ultralytics/JSON2YOLO: Convert JSON annotations into YOLO format.
import json
import random
import yaml
import argparse
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
# 设定随机种子以确保可重复性
# yoloV8支持的图像格式
# https://docs.ultralytics.com/modes/predict/?h=format+image#images
image_formats = ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "webp", "tif", ".dng", ".mpo", ".pfm"]
def copy_labled_img(json_path: Path, target_folder: Path, task: str):
# 遍历支持的图像格式,查找并复制图像文件
for format in image_formats:
image_path = json_path.with_suffix("." + format)
if image_path.exists():
# 构建目标文件夹中的目标路径
target_path = target_folder / "images" / task / image_path.name
shutil.copy(image_path, target_path)
def json_to_yolo(json_path: Path, sorted_keys: list):
with open(json_path, "r") as f:
labelme_data = json.load(f)
width = labelme_data["imageWidth"]
height = labelme_data["imageHeight"]
yolo_lines = []
for shape in labelme_data["shapes"]:
label = shape["label"]
points = shape["points"]
class_idx = sorted_keys.index(label)
txt_string = f"{class_idx} "
for x, y in points:
x /= width
y /= height
txt_string += f"{x} {y} "
yolo_lines.append(txt_string.strip() + "\n")
return yolo_lines
def create_directory_if_not_exists(directory_path):
# 使用 exist_ok=True 可以避免重复检查目录是否存在
directory_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# 创建训练使用的yaml文件
def create_yaml(output_folder: Path, sorted_keys: list):
train_img_path = Path("images") / "train"
val_img_path = Path("images") / "val"
train_label_path = Path("labels") / "train"
val_label_path = Path("labels") / "val"
# 创建所需目录
for path in [train_img_path, val_img_path, train_label_path, val_label_path]:
create_directory_if_not_exists(output_folder / path)
names_dict = {idx: name for idx, name in enumerate(sorted_keys)}
yaml_dict = {
"path": output_folder.as_posix(),
"train": train_img_path.as_posix(),
"val": val_img_path.as_posix(),
"names": names_dict,
yaml_file_path = output_folder / "yolo.yaml"
with open(yaml_file_path, "w") as yaml_file:
yaml.dump(yaml_dict, yaml_file, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)
print(f"yaml created in {yaml_file_path.as_posix()}")
# Convert label to idx
def get_labels_and_json_path(input_folder: Path):
json_file_paths = list(input_folder.rglob("*.json"))
label_counts = defaultdict(int)
for json_file_path in json_file_paths:
with open(json_file_path, "r") as f:
labelme_data = json.load(f)
for shape in labelme_data["shapes"]:
label = shape["label"]
label_counts[label] += 1
# 根据标签出现次数排序标签
sorted_keys = sorted(label_counts, key=lambda k: label_counts[k], reverse=True)
return sorted_keys, json_file_paths
def labelme_to_yolo(
json_file_paths: list, output_folder: Path, sorted_keys: list, split_rate: float
# 随机打乱 JSON 文件路径列表
# 计算训练集和验证集的分割点
split_point = int(split_rate * len(json_file_paths))
train_set = json_file_paths[:split_point]
val_set = json_file_paths[split_point:]
for json_file_path in tqdm(train_set):
txt_name = json_file_path.with_suffix(".txt").name
yolo_lines = json_to_yolo(json_file_path, sorted_keys)
output_json_path = Path(output_folder / "labels" / "train" / txt_name)
with open(output_json_path, "w") as f:
copy_labled_img(json_file_path, output_folder, task="train")
for json_file_path in tqdm(val_set):
txt_name = json_file_path.with_suffix(".txt").name
yolo_lines = json_to_yolo(json_file_path, sorted_keys)
output_json_path = Path(output_folder / "labels" / "val" / txt_name)
with open(output_json_path, "w") as f:
copy_labled_img(json_file_path, output_folder, task="val")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="labelme2yolo")
parser.add_argument("input_folder", help="输入LabelMe格式文件的文件夹")
parser.add_argument("output_folder", help="输出YOLO格式文件的文件夹")
parser.add_argument("split_rate", help="调整训练集和测试集的比重")
args = parser.parse_args()
input_folder = Path(args.input_folder)
output_folder = Path(args.output_folder)
split_rate = float(args.split_rate)
sorted_keys, json_file_paths = get_labels_and_json_path(input_folder)
create_yaml(output_folder, sorted_keys)
labelme_to_yolo(json_file_paths, output_folder, sorted_keys, split_rate)
1.参考1:KdaiP/labelme2YoloV8-segment: 将labelme数据标注格式转换为YoloV8语义分割数据集,并可自动划分训练集和验证集