Ch1 数字图像基础
章节 | 时间 | 内容 |
Image Enhancement | 3.5 weeks | intensity transform, histogram equalization and matching, spatial filters and convolution , smoothing linear filter, order-statistics filters, Laplacian operator Fourier transform and some properties, spatial domain and frequency domain, low-pass and high-pass filter, homomorphic filter |
Image Restoration | 2 weeks | degradation model,noisemodel,noisereduction, linear position-invariant system, inverse filtering, Wiener filtering, Geometric transformations |
Color Image Processing | 1.5 weeks | color,color space, color image processing (smoothing and sharpening), segmentation |
Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing | 3.5 weeks | image pyramids, subband coding, Haar transform, multiresolution analysis, scale and wavelet function, wavelet transform, fast wavelet transform, wavelet packet |
Image Compression | 1.5 weeks | elements of information theory, DCT transform and other famous transforms |
Morphological Image Processing | 1 week | dilation and erosion, opening and closing operator, Hit-or missing transform, some basic morphological algorithms |

章节 | 内容 |
图像增强 | (主观)对图像进行某种操作,使结果在特定应用中比原图像更为合适的过程。 |
图像复原 | (客观)复原技术以图像退化的数学或概率模型为基础,而增强技术以好的增强效果这种主观偏好为基础。 |
彩色图像处理 | 彩色模型的基本概念、数字域中的基本彩色处理。 |
小波变换 | 以不同分辨率来表示图像的基础。用小波来描述图像数据压缩核金字塔表示。 |
图像压缩 | 减少图像存储量或降低传输图像的带宽的处理。 |
形态学图像处理 | 提取图像中用于表示和描述形状的成分的处理工具。 |
二维函数: f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y), 表示坐标 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y)出的亮度/灰度。
灰度级数: L = 2 k L=2^k L=2k, 离散灰度级: [ 0 , L − 1 ] [0,L-1] [0,L−1]