name = "my_polars"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
polars = { version = "0.41.3", features = ["lazy","dtype-struct","polars-io","dtype-datetime","dtype-date","range","temporal","rank","serde","csv","ndarray"] }
rand = "0.8.5"
chrono = "0.4.38"
serde_json = "1.0.124"
use polars::prelude::*;
use std::time::Instant;
use serde_json::*;
use chrono::{DateTime, Local, Datelike, NaiveDate};
fn main(){
// 需要把相关函数放在里面即可,这里不一一列示。
fn create_df_by_series(){
println!("------------- create_df_by_series test ---------------- ");
let s1 = Series::new("from vec", vec![4, 3, 2]);
let s2 = Series::new("from slice", &[true, false, true]);
let s3 = Series::new("from array", ["rust", "go", "julia"]);
let df = DataFrame::new(vec![s1, s2, s3]).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", &df);
fn create_df_by_df_macro(){
println!("------------- create_df_by_macro test ---------------- ");
let df1: DataFrame = df!("D1" => &[1, 3, 1, 5, 6],"D2" => &[3, 2, 3, 5, 3]).unwrap();
let df2 = df1
col("D1").filter(col("D1").gt(lit(2))).count().alias("D1 > 3"),
println!("{}", df2);
fn rank(){
println!("------------- rank test ---------------- ");
// 注意:toml => feature : rank
let mut df = df!(
"scores" => ["A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "B"],
"class" => [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2]
let mut df = df
.rank(RankOptions{method: RankMethod::Ordinal, descending: false}, None)
).sort_by_exprs([col("scores"), col("class"), col("rank_")], Default::default())
println!("{:?}", df.collect().unwrap().head(Some(3)));
fn head_tail_sort(){
println!("------------------head_tail_sort test-------------------");
let df = df!(
"scores" => ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A", "B"],
"class" => [1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3]
let head = df.head(Some(3));
let tail = df.tail(Some(3));
// 对value列进行sort,生成新的series,并进行排序
let sort = df.lazy().select([col("value").sort(Default::default())]).collect();
println!("df head :{:?}",head);
println!("df tail:{:?}",tail);
println!("df sort:{:?}",sort);
fn filter_group_by_agg(){
println!("----------filter_group_by_agg test--------------");
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
let mut arr = [0f64; 5];
thread_rng().fill(&mut arr);
let df = df! (
"nrs" => &[Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None, Some(5)],
"names" => &[Some("foo"), Some("ham"), Some("spam"), Some("eggs"), None],
"random" => &arr,
"groups" => &["A", "A", "B", "C", "B"],
let df2 = df.clone().lazy().filter(col("groups").eq(lit("A"))).collect().unwrap();
println!("df2 :{:?}",df2);
println!("{}", &df);
let out = df
sum("nrs"), // sum nrs by groups
col("random").count().alias("count"), // count group members
// sum random where name != null
col("names").reverse().alias("reversed names"),
println!("{}", out);
fn filter_by_exclude(){
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let lst = df["keys"].as_list().slice(1,1);
println!("s :{:?}",lst);
let df_filter = df.lazy().select([all().exclude(["code","low"])]).collect().unwrap();
println!("df_filter :{}",df_filter);
fn windows_over(){
println!("------------- windows_over test ---------------- ");
let df = df!(
"key" => ["a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "c"],
"value" => [1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3]
// over()函数:col("value").min().over([col("key")]),表示:请根据col("key")进行分类,再对分类得到的组求最小值操作;
let df = df
.min() // .max(), .mean()
println!("{:?}", df.collect().unwrap().head(Some(10)));
fn lazy_read_csv(){
println!("------------- lazy_read_csv test ---------------- ");
let filepath = "../my_duckdb/src/test.csv";
// CSV数据格式
// 600036.XSHG,2079/7/24,3345.9,3357.8,3326.7,3357,33589,69181710.57,1
// 600036.XSHG,2079/7/25,3346,3357.9,3326.8,3357.1,33590,69184251.47,1
let polars_lazy_csv_time = Instant::now();
let p = LazyCsvReader::new(filepath)
.with_try_parse_dates(true) //需要增加Available on crate feature temporal only.
