
我们在 github 上查看 dva 的源码,地址为:github.com/dvajs/dva/b...

其中包括 dva、dva-core、dva-immer、dva-loading 四个目录:

  • dva 是出口,redux、saga、router 等接口都通过这个文件统一导出。
  • dva-core 是 dva 的核心代码,对主要依赖和插件的封装在这里面实现。
  • dva-immer 是 dva 的一个插件,引用了 immer 库,实现类 vue3 的 Proxy 封装。
  • dva-loading 也是 dva 的一个插件,用途是在所有 effect 之外添加一个 loading 状态。

本文的内容主要集中与 redux-saga 的封装。

dva 的官网打不开了,用梯子也不行,不知道是我的问题还是网站的问题。所以我是直接在 github 里看 markdown。


1. 项目入口

首先从 dva 式的 react 项目入口演示开始:github.com/dvajs/dva/b...


  1. 7 行,通过 dva 方法创建了一个 app 对象。
  2. 9-39 行,通过 app.model 添加一个 count model。
  3. 58-62 行,通过 app.router 添加了路由配置。
  4. 64 行,通过 app.start 初始化 react。
javascript 复制代码
import dva, { connect } from 'dva';
import { Router, Route } from 'dva/router';
import React from 'react';
import styles from './index.less';
import key from 'keymaster';

const app = dva();

  namespace: 'count',
  state: {
    record: 0,
    current: 0,
  reducers: {
    add(state) {
      const newCurrent = state.current + 1;
      return { ...state,
        record: newCurrent > state.record ? newCurrent : state.record,
        current: newCurrent,
    minus(state) {
      return { ...state, current: state.current - 1};
  effects: {
    *addThenMinus(action, { call, put }) {
      yield put({ type: 'add' });
      yield call(delay, 1000);
      yield put({ type: 'minus' });
  subscriptions: {
    keyboardWatcher({ dispatch }) {
      key('⌘+up, ctrl+up', () => { dispatch({type:'addThenMinus'}) });

const CountApp = ({count, dispatch}) => {
  return (
    <div className={styles.normal}>
      <div className={styles.record}>Highest Record: {count.record}</div>
      <div className={styles.current}>{count.current}</div>
      <div className={styles.button}>
        <button onClick={() => { dispatch({type: 'count/addThenMinus'}); }}>+</button>

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return { count: state.count };
const HomePage = connect(mapStateToProps)(CountApp);

app.router(({history}) =>
  <Router history={history}>
    <Route path="/" component={HomePage} />


// ---------
// Helpers

function delay(timeout){
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, timeout);

2. dva 方法



  1. 20 行,通过 dva-core 的 create 方法创建了 app 对象。
  2. 22、23 行为 app 对象添加 router、start 方法,26 行开始是方法的定义。
  3. 50-53 行,通过 app 的原 start 方法为 app 添加 store。
ini 复制代码
import { utils, create, saga } from 'dva-core';

export default function(opts = {}) {
  const history = opts.history || createHashHistory();
  const createOpts = {
    initialReducer: {
      router: connectRouter(history),
    setupMiddlewares(middlewares) {
      return [routerMiddleware(history), ...middlewares];
    setupApp(app) {
      app._history = patchHistory(history);

  const app = create(opts, createOpts);
  const oldAppStart = app.start;
  app.router = router;
  app.start = start;
  return app;

  function router(router) {
      `[app.router] router should be function, but got ${typeof router}`,
    app._router = router;

  function start(container) {
    // 允许 container 是字符串,然后用 querySelector 找元素
    if (isString(container)) {
      container = document.querySelector(container);
      invariant(container, `[app.start] container ${container} not found`);

    // 并且是 HTMLElement
      !container || isHTMLElement(container),
      `[app.start] container should be HTMLElement`,

    // 路由必须提前注册
    invariant(app._router, `[app.start] router must be registered before app.start()`);

    if (!app._store) {
    const store = app._store;

    // export _getProvider for HMR
    // ref: https://github.com/dvajs/dva/issues/469
    app._getProvider = getProvider.bind(null, store, app);

    // If has container, render; else, return react component
    if (container) {
      render(container, store, app, app._router);
      app._plugin.apply('onHmr')(render.bind(null, container, store, app));
    } else {
      return getProvider(store, this, this._router);


3. dva-core 的 create 方法

上面代码的关键是 dva-core 的 create,所以我们将视线转向 dva-core:github.com/dvajs/dva/b...


