Halcon 双相机标定与拼图(二)





这种是只需要一个标定板,这种是推荐的方式 。这种是比较简单的,今天主要看的第二种







单独标定连个相机Cam1 Cam2

cpp 复制代码
*两个相机的内参  之前已经标定过了
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01619, -734.789, 7.402e-006, 7.4e-006, 324.911,\
                                256.894, 640, 480, CamParam1)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.0162584, -763.35, 7.39842e-006, 7.4e-006, 324.176,\
                                245.371, 640, 480, CamParam2)



cpp 复制代码
* 通过相机的内参来而且拍在两个相机中拍同一个标定板
CaltabName := 'caltab_30mm.descr'
*2 表示的是两个相机 
* 表示的是只有一个物体object ,这里是指只有一个标定板
create_calib_data ('calibration_object', 2, 1, CalibDataID)

set_calib_data_calib_object (CalibDataID, 0, CaltabName)

set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 0, [], CamParam1)
set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 1, [], CamParam2)
* Find and display the calibration plate in the images.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
find_calib_object (Image1, CalibDataID, 0, 0, 0, [], [])
* 这一步很重要,重要就在计算的那个Pose 表示在相机1 下的姿态

*      get_calib_data_observ_points( : : CalibDataID, CameraIdx, CalibObjIdx, CalibObjPoseIdx : Row, Column, Index, Pose)功能:从标定数据模型中提取标记点坐标。
*      参数1:CalibDataID:标定数据模型句柄;
*      参数2:CameraIdx:摄像机索引,默认值为0;
*      参数3:CalibObjIdx:标定板索引,默认值0;
*      参数4:CalibObjPoseIdx:观察到的标定板位姿的索引;
*      参数1:( Row, Column):检测到的标记点坐标;
*      参数2: Index:检测到的点与观测到的标定板上的点的对应关系。
*      参数3: Pose:粗略估计观测到的标定板相对于观测相机的姿态。
get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibDataID, 0, 0, 0, RowCoord1, ColumnCoord1, Index1, Pose1)

*    get_calib_data( : : CalibDataID, ItemType, ItemIdx, DataName : DataValue):查询存储在标定模型中的数据(比如相机的内参和外参)。
*    控制输入参数1:CalibDataID:标定数据模型句柄;
*    控制输入参数2:ItemType:数据类型,'camera':表示要获取数据类型是与摄像机相关数据; 'calib_obj_pose':表示要获取数据类型与标定板位姿相关数据
*    控制输入参数3:ItemIdx:ItemIdx:输入参数,ItemType='camera'时,ItemIdx表示摄像机索引;ItemType='calib_obj_pose'时,ItemIdx是一个数组[CalibObjIdx, CalibObjPoseIdx],其中CalibObjIdx表示标定板索引,CalibObjPoseIdx表示参考位姿的图像索引;
*    控制输入参数4:DataName:输入要查询的属性名,'params'表示摄像机内参数;  'pose'表示摄像机外参数;
gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, RowCoord1, ColumnCoord1, 6, 0.785398)
get_calib_data_observ_contours (Caltab1, CalibDataID, 'caltab', 0, 0, 0)
dev_display (Caltab1)
dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
find_calib_object (Image2, CalibDataID, 1, 0, 0, [], [])
* 这一步很重要,重要就在计算的那个Pose 表示在相机2 下的姿态
get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibDataID, 1, 0, 0, RowCoord2, ColumnCoord2, Index2, Pose2)
gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross2, RowCoord2, ColumnCoord2, 6, 0.785398)
get_calib_data_observ_contours (Caltab2, CalibDataID, 'caltab', 1, 0, 0)
dev_display (Caltab2)



cpp 复制代码
*标定板的厚度     为什么要除以1000
ThicknessCaliper := 2.9 / 1000.0 
ThicknessPlate := 5.65 / 1000.0
DiffHeight := ThicknessPlate - ThicknessCaliper




cpp 复制代码
*DistancePlates 表示连个标定板之间的距离
DistancePlates := 0.06488
PixelSize := 0.0001
BorderInPercent := 3
get_image_size (Image1, WidthImage1, HeightImage1)
* gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross1, HeightImage1,  WidthImage1,600, 0.785398)

