Spread.NET v17.2 crack

Spread.NET v17.2 crack

Spread.NET v17.2 empowers users to fit, fill or customize image placement in cells, bringing flexibility and precision to spreadsheet display.

Spread.NET by MESCIUS is a powerful tool for building Excel-like applications in your .NET projects. It lets you create interactive spreadsheets, grids, dashboards, and even forms within WinForms, ASP.NET, and WPF applications. With its rich feature set, including a robust calculation engine, formula support, and Excel compatibility, Spread.NET empowers developers to build data analysis tools, budgeting apps, scientific dashboards, and more, all within the familiar .NET environment.

The Spread.NET v17.2 release introduces greater cell image versatility and customization. With four new distinct sizing options---Fit, Fill, Original, and Custom---users gain precise control over how images are displayed within cells. The Fit mode maintains the image's aspect ratio while ensuring it fits within the cell, preventing distortion. The Fill option covers the entire cell, disregarding the aspect ratio for full coverage. Original preserves the image's natural size, even if it exceeds the cell's dimensions, while Custom allows users to set specific height and width parameters. These flexible sizing options enhance the presentation of images, offering tailored solutions to fit various content needs, whether it's for data visualization, design, or reporting purposes. This feature significantly improves visual control, ensuring consistency and a professional appearance across documents.

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