  1. 39-47 行,创建了初始的 app 对象,并返回。
  2. 158 行开始,是前文调用的 start 方法的定义,关键是配置了 app 的 store,其中:
    1. 176-183 行,收集所有 models 文件中的 reduers 和 effects。
    2. 218 行,对所有 saga 调用 sagaMiddleware.run,启动所有 saga。
  1. 181 行,在 sagas 的收集中,调用了 getSaga 方法,这是 dva 对 redux-saga 的封装。
ini 复制代码
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware, * as saga from 'redux-saga';
import invariant from 'invariant';
import checkModel from './checkModel';
import prefixNamespace from './prefixNamespace';
import Plugin, { filterHooks } from './Plugin';
import createStore from './createStore';
import getSaga from './getSaga';
import getReducer from './getReducer';
import createPromiseMiddleware from './createPromiseMiddleware';
import { run as runSubscription, unlisten as unlistenSubscription } from './subscription';
import * as utils from './utils';

const { noop, findIndex } = utils;

// Internal model to update global state when do unmodel
const dvaModel = {
  namespace: '@@dva',
  state: 0,
  reducers: {
    UPDATE(state) {
      return state + 1;

 * Create dva-core instance.
 * @param hooksAndOpts
 * @param createOpts
export function create(hooksAndOpts = {}, createOpts = {}) {
  const { initialReducer, setupApp = noop } = createOpts;

  const plugin = new Plugin();

  const app = {
    _models: [prefixNamespace({ ...dvaModel })],
    _store: null,
    _plugin: plugin,
    use: plugin.use.bind(plugin),
  return app;

   * Register model before app is started.
   * @param m {Object} model to register
  function model(m) {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
      checkModel(m, app._models);
    const prefixedModel = prefixNamespace({ ...m });
    return prefixedModel;

   * Inject model after app is started.
   * @param createReducer
   * @param onError
   * @param unlisteners
   * @param m
  function injectModel(createReducer, onError, unlisteners, m) {
    m = model(m);

    const store = app._store;
    store.asyncReducers[m.namespace] = getReducer(m.reducers, m.state, plugin._handleActions);
    if (m.effects) {
      store.runSaga(app._getSaga(m.effects, m, onError, plugin.get('onEffect'), hooksAndOpts));
    if (m.subscriptions) {
      unlisteners[m.namespace] = runSubscription(m.subscriptions, m, app, onError);

   * Unregister model.
   * @param createReducer
   * @param reducers
   * @param unlisteners
   * @param namespace
   * Unexpected key warn problem:
   * https://github.com/reactjs/redux/issues/1636
  function unmodel(createReducer, reducers, unlisteners, namespace) {
    const store = app._store;

    // Delete reducers
    delete store.asyncReducers[namespace];
    delete reducers[namespace];
    store.dispatch({ type: '@@dva/UPDATE' });

    // Cancel effects
    store.dispatch({ type: `${namespace}/@@CANCEL_EFFECTS` });

    // Unlisten subscrioptions
    unlistenSubscription(unlisteners, namespace);

    // Delete model from app._models
    app._models = app._models.filter(model => model.namespace !== namespace);

   * Replace a model if it exsits, if not, add it to app
   * Attention:
   * - Only available after dva.start gets called
   * - Will not check origin m is strict equal to the new one
   * Useful for HMR
   * @param createReducer
   * @param reducers
   * @param unlisteners
   * @param onError
   * @param m
  function replaceModel(createReducer, reducers, unlisteners, onError, m) {
    const store = app._store;
    const { namespace } = m;
    const oldModelIdx = findIndex(app._models, model => model.namespace === namespace);

    if (~oldModelIdx) {
      // Cancel effects
      store.dispatch({ type: `${namespace}/@@CANCEL_EFFECTS` });

      // Delete reducers
      delete store.asyncReducers[namespace];
      delete reducers[namespace];

      // Unlisten subscrioptions
      unlistenSubscription(unlisteners, namespace);

      // Delete model from app._models
      app._models.splice(oldModelIdx, 1);

    // add new version model to store

    store.dispatch({ type: '@@dva/UPDATE' });

