WUP-MY-LABEL-PRINTER 旻佑热敏打印机标签打印uniapp插件使用说明

插件地址:WUP-MY-LABEL-PRINTER 旻佑热敏打印机标签打印安卓库


  1. 本插件主要用于旻佑热敏打印机打印标签,不支持票据打印。
  2. 适用于旻佑的各型支持标签打印的热敏打印机。
  3. 本插件开发时使用的打印机型号为MY-805嵌入式面板打印机,其他型号请先试用测试。
  4. 使用本插件需要在Android 5.0以上设备使用。
  5. 插件支持uniapp的vue2 和 vue3 版本;uniapp x没做支持,可自行测试。
  6. 初始化流程:获取设备-打开设备-设置多字节模式及编码。
  7. 打印流程:标签页开始-绘制内容-打印,打印每一页标签都是这个流程。



js 复制代码
import { sayHi, 需引入的其他方法 } from "@/uni_modules/WUP-MY-LABEL-PRINTER";


js 复制代码
sayHi("wup-my-label-printer", function (res) {
	console.log("sayHi", res)


js 复制代码
enumUsb((res) => {
	console.log("enumUsb", res)


  • usbDeviceStr:枚举的USB列表的中USB设备名
  • autoReplyMode:自动回传模式 0,不开启;1,开启
js 复制代码
openUsb(usbDeviceStr, autoReplyMode, (res) => {
	console.log("openUsb", res)


js 复制代码
labelEnableLabelMode((res) => {
	console.log("labelEnableLabelMode", res)


js 复制代码
labelDisableLabelMode((res) => {
	console.log("labelEnableLabelMode", res)



js 复制代码
fullCutPaper((res) => {
	console.log("fullCutPaper", res)



js 复制代码
halfCutPaper((res) => {
	console.log("halfCutPaper", res)


  • encoding:编码 0,GBK;1,UTF8;3,BIG5;4,ShiftJIS;5,EUCKR
js 复制代码
setMultiByteEncoding(encoding, (res) => {
	that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
	console.log("setMultiByteEncoding", res)


js 复制代码
labelCalibrateLabel((res) => {
	console.log("labelCalibrateLabel", res)


js 复制代码
labelFeedLabel((res) => {
	console.log("labelFeedLabel", res)


js 复制代码
labelBackPaperToPrintPosition((res) => {
	console.log("labelBackPaperToPrintPosition", res)


js 复制代码
labelFeedPaperToTearPosition((res) => {
	console.log("labelFeedPaperToTearPosition", res)


  • x:页面起始点X轴坐标
  • y:页面起始点Y轴坐标
  • width:页面宽度
  • height:页面高度
  • rotation:页面旋转 0,页面不旋转;1,页面旋转90° 标签打印不支持旋转属性,默认0就好。
js 复制代码
labelPageBegin(x, y, width, height, rotation, (res) => {
	console.log("labelPageBegin", res)


  • copies:打印分数[1 - 255]
js 复制代码
labelPagePrint(copies, (res) => {
	console.log("labelPagePrint", res)


  • copies:打印分数[1 - 255]
js 复制代码
labelPagePrintAndHalfCutPaper(copies, (res) => {
	console.log("labelPagePrintAndHalfCutPaper", res)


  • copies:打印分数[1 - 255]
js 复制代码
labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper(copies, (res) => {
	console.log("labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper", res)


  • bold:是否加粗 false,否;true,是
  • underline:是否下划线 false,否;true,是
  • highlight:是否反白(黑底白字) false,否;true,是
  • strikethrough:是否删除线 false,否;true,是(MY805测试无效)
  • rotation:旋转 0,不旋转;1,90°;2,180°;3,270°
  • widthscale:字体宽度放大倍数
  • heightscale:字体高度放大倍数
js 复制代码
getLabelTextStyle(bold, underline, highlight, strikethrough, rotation, widthscale, heightscale, (res) => {
	console.log("getLabelTextStyle", res)


  • bold:是否加粗 false,否;true,是
  • underline:是否下划线 false,否;true,是
  • highlight:是否反白(黑底白字) false,否;true,是
  • strikethrough:是否删除线 false,否;true,是(MY805测试无效)
  • rotation:旋转 0,不旋转;1,90°;2,180°;3,270°
  • widthscale:字体宽度放大倍数
  • heightscale:字体高度放大倍数
js 复制代码
const res = getLabelTextStyleSync(bold, underline, highlight, strikethrough, rotation, widthscale, heightscale)
console.log("getLabelTextStyleSync", res)


js 复制代码
labelDrawText(x, y, font, style, str, (res) => {
	that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
	console.log("labelDrawText", res)


