Go语言现代Web开发03 关键字和包以及基本数据类型


Keywords are special words that help the compiler to understand and properly parse code.


Currently, Go has 25 keywords that can be classified into four categories:

  • Keywords used for declaration: const, func, import, package, type and var.
  • Keywords used in composite type denotations: chan, interface, map and struct.
  • Keywords used for folow control: break, case, continue, default, defer, else, fallthrough, for, goto, if, range, return, select, and switch.


  • 用于声明的关键字:const, func, import, package, type和var。
  • 复合类型表示中使用的关键字:chan, interface, map和struct。
  • 用于流程控制的关键字:break、case、continue、default、defer、else、fallthrough、for、goto、if、range、return、select和switch。

In this and the next chapter, we will see how most of these keywords can be used.


Packages are basic building blocks for Go Programs. All variables, constants, and functions are declared and defined in packages, and package definition is usually the first line in the file with code. This statement will define the new package with the name country.


bash 复制代码
package country

Each package can export things that can be used in other packages. In the Go programming language, there is no special keyword or complex syntax for export, everything inside the package that begins with a capital letter will be exported.


go 复制代码
const Exported = 33
const nonExported = 333

Everything exported from the package can be imported and used in other packages, these statements will import packages country and math (Go package with basic constants and mathematical functions):


go 复制代码
import "country"
import "math"

Imports can be grouped in order to avoid writing the import keyword multiple times. This grouped import is equivalent to import statements from the previous example:


go 复制代码
import (

All Go programs will start running the main package (which must contain main() function).



Go basic data types can be separated into three categories.


Numberical data types: These are used to represent different kinds of numbers. We can further classify numerical data types into more specific types.


  • Integers: Representation of whole numbers. Integers can be positive, negative, or zero. Examples of integers are -27, 0, 21, 1999, 180111 and so on. Based on the number of bits used to store integer values, the Go programming language supports the following types: int8 (8 bits), int16(16 bits), int32(32 bits), int64(64 bits), and int(32 bits on 32-bit systems, 64-bits on 64-bit systems). A good practice is to use int unless we have some specific erason to use a specific size.

  • Un signed integers: Positive whole numbers and zero. Based on the number of bits used to store unsigned integer values, the Go programming language supports the following types: uint8(8 bits), uint16(16 bits), uint32(32 bits), uint64(64 bits), uintptr(32 bits on 32-bit systems, 64 bits on 64-bit systems), and uint(32 bits on 32-bit systems, 64 bits on 64-bit systems). Type uintptr is an unsigned integer that is large enough to hold any pointer address(pointers will be explained later). Generally, int should be used whenever we need to use whole numbers and unsigned integers should be used only for some specific use cases.

  • Floating point numbers: Representation of whole numbers with a decimal point. Floating point numbers can be positive, negative, or zero. Examples of floating points are -33.333, 0.0, 33.33 and so on. Based on the number of bits used to store floating point numbers the Go programming language supports two types: float32(32 bits) and float64(64 bits).

  • Complex numbers: Numbers that can be presented in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is a solution of equation x2 = -1. Real numbers a and b are referred to as a real and imaginary parts respectively. Based on the number of bis used to store floating point numbers, the Go programming language supports two types: complex64(64 bits) and complex128(128 bits).

  • Boolean data type: A data type that has one of the two possible values, true or false. It is widely used for logical operations, we will see a lot of examples later in this chapter. Go programming language supports one Boolean data type: bool.

  • String data type: Sequence of alphanumberic text or other symbols. Examples of strings are "Hello World!" and so on. Strings are mostly used for processing all kinds of textual data or to display different kinds of inofrmation to the users of the application (we will see more of that in this and the following chapters). Go programming language supports one type: string.

  • 整数:表示整数。整数可以是正的、负的或零。整数的例子有-27、0、21、1999、180111等。根据存储整数值的位数,Go编程语言支持以下类型:int8(8位)、int16(16位)、int32(32位)、int64(64位)和int(32位系统为32位,64位系统为64位)。一个好的做法是使用int,除非我们有一些特定的擦除来使用特定的大小。

  • 无符号整数:正整数和零。根据用于存储无符号整数值的位数,Go编程语言支持以下类型:uint8(8位)、uint16(16位)、uint32(32位)、uint64(64位)、uintptr(32位,64位)和uint(32位,64位)。uintptr类型是一个无符号整数,它足够大,可以容纳任何指针地址(指针将在后面解释)。一般来说,只要我们需要使用整数,就应该使用int,而无符号整数只应该用于某些特定的用例。

  • 浮点数:用小数点表示整数。浮点数可以是正的、负的或零。浮点数的例子有-33.333、0.0、33.33等等。根据用于存储浮点数的位数,Go编程语言支持两种类型:float32(32位)和float64(64位)。

  • 复数:可以用a + bi的形式表示的数,其中a和b是实数,i是方程x2 = -1的解。实数a和b分别称为实部和虚部。根据用于存储浮点数的二进制数的数量,Go编程语言支持两种类型:complex64(64位)和complex128(128位)。

  • 布尔数据类型:具有true或false两种可能值之一的数据类型。它被广泛用于逻辑运算,我们将在本章后面看到很多例子。Go编程语言支持一种布尔数据类型:bool。

  • 字符串数据类型:由字母数字或其他符号组成的序列。字符串的例子有"Hello World!"等等。字符串主要用于处理各种文本数据或向应用程序的用户显示不同类型的信息(我们将在本章和以下章节中看到更多)。Go编程语言支持一种类型:字符串。

String is a sequence of characters, but Go has no data type that represents a single character (char in other programming languages). Characters are supported through two special aliases of integer types:

  • Byte: Alias for uint8, represents ASCII character (by ASCII standard, each character is a 8-bit code).
  • Rune: Alias for int32, represents Unicode character encoded in UTF-8 format.


  • Byte: uint8的别名,表示ASCII字符(按照ASCII标准,每个字符是一个8位代码)。
  • Rune: int32的别名,表示以UTF-8格式编码的Unicode字符。

These aliases are introduced to make a clear distinction between characters and integer values. Generally, it will be hard to understand and maintain code where we use integer variables to store characters. Rune is a default type for characters, so if we do not explicitly declare the type for the variable with character value, Go wll assign rune type to that variable (we will learn how to declare a variable soon).


All basic data types have a default value (this is often referred to in the documentation for Go programming language as zero value). The default value is 0 for numberic types, "" (empty string) for strings and false for Boolean.


If we do not assign a specific value to the variable, the default one will be assigned. There is no special value for that situation (like undefined) and only pointers can have nil value. We will talk more about pointers later in this chapter.


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