

cpp 复制代码
// rTree的key
struct OverlapKey
    using BDPoint = boost::geometry::model::point<double, 3, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian>; //双精度的点
    using MyRTree = boost::geometry::index::rtree<OverlapKey, boost::geometry::index::linear<16> >;

    BDPoint GetKey() { return key; }

    std::wstring id;

    BDPoint key;

    std::list<DgnHistory::FarElementID> mCurveLst;

    //         std::greater<double>>, std::less<int>> mData;
    * 将对方向相同的曲线(一般情况下是直线)进行分类,                                            
    *                                                            Created by Simon.Zou on 9/2021
    //std::set<DataPtr, Data::DataSort> mData; 
    void AddData(DgnHistory::FarElementID data)

        boost::uuids::uuid a_uuid = boost::uuids::random_generator()(); // 这里是两个() ,因为这里是调用的 () 的运算符重载
        id = boost::uuids::to_wstring(a_uuid);

        //ICurvePrimitivePtr = NULL;

    OverlapKey(const OverlapKey& r)
        *this = r;

    OverlapKey(OverlapKey&& r)
        this->id = r.id;
        this->key = r.key;
        mCurveLst = r.mCurveLst;

        r.id = L"";

    OverlapKey& operator=(const OverlapKey& r)
        this->id = r.id;
        this->key = r.key;
        mCurveLst = r.mCurveLst;
        //this->ICurvePrimitivePtr = r.ICurvePrimitivePtr;
        return *this;

    OverlapKey& operator=(OverlapKey&& r)
        this->id = r.id;
        this->key = r.key;
        mCurveLst = r.mCurveLst;
        //this->ICurvePrimitivePtr = r.ICurvePrimitivePtr;

        r.id = L"";

        return *this;

    bool operator == (const OverlapKey& o) const
        bool b1 = fabs(key.get<0>() - o.key.get<0>()) < 0.001;
        bool b2 = fabs(key.get<1>() - o.key.get<1>()) < 0.001;
        bool b3 = fabs(key.get<2>() - o.key.get<2>()) < 0.001;
        if (b1 && b2 && b3)
            return true;

        _SaveLog_Info_return_false("return false")

*  为了能把自己的数据结构OverlapKey用到boost的rtree里,创建此特化                                           
*                                                            Created by Simon.Zou on 9/2021
template <>
struct boost::geometry::index::indexable<OverlapKey>
    typedef OverlapKey::BDPoint result_type; //这个不能缺少
    const OverlapKey::BDPoint& operator()(const OverlapKey& c) const
        return c.key;
cpp 复制代码
|   HchxAlgorithm.cpp
#include "HchxUnitTestPch.h"

#include "gtest\gtest.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;


#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/area.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/io/dsv/write.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

bool boost_test1()
    namespace bg = boost::geometry;
    namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
    typedef bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::cartesian> DPoint;
    typedef bg::model::box<DPoint> DBox;
    typedef bg::model::polygon<DPoint, false, false> DPolygon; // ccw, open polygon
    typedef std::pair<DBox, unsigned> DValue;

	std::vector<DPolygon> polygons;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		DPolygon p;
		for (float a = 0; a < 6.28316f; a += 1.04720f)
			float x = i + int(10 * ::cos(a))*0.1f;
			float y = i + int(10 * ::sin(a))*0.1f;
			p.outer().push_back(DPoint(x, y));


	std::cout << "generated polygons:" << std::endl;
	BOOST_FOREACH(DPolygon const& p, polygons)
		std::cout << bg::wkt<DPolygon>(p) << std::endl;

	bgi::rtree< DValue, bgi::rstar<16, 4> > rtree; //最大最小

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < polygons.size(); ++i)
		DBox b = bg::return_envelope<DBox>(polygons[i]);
		rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b, i));

	DBox query_box(DPoint(0, 0), DPoint(5, 5));
	std::vector<DValue> result_s;
	rtree.query(bgi::intersects(query_box), std::back_inserter(result_s));

	std::vector<DValue> result_n;
	rtree.query(bgi::nearest(DPoint(0, 0), 5), std::back_inserter(result_n));

	// note: in Boost.Geometry the WKT representation of a box is polygon
	// note: the values store the bounding boxes of polygons
	// the polygons aren't used for querying but are printed

