



关键词: MYSQL数据库 B/S设计模式 python技术


With the rapid popularization of the Internet, more and more people regard the Internet as a necessary part of their life. The Internet is characterized by a large amount of information and rapid spread. Informationization comes today in our life. Can not leave the support of all kinds of information. Like booking meetings. Meituan buys food. Scan code sign-in and other information software. They touch every aspect of our life and provide us with greater convenience. From large government, enterprise office to small people's clothing, food, housing and transportation are inseparable from the diverse support of information. Various travel software guides have also emerged. Even people's vegetable baskets can be delivered home without leaving home through software. Fire control facilities security check has been the last defense line of fire safety of people's life, also ensure the property is an important part of the people's life, but as the number of companies continue to increase, fire control facilities inspection difficult to place a full range of inspection in place, and how to take advantage of information technology means to solve these problems is every managers need to think about the problem.

This paper mainly takes the design and implementation of Android fire facilities inspection system as the main consideration. In order to take into account information security and the degree of data access of the system, MYSQL database is used in this design. In addition, as the system behind the system may be necessary to maintain the function, so in the early stage of the design of the B/S design mode, is to be able to update the server is done without the client to do any update. At the same time, in order to meet the functional requirements also adopted the (三) pythonlanguage.

Key words: The MYSQL database system B/S design pattern python technology



摘要 I

Abstract II

一、 绪论 3

(一) 研究背景及开发意义 3

(二) 设计思想 3

(三) 研究难点和解决方法 3

二、 基于模型的图像分割 4

(一) 基础知识 4

  1. 高斯分布 4
  2. 高斯分布参数估计 4
    (二) 高斯混合模型 4
    (三) 基于马尔科夫随机场的高斯混合模型简介 4
  3. 基本理论 4
    (四) 模型的参数估计方法 5
  4. EM算法 5
  5. 梯度下降算法 5
    三、 相关技术 5
    (一) B/S设计模式 5
    (二) MYSQL 5
    (三) python语言简介 6
    四、 需求分析 6
    (四) 功能需求 6
    (五) 系统总体建设 6
    五、 系统可行性研究 7
  6. 法律可行性 7
  7. 经济可行性 7
  8. 操作可行性 7
    六、 系统总体设计 8
    七、 数据库设计 8
    (一) 数据库表实现 8
    八、 系统实现 9
  9. 管理员登录 9
  10. 后台首页 10
  11. 上传图片 10
  12. 图像分割 11
    九、 系统测试 11
    (一) 测试的目的 11
    (二) 测试的方法 12
    (三) 测试的重要性 12
    (四) 测试内容 12
    (五) 测试结果 13
    参考文献 13
    致谢 15
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