指定组合的标记和日志级别,格式为tag1[+tag2...][*][=level][, ...]。除非制定了通配符(*),否则只有标记了指定标签的日志消息才会匹配。
- off
- trace
- debug
- info
- warning
- error
- add
- age
- alloc
- annotation
- aot
- arguments
- attach
- barrier
- biasedlocking
- blocks
- bot
- breakpoint
- bytecode
- census
- class
- classhisto
- cleanup
- compaction
- comparator
- constraints
- constantpool
- coops
- cpu
- cset
- data
- defaultmethods
- dump
- ergo
- event
- exceptions
- exit
- fingerprint
- freelist
- gc
- hashtables
- heap
- humongous
- ihop
- iklass
- init
- itables
- jfr
- jni
- jvmti
- liveness
- load
- loader
- logging
- mark
- marking
- metadata
- metaspace
- method
- mmu
- modules
- monitorinflation
- monitormismatch
- nmethod
- normalize
- objecttagging
- obsolete
- oopmap
- os
- pagesize
- parser
- patch
- path
- phases
- plab
- preorder
- promotion
- protectiondomain
- purge
- redefine
- ref
- refine
- region
- remset
- resolve
- safepoint
- scavenge
- scrub
- setting
- stackmap
- stacktrace
- stackwalk
- start
- startuptime
- state
- stats
- stringdedup
- stringtable
- subclass
- survivor
- sweep
- system
- task
- thread
- time
- timer
- tlab
- unload
- update
- verification
- verify
- vmoperation
- vtables
- workgang
日志标签 | 描述 |
-Xlog:gc | Prints the gc information along with time at which the garbage collection occurred. |
-Xlog:gc* | Prints log messages that include at least gc tag. It can also have other tags associated with it. However, it will not give phase level information. |
-Xlog:gc*=trace | Prints the lowest level of gc logging information. The output displays all gc related tags with detailed logging information. |
-Xlog:gc+phases=debug | Prints different phase level information. This gives detailed level of information logged at debug level. |
-Xlog:gc+heap=debug | Prints heap usage details before and after gc . This logs messages tagged with the gc and heap at debug level. |
-Xlog:safepoint | Prints details about application concurrent time and application stop time at the same level. |
-Xlog:gc+ergo*=trace | Prints combination of both gc and ergo messages at trace level. The information includes all details about heap sizing and collection set construction. |
-Xlog:gc+age=trace | Prints the survivor size and age distribution of surviving objects in the survivor spaces at trace level. |
-Xlog:gc*:file=::filecount=,filesize= | Redirects the output to the file, specifies the number of files you want to use and the size of the file in kb . |
二、-Xlog Output
- stdout 发送标准输出流到控制台上
- stderr 发送标准错误输出流到控制台上
- file=filename 发送输出到指定的文件
当使用file=filename时,文件名可以指定%p或者%t扩展进程id或者服务启动时的时间,你还可以配置文本文件,以根据文件大小和要归档的文件数量来处理归档。例如,要每10MB归档一次日志文件并保持5个归档文件,指定选项filesize=10M, filecount=5,文件的目标大小不能保证是精确的,它只是一个近似值。文件会归档,最多可以归档5个目标大小为10MB的文件
装饰器 | 描述 |
timeor t |
Current time and date in ISO-8601 format. |
utctimeor utc |
Universal Time Coordinated or Coordinated Universal Time. |
uptimeor u |
Time since the start of the JVM in seconds and milliseconds. For example, 6.567s. |
timemillisor tm |
The same value as generated by System.currentTimeMillis() . |
uptimemillisor um |
Milliseconds since the JVM started. |
timenanosor tn |
The same value generated by System.nanoTime() . |
uptimenanosor un |
Nanoseconds since the JVM started. |
hostnameor hn |
The host name. |
pidor p |
The process identifier. |
tidor ti |
The thread identifier. |
levelor l |
The level associated with the log message. |
tagsor tg |
The tag-set associated with the log message. |
- -Xlog 通过使用日志info级别将所有信息记录到stdout输出流,并配置uptime、levels、tags装饰
- -Xlog:gc 使用info级别日志将带有gc标记的消息记录到stdout输出流,对于所有其它级别为warning的消息,默认配置已生效;