  • x:页面起始点X轴坐标
  • y:页面起始点Y轴坐标
  • nBarcodeType:标识条码类型 0,UPCA;1,UPCE;2,EAN13;3,EAN8;4,CODE39;5,ITF;6,CODEBAR;7,CODE93;8,CODE128;9,CODE11;10,MSI;11,128M;12,EAN128;13,25C;14,39C;15,39;16,EAN13PLUS2;17,EAN13PLUS5;18,EAN8+2;19,EAN8PLUS5;20,POST;21,UPCAPLUS2;22,UPCAPLUS5;23,UPCEPLUS2;24,UPCEPLUS5;25,CPOST;26,MSIC;27,PLESSEY;28,ITF14;29,EAN14;
  • nBarcodeTextPrintPosition:条码可读字符位置 0,不显示可读字符;1,下方显示;2,上方显示;3,上方和下方显示
  • height:条码高度
  • unitwidth:码块单元宽度
  • rotation:旋转 0,不旋转;1,90°;2,180°;3,270°
  • str:要打印的条码
js 复制代码
labelDrawBarcode(x, y, nBarcodeType, nBarcodeTextPrintPosition, height, unitwidth,  rotation, str, (res) => {
	console.log("labelDrawBarcode", res)


  • x:页面起始点X轴坐标
  • y:页面起始点Y轴坐标
  • nVersion:字符版本(不知道用处,默认0就好)
  • nECCLevel:ECC纠错等级 1,L:7%,低纠错,数据多;2,M:15%,中纠错;3,Q:优化纠错;4,H:30%,最高纠错,数据少
  • unitwidth:码块单元宽度(MY-805实测最大可为8,超过8会出现打印无反应,可以根据实际调整)
  • rotation:旋转 0,不旋转;1,90°;2,180°;3,270°
  • str:要打印的二维码
js 复制代码
labelDrawQRCode(x, y, nVersion, nECCLevel, unitwidth,  rotation, str, (res) => {
	console.log("labelDrawQRCode", res)

在标签页指定位置绘制 PDF417 条码

  • x:页面起始点X轴坐标

  • y:页面起始点Y轴坐标

  • column:列数,表述每行容纳多少码字。一个码字为 17*UnitWidth 个点。行数由打印机自动产生,行数范围限定为 3~90。ColNum 的取值范围:[1,30]。

  • nAspectRatio:条码模块的高宽比

  • nECCLevel:ECC纠错等级,取值范围[0, 8]

    纠错等级取值 纠错码数 可存资料量(字节)
    0 2 1108
    1 4 1106
    2 8 1101
    3 16 1092
    4 32 1072
    5 64 1024
    6 128 957
    7 256 804
    8 512 496
  • unitwidth:码块单元宽度,取值范围[1, 3]

  • rotation:旋转 0,不旋转;1,90°;2,180°;3,270°

  • str:要打印的PDF417条码

js 复制代码
labelDrawPDF417Code(x, y, column, nAspectRatio, nECCLevel, unitwidth,  rotation, str, (res) => {
	console.log("labelDrawPDF417Code", res)


  • x:页面起始点X轴坐标
  • y:页面起始点Y轴坐标
  • dstw:要打印的宽度
  • dsth:要打印的高度
  • pszFile:图片路径,插件assets目录下路径,不需含assets
  • binaryzation_method:图片二值化算法 0,表示抖动算法;1,表示阀值算法;2,表示误差扩散法。具体效果请测试查看。
  • compression_method:最终打印数据的压缩方式 0,不压缩;1,一级压缩;2,二级压缩
js 复制代码
labelDrawImageFromFile(x, y, dstw, dsth, pszFile, binaryzation_method, compression_method, (res) => {
	console.log("labelDrawImageFromFile", res)


  • startx:直线段起始点 x 坐标值,取值范围:[0, Page_Width-1]。
  • starty:直线段起始点 y 坐标值,取值范围:[0,Page_Height-1]。
  • endx:直线段终止点 x 坐标值,取值范围:[0, Page_Width-1]。
  • endy:直线段终止点 y 坐标值,取值范围:[0,Page_Height-1]。
  • linewidth:直线段线宽,取值范围:[1,Page_Height-1]。
  • linecolor:直线段颜色线条颜色,0,白色;1,是黑色
js 复制代码
labelDrawLine(startx, starty, endx, endy, linewidth, linecolor, (res) => {
	console.log("labelDrawLine", res)


