题意 :访问 Python 中 openai
模块的一个不存在的属性 error
I'm running a Python summarizer in Azure ML that queries my gpt4 deployment for information. Everything was working fine until two days ago, when I decided to switch the output directory of the summaries to a different blob storage. Since then I am strangely getting the above error. My openAI version is 1.3.3 and langchain 0.0.301, and python 3.8. I have looked this up online and downgraded the version of openAI but it doesn't help. I've also tried the solutions here AttributeError: module 'openai' has no attribute 'error' - #8 by atseptember - API - OpenAI Developer Forum
我正在Azure ML中运行一个Python摘要器,该摘要器查询我的gpt4部署以获取信息。一切工作正常,直到两天前您决定将摘要的输出目录更改为另一个Blob存储。自那以后,我遇到了上述奇怪的错误。我当前使用的openAI版本是1.3.3,langchain是0.0.301,Python版本是3.8。我已经在线查找并尝试降级openAI版本,但问题仍未解决。我还尝试了这里提供的解决方案。
but none have worked for me. Has anyone else also faced this?
I tried downgrading OpenAI and langchain Python libraries. I deleted the repo clone and AzureML notebook and made everything from scratch multiple times. This was working perfectly just two days ago and now it doesn't.
I also got the same error and i downgraded openai version to 0.27.4 and it worked