C++编程:无锁环形队列 (LockFreeRingQueue)的简单实现、测试和分析


    • [0. 概述](#0. 概述)
    • [1. 无锁环形队列概述](#1. 无锁环形队列概述)
      • [1.1 无锁环形队列的特点](#1.1 无锁环形队列的特点)
      • [1.2 无锁环形队列的优势与局限](#1.2 无锁环形队列的优势与局限)
    • [2. `LockFreeRingQueue` 实现](#2. LockFreeRingQueue 实现)
      • [2.1 `Enqueue` 操作流程图](#2.1 Enqueue 操作流程图)
      • [2.2 `Dequeue` 操作流程图](#2.2 Dequeue 操作流程图)
    • [3. 核心实现细节](#3. 核心实现细节)
      • [3.1 环形队列的大小调整](#3.1 环形队列的大小调整)
      • [3.2 索引计算](#3.2 索引计算)
      • [3.3 原子操作与CAS](#3.3 原子操作与CAS)
      • [3.4 线程让步](#3.4 线程让步)
    • [4. 测试示例程序](#4. 测试示例程序)
      • [4.1 实现代码](#4.1 实现代码)
      • [4.2 代码解释:](#4.2 代码解释:)
      • [4.3 运行程序:](#4.3 运行程序:)
      • [4.4 执行结果:](#4.4 执行结果:)
    • [5. 单元测试](#5. 单元测试)
      • [5.1 测试代码解释:](#5.1 测试代码解释:)
      • [5.2 测试运行:](#5.2 测试运行:)
    • [6. 总结](#6. 总结)

0. 概述

在现代多线程编程中,高效的并发数据结构对于提升系统性能至关重要,尤其是在处理高并发场景时。本文将详细介绍一种无锁环形队列 (LockFreeRingQueue) 的实现,并探讨其在实际应用中的优势与局限。

本文详细测试代码 lock_free_ring_queue

1. 无锁环形队列概述


1.1 无锁环形队列的特点

  1. 线程安全:通过原子操作保证数据的正确性。
  2. 高效性:避免了锁竞争,减少了线程上下文切换的开销。
  3. 避免ABA问题:设计时特别考虑了ABA问题的影响,通过合理的索引管理避免了这一问题。

1.2 无锁环形队列的优势与局限


  1. 高并发性:无锁结构通过避免锁的使用,使多个线程可以并发执行,提高了吞吐量。
  2. 低延迟:在高并发场景下,无锁结构减少了线程竞争带来的上下文切换,降低了系统延迟。
  3. 避免死锁:由于没有锁的存在,自然避免了死锁问题。


  1. 复杂性:无锁结构通常比锁机制实现更复杂,容易引入难以调试的并发错误。
  2. 硬件依赖性:原子操作(如CAS)通常依赖于底层硬件支持,在不同平台上表现可能有所不同。
  3. 有限应用场景:无锁队列并不适合所有场景,在某些情况下(如低并发或非实时系统),传统的锁机制可能更为适合。

2. LockFreeRingQueue 实现


cpp 复制代码

#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>

template <typename T>
class LockFreeRingQueue {
  // Constructor that initializes the ring queue with the specified size
  explicit LockFreeRingQueue(uint32_t size);

  // Default destructor
  ~LockFreeRingQueue() = default;

  // Disable copy constructor and assignment operator
  LockFreeRingQueue(const LockFreeRingQueue&) = delete;
  LockFreeRingQueue& operator=(const LockFreeRingQueue&) = delete;

  // Enqueue operation to add an element to the queue
  bool Enqueue(const T& data);

  // Dequeue operation to remove an element from the queue
  bool Dequeue(T* data);

  // Check if the queue is empty
  bool IsEmpty() const noexcept;

  // Check if the queue is full
  bool IsFull() const noexcept;

  // Get the current size of the queue
  uint32_t Size() const noexcept;

