matlab NO123

1 Lab Project
1.1 Lab Submission
Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: _0206girl
Lego's Life of George is a game where an image is displayed on the screen for a number of seconds before being blanked. The player of the game then has to construct the shape from Lego blocks from memory. The player photographs the finished blocks and their computer automatically compares the brick pattern to the original image. Similar problems are found in many image processing applications, for example the colour segmentation of real world objects; colour data matrix reading. A colour data matrix has the advantage over conventional blank and white versions in that more information can be stored for a given pattern. An example is shown in figure 1.Figure 1: An example colour data matrix
For your project you will write software that automatically reads a colour pattern image from hard-disc and returns an array representing the colour pattern. An example image is shown in figure 2. Note the location of the black circles. These are for finding the edge of the image should you need to use them. There is no correct orientation - so your results may be flipped.
The images we become progressively more difficult, and you may not be able to solve them all. Ideally, the process should be fully automatic (for full marks) but this is not easy, so some manual intervention is allowed if you need to. Some images maybe impossible, if you cannot solve them please explain why.
1.2 The image files
There are two sets of images on Canvas
Figure 2: The Project colour matrix example
• images1 . zip and
• Photos . zip are a set of real photographs. Do not attempt to solve these, but comment on each one in your report.
1.3 What to do
• Write a function called findColours ( filename ) that given the string filename ,
loads an image and returns an array representing the colours found in the matrix. Please break this down in to the following steps:
-- findColours will call the following functions:
-- A function image = loadImage ( filename ) that given the string filename ,
loads an image and returns the image as type double.
-- A function, circleCoordinates = findCircles ( image ) the locates
and returns the coordinates of the four black circles. 1
-- A function the correctly un-distorts the images: correctImage ( circleCoordinates
, image ) . Note, images maybe flipped since there is no correct orientation.
-- A function colours = getColours ( image ) the takes the double image array,
image , and returns an array with the result of the colours. For now this will only use the undistorted images ( org_X . png and noise_X . png ) The colours used are red, green, yellow, blue and white.

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