* 图片中左上角的点
UpperRow := HeightImage1 * BorderInPercent / 100.0
LeftColumn := WidthImage1 * BorderInPercent / 100.0
*     image_points_to_world_plane( : : CameraParam, WorldPose, Rows, Cols, Scale : X, Y):将图像点变换到世界坐标系的z=0平面中,
    *                        并返回它们在3D坐标中的X和Y值。
    *     Map1 输出隐射
    *     控制输入参数1: CameraParam:相机内参;
    *     控制输入参数2:WorldPose:相机坐标系中世界坐标系的三维姿态(相机外参);
    *     控制输入参数3: (Rows, Cols):待转换点的坐标;
    *     控制输入参数4:Scale:比例或尺寸,Default value: 'm';
    *     控制输出参数:X:世界坐标系中点的X坐标;
    *     控制输出参数:Y:世界坐标系中点的Y坐标。
image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam1, Pose1, UpperRow, LeftColumn, 'm', Left_Up_X, Left_Up_Y)
* 为了确定校正图像的高度,我们需要定义一个位于第一个图像的下边界附近的点。

LowerRow := HeightImage1 * (100 - BorderInPercent) / 100.0
LeftColumn := WidthImage1 * BorderInPercent / 100.0

image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam1, Pose1, LowerRow, LeftColumn, 'm', Left_Down_X, Left_Down_Y)
HeightRect := int((Left_Down_Y - Left_Up_Y) / PixelSize)

OverlapInPercent := 10
RightColumn := WidthImage1 * (100 - OverlapInPercent / 2.0) / 100.0
image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam1, Pose1, UpperRow, RightColumn, 'm', Left_Right_X, Left_Right_Y)
WidthRect := int((Left_Right_X - Left_Up_X) / PixelSize)

* 具体示意图如下
 *    X --------------WidthRect-------------- X
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *  X



cpp 复制代码
                              WidthRect, HeightRect, PixelSize, 'bilinear')
* Generate a new homogeneous transformation matrix.
hom_mat3d_identity (HomMat3DIdentity)
* The second image must be rectified such that it fits exactly
* to the right of the first rectified image. This means that the
* upper left corner of the second rectified image must be identical
* with the upper right corner of the first rectified image.
* Therefore, we need to know the coordinates of the upper right corner
* of the first rectified image in the coordinate system that is defined
* by the calibration plate in the second image.
* First, we express the upper right corner of the first rectified image
* in the world coordinate system that is defined by the calibration plate
* in the first image. It can be determined by a transformation from
* the origin into the upper left corner of the
* first rectified image (a translation) followed by a translation along
* the upper border of the first rectified image. Together with the shift
* that compensates the thickness of the calibration plate, this
* transformation is represented by the homogeneous transformation matrix:
second:=Left_Up_X + PixelSize * WidthRect

* 第二张图的拼接位置  具体示意图如下
*              first Image                        second Image
 *  Left_Up_X ----------------------PixelSize * WidthRect---------X----------------------
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *HeightRect                                    |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   X                                          |

hom_mat3d_translate_local (HomMat3DIdentity, Left_Up_X + PixelSize * WidthRect, Left_Up_Y, DiffHeight, cp1Hur1)






cpp 复制代码
get_image_size (Image1, Width1, Height1)
*DistancePlates:= WidthRect*PixelSize
*DistancePlates 是第一个相机-》第二个相机的矩阵 只是个X方向的移动  1H2
hom_mat3d_translate_local (HomMat3DIdentity, DistancePlates, 0, 0, cp1Hcp2)
* Then, we need the transformation between the two calibration plates of
* the calibration object. The homogeneous transformation matrix cp1Hcp2
* describes how the world coordinate system defined by the calibration plate
* in the first image is transformed into the world coordinate system
* defined by the calibration plate in the second image. This transformation
* must be known beforehand from a precise measurement of the calibration object.
* From these two transformations, it is easy to derive
* the transformation that transforms the world coordinate system
* of the second image such that its origin lies in the upper left corner
* of the second rectified image. For this, the two transformations
* have to be combined appropriately.
hom_mat3d_invert (cp1Hcp2, cp2Hcp1)
*相机2-》世界坐标   =2H1*1He  计算从相机二坐标到世界坐标的Pose 转换
hom_mat3d_compose (cp2Hcp1, cp1Hur1, cp2Hul2)
* With this, the pose of the calibration plate in the second image
* can be modified such that the origin of the world coordinate system
* lies in the upper left corner of the second rectified image.
pose_to_hom_mat3d (Pose2, cam2Hcp2)
hom_mat3d_compose (cam2Hcp2, cp2Hul2, cam2Hul2)
hom_mat3d_to_pose (cam2Hul2, PoseNewOrigin2)
* With the resulting new pose and the size of the rectified image,
* which can be the same as for the first rectified image,
* the rectification map for the second image can be derived.



