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下载 swift-5.10-RELEASE-windows10.exe 大约490MB
建议安装在 D:\Swift\ ,安装后大约占2.56GB
where clang

cd D:\Swift\testc
短笛伴奏《祝你生日快乐》,编辑 happy_birthday_2u.cpp 如下
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib")
using namespace std;
enum Scale // 音阶参数
Rest = 0, C8 = 108, B7 = 107, A7s = 106, A7 = 105, G7s = 104, G7 = 103, F7s = 102, F7 = 101, E7 = 100,
D7s = 99, D7 = 98, C7s = 97, C7 = 96, B6 = 95, A6s = 94, A6 = 93, G6s = 92, G6 = 91, F6s = 90, F6 = 89,
E6 = 88, D6s = 87, D6 = 86, C6s = 85, C6 = 84, B5 = 83, A5s = 82, A5 = 81, G5s = 80, G5 = 79, F5s = 78,
F5 = 77, E5 = 76, D5s = 75, D5 = 74, C5s = 73, C5 = 72, B4 = 71, A4s = 70, A4 = 69, G4s = 68, G4 = 67,
F4s = 66, F4 = 65, E4 = 64, D4s = 63, D4 = 62, C4s = 61, C4 = 60, B3 = 59, A3s = 58, A3 = 57, G3s = 56,
G3 = 55, F3s = 54, F3 = 53, E3 = 52, D3s = 51, D3 = 50, C3s = 49, C3 = 48, B2 = 47, A2s = 46, A2 = 45,
G2s = 44, G2 = 43, F2s = 42, F2 = 41, E2 = 40, D2s = 39, D2 = 38, C2s = 37, C2 = 36, B1 = 35, A1s = 34,
A1 = 33, G1s = 32, G1 = 31, F1s = 30, F1 = 29, E1 = 28, D1s = 27, D1 = 26, C1s = 25, C1 = 24, B0 = 23,
A0s = 22, A0 = 21
enum Voice // F大调
H1 = F2, H2 = G2, H3 = A2, H4 = B2, H5 = C3, H6 = D3, H7 = E3,
J1 = F3, J2 = G3, J3 = A3, J4 = B3, J5 = C4, J6 = D4, J7 = E4,
K1 = F4, K2 = G4, K3 = A4, K4 = B4, K5 = C5, K6 = D5, K7 = E5,
L1 = F5, L2 = G5, L3 = A5, L4 = B5, L5 = C6, L6 = D6, L7 = E6,
_ = 0xFF
// score: Happy birthday to you
int hb2u[] = {
int shichang[] = {
// 力度
int lidu[] = {
// 演奏歌曲《祝你生日快乐》
void happy_birthday()
HMIDIOUT handle;
midiOutOpen(&handle, 0, 0, 0, CALLBACK_NULL); // 打开midi设备
midiOutShortMsg(handle, 72 << 8 | 0xC2); // 设置通道2的乐器为 72:短笛
unsigned char sd = 0x90 | (2 & 0x0F); // statusByte: 0为声道
unsigned short note = 0; //音符编号
unsigned short v = 120; // velocity 力度值,范围通常在0-127
int n = sizeof(lidu) / sizeof(lidu[0]);
cout <<"n= " << n << endl;
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
note = hb2u[i];
if (lidu[i] ==0) v = 40;
else if(lidu[i] ==1) v = 80;
else if (lidu[i] ==2) v = 120;
unsigned long noteOnMsg = (((unsigned long)v <<16) | (((unsigned long)note) <<8) | (unsigned long)sd);
midiOutShortMsg(handle, noteOnMsg); // 发送MIDI消息
Sleep(shichang[i]); // 停顿,给音节演奏的时间
midiOutShortMsg(handle, 0x7BB2); // 停止通道2上的演奏
midiOutShortMsg(handle, 0x7BB2); // 停止通道2上的演奏
midiOutClose(handle); // 关闭midi设备
int main()
return 0;
编译 clang happy_birthday_2u.cpp -o happy_birthday_2u.exe
运行 happy_birthday_2u.exe
钢琴伴奏《祝你生日快乐》,编辑 happy_birthday_2y.cpp 如下
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib")
using namespace std;
enum Scale // 音阶参数
Rest = 0, C8 = 108, B7 = 107, A7s = 106, A7 = 105, G7s = 104, G7 = 103, F7s = 102, F7 = 101, E7 = 100,
D7s = 99, D7 = 98, C7s = 97, C7 = 96, B6 = 95, A6s = 94, A6 = 93, G6s = 92, G6 = 91, F6s = 90, F6 = 89,
E6 = 88, D6s = 87, D6 = 86, C6s = 85, C6 = 84, B5 = 83, A5s = 82, A5 = 81, G5s = 80, G5 = 79, F5s = 78,