  • x:页面起始点X轴坐标
  • y:页面起始点Y轴坐标
  • width:矩形宽度
  • height:矩形高度
  • color:矩形颜色 0,白色;1,是黑色
js 复制代码
labelDrawRect(x, y, width, height, color, (res) => {
	console.log("labelDrawRect", res)


  • x:页面起始点X轴坐标
  • y:页面起始点Y轴坐标
  • width:矩形宽度
  • height:矩形高度
  • borderwidth:矩形框边框宽度
  • bordercolor:矩形框边框颜色 0,白色;1,是黑色
js 复制代码
labelDrawBox(x, y, width, height, borderwidth, bordercolor, (res) => {
	console.log("labelDrawBox", res)


js 复制代码
getLibraryVersion((res) => {
	console.log("getLibraryVersion", res)


js 复制代码
		<view style="margin-top: 50px;padding: 0 15px;">
			<button @click="enumUsb" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">usb设备列表</button>
			<button @click="openUsb" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">打开usb设备</button>
			<button @click="halfCutPaper" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">半切纸</button>
			<button @click="fullCutPaper" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">全切纸</button>
			<button @click="getLibraryVersion" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">获取开发包版本字符串</button>
			<button @click="labelEnableLabelMode" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">开启标签打印</button>
			<button @click="labelDisableLabelMode" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">关闭标签打印</button>
			<button @click="labelCalibrateLabel" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">校准标签纸</button>
			<button @click="labelFeedLabel" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">走纸到标签缝隙处</button>
			<button @click="labelBackPaperToPrintPosition" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">退纸到打印位置</button>
			<button @click="labelFeedPaperToTearPosition" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">进纸到撕纸位置</button>
			<view style="margin: 50px 0 15px 0;font-size: 2rem;font-weight: bold;">打印</view>
			<button @click="labelPageBegin" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">标签页开始</button>
			<!-- <button @click="getLabelTextStyle" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">获取文本样式</button> -->
			<button @click="labelDrawText" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制文本</button>
			<button @click="labelDrawBarcode" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制条形码</button>
			<button @click="labelDrawQRCode" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制二维码</button>
			<button @click="labelDrawPDF417Code" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制PDF417码</button>
			<button @click="labelDrawImageFromFile" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制本地图片</button>
			<button @click="labelDrawLine" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制线段</button>
			<button @click="labelDrawRect" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制矩形</button>
			<button @click="labelDrawBox" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">绘制矩形框</button>
			<button @click="labelPagePrint" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">打印</button>
			<button @click="labelPagePrintAndHalfCutPaper" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">半切打印</button>
			<button @click="labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">全切打印</button>
			<button @click="print" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">完整打印示例</button>
		<view style="padding: 15px 30px;">