let df = p.collect().expect("error to dataframe!");
println!("polars lazy 读出csv的行和列数:{:?}",df.shape());
println!("polars lazy 读csv 花时: {:?} 秒!", polars_lazy_csv_time.elapsed().as_secs_f32());
fn read_csv(){
println!("------------- read_csv test ---------------- ");
use std::fs::File;
let csv_time = Instant::now();
let filepath = "../my_duckdb/src/test.csv";
// CSV数据格式
// 600036.XSHG,2079/7/24,3345.9,3357.8,3326.7,3357,33589,69181710.57,1
// 600036.XSHG,2079/7/25,3346,3357.9,3326.8,3357.1,33590,69184251.47,1
let file = File::open(filepath)
.expect("could not read file");
let df = CsvReader::new(file).finish().unwrap();
println!("读csv 花时: {:?} 秒!",csv_time.elapsed().as_secs_f32());
fn read_csv2(){
println!("------------- read_csv2 test ---------------- ");
let filepath = "../my_duckdb/src/test.csv";
// CSV数据格式
// 600036.XSHG,2079/7/24,3345.9,3357.8,3326.7,3357,33589,69181710.57,1
// 600036.XSHG,2079/7/25,3346,3357.9,3326.8,3357.1,33590,69184251.47,1
let df = CsvReadOptions::default()
println!("read_csv2 => df {:?}",df)
fn parse_date_csv(){
let filepath = "../my_duckdb/src/test.csv";
// 读出csv,并对csv中date类型进行转换
// CSV数据格式
// 600036.XSHG,2019/7/24,3345.9,3357.8,3326.7,3357,33589,69181710.57,1
// 600036.XSHG,2019/7/25,3346,3357.9,3326.8,3357.1,33590,69184251.47,1
let df = CsvReadOptions::default()
.map_parse_options(|parse_options| parse_options.with_try_parse_dates(true))
println!("{}", &df);
fn write_csv_df(){
// toml features => csv
let mut df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let mut file = std::fs::File::create("600036SH.csv").unwrap();
CsvWriter::new(&mut file).finish(&mut df).unwrap();
fn iter_dataframe_as_row() {
println!("------------- iter_dataframe_as_row test ---------------- ");
let starttime = Instant::now();
let df: DataFrame = df!("D1" => &[1, 3, 1, 5, 6],"D2" => &[3, 2, 3, 5, 3]).unwrap();
let (_row,_col) = df.shape();
for i in 0.._row{
let mut rows = Vec::new();
for j in 0.._col{
let value = df[j].get(i).unwrap();
println!("dataframe按行遍历cost time :{:?} seconds!",starttime.elapsed().as_secs_f32());
fn join_concat(){
println!("------------- df_join_df test ---------------- ");
// 创建表结构,内部有空数据
let df = df! [
// 表头 对应数据
"Model" => ["iPhone XS", "iPhone 12", "iPhone 13", "iPhone 14", "Samsung S11", "Samsung S12", "Mi A1", "Mi A2"],
"Company" => ["Apple", "Apple", "Apple", "Apple", "Samsung", "Samsung", "Xiao Mi", "Xiao Mi"],
"Sales" => [80, 170, 130, 205, 400, 30, 14, 8],
"Comment" => [None, None, Some("Sold Out"), Some("New Arrival"), None, Some("Sold Out"), None, None],
let df_price = df! [
"Model" => ["iPhone XS", "iPhone 12", "iPhone 13", "iPhone 14", "Samsung S11", "Samsung S12", "Mi A1", "Mi A2"],
"Price" => [2430, 3550, 5700, 8750, 2315, 3560, 980, 1420],
"Discount" => [Some(0.85), Some(0.85), Some(0.8), None, Some(0.87), None, Some(0.66), Some(0.8)],
// 合并
// join()接收5个参数,分别是:要合并的DataFrame,左表主键,右表主键,合并方式
let df_join = df.join(&df_price, ["Model"], ["Model"], JoinArgs::from(JoinType::Inner)).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", &df_join);
let df_v1 = df!(
"a"=> &[1],
"b"=> &[3],
let df_v2 = df!(
"a"=> &[2],
"b"=> &[4],
let df_vertical_concat = concat(
[df_v1.clone().lazy(), df_v2.clone().lazy()],
println!("{}", &df_vertical_concat);
// let df_h1 = df!(
// "l1"=> &[1, 2],
// "l2"=> &[3, 4],
// ).unwrap();
// let df_h2 = df!(
// "r1"=> &[5, 6],
// "r2"=> &[7, 8],
// "r3"=> &[9, 10],
// ).unwrap();
// //let df_horizontal_concat = polars::functions::concat_df_horizontal(&[df_h1, df_h2], true).unwrap();
// //println!("{}", &df_horizontal_concat);
fn get_slice_scalar_from_df(){
println!("------------- get_slice_scalar_from_df test ---------------- ");