F5 = 77, E5 = 76, D5s = 75, D5 = 74, C5s = 73, C5 = 72, B4 = 71, A4s = 70, A4 = 69, G4s = 68, G4 = 67,
F4s = 66, F4 = 65, E4 = 64, D4s = 63, D4 = 62, C4s = 61, C4 = 60, B3 = 59, A3s = 58, A3 = 57, G3s = 56,
G3 = 55, F3s = 54, F3 = 53, E3 = 52, D3s = 51, D3 = 50, C3s = 49, C3 = 48, B2 = 47, A2s = 46, A2 = 45,
G2s = 44, G2 = 43, F2s = 42, F2 = 41, E2 = 40, D2s = 39, D2 = 38, C2s = 37, C2 = 36, B1 = 35, A1s = 34,
A1 = 33, G1s = 32, G1 = 31, F1s = 30, F1 = 29, E1 = 28, D1s = 27, D1 = 26, C1s = 25, C1 = 24, B0 = 23,
A0s = 22, A0 = 21
enum Voice // F大调
H1 = F2, H2 = G2, H3 = A2, H4 = B2, H5 = C3, H6 = D3, H7 = E3,
J1 = F3, J2 = G3, J3 = A3, J4 = B3, J5 = C4, J6 = D4, J7 = E4,
K1 = F4, K2 = G4, K3 = A4, K4 = B4, K5 = C5, K6 = D5, K7 = E5,
L1 = F5, L2 = G5, L3 = A5, L4 = B5, L5 = C6, L6 = D6, L7 = E6,
_ = 0xFF
// score: Happy birthday to you
int hb2u[] = {
int shichang[] = {
// 力度
int lidu[] = {
// 演奏歌曲《祝你生日快乐》
void happy_birthday()
HMIDIOUT handle;
midiOutOpen(&handle, 0, 0, 0, CALLBACK_NULL);
midiOutShortMsg(handle, 0 << 8 | 0xC0); // 设置通道0的乐器为 大钢琴
unsigned short note = 0; // 音符编号
unsigned short v = 100; // velocity 力度值,范围通常在0-127
unsigned char sd = 0x90 | (0 & 0x0F);// statusByte: 0为声道
int n = sizeof(lidu) / sizeof(lidu[0]);
cout <<"n= " << n << endl;
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
note = hb2u[i];
if (lidu[i] ==0) v = 50;
else if(lidu[i] ==1) v = 80;
else if (lidu[i] ==2) v = 127;
// 组合3个字节的消息到一个DWORD值
unsigned long noteOnMsg = (((unsigned long)v <<16) | (((unsigned long)note) <<8) | (unsigned long)sd);
// 发送MIDI消息
midiOutShortMsg(handle, noteOnMsg);
Sleep(shichang[i]); // 停顿,给音节演奏的时间
midiOutShortMsg(handle, 0x7BB0); // 停止通道0上的演奏
int main()
return 0;
编译 clang happy_birthday_2y.cpp -o happy_birthday_2y.exe
运行 happy_birthday_2y.exe
命令行参数化 乐器伴奏《祝你生日快乐》,编辑 happy_birthday_to.cpp 如下
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib")
using namespace std;
enum Scale // 音阶参数
Rest = 0, C8 = 108, B7 = 107, A7s = 106, A7 = 105, G7s = 104, G7 = 103, F7s = 102, F7 = 101, E7 = 100,
D7s = 99, D7 = 98, C7s = 97, C7 = 96, B6 = 95, A6s = 94, A6 = 93, G6s = 92, G6 = 91, F6s = 90, F6 = 89,
E6 = 88, D6s = 87, D6 = 86, C6s = 85, C6 = 84, B5 = 83, A5s = 82, A5 = 81, G5s = 80, G5 = 79, F5s = 78,
F5 = 77, E5 = 76, D5s = 75, D5 = 74, C5s = 73, C5 = 72, B4 = 71, A4s = 70, A4 = 69, G4s = 68, G4 = 67,
F4s = 66, F4 = 65, E4 = 64, D4s = 63, D4 = 62, C4s = 61, C4 = 60, B3 = 59, A3s = 58, A3 = 57, G3s = 56,
G3 = 55, F3s = 54, F3 = 53, E3 = 52, D3s = 51, D3 = 50, C3s = 49, C3 = 48, B2 = 47, A2s = 46, A2 = 45,
G2s = 44, G2 = 43, F2s = 42, F2 = 41, E2 = 40, D2s = 39, D2 = 38, C2s = 37, C2 = 36, B1 = 35, A1s = 34,
A1 = 33, G1s = 32, G1 = 31, F1s = 30, F1 = 29, E1 = 28, D1s = 27, D1 = 26, C1s = 25, C1 = 24, B0 = 23,
A0s = 22, A0 = 21
enum Voice // F大调
H1 = F2, H2 = G2, H3 = A2, H4 = B2, H5 = C3, H6 = D3, H7 = E3,
J1 = F3, J2 = G3, J3 = A3, J4 = B3, J5 = C4, J6 = D4, J7 = E4,