   * Start the app.
   * @returns void
  function start() {
    // Global error handler
    const onError = (err, extension) => {
      if (err) {
        if (typeof err === 'string') err = new Error(err);
        err.preventDefault = () => {
          err._dontReject = true;
        plugin.apply('onError', err => {
          throw new Error(err.stack || err);
        })(err, app._store.dispatch, extension);

    const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
    const promiseMiddleware = createPromiseMiddleware(app);
    app._getSaga = getSaga.bind(null);

    const sagas = [];
    const reducers = { ...initialReducer };
    for (const m of app._models) {
      reducers[m.namespace] = getReducer(m.reducers, m.state, plugin._handleActions);
      if (m.effects) {
        sagas.push(app._getSaga(m.effects, m, onError, plugin.get('onEffect'), hooksAndOpts));
    const reducerEnhancer = plugin.get('onReducer');
    const extraReducers = plugin.get('extraReducers');
      Object.keys(extraReducers).every(key => !(key in reducers)),
      `[app.start] extraReducers is conflict with other reducers, reducers list: ${Object.keys(
      ).join(', ')}`,

    // Create store
    app._store = createStore({
      reducers: createReducer(),
      initialState: hooksAndOpts.initialState || {},

    const store = app._store;

    // Extend store
    store.runSaga = sagaMiddleware.run;
    store.asyncReducers = {};

    // Execute listeners when state is changed
    const listeners = plugin.get('onStateChange');
    for (const listener of listeners) {
      store.subscribe(() => {

    // Run sagas

    // Setup app

    // Run subscriptions
    const unlisteners = {};
    for (const model of this._models) {
      if (model.subscriptions) {
        unlisteners[model.namespace] = runSubscription(model.subscriptions, model, app, onError);

    // Setup app.model and app.unmodel
    app.model = injectModel.bind(app, createReducer, onError, unlisteners);
    app.unmodel = unmodel.bind(app, createReducer, reducers, unlisteners);
    app.replaceModel = replaceModel.bind(app, createReducer, reducers, unlisteners, onError);

     * Create global reducer for redux.
     * @returns {Object}
    function createReducer() {
      return reducerEnhancer(
          ...(app._store ? app._store.asyncReducers : {}),

export { saga };
export { utils };

4. 从 getSaga 看 dva 对 redux-saga 的封装

从上文的引用中可以看到,getSaga 来自单独的 getSaga 文件:github.com/dvajs/dva/b...

getSata 方法是对单个 model 对象中的 effects 做处理,在下面的代码中:

  1. 7-20 行,是 getSaga 方法的定义主体:遍历所有 effects,用 Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty 过滤非自有属性
  2. 11 行,调用了 getWatcher 方法。22-105 行,是 getWatcher 方法的定义:
    1. 50-67 行,定义了 sagaWithCatch 生成器函数:函数将 effect 封装了一层 try...catch,并且如果有参数的话会通过 resolve、reject 返回一个 Promise。
    2. 69 行,调用了 applyOnEffect 方法。162-167 行是 applyOnEffect 方法的定义:其作用是将引入的插件一层层封装到 sagaWithCatch 上,返回新的 effect。
    3. 71-104 行,是为所有 effect 添加 action 的监听,action 的格式是 modelName/effectName,默认使用 takeEvery。
  1. 再回到 12 行,通过 fork 来执行 getWatcher 返回的封装后的 effect
  2. 13-16 行,为所有的 task 添加了 cancel 监听
javascript 复制代码
import invariant from 'invariant';
import warning from 'warning';
import { effects as sagaEffects } from 'redux-saga';
import { NAMESPACE_SEP } from './constants';
import prefixType from './prefixType';

export default function getSaga(effects, model, onError, onEffect, opts = {}) {
  return function*() {
    for (const key in effects) {
      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(effects, key)) {
        const watcher = getWatcher(key, effects[key], model, onError, onEffect, opts);
        const task = yield sagaEffects.fork(watcher);
        yield sagaEffects.fork(function*() {
          yield sagaEffects.take(`${model.namespace}/@@CANCEL_EFFECTS`);
          yield sagaEffects.cancel(task);

function getWatcher(key, _effect, model, onError, onEffect, opts) {
  let effect = _effect;
  let type = 'takeEvery';
  let ms;
  let delayMs;

  if (Array.isArray(_effect)) {
    [effect] = _effect;
    const opts = _effect[1];
    if (opts && opts.type) {
      ({ type } = opts);
      if (type === 'throttle') {
        invariant(opts.ms, 'app.start: opts.ms should be defined if type is throttle');
        ({ ms } = opts);
      if (type === 'poll') {
        invariant(opts.delay, 'app.start: opts.delay should be defined if type is poll');
        ({ delay: delayMs } = opts);
      ['watcher', 'takeEvery', 'takeLatest', 'throttle', 'poll'].indexOf(type) > -1,
      'app.start: effect type should be takeEvery, takeLatest, throttle, poll or watcher',

