- [2 Verdi实用技巧-Part2](#2 Verdi实用技巧-Part2)
- [2.1 Dump波形常用的task](#2.1 Dump波形常用的task)
- [2.1.1 Frequently Used Dump Tasks](#2.1.1 Frequently Used Dump Tasks)
- [2.1.2 Demo](#2.1.2 Demo)
- [2.2 提取波形信息小工具--FSDB Utilities](#2.2 提取波形信息小工具--FSDB Utilities)
- [2.3 Debug in Source code view](#2.3 Debug in Source code view)
- [2.3.1 Find Scopes By Find Scope form](#2.3.1 Find Scopes By Find Scope form)
- [2.3.2 Go to line in Souce code View](#2.3.2 Go to line in Souce code View)
- [2.3.3 Use Bookmarks for Source Code](#2.3.3 Use Bookmarks for Source Code)
- [2.3.4 Identify False Logic](#2.3.4 Identify False Logic)
- [2.3.5 Source Code Folding](#2.3.5 Source Code Folding)
- [2.4 反标宏--Annotate Macro](#2.4 反标宏--Annotate Macro)
- [2.5 Verdi UVM debug Advanced Tech](#2.5 Verdi UVM debug Advanced Tech)
- [2.5.1 Trace this value](#2.5.1 Trace this value)
- [2.5.2 Trace X](#2.5.2 Trace X)
- [2.5.3 Auto Trace](#2.5.3 Auto Trace)
2 Verdi实用技巧-Part2
2.1 Dump波形常用的task
FSDB: Fast Signal Data Base(就是快速的波形文件): The FSDB stores the simulation results in an effcient and compact format foramt;
使用system tasks对verilog/VHDL设计文件来dump values into FSDB during simulation.
2.1.1 Frequently Used Dump Tasks
- $fsdbDumpfile:Specify FSDB File Name and limit the FSDB file size; 用来设置名字和限制FSDB文件大小;
- $fsdbDumpSVA: Dump SVA results into FSDB;
- $fsdbDumpVars: Dump signal value changes of specified Instances and depth;
- fsdbDumpon--fsdbDumpoff --Turn on/off FSDB dumping;
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile--Limit FSDB file size and switch dumping to new FSDB file;
----option + no_overwrite: stop dumping into the file when the file number hits the restriction.
- fsdbSuppress -suppress unwanted signals or scopes during dump; ----must be specified before f s d b D u m p v a r s , fsdbDumpvars, fsdbDumpvars,fsdbDumpvarsByFile,fsdbDumpMDA;Otherwise $fsdbSuppress will not work.
--$fsdbSuppress(instance[,instance]*); //instance means scope or signal
- $fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile: limit the fsdb file size and switch dumping to new FSDB file automatically.
---- option +no_overwrite: stop dumping into the file when the file number hits the restriction.
--$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(200,"my.fsdb",10); # automatically switch to a new dump file when the working FSDB size reaches 200MB;Totally keep 10 fies;
----FSDB file are:
-- aaa_000.fsdb
-- aaa_001.fsdb
-- aaa_002.fsdb
-- ...fsdb
-- aaa_009.fsdb
----Stop dumping;
2.1.2 Demo
写一个Dump tasks 的Demo.
initial begin
2.2 提取波形信息小工具--FSDB Utilities
- fsdbdebug: dump the FSDB info and generate a log file for debugging;
- vcd2fsdb: convert VCD into FSDB;
- fsdb2vcd: convert FSDB into VCD;
- vfast: convert Verilog,Spice,xp,rawfile,wfm, and VCD files to FSDB files;
- fsdbextract: extract signals,scopes,time periods from existed FSDB without re-simulatiing.
- fsdbreport: generate a report of value of value changes for specified signals.
- fsdbedit: modify scope hireachies in the FSDB file.
#使用 utility -h # for a list of all options or $VERDI_HOME/doc/verdi.pdf
fsdbdebug novars.fsdb -info
2.3 Debug in Source code view
nTrace User Interface: The nTraceMain window is a souce code viewer and analyzer that operates on KDB to display the design hierarchy,signals and source code(Verilog,VHDL,SV and SystemC) for selected design blocks.
- Design Browser Pane;
- Signal List Pane;
- Source Code View;
- Message Pane;
2.3.1 Find Scopes By Find Scope form
To search for instances by Module name; Source-->Find Scope to open the form.
2.3.2 Go to line in Souce code View
- HotKey:G-->go te line;
- Go to 1st Executable command;
2.3.3 Use Bookmarks for Source Code
- 设置BookMark: ctrl+F2;
- Previous BookMark: Shift+F2;
- Next BookMark: F2;
2.3.4 Identify False Logic
Turn on the View-->Identify False Logic toggle in nTrace.non-active logics will be grayed out in Source Code View.
2.3.5 Source Code Folding
Source code folding make it easier to understand and view complex designs.
2.4 反标宏--Annotate Macro
When debugging designs that contain `define macros, it is often helpful to view a macro defination in the context of a macro reference.
- show tip when moving the cursor over a macro.
- Source -> Expand Macro(M key)to show macro info.
2.5 Verdi UVM debug Advanced Tech
- Highlight for the whole Verdi:selecte signals in any window. invoke RMB-->Highlight command.the color will be appied to any window.
- View Signal Values on SouceCode window. Source-->Active Annotation(X keys).
- Add to waveform : Drap and Drop the signal.
- 开启多线程启动Verdi
lscpu # for view the cpu core.
2.5.1 Trace this value
- trace Drives and Loads:这个是最经常用的,这就不用多说;debug的入门基本功;
- Temporal Flow View: select a signal in source code pane,click the "create Temporal Flow View"; one command for the root cause.
trace this value to locate the cause of a specific value.
2.5.2 Trace X
right-click-->trace x;
2.5.3 Auto Trace
use Verdi for tracing signals.