  // Check if the given number is a power of two
  static bool IsPowerOfTwo(uint32_t num) noexcept;

  // Calculate the ceiling power of two greater than or equal to the given number
  static uint32_t CeilPowerOfTwo(uint32_t num) noexcept;

  // Round up the given number to the nearest power of two
  static uint32_t RoundupPowerOfTwo(uint32_t num) noexcept;

  // Get the index within the queue
  uint32_t IndexOfQueue(uint32_t index) const noexcept;

  const uint32_t size_;                     // Size of the queue, must be a power of two
  std::atomic<uint32_t> length_;            // Current length of the queue
  std::atomic<uint32_t> read_index_;        // Index for the consumer to read
  std::atomic<uint32_t> write_index_;       // Index for the producer to write
  std::atomic<uint32_t> last_write_index_;  // Last confirmed write index
  std::unique_ptr<T[]> queue_;              // Array to store the queue elements

template <typename T>
LockFreeRingQueue<T>::LockFreeRingQueue(uint32_t size)
    : size_(size <= 1U           ? 2U
            : IsPowerOfTwo(size) ? size
                                 : RoundupPowerOfTwo(size)),
      queue_(std::make_unique<T[]>(size_)) {
  if (size == 0U) {
    throw std::out_of_range("Queue size must be greater than 0");

template <typename T>
bool LockFreeRingQueue<T>::Enqueue(const T& data) {
  uint32_t current_read_index;
  uint32_t current_write_index;

  do {
    current_read_index = read_index_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    current_write_index = write_index_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

    // Check if the queue is full
    if (IndexOfQueue(current_write_index + 1U) == IndexOfQueue(current_read_index)) {
      return false;  // Queue is full
  } while (!write_index_.compare_exchange_weak(current_write_index, current_write_index + 1U, std::memory_order_release,

  queue_[IndexOfQueue(current_write_index)] = data;

  // Confirm the write operation
  while (!last_write_index_.compare_exchange_weak(current_write_index, current_write_index + 1U,
                                                  std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
    std::this_thread::yield();  // Yield CPU to avoid busy-waiting

  length_.fetch_add(1U, std::memory_order_relaxed);

  return true;

template <typename T>
bool LockFreeRingQueue<T>::Dequeue(T* data) {
  if (data == nullptr) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("Null pointer passed to Dequeue");

  uint32_t current_read_index;
  uint32_t current_last_write_index;

  do {
    current_read_index = read_index_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    current_last_write_index = last_write_index_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

    // Check if the queue is empty
    if (IndexOfQueue(current_last_write_index) == IndexOfQueue(current_read_index)) {
      return false;  // Queue is empty

    *data = queue_[IndexOfQueue(current_read_index)];

    if (read_index_.compare_exchange_weak(current_read_index, current_read_index + 1U, std::memory_order_release,
                                          std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
      length_.fetch_sub(1U, std::memory_order_relaxed);
      return true;
  } while (true);

template <typename T>
bool LockFreeRingQueue<T>::IsEmpty() const noexcept {
  return length_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0U;

template <typename T>
bool LockFreeRingQueue<T>::IsFull() const noexcept {
  uint32_t next_write_index = IndexOfQueue(write_index_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1U);
  return next_write_index == read_index_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

template <typename T>
uint32_t LockFreeRingQueue<T>::Size() const noexcept {
  return length_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);

template <typename T>
bool LockFreeRingQueue<T>::IsPowerOfTwo(uint32_t num) noexcept {
  return (num != 0U) && ((num & (num - 1U)) == 0U);

template <typename T>
uint32_t LockFreeRingQueue<T>::CeilPowerOfTwo(uint32_t num) noexcept {
  num |= (num >> 1U);
  num |= (num >> 2U);
  num |= (num >> 4U);
  num |= (num >> 8U);
  num |= (num >> 16U);
  return num - (num >> 1U);

template <typename T>
uint32_t LockFreeRingQueue<T>::RoundupPowerOfTwo(uint32_t num) noexcept {
  return CeilPowerOfTwo((num - 1U) << 1U);

template <typename T>
uint32_t LockFreeRingQueue<T>::IndexOfQueue(uint32_t index) const noexcept {
  return index & (size_ - 1U);