  function noop() {}

  function* sagaWithCatch(...args) {
    const { __dva_resolve: resolve = noop, __dva_reject: reject = noop } =
      args.length > 0 ? args[0] : {};
    try {
      yield sagaEffects.put({ type: `${key}${NAMESPACE_SEP}@@start` });
      const ret = yield effect(...args.concat(createEffects(model, opts)));
      yield sagaEffects.put({ type: `${key}${NAMESPACE_SEP}@@end` });
    } catch (e) {
      onError(e, {
        effectArgs: args,
      if (!e._dontReject) {

  const sagaWithOnEffect = applyOnEffect(onEffect, sagaWithCatch, model, key);

  switch (type) {
    case 'watcher':
      return sagaWithCatch;
    case 'takeLatest':
      return function*() {
        yield sagaEffects.takeLatest(key, sagaWithOnEffect);
    case 'throttle':
      return function*() {
        yield sagaEffects.throttle(ms, key, sagaWithOnEffect);
    case 'poll':
      return function*() {
        function delay(timeout) {
          return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout));
        function* pollSagaWorker(sagaEffects, action) {
          const { call } = sagaEffects;
          while (true) {
            yield call(sagaWithOnEffect, action);
            yield call(delay, delayMs);
        const { call, take, race } = sagaEffects;
        while (true) {
          const action = yield take(`${key}-start`);
          yield race([call(pollSagaWorker, sagaEffects, action), take(`${key}-stop`)]);
      return function*() {
        yield sagaEffects.takeEvery(key, sagaWithOnEffect);

function createEffects(model, opts) {
  function assertAction(type, name) {
    invariant(type, 'dispatch: action should be a plain Object with type');

    const { namespacePrefixWarning = true } = opts;

    if (namespacePrefixWarning) {
        type.indexOf(`${model.namespace}${NAMESPACE_SEP}`) !== 0,
        `[${name}] ${type} should not be prefixed with namespace ${model.namespace}`,
  function put(action) {
    const { type } = action;
    assertAction(type, 'sagaEffects.put');
    return sagaEffects.put({ ...action, type: prefixType(type, model) });

  // The operator `put` doesn't block waiting the returned promise to resolve.
  // Using `put.resolve` will wait until the promsie resolve/reject before resuming.
  // It will be helpful to organize multi-effects in order,
  // and increase the reusability by seperate the effect in stand-alone pieces.
  // https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga/issues/336
  function putResolve(action) {
    const { type } = action;
    assertAction(type, 'sagaEffects.put.resolve');
    return sagaEffects.put.resolve({
      type: prefixType(type, model),
  put.resolve = putResolve;

  function take(type) {
    if (typeof type === 'string') {
      assertAction(type, 'sagaEffects.take');
      return sagaEffects.take(prefixType(type, model));
    } else if (Array.isArray(type)) {
      return sagaEffects.take(
        type.map(t => {
          if (typeof t === 'string') {
            assertAction(t, 'sagaEffects.take');
            return prefixType(t, model);
          return t;
    } else {
      return sagaEffects.take(type);
  return { ...sagaEffects, put, take };

function applyOnEffect(fns, effect, model, key) {
  for (const fn of fns) {
    effect = fn(effect, sagaEffects, model, key);
  return effect;

5. dva 添加插件,以 dva-loading 为例

5.1. dva-loading

dva-loading 的源代码在此处:github.com/dvajs/dva/b...

其中定义了 createLoading 方法,返回了 extraReducers 和 onEffect 两个对象。其中 onEffect 的定义如下,用处是在 effect 前后添加 loading 状态变化:

php 复制代码
function onEffect(effect, { put }, model, actionType) {
  const { namespace } = model;
  if (
    (only.length === 0 && except.length === 0) ||
    (only.length > 0 && only.indexOf(actionType) !== -1) ||
    (except.length > 0 && except.indexOf(actionType) === -1)
  ) {
    return function*(...args) {
      yield put({ type: SHOW, payload: { namespace, actionType } });
      yield effect(...args);
      yield put({ type: HIDE, payload: { namespace, actionType } });
  } else {
    return effect;

5.2. dva-core/Plugin

dva 添加插件依赖的是 dva-core 中的 Plugin:github.com/dvajs/dva/b...

