2.business english--job hunting

keep up the good work

you are very interactive throughout the class and tried your best in expressing your thoughts


I appreciate your focus and interest in the class

Job hunting

be able to use words or phrases related to comprehend job advertisements and empower your skills to effectively search for jobs.

what do you care about the most in the job hunting?

is considering changing jobs

what it involves?

there is a new job opening in the department, and the positons were only posted internally,I think we should give it a try.

I've always wanted to get into AI research 涉足人工智能

He decided to get into AI research after graduating from university.

era 时代,纪元

galaxy 星系

I've heard they are looking for people with backgrounds,in computer science and artifical intelligence research.

I've always wanted to get into AI research,and this seems like the perfect chance.Being part of xxx team sounds amazing.

the annual salary is quite impressive

the employee benefits package

Just thinking about the possibilities gets me excited,I'm ready go for it.

I'm a bit hesitant,It might be too much pressure all the time,with constant ecompetition and no breaks.

I prefer a less competitive work environment.

I hear your concern 了解了你的顾虑,but think about the potential for growth and the opportunity to wok on Galaxy AI.We could truly help

shap the future.

I get your point,I just value work-life balance a lot.I don't want to be stresed out or feel like I'm always in a race against my colleagues.

stress out 紧张,焦虑,压力太大

this opportunity might not come by again

You wouldn't want to regret missing out.

You'v got a point there 在这一点上有道理

eg: We should start the project earlier to avoid potential problems.

You have a point there.

miss out 错过(机会)Make sure not to miss out any important details.

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to travel .

Mabe I'm just overthinking it.it's probably worth giving a shot.


That's awesome,Imagine us as the new engineers in the team.

The job opening at the department was advertised publicly.

He has always been interested in AI research.

The employee benefits package is mentioned as being very impressive.

regret not taking this opportunity.

His annual salary is more than the usual amount for this job-----annual salary=yearly pay

contest 竞选

Many people want the same job,so there is a lot of competition

Finding a job with good work-life balance is important.--resonable time for work and life

is good at dealing with pressure ---pressure ==stress

employee benefits package ==work benefits

is hesitant to ask for a day off --hesitant==unsure

Thans for the encouragement

You need to hire new staff for your team.Please design a job advertisement to appeal to potential candidates.

I saw a job advertisement for a software engineer on the company's website.


state your company and role

list the requirements --proficiency in certain software ,communication skill

mention things like a friendly team...

explain how to apply--make this part easy to follow

I'm really worried about the upcomming project

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