	// display results
	std::cout << "spatial query box:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << bg::wkt<DBox>(query_box) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "spatial query result:" << std::endl;
	BOOST_FOREACH(DValue const& v, result_s)
		std::cout << bg::wkt<DPolygon>(polygons[v.second]) << std::endl;

	std::cout << "knn query point:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << bg::wkt<DPoint>(DPoint(0, 0)) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "knn query result:" << std::endl;
	BOOST_FOREACH(DValue const& v, result_n)
		std::cout << bg::wkt<DPolygon>(polygons[v.second]) << std::endl;

	return true;

void boost_test2()
    namespace bg = boost::geometry;
    namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
    typedef bg::model::d2::point_xy<double, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian> DPoint; //双精度的点
    typedef bg::model::polygon<DPoint, false, false> DPolygon; // ccw, open polygon
    typedef bg::model::box<DPoint> DBox; //矩形
    typedef std::pair<DBox, unsigned> Value;

	//创建R树 linear quadratic rstar三种算法
    bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::quadratic<16>> rtree;//采用quadratic algorithm,节点中元素个数最多16个
    //bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::rstar<32>> rtree;//采用quadratic algorithm,节点中元素个数最多16个
    //bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::linear<32>> rtree;//采用quadratic algorithm,节点中元素个数最多16个
    //bgi::rtree<std::pair<DBox, std::string>, bgi::rstar<16> > rtree;

// 	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// 	{
// 		DBox b(DPoint(i + 0.0f, i + 0.0f), DPoint(i + 0.5f, i + 0.5f));
// 		rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b, i));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引
// 	}

    DBox b1(DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f), DPoint(1.0f, 1.0f));
    rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b1, 0));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引
    DBox b2(DPoint(-1.0f, -1.0f), DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f));
    rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b2, 1));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引
    DBox b3(DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f), DPoint(1.5f, 1.5f));
    rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b3, 2));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引

	DBox query_box(DPoint(-0.1f, -0.1f), DPoint(1.2f, 1.2f));
	std::vector<Value> result_s;

    //rtree.query(bgi::intersects(query_box), std::back_inserter(result_s));

    //rtree.query(bgi::covered_by(query_box), std::back_inserter(result_s));

    rtree.query(bgi::covers(query_box), std::back_inserter(result_s)); 

    //rtree.query(bgi::disjoint(query_box), std::back_inserter(result_s));

    //rtree.query(bgi::overlaps(query_box), std::back_inserter(result_s));

    //rtree.query(bgi::within(query_box), std::back_inserter(result_s));
    //rtree.bgi::query(bgi::intersects(box), std::back_inserter(result));

    *  支持ring和polygon                                       Commented by Simon.Zou on 5/2021

	std::vector<Value> result_n;
	rtree.query(bgi::nearest(DPoint(0, 0), 5), std::back_inserter(result_n));

	std::cout << "spatial query box:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << bg::wkt<DBox>(query_box) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "spatial query result:" << std::endl;
	//BOOST_FOREACH(Value const& v, result_s)
	//	std::cout << bg::wkt<DBox>(v.first) << " - " << v.second << std::endl;

	std::cout << "knn query point:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << bg::wkt<DPoint>(DPoint(0, 0)) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "knn query result:" << std::endl;
	//BOOST_FOREACH(Value const& v, result_n)
	//	std::cout << bg::wkt<DBox>(v.first) << " - " << v.second << std::endl;

void boost_test3()
    using namespace boost::assign;
    typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> point_xy;

    // Create points to represent a 5x5 closed polygon.
    std::vector<point_xy> points;
    points +=
        point_xy(0, 0),
        point_xy(0, 5),
        point_xy(5, 5),
        point_xy(5, 0),
        point_xy(0, 0)

    // Create a polygon object and assign the points to it.
    boost::geometry::model::polygon<point_xy> polygon;
    boost::geometry::assign_points(polygon, points);

    std::cout << "Polygon " << boost::geometry::dsv(polygon) <<
        " has an area of " << boost::geometry::area(polygon) << std::endl;

