Object Oriented Design CS5004

In this assignment you will work on two views for your Shapes Photo Album application - an interactive "Graphical" view and a static "Web" view. Yes, we know: both views are graphical in one sense of the word, but for this assignment we are distinguishing between a (nearly) native interactive graphical application from a static web page using html markup and SVG.
As with the model, in the abstract sense, a view is an interface; particular concrete views implement that interface. Accordingly, your work in this assignment should carefully distinguish between any one particular implementation of a view and the common interface to which they should all adhere. (Side note: if your model from the previous assignment failed to have a similar interface/implementation split, you should fix that also).
Note: both the Web view (SVG) and the Graphical view (Swing) use a coordinate system that stipulates the origin is in the upper left corner of the "frame"/window. The command input files we provide (more info below) default to this coordinate system. If you prefer to use your own coordinate origin (e.g. 0,0 in the center of the screen like Python Turtle) you'll need to write your own code to do the coordinate transformation.
View interface(s)
Start by planning your views, and observing which operations you need. Although different views look and behave differently, there are some common aspects to all views.
The design of the actual interface(s) is left up to you. A common design technique is to have a view interface that has all functionalities and then individual views suppress or provide defaults for functionalities they do not implement. Another relevant design rule is from the SOLID principles: Interface Segregation (No client should be forced to depend on methods that it does not use). Think about these aspects as you come up with a design for your views.
Both views support the concept of displaying "snapshots" with the unique identifier and optional descriptive text that is included with those snapshots.
1 Graphical View
In this view, you will draw the photo album snapshots inside of a window, one snapshot at a time. You must have interactive buttons that allow the user to:
• View the snapshot information (unique id and description)
• "page forward" and show the next snapshot if it exists. If no further snapshots exist, a message to the user should indicate that
• "page backward" and show the previous snapshot, if there is a previous one, If there is no "previous" a message to the user should be shown
• "jump" to a snapshot the user explicitly selects from a list of options An example is below. You are free to be creative in your placement of UI elements as long as you provide equivalent functionality (e.g. perhaps your navigation buttons are graphical and placed on the left hand side of the window)

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