K1 = F4, K2 = G4, K3 = A4, K4 = B4, K5 = C5, K6 = D5, K7 = E5,
L1 = F5, L2 = G5, L3 = A5, L4 = B5, L5 = C6, L6 = D6, L7 = E6,
_ = 0xFF
// score: Happy birthday to you
int hb2u[] = {
int shichang[] = {
// 力度
int lidu[] = {
// 演奏歌曲《祝你生日快乐》
void happy_birthday(int yinse)
HMIDIOUT handle;
midiOutOpen(&handle, 0, 0, 0, CALLBACK_NULL);
midiOutShortMsg(handle, yinse << 8 | 0xC1); // 设置通道1的乐器
unsigned short note = 0; // 音符编号
unsigned short v = 100; // velocity 力度值,范围通常在0-127
unsigned char sd = 0x90 | (1 & 0x0F);// statusByte: 0为声道
int n = sizeof(lidu) / sizeof(lidu[0]);
cout <<"n= " << n << endl;
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
note = hb2u[i];
if (lidu[i] ==0) v = 50;
else if(lidu[i] ==1) v = 80;
else if (lidu[i] ==2) v = 127;
// 组合3个字节的消息到一个DWORD值
unsigned long noteOnMsg = (((unsigned long)v <<16) | (((unsigned long)note) <<8) | (unsigned long)sd);
// 发送MIDI消息
midiOutShortMsg(handle, noteOnMsg);
Sleep(shichang[i]); // 停顿,给音节演奏的时间
midiOutShortMsg(handle, 0x7BB1); // 停止通道1上的演奏
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
if (argc > 1){
int n = atoi(argv[1]);
if (0<=n && n<128) happy_birthday(n);
else cout << " 0<=n and n<128 ";
} else {
cout << " usage: happy_birthday_to n ";
return 0;
编译 clang happy_birthday_to.cpp -o happy_birthday_to.exe
乐器 26:电吉他 爵士
运行 happy_birthday_to.exe 26
乐器 40:小提琴
运行 happy_birthday_to 40
乐器 42:大提琴
运行 happy_birthday_to 42
乐器 65:中音萨克斯风
运行 happy_birthday_to 65
General MIDI Level 1 旋律乐器对照表
Note: 只向某个MIDI通道发送Program Change命令设置乐器,是不能发音的,
//Piano 1-8 键盘乐器 define = MIDI GM1列表序号 - 1
#define Acoustic_Grand_Piano 0 //平台钢琴
#define Bright_Acoustic_Piano 1 //亮音钢琴
#define Electric_Grand_Piano 2 //电钢琴
#define Honky_tonk_Piano 3 //酒吧钢琴
#define Electric_Piano_1 4 //电钢琴1
#define Electric_Piano_2 5 //电钢琴2
#define Harpsichord 6 //羽管键琴
#define Clavi 7 //电翼琴
//Chromatic Percussion 9-16 固定音高敲击乐器
#define Celesta 8 //钢片琴
#define Glockenspiel 9 //钟琴
#define Music_Box 10 //音乐盒
#define Vibraphone 11 //颤音琴
#define Marimba 12 //马林巴琴
#define Xylophone 13 //木琴
#define Tubular_Bells 14 //管钟
#define Dulcimer 15 //洋琴
//Organ 17-24 风琴
#define Drawbar_Organ 16 //音栓风琴
#define Percussive_Organ 17 //敲击风琴
#define Rock_Organ 18 //摇滚风琴
#define Church_Organ 19 //教堂管风琴
#define Reed_Organ 20 //簧风琴
#define Accordion 21 //手风琴
#define Harmonica 22 //口琴
#define Tango_Accordion 23 //探戈手风琴
//Guitar 25-32 吉他
#define Acoustic_Guitar_nylon 24 //木吉他 尼龙弦
#define Acoustic_Guitar_steel 25 //木吉他 钢弦
#define Electric_Guitar_jazz 26 //电吉他 爵士
#define Electric_Guitar_clean 27 //电吉他 原音
#define Electric_Guitar_muted 28 //电吉他 闷音
#define Overdriven_Guitar 29 //电吉他 破音
#define Distortion_Guitar 30 //电吉他 失真
#define Guitar_harmonics 31 //吉他泛音
//Bass 33-40 贝斯
#define Acoustic_Bass 32 //民谣贝司
#define Electric_Bass_finger 33 //电贝司 指奏
#define Electric_Bass_pick 34 //电贝司 拨奏
#define Fretless_Bass 35 //无格贝斯
#define Slap_Bass_1 36 //捶钩贝斯1
#define Slap_Bass_2 37 //捶钩贝斯2
