import sys
#想和大神交朋友或想软件开发兼职接项目,请通过手机端搜小#程#序: "黄页小艺"或公#众#号:"卧看星河"
from numpy import zeros, float32
# pgmpy͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
import pgmpy
from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork
from pgmpy.factors.discrete import TabularCPD
from pgmpy.inference import VariableElimination
#You are not allowed to use following set of modules from 'pgmpy' Library.͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
# pgmpy.sampling.*͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
# pgmpy.factors.*͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
# pgmpy.estimators.*͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
def make_security_system_net():
Create a Bayes Net representation of the above security system problem.
Use the following as the name attribute: "H","C", "M","B", "Q", 'K",
"D"'. (for the tests to work.)
BayesNet = BayesianNetwork()
BayesNet.add_edges_from([ # add relationships/dependencies
('H', 'Q'),
('C', 'Q'),
('M', 'K'),
('B', 'K'),
('Q', 'D'),
('K', 'D')])
#raise NotImplementedError
return BayesNet
def set_probability(bayes_net):
Set conditional probability distribution (cpd) for each node in the security system.
Use the following as the name attribute: "H","C", "M","B", "Q", 'K",
"D"'. (for the tests to work.)
cpd_H = TabularCPD('H', 2, values=[[0.5], [0.5]])
cpd_C = TabularCPD('C', 2, values=[[0.7], [0.3]])
cpd_M = TabularCPD('M', 2, values=[[0.2], [0.8]])
cpd_B = TabularCPD('B', 2, values=[[0.5], [0.5]])
cpd_Q = TabularCPD('Q', 2,
values = [[0.95, 0.75, 0.45, 0.1], # false
[0.05, 0.25, 0.55, 0.9]], # true
evidence=['H', 'C'], evidence_card=[2, 2])
cpd_K = TabularCPD('K', 2,
values=[[0.99, 0.85, 0.5, 0.25], # false (safe)
[0.01, 0.15, 0.5, 0.75]], # true
evidence=['M', 'B'], evidence_card=[2, 2])
cpd_D = TabularCPD('D', 2,
values=[[0.98, 0.35, 0.6, 0.01], # false (fail to get files)
[0.02, 0.65, 0.4, 0.99]], # true (success tp get files)
evidence=['Q', 'K'], evidence_card=[2, 2])
bayes_net.add_cpds(cpd_H, cpd_C, cpd_M, cpd_B, cpd_Q, cpd_K, cpd_D) # add cpd to the network
assert bayes_net.check_model()
#raise NotImplementedError
return bayes_net
def get_marginal_double0(bayes_net):
Calculate the marginal probability that Double-0 gets compromised.
# Create an inference object
solver = VariableElimination(bayes_net)
marginal_prob = solver.query(variables=['D'], joint=False) # marginal inference on the D node
double0_prob = marginal_prob.values[1] # extract the probability that D = True and index 1 corresponds to that
#raise NotImplementedError
return double0_prob
def get_conditional_double0_given_no_contra(bayes_net):
Calculate the conditional probability that Double-0 gets compromised
given Contra is shut down.
solver = VariableElimination(bayes_net)
conditional_prob = solver.query(variables=['D'], evidence={'C': 0}, joint=False)
double0_prob = conditional_prob.values[1]
# raise NotImplementedError
return double0_prob
def get_conditional_double0_given_no_contra_and_bond_guarding(bayes_net):
Calculate the conditional probability that Double-0 gets compromised
given Contra is shut down and Bond is reassigned to protect M.
solver = VariableElimination(bayes_net)
conditional_prob = solver.query(variables=['D'], evidence={'C': 0, 'B': 1}, joint=False)
double0_prob = conditional_prob.values[1]
# raise NotImplementedError
return double0_prob
def get_game_network():
Create a Bayes Net representation of the game problem.
Name the nodes as "A","B","C","AvB","BvC" and "CvA".
BayesNet = BayesianNetwork()
# BayesNet.add_edges_from([ # add relationships/dependencies
# ('H', 'Q'),
# ('C', 'Q'),
# ('M', 'K'),
# ('B', 'K'),
# ('Q', 'D'),
# ('K', 'D')])
raise NotImplementedError
return BayesNet
def calculate_posterior(bayes_net):
Calculate the posterior distribution of the BvC match given that A won against B and tied C.
