 1 employee_22

23 2 employee_23

24 2 employee_24

25 3 employee_25

15 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from t_dept;

f_deptid f_deptname

1 dept_1

2 dept_2

3 dept_3

4 dept_4

5 dept_5

5 row(s) retrieved.





  • 语法

insert into t_employee values(101, 1, 'employee_101');

insert into t_employee values(102, 1, 'employee_102');

insert into t_employee values(103, 2, 'employee_103');

insert into t_employee values(104, 2, 'employee_104');

insert into t_employee values(105, 3, 'employee_105');

  • 查看数据

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_updated

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

101 1 employee_101

15 3 employee_15

16 3 employee_16

21 1 employee_21

22 1 employee_22

23 2 employee_23

24 2 employee_24

25 3 employee_25

102 1 employee_102

103 2 employee_103

104 2 employee_104

105 3 employee_105

20 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 15:15:43




> !date +'%F %T'

2022-03-07 15:17:01

> drop table t_employee;

Table dropped.

> select * from t_employee;

206: The specified table (t_employee) is not in the database.

111: ISAM error: no record found.

Error in line 1

Near character position 24

> info tables;

Table name



步骤17: 基于时间点的不完全恢复(t21)

  • 语法

onstat -

export GL_DATETIME="%iY-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

onbar -r -t '2022-03-07 15:17:01'

echo "select * from t_employee" | dbaccess psmdb

  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:07:13 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -ky

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER 'sinodb'

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ export GL_DATETIME="%iY-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ echo $GL_DATETIME

%iY-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onbar -r -t '2022-03-07 15:17:01'

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Quiescent -- Up 00:01:05 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -m

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$

  • 查看恢复结果

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ echo "select * from t_employee" | dbaccess psmdb

Database selected.

f_employeeid f_deptid f_employeename

1 1 employee_01

2 1 employee_02

3 2 employee_03

4 2 employee_04

5 3 employee_05

11 1 employee_updated

12 1 employee_12

13 2 employee_13

101 1 employee_101

15 3 employee_15

16 3 employee_16

21 1 employee_21

22 1 employee_22

23 2 employee_23

24 2 employee_24

25 3 employee_25

102 1 employee_102

103 2 employee_103

104 2 employee_104

105 3 employee_105

20 row(s) retrieved.

Database closed.

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ echo "select * from t_dept" | dbaccess psmdb

Database selected.

f_deptid f_deptname

1 dept_1

2 dept_2

3 dept_3

4 dept_4

5 dept_5

5 row(s) retrieved.

Database closed.

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


3. 附录


create database mydb in datadbs1 with log;

create table t_dept(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(20));

create table t_employee(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(20));


insert into t_dept values(1, 'dept_1');

insert into t_dept values(2, 'dept_2');

insert into t_dept values(3, 'dept_3');


insert into t_employee values(1, 1, 'employee_01');

insert into t_employee values(2, 1, 'employee_02');

insert into t_employee values(3, 2, 'employee_03');

insert into t_employee values(4, 2, 'employee_04');

insert into t_employee values(5, 3, 'employee_05');


insert into t_employee values(11, 1, 'employee_11');

insert into t_employee values(12, 1, 'employee_12');

insert into t_employee values(13, 2, 'employee_13');

insert into t_employee values(14, 2, 'employee_14');

insert into t_employee values(15, 3, 'employee_15');


insert into t_employee values(16, 3, 'employee_16');


insert into t_employee values(21, 1, 'employee_21');

insert into t_employee values(22, 1, 'employee_22');

insert into t_employee values(23, 2, 'employee_23');

insert into t_employee values(24, 2, 'employee_24');

insert into t_employee values(25, 3, 'employee_25');


insert into t_dept values(4, 'dept_4');


update t_employee set f_employeename = 'employee_updated' where f_employeeid = 11;


delete from t_employee where f_employeeid = 14;


drop table t_employee;


insert into t_dept values(5, 'dept_5');


insert into t_employee values(101, 1, 'employee_101');

insert into t_employee values(102, 1, 'employee_102');

insert into t_employee values(103, 2, 'employee_103');

insert into t_employee values(104, 2, 'employee_104');

insert into t_employee values(105, 3, 'employee_105');


drop table t_employee;


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