*  用polygon来查询                                       Commented by Simon.Zou on 5/2021
void boost_test4()
    namespace bg = boost::geometry;
    namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
    typedef bg::model::d2::point_xy<double, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian> DPoint; //双精度的点
    typedef bg::model::polygon<DPoint, false, false> DPolygon; // ccw, open polygon
    typedef bg::model::box<DPoint> DBox; //矩形
    typedef std::pair<DBox, unsigned> Value;

	//创建R树 linear quadratic rstar三种算法
    bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::quadratic<16>> rtree;//采用quadratic algorithm,节点中元素个数最多16个
    //bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::rstar<32>> rtree;//采用quadratic algorithm,节点中元素个数最多16个
    //bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::linear<32>> rtree;//采用quadratic algorithm,节点中元素个数最多16个
    //bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::rstar<16>> rtree;//采用quadratic algorithm,节点中元素个数最多16个
    //bgi::rtree<std::pair<DBox, std::string>, bgi::rstar<16> > rtree;

// 	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// 	{
// 		DBox b(DPoint(i + 0.0f, i + 0.0f), DPoint(i + 0.5f, i + 0.5f));
// 		rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b, i));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引
// 	}

    DBox b1(DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f), DPoint(1.0f, 1.0f));
    rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b1, 0));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引
    DBox b2(DPoint(-1.0f, -1.0f), DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f));
    rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b2, 1));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引
    DBox b3(DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f), DPoint(1.5f, 1.5f));
    rtree.insert(std::make_pair(b3, 2));//r树插入外包围矩形 i为索引

	DBox query_box(DPoint(-0.1f, -0.1f), DPoint(1.2f, 1.2f));
	std::vector<Value> result_s;

    *  支持ring和polygon                                       Commented by Simon.Zou on 5/2021
    using namespace boost::assign;
    typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> point_xy;

    // Create points to represent a 5x5 closed polygon.
    std::vector<point_xy> points;
    points += point_xy(0.1, 0.1), 
        point_xy(0.1, 5),
        point_xy(2.5, 5),
        point_xy(5, 2.5),
        point_xy(5, 0.1),
        point_xy(0.1, 0.1);

    // Create a polygon object and assign the points to it.
    boost::geometry::model::polygon<point_xy> polygon;
    DPolygon p;
    boost::geometry::assign_points(p, points);
    rtree.query(bgi::intersects(p), std::back_inserter(result_s));

	std::vector<Value> result_n;
	rtree.query(bgi::nearest(DPoint(0, 0), 5), std::back_inserter(result_n));

	std::cout << "spatial query box:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << bg::wkt<DBox>(query_box) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "spatial query result:" << std::endl;
	//BOOST_FOREACH(Value const& v, result_s)
	//	std::cout << bg::wkt<DBox>(v.first) << " - " << v.second << std::endl;

	std::cout << "knn query point:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << bg::wkt<DPoint>(DPoint(0, 0)) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "knn query result:" << std::endl;
	//BOOST_FOREACH(Value const& v, result_n)
	//	std::cout << bg::wkt<DBox>(v.first) << " - " << v.second << std::endl;

void boost_test5()
    typedef boost::geometry::model::point<float, 2, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian> Point;
    typedef boost::geometry::model::polygon<Point, false, false> Polygon; // ccw, open polygon

    Polygon p;
    for (float a = 0; a < 6.28316f; a += 1.04720f)
        float x = int(10 * ::cos(a))*0.1f;
        float y = int(10 * ::sin(a))*0.1f;
        p.outer().push_back(Point(x, y));

void boost_test6()
    namespace bg = boost::geometry;
    typedef bg::model::d2::point_xy<double> DPoint; //双精度的点
    typedef bg::model::segment<DPoint> DSegment; //线段
    typedef bg::model::linestring<DPoint> DLineString; //多段线
    typedef bg::model::box<DPoint> DBox; //矩形
    typedef bg::model::ring<DPoint, false> DRing; //环
    typedef bg::model::polygon<DPoint, false> DPolygon; //多边形
    #define A_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197

    DPoint pt1(0, 0), pt2(10, 10);

    DSegment ds;
    ds.first = pt1;
    ds.second = pt2;

    DLineString dl;
    dl.push_back(DPoint(0, 0));
    dl.push_back(DPoint(15, 8));
    dl.push_back(DPoint(8, 13));
    dl.push_back(DPoint(13, 16));

    DBox db(pt1, pt2);

    DRing dr;
    dr.push_back(DPoint(0, 0));
    dr.push_back(DPoint(1, 2));
    dr.push_back(DPoint(3, 4));
    dr.push_back(DPoint(5, 6));

    DPolygon p;
    for (double a = 0; a < 2 * A_PI; a += 2 * A_PI / 18)
        double x = ::cos(a)*10.0f;
        double y = ::sin(a)*10.0f;
        p.outer().push_back(DPoint(x, y));

ou can store any type in a rtree, you just have to tell Boost how to get the coordinates out.

