machine learning

营赢盈英1 个月前
python·ai·azure·openai api·machine learning·chatgpt api·azure api
AttributeError: module ‘openai’ has no attribute ‘error’题意:访问 Python 中 openai 模块的一个不存在的属性 errorI'm running a Python summarizer in Azure ML that queries my gpt4 deployment for information. Everything was working fine until two days ago, when I decided to switch the output directory of the summaries to a differe
营赢盈英1 个月前
python·ai·openai·openai api·machine learning
openai command not found (mac)题意:mac 系统上无法识别 openai 的命令I'm trying to follow the fine tuning guide for Openai here.
Time_Memory_cici1 个月前
大数据·图像处理·machine learning
仙魁XAN2 个月前
python·机器学习·数据处理·machine learning·房价分析
Python 【机器学习】 进阶 之 【实战案例】房价数据中位数分析 之 [ 数据探索 ] [ 可视化 ] [数据清洗] | 2/3(含分析过程)目录Python 【机器学习】 进阶 之 【实战案例】房价数据中位数分析 之 [ 数据探索 ] [ 可视化 ] [数据清洗] | 2/3(含分析过程)
SunStriKE3 个月前
cuda·machine learning
cuda性能优化-2.访存优化在CUDA程序中, 访存优化个人认为是最重要的优化项. 往往kernel会卡在数据传输而不是计算上, 为了最大限度利用GPU的计算能力, 我们需要根据GPU硬件架构对kernel访存进行合理的编写.
cstutor4 个月前
machine learning
R Business ProblemGeneral Information for CandidatesThis project has 7 tasks numbered 1 through 7. The points for each task are indicated at the beginning of the task.
Learning改变世界1 年前
machine learning
statistic learning outlook贝叶斯估计决策树与信息熵logisticSVMBoost方法——组合权重不同的同一种分类器,得到强分类器