1、How to teach yourself anything in less than three months(如何在3个月内学习任何一件事)

Self-education can be wonderful and frustrating at the same time.If you go about it correctly, you can teach yourself anything in just a few months.Poorly applied, however, self-education can be a stressful nightmare.I'd like to share my tips to achieve the former and avoid the latter. 自学可以同时既美妙又令人沮丧。如果方式正确,你可以仅用几个月时间教会自己任何事;但如果做得不好,自学也会是充满压力的噩梦般的经历。我想分享一些我的技巧,从而实现前一种自学,而避免后一种。

My self-education has been fairly extensive.I taught myself how to program computers, create graphics(3D and 2D), how to design web pages and blog.I learned the basics of chemistry on my own in the fifth grade and read through several books on physics and evolutionary biology before any formal training.And, although I have no memory of this, my parents also inform me that I had taught myself to read before going to school. 我自学的内容相当宽泛。我自学了如何编程、创建图像(3D和2D),如何设计网页和博客。我在五年级时就自己学习了基本的化学知识,并在学校正式学习前阅读了好几本关于物理和进化生物学的书。而且,虽然我自己不记得了,但我的父母告诉我,我在上学之前就已经在教自己阅读了

Self-education is good for just about any branch of knowledge or skills you want to acquire.Here are just a few starter points of abilities you might want to pick up: 自觉对于任何你的想要学习的知识或技能分支都是有益的。以下是一些你或许想要习得的能力。 Learn a new language.学习一门语言 Teach yourself a branch of mathematics or science.自觉一个数学或科学分支。 Learn to cook.学习做饭 Master a new sport.掌握一项新的运动 Be able to run a business and manage effectively.能够经营一项业务并有效管理 Speak in public.在公共场合演讲 Train your communication and persuasion skills.训练你的沟通和说服技巧

Learning something in only three months takes a bit more than casual trial-and-error.Here's what I've found to be crucial in making self-education work: 在短短三个月内学会一些东西,仅靠摸着石头过河是不够的。 以下是我发现的自学中非常重要的原则:

Know the end.What should you be able to do, achieve or know after learning?My best efforts at self-education have always had specific applications.The more precise the requirements of my knowledge, the faster I could learn.Do you just want to speak Spanish, or be 95% fluent in a basic conversation? 清楚目的。学习之后,你应当能够做什么、实现什么或知道什么?我自学时效果最好的尝试通常有具体的应用。对知识的要求越精确,我学得就越快。你是仅仅想说西班牙语,还是想要流利进行95%的基本对话?

Buy a How-To.Internet articles and scattered resources can help, but a solid foundation is far superior.There are hundreds of how-to books on every skill and branch of knowledge.Books can give you a foundation that trial-and-error cannot. 买一本教科书。 网上的文章和零散的资源可以提供帮助,但扎实的基础要比这好得多。每种技能和知识分支都有成百上千种教科书。书籍能够给你靠自己摸索无法获得的知识基础。

Identify prerequisites.Programming requires basic math.Blogging requires basic computer, writing and marketing skills.Basketball requires ball handling and movement skills.Know what background skills you need before you start, so you can pick them up before or while you try to master your skill. 确定先修知识和技能。编程需要基本的数学知识,写博客需要基本的电脑技能、写作技能和营销技能,打篮球需要控球和移动技巧。在开始前知道你需要什么背景技能,从而可以事先学习或在过程中掌握这些技能。

Deadlines determine time investment.If you want to learn something in three months, that can mean an hour a week or several hours a day depending on the discipline.Your deadlines determine how much time you need to invest. 截止日期决定了时间投入。如果你想要在三个月内学会某样东西,根据所学科目,这可能意味着一周一小时或一天几小时的投入。你的截止日期决定了你需要投入多少时间。

Patience is a Virtue.Self-education isn't more difficult than classroom learning.But it can be harder when you reach a dead-end and don't have a guide.Your ability to educate yourself will match closely with your ability to keep trying when you want to give up. 耐心是一种美德。自学并不比课堂学习更难,但当你进入了死胡同且没有人指点时,可能会比较困难。你自学的能力与想要放弃时依然不懈尝试的能力紧密相关。

