


python 复制代码
import os
import base64
from util.ENCUtils import ENCUtils
from ecdsa.ellipticcurve import Point, CurveFp
class SoulCustomCurve:
    _INSTANCE = None
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cls._INSTANCE:
            cls._INSTANCE = super(SoulCustomCurve, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls._INSTANCE
    def get_instance():
        if SoulCustomCurve._INSTANCE is None:
            SoulCustomCurve._INSTANCE = SoulCustomCurve()
        return SoulCustomCurve._INSTANCE
    def __init__(self):
        # 自定义的椭圆曲线参数
        self.p = 6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444459739541047  # p 参数
        self.a = 0  # a 参数
        self.b = 3  # b 参数
        self.Gx = 5377521262291226325198505011805525673063229037935769709693  # G 的 x 坐标
        self.Gy = 3805108391982600717572440947423858335415441070543209377693  # G 的 y 坐标
        self.curve = CurveFp(self.p, self.a, self.b)  # 定义椭圆曲线
        self.G = Point(self.curve, self.Gx, self.Gy)  # 定义椭圆曲线上的基点 G
        self.n = 6277101735386680763835789423061264271957123915200845512077  # n 参数
        # 创建私钥和公钥
        self.client_private_key = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(24), byteorder='big')  # 使用 os.urandom 生成私钥
        self.client_public_key = self.point_multiply(self.client_private_key, self.G)
        self.server_public_key = (5400262085967213433717992037101256438732384858453335109798,
        self.shared_key = None
        self.shared_key_encoded = None
    def get_curve(self):
        # 返回椭圆曲线
        return self.curve
    def get_base_point(self):
        # 返回基点 G
        return self.G
    def get_order(self):
        # 返回阶数
        return self.n
    # 倍点运算:计算 k * P
    def point_multiply(self, k, p: Point):
        """点乘 kP = Q (mod p)"""
        R = (0, 0)  # 零点
        Q = (p.x(), p.y())
        while k:
            if k & 1:
                R = self.point_add(R, Q)
            Q = self.point_add(Q, Q)
            k >>= 1
        return R
    def point_add(self, P, Q):
        """点加法 P + Q = R (mod p)"""
        if P == (0, 0):  # 零点,返回 Q
            return Q
        if Q == (0, 0):  # 零点,返回 P
            return P
        # 如果 P 或 Q 是 Point 对象,则需要使用 P.x 和 P.y 来获取坐标
        if P[0] == 0 and P[1] == 0:
            return Q
        if Q[0] == 0 and Q[1] == 0:
            return P
        # 计算斜率 λ
        if P != Q:
            m = (Q[1] - P[1]) * pow(Q[0] - P[0], self.curve.p() - 2, self.curve.p()) % self.curve.p()
            m = (3 * P[0] ** 2 + self.curve.a()) * pow(2 * P[1], self.curve.p() - 2, self.curve.p()) % self.curve.p()
        # 计算新的 x 和 y 坐标
        x_r = (m ** 2 - P[0] - Q[0]) % self.curve.p()
        y_r = (m * (P[0] - x_r) - P[1]) % self.curve.p()
        return x_r, y_r
    def get_client_public_key(self):
        return b"\x04" + \
               self.client_public_key[0].to_bytes(24, byteorder="big") + \
               self.client_public_key[1].to_bytes(24, byteorder="big")
        # return bytes.fromhex("04cf6b0577c58d70bac18ca92f435620f42712ba76a1ba5dc2552c9df82aff1a0f5a12e3fa08c03c4e5e79032b83fb613f")
    def get_server_public_key(self):
        return b"\x04" + \
               self.server_public_key[0].to_bytes(24, byteorder="big") + \
               self.server_public_key[1].to_bytes(24, byteorder="big")
    def get_client_private_key(self):
        return self.client_private_key.to_bytes(24, byteorder="big")
    def get_shared_key(self):
        if self.shared_key is None:
            pub_key = self.server_public_key
            pub_key_point = Point(self.get_curve(), pub_key[0], pub_key[1])
            shared_key_tuple = self.client_private_key * pub_key_point
            shared_key: int = shared_key_tuple.x()
            self.shared_key = shared_key.to_bytes(24, byteorder="big")
        return self.shared_key
    def get_shared_key_encoded(self):
        if self.shared_key_encoded is None:
            shared_key = self.get_shared_key()
            shared_key_base64: str = base64.b64encode(shared_key[0:16]).decode("utf-8")
            salt = ENCUtils.md5("w[" + shared_key_base64[0:4] + "t}")
            self.shared_key_encoded = salt[-2:] + shared_key_base64 + salt[0:2]
        key = self.shared_key_encoded.encode("utf-8")
        if len(key) < 16:
            key = key + ("\x00" * (16 - len(key)))
        return key
        # return bytes.fromhex("343179723633667448627543777366535a34324c4e7635513d3d3664").decode("utf-8")
class ExchangeKeyUtil:
    _COMMON_AES_KEY = b"V0hRuZT+zZmj\x00\x00\x00\x00"
    def get_shared_key():
        return SoulCustomCurve.get_instance().get_shared_key_encoded()
    def encrypted_pub_key():
        client_pub_key = SoulCustomCurve.get_instance().get_client_public_key()
        return ExchangeKeyUtil._encrypt(client_pub_key, ExchangeKeyUtil._COMMON_AES_KEY)
    def encrypt_data(d):
        key = SoulCustomCurve.get_instance().get_shared_key_encoded()
        return ExchangeKeyUtil._encrypt(d, key)
    def decrypt_data(d):
        key = SoulCustomCurve.get_instance().get_shared_key_encoded()
        return ExchangeKeyUtil._decrypt(d, key)
    def _decrypt(d, aes_key):
        not_use = d[0:2]
        random = d[2:6]
        zero = d[6:7]
        raw_encrypted = d[7:]
        iv = ENCUtils.sha1(random)[0:16]
        decrypted = ENCUtils.aes_decrypt(raw_encrypted, aes_key[0:16], iv)
        return decrypted
    def _encrypt(d, aes_key):
        # key = SoulCustomCurve.get_instance().get_shared_key_encoded()
        random = os.urandom(4)
        iv = ENCUtils.sha1(random)[0:16]
        pad_len = 16 - (len(d) & 0xF)
        final_data = d + (pad_len * pad_len.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"))
        encrypted = ENCUtils.aes_encrypt_no_padding(final_data, aes_key[0:16], iv)
        return bytes.fromhex("0203") + random + b"\x00" + encrypted
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 使用自定义曲线
    custom_curve = SoulCustomCurve.get_instance()
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