let df: DataFrame = df!("D1" => &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],"D2" => &[3, 2, 3, 5, 3]).unwrap();
// slice(1,4): 从第2行开始(包含),各列向下共取4行
let slice = &df.slice(1,4);
println!("slice :{:?}",&slice);
// 获取第2列第3个值的标量
let scalar = df[1].get(3).unwrap();
println!("saclar :{:?}",scalar);
fn replace_drop_col(){
println!("------------- replace_drop test ---------------- ");
let mut df: DataFrame = df!("D1" => &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],"D2" => &[3, 2, 3, 5, 3]).unwrap();
let new_s1 = Series::new("", &[2,3,4,5,6]); // ""为名字不变;
// D1列进行替换
let df2 = df.replace("D1", new_s1).unwrap();
// 删除D2列
let df3 = df2.drop_many(&["D2"]);
fn drop_null_fill_null(){
println!("------------- drop_null_fill_null test ---------------- ");
let df: DataFrame = df!("D1" => &[None, Some(2), Some(3), Some(4), None],"D2" => &[3, 2, 3, 5, 3]).unwrap();
// 取当前列第一个非空的值填充后面的空值
let df2 = df.fill_null(FillNullStrategy::Forward(None)).unwrap();
// Forward(Option):向后遍历,用遇到的第一个非空值(或给定下标位置的值)填充后面的空值
// Backward(Option):向前遍历,用遇到的第一个非空值(或给定下标位置的值)填充前面的空值
// Mean:用算术平均值填充
// Min:用最小值填充
// Max: 用最大值填充
// Zero:用0填充
// One:用1填充
// MaxBound:用数据类型的取值范围的上界填充
// MinBound:用数据类型的取值范围的下界填充
println!("fill_null :{:?}", df2);
// 删除D1列中的None值
let df3 = df2.drop_nulls(Some(&["D1"])).unwrap();
println!("drop_nulls :{:?}",df3);
fn compute_return(){
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let _df = df
println!("_df :{}",_df)
fn standardlize_center(){
println!("------------- standardlize test ---------------- ");
let df: DataFrame = df!("D1" => &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],"D2" => &[3, 2, 3, 5, 3]).unwrap();
// 进行标准化:对所有的列,每个值除以本列最大值
// cast(): 由int =>Float64
let standardization = df.lazy().select([col("*").cast(DataType::Float64) / col("*").cast(DataType::Float64).max()]);
// 对于标准化后的列,进行中心化
let center = standardization
.select([col("*") - col("*").mean()])
println!("standardlize : {:?}",center);
fn creat_list_in_df_by_apply(){
println!("----------apply_list test ------------------------");
let df = df!(
"keys" => &["rust", "go", "julia"],
"values" => &[1032, 222, 42],
let out = df
.apply(|s| {
let v = s.i32().unwrap();
let out: i32= v
.map(|v| match v {
Some(v_) => v_ + 1,
_ => 0
Ok(Some(Series::new("_", [out])))
}, GetOutput::default())
println!("{}", out);
fn create_struct_in_df_by_apply(){
use polars::prelude::*;
let df = df!(
"keys" => &["a", "a", "b"],
"values" => &[10, 7, 1],
let out = df
|s| {
let s = s.i32()?;
let out_1: Vec<Option<i32>> = s.into_iter().map(|v| match v {
Some(v_) => Some(v_ * 10),
_ => None,
let out_2: Vec<Option<i32>> = s.into_iter().map(|v| match v {
Some(v_) => Some(v_ * 20),
_ => None,
let out = df! (
"v1" => &out_1,
"v2" => &out_2,
println!("{}", out);
fn field_value_counts(){
println!("--------------value_counts test---------------");
let ratings = df!(
"Movie"=> &["Cars", "IT", "ET", "Cars", "Up", "IT", "Cars", "ET", "Up", "ET"],
"Theatre"=> &["NE", "ME", "IL", "ND", "NE", "SD", "NE", "IL", "IL", "SD"],
"Avg_Rating"=> &[4.5, 4.4, 4.6, 4.3, 4.8, 4.7, 4.7, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6],
"Count"=> &[30, 27, 26, 29, 31, 28, 28, 26, 33, 26],
println!("{}", &ratings);
let out = ratings
.select([col("Theatre").value_counts(true, true, "count".to_string(), false)])
println!("{}", &out);
macro_rules! structs_to_dataframe {
($input:expr, [$($field:ident),+]) => {
// Extract the field values into separate vectors
$(let mut $field = Vec::new();)*
for e in $input.into_iter() {
df! {
$(stringify!($field) => $field,)*
macro_rules! dataframe_to_structs_todo {
($df:expr, [$($field:ident),+]) => {
// todo!