Back to basics.Any skill is based on a few core understandings or abilities.Huge algorithms are based on simple programming concepts such as loops and variables.Cooking is based on simple techniques like grilling or broiling.Any dance is based on a core pattern of steps.Master the basics and learning advanced skills becomes easy. 回归基础。任何能力都基于一些核心的理解或能力。 复杂的算法基于循环和变量等简单的编程概念,烹饪能力基于烧或烤等简单的手艺,任何舞蹈都基于一些核心的步法,掌握这些基础后,学习高级技能就变得容易了。

Aim to fail. Experiment enough so your failure rate is high.It is easy to stumble into handling the same challenges repeatedly, but these don't teach you anything new .Add new elements to each practice so your learning curve doesn't flatten out. 以失败为目标。做足够多的尝试,因此你的失败率很高。 人很容易困于重复解决相同的挑战,但这不会教你任何新东西。在每个练习中加入新内容,从而你的学习曲线不会趋于平坦。

The 15 Minute Rule.If you get stuck on something promise to give yourself another fifteen minutes of complete focus.If you can't solve your problem by that point, take a short break.Giving yourself less than fifteen minutes means you lack the persistence necessary to learn.But creating space between yourself and a problem can renew your creative energies towards solving it. 15分钟法则。如果你被某个问题困住了,承诺再给自己15分钟完全专注于解决这个问题。如果时间到了之后依然无法解决,就休息片刻。少于15分钟意味着缺少学习必须的持久性,但给自己设定一个解决问题的时间界限,可以激活你的创造能力,从而解决问题。

What's the point?Necessity is the best teacher out there.If you don't need to learn something, it is going to be tricky to push through frustration points. By making self-education a built-in part of your goals, you're driven to learn out of more than random curiosity.I taught myself HTML,PHP and graphic design programs out of a need to complete other objects. 目的是什么?必要性是最好的老师。如果你不需要学一件事,那么遇到挫折时就很难坚持不懈。让要自学的东西成为你所设目标的内在组成部分,这样督促你学习的就不只是随机的兴趣。我因为要完成其他项目而自学了 HTML、PHP和平面设计。

Forums are your friend.Just as there is a how-to book on everything, there is a forum about any skill you want to learn.If your searches turn up nothing, write a friendly request for ideas to solve your problem.I've found online forums to be a lifesaver if I get stuck. 把论坛当做朋友。正如任何事情都可以找到一本教科书,你想学的任何技能也都有一个论坛。如果在论坛搜索没有得到任何结果,写一个友善的帖子,向他人寻求关于解决你的问题的看法。我发现在遇到困难时,在线论坛可以成为救星。

Flex your networking muscles.Immerse yourself in groups of people who have the skills you want.Although you can't learn through osmosis, being in the presence of smart people will direct you towards the information you need. Forums are also a good place to start, but joining clubs and groups in person is even better. 运用你的社交能力。有人拥有你想学习的技能,让自己浸润到那群人的圈子里。尽管他们的能力无法"渗透"到你身上,但有聪明人在,可以指引你获得需要的信息。论坛也是一个很好的起点,但亲自加入俱乐部和社群更好。

Leave Mt.Everest to the climbers.Don't try to tackle the biggest challenge possible your first time.Pick tasks that are difficult, but possible give your current understanding.Trying to program 100,000 lines of code as your third program is too ambitious to be useful. 把珠穆朗玛峰留给登山者。不要第一次就想解决最困难的挑战。要选择那些有难度,但基于你当前的水平可以解决的任务。第三次编程就想写10万行代码的程序,则太过野心勃勃而不能奏效。

Avoid burnout.Self-education requires a lot of energy and emotional will.It is easy to burn yourself out on a problem and be unable to complete it.Avoid this by giving yourself space when you're stuck.Don't give up, but don't burnout trying to solve a difficult problem. 避免精疲力竭。自学需要很多精力和情感意志,很容易就在一个问题上精疲力竭而没有办法完成。避免这种情况的办法是被卡住时给自己一些空间。不要放弃,但在尝试解决一个困难问题时也不要弄得精疲力尽。

Project oriented learning.Projects can be a big driving force for learning.Most of my current skills I learned through projects.Setting a three-month project such as writing a novel or designing a small computer program can give you the structure needed to learn. 以做项目为导向的学习。项目可以是学习的强大驱动力。 我当前掌握的大部分技能都是通过项目获得的。设置一个三个月的学习项目,例如写一部小说或设计一个小的计算机程序,可以为你提供所需学习的知识框架。

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