#endif  // RING_QUEUE_HPP

2.1 Enqueue 操作流程图

Full Not Full Success Fail Success Fail Start enQueue Check if Full Return false CAS Update Write Index Write Data CAS Update Last Write Index Increment Length End enQueue Yield Thread

2.2 Dequeue 操作流程图

Empty Not Empty Success Fail Start deQueue Check if Empty Return false Read Data from Queue CAS Update Read Index Decrement Length End deQueue

3. 核心实现细节

3.1 环形队列的大小调整

环形队列的大小通常为2的幂次,以便可以通过位运算快速计算索引。RoundUpPowerOfTwo 函数将任意正整数向上调整为最接近的2的幂次。

确保环形队列的大小是 2 的幂次方主要有以下几个原因:

  • 简化索引计算:

    • 在环形队列中,元素的位置通过取模运算来计算。
    • 如果队列的大小是 2 的幂次方,那么取模运算可以被位运算 & 替代,这个操作更加高效。
  • 避免对齐问题:

    • 对于某些硬件架构来说,内存访问的效率会受到内存对齐的影响。
    • 如果队列大小是 2 的幂次方,那么它就能很好地符合内存对齐要求,从而提高访问效率。
  • 位操作优化:

    • 很多处理器都针对 2 的幂次方大小的数据提供了优化的指令集。
    • 比如,判断一个数是否是 2 的幂次方可以用位操作 (num & (num - 1)) == 0 来实现,这比普通的除法要高效得多。
  • 缓存友好性:

    • 当队列大小是 2 的幂次方时,元素在内存中的分布更加规则有序。
    • 这有利于利用缓存,减少缓存未命中的情况,提高整体性能。

3.2 索引计算

通过IndexOfQueue 函数,索引计算可以使用位与操作(&)而不是取模运算(%),从而提升计算速度。

3.3 原子操作与CAS

通过 std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak 原子操作实现无锁队列的核心逻辑。CAS(Compare-And-Swap)是无锁数据结构的基础,用于确保多个线程在修改共享数据时不会引发数据竞争。

3.4 线程让步

Enqueue 操作中,当多个线程尝试修改相同的共享变量时,失败的线程可以选择让出CPU时间片,以减少竞争和等待时间。

4. 测试示例程序

下面是一个简单的C++示例程序,演示了如何使用 LockFreeRingQueue 类。该程序将进行一些基本的入队和出队操作,然后在多线程环境下测试队列的使用。

4.1 实现代码

cpp 复制代码
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

#include "lock_free_ring_queue.h"  // 假设你的类定义在这个文件中

void SingleProducerSingleConsumerExample() {
  LockFreeRingQueue<int> queue(4);

  // 单生产者线程入队
  std::thread producer([&queue]() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      if (queue.Enqueue(i)) {
        std::cout << "Producer enqueued: " << i << std::endl;
      } else {
        std::cout << "Queue is full, cannot enqueue: " << i << std::endl;

  // 单消费者线程出队
  std::thread consumer([&queue]() {
    int value = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      while (!queue.Dequeue(&value)) {
        std::this_thread::yield();  // 等待队列中有数据
      std::cout << "Consumer dequeued: " << value << std::endl;


void MultiProducerMultiConsumerExample() {
  LockFreeRingQueue<int> queue(8);

  auto producer = [&queue](int id) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      int value = id * 10 + i;
      if (queue.Enqueue(value)) {
        std::cout << "Producer " << id << " enqueued: " << value << std::endl;
      } else {
        std::cout << "Queue is full, Producer " << id << " cannot enqueue: " << value << std::endl;

  auto consumer = [&queue](int id) {
    int value = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
      while (!queue.Dequeue(&value)) {
        std::this_thread::yield();  // 等待队列中有数据
      std::cout << "Consumer " << id << " dequeued: " << value << std::endl;

  std::thread producers[2];
  std::thread consumers[2];