在上文第 3 段"dva-core 的 create 方法",其中 36-47 行代码中:

  1. 创建了 plugin 对象,并调用 use 方法处理了 create 的默认参数 hooksAndOpts。
  2. 将 use 方法添加到了 app 对象上。

在 Plugin 文件中:

  1. 34-49 行,是 Plugin 类的 use 方法的定义。该方法将插件中的 onEffect 或其他属性添加到 plugin 对象的特定 hooks 中。
  2. 68-79 行,是 get 方法的定义,其作用是读取特定 hooks,例如在第 3 段代码中收集 sagas 时:sagas.push(app._getSaga(m.effects, m, onError, plugin.get('onEffect'), hooksAndOpts))。
  3. onEffect 如何使用?可以回看第 4 段------从 getSaga 看 dva 对 redux-saga 的封装。
ini 复制代码
import invariant from 'invariant';
import { isPlainObject } from './utils';

const hooks = [

export function filterHooks(obj) {
  return Object.keys(obj).reduce((memo, key) => {
    if (hooks.indexOf(key) > -1) {
      memo[key] = obj[key];
    return memo;
  }, {});

export default class Plugin {
  constructor() {
    this._handleActions = null;
    this.hooks = hooks.reduce((memo, key) => {
      memo[key] = [];
      return memo;
    }, {});

  use(plugin) {
    invariant(isPlainObject(plugin), 'plugin.use: plugin should be plain object');
    const { hooks } = this;
    for (const key in plugin) {
      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(plugin, key)) {
        invariant(hooks[key], `plugin.use: unknown plugin property: ${key}`);
        if (key === '_handleActions') {
          this._handleActions = plugin[key];
        } else if (key === 'extraEnhancers') {
          hooks[key] = plugin[key];
        } else {

  apply(key, defaultHandler) {
    const { hooks } = this;
    const validApplyHooks = ['onError', 'onHmr'];
    invariant(validApplyHooks.indexOf(key) > -1, `plugin.apply: hook ${key} cannot be applied`);
    const fns = hooks[key];

    return (...args) => {
      if (fns.length) {
        for (const fn of fns) {
      } else if (defaultHandler) {

  get(key) {
    const { hooks } = this;
    invariant(key in hooks, `plugin.get: hook ${key} cannot be got`);
    if (key === 'extraReducers') {
      return getExtraReducers(hooks[key]);
    } else if (key === 'onReducer') {
      return getOnReducer(hooks[key]);
    } else {
      return hooks[key];

function getExtraReducers(hook) {
  let ret = {};
  for (const reducerObj of hook) {
    ret = { ...ret, ...reducerObj };
  return ret;

function getOnReducer(hook) {
  return function(reducer) {
    for (const reducerEnhancer of hook) {
      reducer = reducerEnhancer(reducer);
    return reducer;

6. dva 中的 Promise 中间件

在第 4 段"从 getSaga 看 dva 对 redux-saga 的封装"中,有对 sagaWithCatch 函数(50-67 行)的简单介绍,其中 resolve 和 reject 涉及到 dva 对 effect 的 Promise 封装,单列一个小结讲解。

sagaWithCatch 函数中的 resolve、reject 来自 __dva_resolve、__dva_reject 两个属性,这两个属性来自第 3 段"dva-core 的 create 方法"代码 200 行的 promiseMiddleware。这个中间件为所有 action 添加了这两个属性,使得我们在调用 model 中定义的 effect 时,可以使用 then 接收返回值,catch 捕捉错误:

scss 复制代码
dispatch('modelName/effectName').then(() => {}).catch(() => {})

promiseMiddleware 的实现在:github.com/dvajs/dva/b...

typescript 复制代码
import { NAMESPACE_SEP } from './constants';

export default function createPromiseMiddleware(app) {
  return () => next => action => {
    const { type } = action;
    if (isEffect(type)) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          __dva_resolve: resolve,
          __dva_reject: reject,
    } else {
      return next(action);

  function isEffect(type) {
    if (!type || typeof type !== 'string') return false;
    const [namespace] = type.split(NAMESPACE_SEP);
    const model = app._models.filter(m => m.namespace === namespace)[0];
    if (model) {
      if (model.effects && model.effects[type]) {
        return true;

    return false;
一个处女座的程序猿O(∩_∩)O1 小时前
小型 Vue 项目,该不该用 Pinia 、Vuex呢?
hackeroink4 小时前
迷雾漫步者5 小时前
向前看-6 小时前
燃先生._.7 小时前
Day-03 Vue(生命周期、生命周期钩子八个函数、工程化开发和脚手架、组件化开发、根组件、局部注册和全局注册的步骤)
高山我梦口香糖8 小时前
m0_748235248 小时前
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black^sugar9 小时前