Return a list of probabilities corresponding to win, loss and tie likelihood.
posterior = [0,0,0]
# TODO: finish this function͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
return posterior # list
def Gibbs_sampler(bayes_net, initial_state):
Complete a single iteration of the Gibbs sampling algorithm
given a Bayesian network and an initial state value.
initial_state is a list of length 6 where:
index 0-2: represent skills of teams A,B,C (values lie in [0,3] inclusive)
index 3-5: represent results of matches AvB, BvC, CvA (values lie in [0,2] inclusive)
Returns the new state sampled from the probability distribution as a tuple of length 6.
Return the sample as a tuple.
Note: You are allowed to calculate the probabilities for each potential variable
to be sampled. See README for suggested structure of the sampling process.
sample = tuple(initial_state)
# TODO: finish this function͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
variable_index = None # Your chosen variable
if variable_index == 0:
# Sample A͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
elif variable_index == 1:
# Sample B͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
elif variable_index == 2:
# Sample C͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
elif variable_index == 4:
# Sample BvC͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError("Variable index out of range")
return sample
def MH_sampler(bayes_net, initial_state):
Complete a single iteration of the MH sampling algorithm given a Bayesian network and an initial state value.
initial_state is a list of length 6 where:
index 0-2: represent skills of teams A,B,C (values lie in [0,3] inclusive)
index 3-5: represent results of matches AvB, BvC, CvA (values lie in [0,2] inclusive)
Returns the new state sampled from the probability distribution as a tuple of length 6.
A_cpd = bayes_net.get_cpds("A")
AvB_cpd = bayes_net.get_cpds("AvB")
match_table = AvB_cpd.values
team_table = A_cpd.values
sample = tuple(initial_state)
# TODO: finish this function͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
return sample
def compare_sampling(bayes_net, initial_state):
Compare Gibbs and Metropolis-Hastings sampling by calculating how long it takes for each method to converge.
Gibbs_count = 0
MH_count = 0
MH_rejection_count = 0
Gibbs_convergence = [0,0,0] # posterior distribution of the BvC match as produced by Gibbs
MH_convergence = [0,0,0] # posterior distribution of the BvC match as produced by MH
# TODO: finish this function͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
return Gibbs_convergence, MH_convergence, Gibbs_count, MH_count, MH_rejection_count
def sampling_question():
Question about sampling performance.
# TODO: assign value to choice and factor͏︅͏︀͏︋͏︋͏󠄌͏󠄎͏󠄋͏󠄊͏󠄏͏︌
raise NotImplementedError
choice = 2
options = ['Gibbs','Metropolis-Hastings']
factor = 0
return options[choice], factor
def return_your_name():
Return your name from this function
return "Jinglin Xu"
#raise NotImplementedError
#想和大神交朋友或想软件开发兼职接项目,请通过手机端搜小#程#序: "黄页小艺"或公#众#号:"卧看星河"
这段 Python 代码实现了一系列与贝叶斯网络相关的功能,主要包括以下几个方面:
函数创建了一个表示安全系统的贝叶斯网络,定义了节点之间的依赖关系,包括"黑客攻击(H)""反情报机构(C)""军情六处被攻击(M)""邦德保护军情六处(B)""黑客获取文件(Q)""克格勃获取文件(K)""双重间谍被暴露(D)"等节点,并添加了相应的边表示依赖关系。 -
Gibbs 采样:
函数实现了 Gibbs 采样算法的一次迭代。给定一个贝叶斯网络和初始状态,通过选择一个变量,根据当前状态下其他变量的值,从该变量的条件分布中采样一个新的值,然后返回更新后的状态作为一个元组。但目前函数中大部分内容抛出了NotImplementedError
Metropolis-Hastings 采样(未完全实现):
函数被定义用于实现 Metropolis-Hastings 采样算法的一次迭代,但目前仅抛出了NotImplementedError
函数被定义用于比较 Gibbs 采样和 Metropolis-Hastings 采样算法的收敛速度,但目前仅抛出了NotImplementedError
#想和大神交朋友或想软件开发兼职接项目,请通过手机端搜小#程#序: "黄页小艺" 。