cpp 复制代码
gen_image_to_world_plane_map (MapSingle2, CamParam2,\
                              PoseNewOrigin2, Width, Height,\
                              WidthRect, HeightRect, PixelSize, 'bilinear')



cpp 复制代码
*进一步的信息可以在解决方案指南III-C 3D视觉,第9章和第10章中找到。
* 前提,那个标定板放在两个产品的中间,而且两个相机的视野中都能看到完整的标定板
dev_update_off ()
ImgPath := '3d_machine_vision/multiple_cameras/'
* Open two windows for the left and the right image.
dev_close_window ()
read_image (Image1, ImgPath + 'camera1_ref')
get_image_size (Image1, Width, Height)
WindowScale := 0.66
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width * WindowScale, Height * WindowScale, 'black', WindowHandle1)
dev_open_window (0, Width * WindowScale + 6, Width * WindowScale, Height * WindowScale,'black', WindowHandle2)
* Set some parameters for both windows.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_set_line_width (2)
dev_set_part (0, 0, Height - 1, Width - 1)
set_display_font (WindowHandle1, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_set_line_width (2)
dev_set_part (0, 0, Height - 1, Width - 1)
set_display_font (WindowHandle2, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
*两个相机的内参  之前已经标定过了
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01619, -734.789, 7.402e-006, 7.4e-006, 324.911,\
                                256.894, 640, 480, CamParam1)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.0162584, -763.35, 7.39842e-006, 7.4e-006, 324.176,\
                                245.371, 640, 480, CamParam2)
* Read the images and display them.
read_image (Image1, ImgPath + 'camera1_ref')
read_image (Image2, ImgPath + 'camera2_ref')
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
dev_display (Image1)
dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
dev_display (Image2)
* 通过相机的内参来而且拍在两个相机中拍同一个标定板
CaltabName := 'caltab_30mm.descr'
*2 表示的是两个相机 
* 表示的是只有一个物体object ,这里是指只有一个标定板
create_calib_data ('calibration_object', 2, 1, CalibDataID)

set_calib_data_calib_object (CalibDataID, 0, CaltabName)

set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 0, [], CamParam1)
set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibDataID, 1, [], CamParam2)
* Find and display the calibration plate in the images.
dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
find_calib_object (Image1, CalibDataID, 0, 0, 0, [], [])
* 这一步很重要,重要就在计算的那个Pose 表示在相机1 下的姿态

*      get_calib_data_observ_points( : : CalibDataID, CameraIdx, CalibObjIdx, CalibObjPoseIdx : Row, Column, Index, Pose)功能:从标定数据模型中提取标记点坐标。
*      参数1:CalibDataID:标定数据模型句柄;
*      参数2:CameraIdx:摄像机索引,默认值为0;
*      参数3:CalibObjIdx:标定板索引,默认值0;
*      参数4:CalibObjPoseIdx:观察到的标定板位姿的索引;
*      参数1:( Row, Column):检测到的标记点坐标;
*      参数2: Index:检测到的点与观测到的标定板上的点的对应关系。
*      参数3: Pose:粗略估计观测到的标定板相对于观测相机的姿态。
get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibDataID, 0, 0, 0, RowCoord1, ColumnCoord1, Index1, Pose1)

*    get_calib_data( : : CalibDataID, ItemType, ItemIdx, DataName : DataValue):查询存储在标定模型中的数据(比如相机的内参和外参)。
*    控制输入参数1:CalibDataID:标定数据模型句柄;
*    控制输入参数2:ItemType:数据类型,'camera':表示要获取数据类型是与摄像机相关数据; 'calib_obj_pose':表示要获取数据类型与标定板位姿相关数据
*    控制输入参数3:ItemIdx:ItemIdx:输入参数,ItemType='camera'时,ItemIdx表示摄像机索引;ItemType='calib_obj_pose'时,ItemIdx是一个数组[CalibObjIdx, CalibObjPoseIdx],其中CalibObjIdx表示标定板索引,CalibObjPoseIdx表示参考位姿的图像索引;
*    控制输入参数4:DataName:输入要查询的属性名,'params'表示摄像机内参数;  'pose'表示摄像机外参数;
gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, RowCoord1, ColumnCoord1, 6, 0.785398)
get_calib_data_observ_contours (Caltab1, CalibDataID, 'caltab', 0, 0, 0)
dev_display (Caltab1)
dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
find_calib_object (Image2, CalibDataID, 1, 0, 0, [], [])
* 这一步很重要,重要就在计算的那个Pose 表示在相机2 下的姿态
get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibDataID, 1, 0, 0, RowCoord2, ColumnCoord2, Index2, Pose2)
gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross2, RowCoord2, ColumnCoord2, 6, 0.785398)
get_calib_data_observ_contours (Caltab2, CalibDataID, 'caltab', 1, 0, 0)
dev_display (Caltab2)