So the first step is to make a type with both a index and point:

struct CityRef {
size_t index;
point location;

You can specialize boost::geometry::index::indexable to give Boost a way to find the point you've put in there:

template <>
struct bgi::indexable<CityRef>
typedef point result_type;
point operator()(const CityRef& c) const { return c.location; }

Then you can use your type in place of point when declaring your rtree:

typedef bgi::rtree< CityRef, bgi::linear<16> > rtree_t;

And when you iterate, the iterator will refer to your type instead of point:

for ( rtree_t::const_query_iterator
it = rtree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, 100)) ;
it != rtree.qend() ;
++it )
// *it is a CityRef, do whatever you want

Here is a demo using that example with another type: https://godbolt.org/z/zT3xcf


namespace bg = boost::geometry;
namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
typedef bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::cartesian> boostPoint2d;
struct CityRef {
    size_t index;
    double index2;
    boostPoint2d location;
//     CityRef& operator = (const CityRef& r)
//     {
//         index = r.index;
//         index2 = r.index2;
//         location = r.location;
//         return *this;
//     }
//     bool operator == (const CityRef& r) const
//     {
//         bool b1 = index == r.index;
//         bool b2 = index2 == r.index2;
//         bool b3 = (location.get<0>() == r.location.get<0>() && 
//             location.get<1>() == r.location.get<1>());
//         if (b1&&b2&&b3)
//             return true;
//         return false;
//     }

template <>
struct bgi::indexable<CityRef>
    typedef boostPoint2d result_type; //这个不能缺少
    //boostPoint2d operator()(const CityRef& c) const { return c.location; }
    const boostPoint2d& operator()(const CityRef& c) const { return c.location; }

struct BoostTest7
    int DoTest() {
    typedef CityRef value;
    typedef bgi::rtree< value, bgi::linear<16> > rtree_t;

    // create the rtree using default constructor
    rtree_t rtree;

    // create some values
    for ( double f = 0 ; f < 10 ; f += 1 )
        CityRef data;
        data.index = (static_cast<size_t>(f));
        data.index2 = f + 1;
        // insert new value
        //rtree.insert({ static_cast<size_t>(f), f + 1,{ f, f } });

    // query point
    boostPoint2d pt(5.1, 5.1);

    // iterate over nearest Values
    index=5, index2=6.000000, (5.000000, 5.000000), distance=0.141421
    index=6, index2=7.000000, (6.000000, 6.000000), distance=1.272792
    index=4, index2=5.000000, (4.000000, 4.000000), distance=1.555635
    index=7, index2=8.000000, (7.000000, 7.000000), distance=2.687006break!

    Breaking or pausing the query

    The query performed using query iterators may be paused and resumed if needed, e.g. when the query takes too long, or stopped at some point, e.g when all interesting values were gathered.

    for ( Rtree::const_query_iterator it = tree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, 10000)) ;
    it != tree.qend() ; ++it )
    // do something with value
    if ( has_enough_nearest_values() )

    for ( rtree_t::const_query_iterator
            it = rtree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, 100)) ;
            it != rtree.qend() ;
            ++it )
        double d = bg::distance(pt, it->location);
        CityRef& xx = const_cast<CityRef&>(*it);
        xx.index2 = 10;
        //std::cout << "index=" << it->index << ", " << bg::wkt(it->location) << ", distance= " << d << std::endl;
        wprintf(L"\n index=%d, index2=%f, (%f, %f), distance=%f", 
             it->index , 
            it->location.get<0>() ,
            , d );

        // break if the distance is too big
        if ( d > 2 )
            std::cout << "break!" << std::endl;

    return 0;

void boostTest7()
    BoostTest7 o;
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