let mut vec:Vec<Bar> = Vec::new();
fn df_to_structs_by_macro_todo(){
struct Bar {
impl Bar {
fn bar(date:NaiveDate, close:f64,open:f64,high:f64,low:f64) -> Self{
let df = df!(
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let bars: Vec<Bar> = dataframe_to_structs_todo!(df, [date,close,open,high,low]);
fn structs_to_df(){
struct Bar {
impl Bar {
fn new(date:NaiveDate, close:f64,open:f64,high:f64,low:f64) -> Self{
let test_bars:Vec<Bar> = vec![Bar::new(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024,1,1).unwrap(),10.1,10.12,10.2,9.99),
let df = structs_to_dataframe!(test_bars, [date,close,open,high,low]).unwrap();
fn serde_df_todo(){
let df = df! {
"a" => [1,2,3,4,5],
//let df_json = serde_json::to_value(&df).unwrap();
//println!("df_json {df_json}");
fn df_to_structs_by_iter(){
let now = Instant::now();
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Bar {
code :String,
impl Bar {
fn new(code:String,date:NaiveDate, close:f64,open:f64,high:f64,low:f64) -> Self{
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let mut bars:Vec<Bar> = Vec::new();
let rows_data = df.into_struct("bars");
let start_date = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(1970, 1, 2).unwrap();
for row_data in &rows_data{
let code = row_data.get(0).unwrap();
let mut new_code = "".to_string();
if let &AnyValue::String(value) = code{
new_code = value.to_string();
let mut new_date = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2000,1,1).unwrap();
let since_days = start_date.signed_duration_since(NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(1,1,1).unwrap());
let date = row_data.get(1).unwrap();
if let &AnyValue::Date(dt) = date {
let tmp_date = NaiveDate::from_num_days_from_ce_opt(dt).unwrap();
new_date = tmp_date.checked_add_signed(since_days).unwrap();
let open =row_data[3].extract::<f64>().unwrap();
let high = row_data[4].extract::<f64>().unwrap();
let close =row_data[2].extract::<f64>().unwrap();
let low = row_data[5].extract::<f64>().unwrap();
println!("df_to_structs2 => structchunk : cost time :{:?}",now.elapsed().as_secs_f32());
println!("bars :{:?}",bars);
fn df_to_structs_by_zip(){
// 同样适用df -> struct ,tuple等
let now = Instant::now();
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Bar {
code :String,
impl Bar {
fn new(code:String,date:NaiveDate, close:f64,open:f64,high:f64,low:f64) -> Self{
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let bars : Vec<Bar> = df["code"].str().unwrap().iter()
println!("df_to_struct3 => zip : cost time :{:?} seconds!",now.elapsed().as_secs_f32());
println!("bars :{:?}",bars);
//izip! from itertools --其它参考--,省各种复杂的括号!
//use itertools::izip;
//izip!(code, date, close, open,high,low).collect::<Vec<_>>() // Vec of 4-tuples
fn series_to_vec(){
let df = df!(
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
let vec :Vec<Option<NaiveDate>>= df["date"].date().unwrap().as_date_iter().collect();
println!("vec :{:?}",vec)
fn series_to_vec2(){
let df = df!("lang" =>&["rust","go","julia"],).unwrap();
let vec:Vec<Option<&str>> = df["date"].str().unwrap()
match s{
Some(v_) => Some(v_),
_ => None,
fn structs_in_df(){
println!("-----------structs_in_df test -----------------");
// feature => dtype-struct
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
println!("{}", &df);
// how to get series from struct column?
let out = df.struct_().unwrap().field_by_name("close").unwrap();
println!("out :{}",out);
// how to get struct value in df
let _ = df
println!("code :{} date :{} close:{},open:{},high:{},low:{}",rows[0],rows[1],rows[2],rows[3],rows[4],rows[5]);
fn list_in_df(){
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let lst = df["keys"].as_list();
fn serialize_df_to_json(){
// toml features => serde
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let df_json = serde_json::to_value(&df).unwrap();
println!("df_json {df_json}");
fn serialize_df_to_binary_todo(){
// toml features => serde
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
// todo
//let df_binary = serde_json::to_value(&df).unwrap();
//println!("df_json {df_binary}");
fn df_to_ndarray(){
// toml features =>ndarray
let df = df!(
"code" => &["600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string(),"600036.SH".to_string()],
"date" =>&[NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 14).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 15).unwrap(),
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2015, 3, 16).unwrap(),],
"close" => &[1.21,1.22,1.23],
"open" => &[1.22,1.21,1.23],
"high" => &[1.22,1.25,1.24],
"low" => &[1.19, 1.20,1.21],
let df_filter = df.lazy().select([all().exclude(["code","low"])]).collect().unwrap();
let ndarray = df_filter.to_ndarray::<Float64Type>(IndexOrder::Fortran).unwrap();
println!("ndarray :{}",ndarray);