#define Synth_Bass_1 38 //合成贝司1
#define Synth_Bass_2 39 //合成贝司2
//Strings 41-48 弦乐器
#define Violin 40 //小提琴
#define Viola 41 //中提琴
#define Cello 42 //大提琴
#define Contrabass 43 //低音大提琴
#define Tremolo_Strings 44 //颤弓弦乐
#define Pizzicato_Strings 45 //弹拨弦乐
#define Orchestral_Harp 46 //竖琴
#define Timpani 47 //定音鼓
//Ensemble 49-56 合奏
#define String_Ensemble_1 48 //弦乐合奏1
#define String_Ensemble_2 49 //弦乐合奏2
#define SynthStrings_1 50 //合成弦乐1
#define SynthStrings_2 51 //合成弦乐2
#define Choir_Aahs 52 //人声"啊"
#define Voice_Oohs 53 //人声"喔"
#define Synth_Voice 54 //合成人声
#define Orchestra_Hit 55 //交响打击乐
//Brass 57-64 铜管乐器
#define Trumpet 56 //小号
#define Trombone 57 //长号
#define Tuba 58 //大号
#define Muted_Trumpet 59 //闷音小号
#define French_Horn 60 //圆号/法国号
#define Brass_Section 61 //铜管乐
#define SynthBrass_1 62 //合成铜管1
#define SynthBrass_2 63 //合成铜管2
Reed 65-72 簧乐器
#define Soprano_Sax 64 //高音萨克斯风
#define Alto_Sax 65 //中音萨克斯风
#define Tenor_Sax 66 //次中音萨克斯风
#define Baritone_Sax 67 //上低音萨克斯风
#define Oboe 68 //双簧管
#define English_Horn 69 //英国管
#define Bassoon 70 //低音管
#define Clarinet 71 //单簧管
//Pipe 73-80 吹管乐器
#define Piccolo 72 //短笛
#define Flute 73 //长笛
#define Recorder 74 //直笛
#define Pan_Flute 75 //排笛
#define Blown_Bottle 76 //瓶笛
#define Shakuhachi 77 //尺八
#define Whistle 78 //哨子
#define Ocarina 79 //陶笛
//Synth Lead 81-88 合成音主旋律
#define Lead_1_square 80 //方波
#define Lead_2_sawtooth 81 //锯齿波
#define Lead_3_calliope 82 //汽笛风琴
#define Lead_4_chiff 83 //合成吹管
#define Lead_5_charang 84 //合成电吉他
#define Lead_6_voice 85 //人生键盘
#define Lead_7_fifths 86 //五度音
#define Lead_8_bass_lead 87 //贝司吉他合奏
//Synth Pad 89-96 合成音和弦衬底
#define Pad_1_new age 88 //新世纪
#define Pad_2_warm 89 //温暖
#define Pad_3_polysynth 90 //多重和音
#define Pad_4_choir 91 //人生合唱
#define Pad_5_bowed 92 //玻璃
#define Pad_6_metallic 93 //金属
#define Pad_7_halo 94 //光华
#define Pad_8_sweep 95 //扫掠
//Synth Effects 97-104 合成音效果
#define FX_1_rain 96 //雨
#define FX_2_soundtrack 97 //电影音效
#define FX_3_crystal 98 //水晶
#define FX_4_atmosphere 99 //气氛
#define FX_5_brightness 100 //明亮
#define FX_6_goblins 101 //魅影
#define FX_7_echoes 102 //回音
#define FX_8_sci_fi 103 //科幻
//Ethnic 105-112 民族乐器
#define Sitar 104 //西塔琴
#define Banjo 105 //五弦琴/斑鸠琴
#define Shamisen 106 //三味线
#define Koto 107 //十三弦琴/古筝
#define Kalimba 108 //卡林巴铁片琴
#define Bag_pipe 109 //苏格兰风琴
#define Fiddle 110 //古提琴
#define Shanai 111 //獸笛,类似唢呐
//Percussive 113-120 打击乐器
#define Tinkle_Bell 112 //叮铛铃
#define Agogo 113 //阿哥哥鼓
#define Steel_Drums 114 //钢鼓
#define Woodblock 115 //木鱼
#define Taiko_Drum 116 //太鼓
#define Melodic_Tom 117 //定音铜鼓
#define Synth_Drum 118 //合成股
#define Reverse_Cymbal 119 //逆转钹声
//Sound Effects 121-128 特殊音效
#define Guitar_Fret_Noise 120 //吉他滑弦杂声
#define Breath_Noise 121 //呼吸杂声
#define Seashore 122 //海岸
#define Bird_Tweet 123 //鸟鸣
#define Telephone_Ring 124 //电话铃声
#define Helicopter 125 //直升机
#define Applause 126 //拍手
#define Gunshot 127 //枪声