  // 启动两个生产者线程
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    producers[i] = std::thread(producer, i);

  // 启动两个消费者线程
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    consumers[i] = std::thread(consumer, i);

  for (auto &producer : producers) {

  for (auto &consumer : consumers) {

int main() {
  std::cout << "Single Producer, Single Consumer Example:" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "\nMulti Producer, Multi Consumer Example:" << std::endl;

  return 0;

4.2 代码解释:

  • SingleProducerSingleConsumerExample:

    • 创建了一个大小为 4 的队列。

    • 使用一个生产者线程将数字 0-3 入队。

    • 使用一个消费者线程从队列中出队并打印结果。

  • MultiProducerMultiConsumerExample:

    • 创建了一个大小为 8 的队列。

    • 启动两个生产者线程,每个线程将其线程 ID 和循环计数拼接成值并入队。

    • 启动两个消费者线程,从队列中出队并打印结果。

4.3 运行程序:

将上面的代码保存为 main.cpp,并确保你已经编译和链接了 LockFreeRingQueue 类的实现。


bash 复制代码
g++ -std=c++14 main.cpp -pthread -o lock_free_ring_queue_example

4.4 执行结果:

plaintext 复制代码
$ ./lock_free_ring_queue_example 
Single Producer, Single Consumer Example:
Producer enqueued: Consumer dequeued: 0
Producer enqueued: 1
Producer enqueued: 2
Producer enqueued: 3
Consumer dequeued: 1
Consumer dequeued: 2
Consumer dequeued: 3

Multi Producer, Multi Consumer Example:
Producer 0 enqueued: 0
Producer 0 enqueued: 1
Producer 0 enqueued: 2
Producer 0 enqueued: 3
Consumer 1 dequeued: 0
Consumer 1 dequeued: 1
Consumer 1 dequeued: 2
Consumer 1 dequeued: 3
Producer 1 enqueued: 10
Producer 1 enqueued: 11
Producer 1 enqueued: 12
Producer 1 enqueued: 13
Consumer 0 dequeued: 10
Consumer 0 dequeued: 11
Consumer 0 dequeued: 12
Consumer 0 dequeued: 13

5. 单元测试


cpp 复制代码
#include "lock_free_ring_queue.h"  // 假设你的类定义在这个文件中
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

class LockFreeRingQueueTest : public ::testing::Test {
  void SetUp() override {
    // 初始化队列大小
    queue_size_ = 64;
    queue_ = std::make_unique<LockFreeRingQueue<int>>(queue_size_);

  std::unique_ptr<LockFreeRingQueue<int>> queue_;
  uint32_t queue_size_;

// 测试队列初始化
TEST_F(LockFreeRingQueueTest, Initialization) {
  EXPECT_EQ(queue_->Size(), 0U);

// 测试入队和出队单个元素
TEST_F(LockFreeRingQueueTest, SingleEnqueueDequeue) {
  int value_in = 42;
  int value_out = 0;

  EXPECT_EQ(queue_->Size(), 1U);

  EXPECT_EQ(value_out, value_in);
  EXPECT_EQ(queue_->Size(), 0U);

// 测试队列满时入队
TEST_F(LockFreeRingQueueTest, EnqueueFullQueue) {
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queue_size_ - 1; ++i) {  // 注意减1

  EXPECT_EQ(queue_->Size(), queue_size_ - 1);
  EXPECT_FALSE(queue_->Enqueue(100));  // 队列已满,入队失败

// 测试空队列出队
TEST_F(LockFreeRingQueueTest, DequeueEmptyQueue) {
  int value_out = 0;
  EXPECT_FALSE(queue_->Dequeue(&value_out));  // 队列为空,出队失败

