SapNwRfc 适用于 .NET 5 .NET Core 和 .NET Framework 的 SAP NetWeaver RFC 库

SAP NetWeaver RFC library

This cross-platform library allows you to call SAP NetWeaver RFC functions from .NET 5, .NET Core and the .NET Framework.

The library is fully tested and production ready. Supported operating systems are Windows, Linux and macOS.

Also supports connection pooling for more complex applications, see below.

Get it on NuGet

dotnet add package SapNwRfc


PM> Install-Package SapNwRfc


This library requires the SAP NetWeaver RFC Library 7.50 SDK C++ binaries that should be installed locally. For download and installation instructions see SAP Note 2573790.

You can either place the DLL's in your project output folder or put them in a folder available in the systems PATH (Windows), LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (macOS) environment variable.

On Windows, the 7.50 version of the SAP binaries also require you to install the 64-bit version of the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package which can be downloaded and installed from here.


When your application is started as a child-process (f.e. when running it using Visual Studio for Mac), it is possible that the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is not forwarded to the child-process. This is because of this runtime protection Apple has added to OSX.

The simplest solution to this problem is to make sure the SAP binaries are placed in the working directory of your application.

or to use the NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver method in your application.

A more flexible workaround is to set the import resolver for the SapLibrary using the SetDllImportResolver-method like this:

cs 复制代码
    assembly: typeof(SapLibrary).Assembly,
    resolver: (string libraryName, Assembly assembly, DllImportSearchPath? searchPath) =>
        if (libraryName == "sapnwrfc")
                libraryPath: Path.Combine("<your_sap_rfc_binaries_path>", libraryName),
                handle: out IntPtr handle);

            return handle;

        return IntPtr.Zero;

Call function with input parameters but no output parameters

cs 复制代码
class SomeFunctionParameters
    public string SomeField { get; set; }

using var someFunction = connection.CreateFunction("BAPI_SOME_FUNCTION_NAME");
someFunction.Invoke(new SomeFunctionParameters
    SomeField = "Some value",

Call function with input and output parameters

cs 复制代码
class SomeFunctionParameters
    public string SomeField { get; set; }

class SomeFunctionResult
    public string Abc { get; set; }

using var someFunction = connection.CreateFunction("BAPI_SOME_FUNCTION_NAME");
var result = someFunction.Invoke<SomeFunctionResult>(new SomeFunctionParameters
    SomeField = "Some value",

// Do something with result.Abc
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