	import { fullCutPaper, halfCutPaper, openUsb, sayHi, setMultiByteEncoding, enumUsb, getLibraryVersion, labelEnableLabelMode, labelDisableLabelMode, labelCalibrateLabel, labelFeedLabel, labelBackPaperToPrintPosition, labelFeedPaperToTearPosition, labelPageBegin, labelDrawText, labelPagePrint, getLabelTextStyle, getLabelTextStyleSync, labelDrawBarcode, labelDrawQRCode, labelDrawPDF417Code, labelDrawImageFromFile, labelDrawLine, labelDrawRect, labelDrawBox, labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper, labelPagePrintAndHalfCutPaper } from "@/uni_modules/WUP-MY-LABEL-PRINTER";
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				msg: "",
				deviceInx: 0,
		onLoad() {
			let that = this
			sayHi("wup-my-label-printer", function (res) {
				console.log("sayHi", res)
		methods: {
			print () {
				let that = this
				labelPageBegin(0, 0, 530, 390, 0, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelPageBegin", res)
				labelDrawText(10, 10, 24, getLabelTextStyleSync(true, false, false, true, 0, 1, 1), "Hello World!", (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawText", res)
				labelDrawQRCode(10, 40, 0, 1, 4, 0, "https://blog.csdn.net/Douz_lungfish", (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawQRCode", res)
				labelDrawImageFromFile(200, 30, 125, 125, "logo.png", 0, 0, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawImageFromFile", res)
				labelDrawLine(10, 180, 300, 180, 5, 1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawLine", res)
				labelDrawBox(0, 10, 530, 380, 2, 1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawBox", res)
				labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper(1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper", res)
			getLabelTextStyle () {
				let that = this
				// bold, underline, highlight, strikethrough, rotation, widthscale, heightscale
				getLabelTextStyle(true, true, false, false, 1, 1, 1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("getLabelTextStyle", res)
				const res1 = getLabelTextStyleSync(true, true, false, false, 1, 1, 1)
				console.log("getLabelTextStyleSync", res1)
			labelPagePrint () {
				let that = this
				labelPagePrint(1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelPagePrint", res)
			labelPagePrintAndHalfCutPaper () {
				let that = this
				labelPagePrintAndHalfCutPaper(1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelPagePrintAndHalfCutPaper", res)
			labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper () {
				let that = this
				labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper(1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelPagePrintAndFullCutPaper", res)
			labelDrawText () {
				let that = this
				labelDrawText(10, 10, 24, getLabelTextStyleSync(true, false, false, true, 0, 1, 1), "Hello World!", (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawText", res)
			labelDrawBarcode () {
				let that = this
				labelDrawBarcode(10, 70, 0, 1, 60, 2, 0, "02031344565", (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawBarcode", res)
			labelDrawQRCode () {
				let that = this
				// x, y, nVersion, nECCLevel, unitwidth,  rotation, str
				labelDrawQRCode(10, 10, 0, 1, 8, 0, "https://blog.csdn.net/Douz_lungfish", (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawQRCode", res)
			labelDrawPDF417Code () {
				let that = this
				// x, y, column, nAspectRatio, nECCLevel, unitwidth,  rotation, str
				labelDrawPDF417Code(10, 10, 5, 5, 0, 3, 0, "Hello World!", (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawPDF417Code", res)
			labelDrawImageFromFile () {
				let that = this
				// x, y, dstw, dsth, pszFile,  binaryzation_method, compression_method
				labelDrawImageFromFile(10, 30, 200, 200, "la/logo.png", 0, 0, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawImageFromFile", res)
			labelDrawLine () {
				let that = this
				// startx, starty, endx, endy, linewidth, linecolor
				labelDrawLine(10, 10, 100, 20, 30, 1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawLine", res)
			labelDrawRect () {
				let that = this
				// x, y, width, height, color
				labelDrawRect(10, 10, 100, 80, 1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawRect", res)
			labelDrawBox () {
				let that = this
				// x, y, width, height, borderwidth, bordercolor
				labelDrawBox(10, 10, 100, 80, 2, 1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelDrawBox", res)
			labelPageBegin () {
				let that = this
				labelPageBegin(0, 0, 576, 240, 0, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelPageBegin", res)
			labelFeedPaperToTearPosition () {
				let that = this
				labelFeedPaperToTearPosition((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelFeedPaperToTearPosition", res)
			labelBackPaperToPrintPosition () {
				let that = this
				labelBackPaperToPrintPosition((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelBackPaperToPrintPosition", res)
			labelFeedLabel () {
				let that = this
				labelFeedLabel((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelFeedLabel", res)
			labelCalibrateLabel () {
				let that = this
				labelCalibrateLabel((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelCalibrateLabel", res)
			labelDisableLabelMode () {
				let that = this
				labelDisableLabelMode((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelEnableLabelMode", res)
			labelEnableLabelMode () {
				let that = this
				labelEnableLabelMode((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("labelEnableLabelMode", res)
			getLibraryVersion () {
				let that = this
				getLibraryVersion((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("getLibraryVersion", res)
			enumUsb () {
				let that = this
				enumUsb((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("enumUsb", res)
			openUsb () {
				let that = this
				openUsb('KCEC_USB in FS Mode/0E08F5C2050601006415000055080172', 1, (res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					if (res.code === 0) {
						setMultiByteEncoding(1, (res) => {
							that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
							console.log("setMultiByteEncoding", res)
					console.log("openUsb", res)
			halfCutPaper () {
				let that = this
				halfCutPaper((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("halfCutPaper", res)
			fullCutPaper () {
				let that = this
				fullCutPaper((res) => {
					that.msg = JSON.stringify(res)
					console.log("fullCutPaper", res)
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