* 同一个标定板在不同的相机坐标系下有两个不同的姿态,但是在世界坐标系下两个姿态表示的是同一个东西,同一个姿态。那么这个就是多相机标定的桥梁

disp_message (WindowHandle1, 'Calibration successful', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle1, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
clear_calib_data (CalibDataID)

* Determine the offset between the calibration plate surface
* and the object surface
* 确定标定板表面与目标表面之间的偏移量

*标定板的厚度     为什么要除以1000
ThicknessCaliper := 2.9 / 1000.0 
ThicknessPlate := 5.65 / 1000.0
DiffHeight := ThicknessPlate - ThicknessCaliper
*DistancePlates 表示连个标定板之间的距离
DistancePlates := 0.06488
*定义马赛克图像的像素大小(以米为单位) 像素当量
PixelSize := 0.0001
BorderInPercent := 3
get_image_size (Image1, WidthImage1, HeightImage1)
* gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross1, HeightImage1,  WidthImage1,600, 0.785398)

* 图片中左上角的点
UpperRow := HeightImage1 * BorderInPercent / 100.0
LeftColumn := WidthImage1 * BorderInPercent / 100.0
*     image_points_to_world_plane( : : CameraParam, WorldPose, Rows, Cols, Scale : X, Y):将图像点变换到世界坐标系的z=0平面中,
    *                        并返回它们在3D坐标中的X和Y值。
    *     Map1 输出隐射
    *     控制输入参数1: CameraParam:相机内参;
    *     控制输入参数2:WorldPose:相机坐标系中世界坐标系的三维姿态(相机外参);
    *     控制输入参数3: (Rows, Cols):待转换点的坐标;
    *     控制输入参数4:Scale:比例或尺寸,Default value: 'm';
    *     控制输出参数:X:世界坐标系中点的X坐标;
    *     控制输出参数:Y:世界坐标系中点的Y坐标。
image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam1, Pose1, UpperRow, LeftColumn, 'm', Left_Up_X, Left_Up_Y)
* 为了确定校正图像的高度,我们需要定义一个位于第一个图像的下边界附近的点。

LowerRow := HeightImage1 * (100 - BorderInPercent) / 100.0
LeftColumn := WidthImage1 * BorderInPercent / 100.0

image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam1, Pose1, LowerRow, LeftColumn, 'm', Left_Down_X, Left_Down_Y)
HeightRect := int((Left_Down_Y - Left_Up_Y) / PixelSize)

OverlapInPercent := 10
RightColumn := WidthImage1 * (100 - OverlapInPercent / 2.0) / 100.0
image_points_to_world_plane (CamParam1, Pose1, UpperRow, RightColumn, 'm', Left_Right_X, Left_Right_Y)
WidthRect := int((Left_Right_X - Left_Up_X) / PixelSize)

* 具体示意图如下
 *    X --------------WidthRect-------------- X
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *   |
 *  X

set_origin_pose (Pose1, Left_Up_X, Left_Up_Y, DiffHeight, PoseNewOrigin1)

gen_image_to_world_plane_map (MapSingle1, CamParam1, PoseNewOrigin1, Width, Height, \
                              WidthRect, HeightRect, PixelSize, 'bilinear')
* Generate a new homogeneous transformation matrix.
hom_mat3d_identity (HomMat3DIdentity)
* The second image must be rectified such that it fits exactly
* to the right of the first rectified image. This means that the
* upper left corner of the second rectified image must be identical
* with the upper right corner of the first rectified image.
* Therefore, we need to know the coordinates of the upper right corner
* of the first rectified image in the coordinate system that is defined
* by the calibration plate in the second image.
* First, we express the upper right corner of the first rectified image
* in the world coordinate system that is defined by the calibration plate
* in the first image. It can be determined by a transformation from
* the origin into the upper left corner of the
* first rectified image (a translation) followed by a translation along
* the upper border of the first rectified image. Together with the shift
* that compensates the thickness of the calibration plate, this
* transformation is represented by the homogeneous transformation matrix:
second:=Left_Up_X + PixelSize * WidthRect