// 多线程测试
TEST_F(LockFreeRingQueueTest, MultiThreadedEnqueueDequeue) {
  const int num_threads = 4;
  const int num_elements_per_thread = 10;

  auto enqueue_function = [&](int thread_id) {
    for (int i = 0; i < num_elements_per_thread; ++i) {
      queue_->Enqueue(thread_id * num_elements_per_thread + i);

  auto dequeue_function = [&](int thread_id, int* result_array) {
    for (int i = 0; i < num_elements_per_thread; ++i) {
      int value = 0;
      while (!queue_->Dequeue(&value)) {
      result_array[thread_id * num_elements_per_thread + i] = value;

  std::vector<std::thread> threads;
  int results[num_threads * num_elements_per_thread] = {0};

  for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
    threads.emplace_back(enqueue_function, i);

  for (auto& thread : threads) {


  for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
    threads.emplace_back(dequeue_function, i, results);

  for (auto& thread : threads) {

  EXPECT_EQ(queue_->Size(), 0U);

  // 检查所有元素是否都已被成功出队
  std::sort(std::begin(results), std::end(results));
  for (int i = 0; i < num_threads * num_elements_per_thread; ++i) {
    EXPECT_EQ(results[i], i);

// 边界条件测试:初始化大小为1的队列
TEST(LockFreeRingQueueBoundaryTest, InitializationWithSizeOne) {
  LockFreeRingQueue<int> small_queue(1);

  EXPECT_EQ(small_queue.Size(), 0U);

  int value_in = 99;
  EXPECT_FALSE(small_queue.Enqueue(value_in));  // 队列应该已经满了

// 边界条件测试:入队和出队仅一个元素
TEST(LockFreeRingQueueBoundaryTest, SingleElementQueue) {
  LockFreeRingQueue<int> small_queue(1);

  int value_in = 123;
  int value_out = 0;

  EXPECT_FALSE(small_queue.Enqueue(value_in));  // 队列已满

  EXPECT_EQ(value_out, value_in);

  EXPECT_FALSE(small_queue.Dequeue(&value_out));  // 队列为空

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

5.1 测试代码解释:

  • 基本功能测试

    • Initialization: 检查队列是否正确初始化。

    • SingleEnqueueDequeue: 测试单个元素的入队和出队操作。

    • EnqueueFullQueue: 测试在队列已满时的入队操作。

    • DequeueEmptyQueue: 测试在队列为空时的出队操作。

  • 多线程测试

    • MultiThreadedEnqueueDequeue: 使用多个线程测试队列的入队和出队操作。每个线程分别执行入队和出队操作,最后检查所有元素是否正确出队。
  • 边界条件测试

    • InitializationWithSizeOne: 测试初始化大小为1的队列。

    • SingleElementQueue: 测试大小为1的队列的入队和出队操作。

5.2 测试运行:



bash 复制代码
g++ -std=c++14 lock_free_ring_queue_test.cpp -lgtest -lgtest_main -pthread -o lock_free_ring_queue_test


plaintext 复制代码
$ ./lock_free_ring_queue_test 
[==========] Running 7 tests from 2 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 5 tests from LockFreeRingQueueTest
[ RUN      ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.Initialization
[       OK ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.Initialization (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.SingleEnqueueDequeue
[       OK ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.SingleEnqueueDequeue (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.EnqueueFullQueue
[       OK ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.EnqueueFullQueue

 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.DequeueEmptyQueue
[       OK ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.DequeueEmptyQueue (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.MultiThreadedEnqueueDequeue
[       OK ] LockFreeRingQueueTest.MultiThreadedEnqueueDequeue (10 ms)
[----------] 5 tests from LockFreeRingQueueTest (10 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 7 tests from 2 test suites ran. (10 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 7 tests.

6. 总结


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