* 第二张图的拼接位置  具体示意图如下
*              first Image                        second Image
 *  Left_Up_X ----------------------PixelSize * WidthRect---------X----------------------
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *HeightRect                                    |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   |                                          |
 *   X                                          |

hom_mat3d_translate_local (HomMat3DIdentity, Left_Up_X + PixelSize * WidthRect, Left_Up_Y, DiffHeight, cp1Hur1)

get_image_size (Image1, Width1, Height1)
*DistancePlates:= WidthRect*PixelSize
*DistancePlates 是第一个相机-》第二个相机的矩阵 只是个X方向的移动  1H2
hom_mat3d_translate_local (HomMat3DIdentity, DistancePlates, 0, 0, cp1Hcp2)
* Then, we need the transformation between the two calibration plates of
* the calibration object. The homogeneous transformation matrix cp1Hcp2
* describes how the world coordinate system defined by the calibration plate
* in the first image is transformed into the world coordinate system
* defined by the calibration plate in the second image. This transformation
* must be known beforehand from a precise measurement of the calibration object.
* From these two transformations, it is easy to derive
* the transformation that transforms the world coordinate system
* of the second image such that its origin lies in the upper left corner
* of the second rectified image. For this, the two transformations
* have to be combined appropriately.
hom_mat3d_invert (cp1Hcp2, cp2Hcp1)
*相机2-》世界坐标   =2H1*1He  计算从相机二坐标到世界坐标的Pose 转换
hom_mat3d_compose (cp2Hcp1, cp1Hur1, cp2Hul2)
* With this, the pose of the calibration plate in the second image
* can be modified such that the origin of the world coordinate system
* lies in the upper left corner of the second rectified image.
pose_to_hom_mat3d (Pose2, cam2Hcp2)
hom_mat3d_compose (cam2Hcp2, cp2Hul2, cam2Hul2)
hom_mat3d_to_pose (cam2Hul2, PoseNewOrigin2)
* With the resulting new pose and the size of the rectified image,
* which can be the same as for the first rectified image,
* the rectification map for the second image can be derived.
gen_image_to_world_plane_map (MapSingle2, CamParam2,\
                              PoseNewOrigin2, Width, Height,\
                              WidthRect, HeightRect, PixelSize, 'bilinear')
* Open a new Graphics Window for the merged image.
dev_open_window (Height * WindowScale, 0, Width * 2 * WindowScale, Height * WindowScale, \
                 'black', WindowHandleCombined)
set_display_font (WindowHandleCombined, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_set_draw ('margin')
ScalePlot := 200
RowPlot := 400
Coord := [0:2000]
*  Process all image pairs in a loop.
for I := 1 to 3 by 1
    * Display both images.
    dev_set_window (WindowHandle1)
    read_image (Image1, ImgPath + 'camera1_' + I$'02d')
    get_image_size (Image1, WidthImage1, HeightImage1)
    dev_set_part (0, 0, HeightImage1 - 1, WidthImage1 - 1)
    dev_display (Image1)
    dev_set_window (WindowHandle2)
    read_image (Image2, ImgPath + 'camera2_' + I$'02d')
    get_image_size (Image2, WidthImage2, HeightImage2)
    dev_set_part (0, 0, HeightImage2 - 1, WidthImage2 - 1)
    dev_display (Image2)
*     tile_images(Image1, Image2, 2, 'vertical')
    * Start the time measurement.
    count_seconds (TimeStart1)
    * Rectify the image pair from the two-camera setup with map_image.
    map_image (Image1, MapSingle1, RectifiedImage1)
*    get_image_size (RectifiedImage1, Width2, Height2)
    map_image (Image2, MapSingle2, RectifiedImage2)
*    get_image_size (RectifiedImage2, Width44, Height44)
    concat_obj (RectifiedImage1, RectifiedImage2, Concat)
    * End the time measurement and calculate the difference.
    count_seconds (TimeEnd1)
    Time1 := TimeEnd1 - TimeStart1
    dev_set_window (WindowHandleCombined)
    * Start the time measurement again.
    count_seconds (TimeStart2)
    * Tile both images into one large image.
    * 将两个图像平铺成一个大图像
    tile_images (Concat, Combined, 2, 'vertical')
    get_image_size (Combined, Width3, Height3)
    * End the time measurement again and calculate the difference.
    count_seconds (TimeEnd2)
    Time2 := TimeEnd2 - TimeStart2
    * Display the combined image and the time measurement.
    get_image_size (Combined, WidthComb, HeightComb)
    dev_set_part (0, 0, HeightComb - 1, WidthComb - 1)
    dev_display (Combined)
    disp_message (WindowHandle1, 'Merge cameras: ' + (1000 * (Time1 + Time2))$'.3' + ' ms', \
                  'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
    * In addition, we plot the accuracy of the mosaicking with a procedure.
    plot_mosaicking_accuracy (Combined, WidthRect, HeightRect, WindowHandleCombined, Coord, ScalePlot, RowPlot)
    if (I < 3)
        disp_continue_message (WindowHandleCombined, 'black', 'true')
        stop ()







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