

LightGBM作为GBDT的一个拓展实现,由于使用门槛低、性能优良,已成为传统机器学习领域出场率极高的一个模型。相比于上一代的GBDT实现------Xgboost,LightGBM在训练时要更轻、更快。 轻和快一方面是由于LightGBM在算法层面缩减了数据(行)、特征(列)两个维度上计算与内存开销。其中:

  • 数据维度(行)

    • 使用直方图替代了特征预排序,同时节省了计算与内存开销;
    • bagging过程中支持单边梯度采样(GOSS),在每轮计算和更新目标函数值时使用少量大梯度样本+采样得到的小梯度样本,节省了计算开销。
  • 特征维度(列)

    • 对互斥率高的稀疏特征进行捆绑,这种特征融合方式同时节省了计算与内存开销。


  • 数据并行(行)
    • 每个worker上对数据子集构建子直方图后,使用Reduce Scatter对子直方图局部归并,然后寻找局部最优分裂信息,再找最优分裂点,这样在寻找分裂点步骤的并行度更高;而不是先将子直方图图归并为全局直方图,再寻找最优分裂点。
    • 使用直方图减法减少数据传输次数,降低通讯成本:一个叶子节点数据完成之后,另外一个叶子节点可以通过直方图减法计算得到。
  • 特征并行(列)
    • 每个worker上有全量的特征,各worker在全量特征中负责一个特征子集,找到子集下的局部最优分裂点后互相通讯得到全局最优分裂点。每个worker在自己全量特征下根据全局最优信息进行分裂,生成决策树。与传统的特征并行每个worker上只有自己负责的局部特征集相比,少了一轮对分裂结果进行同步的通信开销。


图1. reduce vs reduce scatter


在介绍CUDA算子之前,我们先要对LightGBM源码结构有个基本的了解。LightGBM底层使用C++实现,上层封装了Python与R的接口。如果我们在windows环境下使用pip安装lightGBM库,进入到python lightGBM库安装目录下会发现所有Python LightGBM API执行路径最终都指向了一个lib_lightgbm.dll的文件。.dll拓展名的文件是c++项目在windows环境下编译得到的动态链接库文件。lightGBM C++源码被编译成.dll文件,然后在python中使用ctypes包进行调用。下面我们先使用git clone --recursive 将LightGBM工程源码clone到本地,--recursive选项指定在clone时将external_libs下的相关依赖也进行clone。

图2. lightGBM依赖的第三方库external_libs目录


图3. lightGBM工程目录


Cmake 复制代码
add_executable(lightgbm src/main.cpp src/application/application.cpp)
Cmake 复制代码
add_executable(testlightgbm ${CPP_TEST_SOURCES})


Cmake 复制代码
option(BUILD_CLI "Build the 'lightbgm' command-line interface in addition to lib_lightgbm" ON)

第2处由参数BUILD_CPP_TEST控制,指定是否生成测试用的可执行文件,默认是关闭;如果开启,需要安装谷歌测试程序才能正常进行测试。(Tips: 谷歌测试和catch2一样,是一款C++单元测试工具)

Cmake 复制代码
option(BUILD_CPP_TEST "Build C++ tests with Google Test" OFF)



图4. Boosting抽象类下4个实现抽放方法的子类


LightGBM boosting


C++ 复制代码
// gbdt.cpp
void GBDT::Train(int snapshot_freq, const std::string& model_output_path) {
  Common::FunctionTimer fun_timer("GBDT::Train", global_timer);
  bool is_finished = false;
  auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
  for (int iter = 0; iter < config_->num_iterations && !is_finished; ++iter) {
    is_finished = TrainOneIter(nullptr, nullptr);
    if (!is_finished) {
      is_finished = EvalAndCheckEarlyStopping();
    auto end_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    // output used time per iteration
    Log::Info("%f seconds elapsed, finished iteration %d", std::chrono::duration<double,
              std::milli>(end_time - start_time) * 1e-3, iter + 1);
    if (snapshot_freq > 0
        && (iter + 1) % snapshot_freq == 0) {
      std::string snapshot_out = model_output_path + ".snapshot_iter_" + std::to_string(iter + 1);
      SaveModelToFile(0, -1, config_->saved_feature_importance_type, snapshot_out.c_str());

GBDT::Train()方法的第6 ~ 20行有一个循环体,子树都在此过程中生成。其中循环次数config_->num_iterations为树的棵数,每轮迭代通过第7行的TrainOneIter(nullptr, nullptr)方法生成一棵子树,GBDT::TrainOneIter逻辑如下:

C++ 复制代码
// gbdt.cpp
bool GBDT::TrainOneIter(const score_t* gradients, const score_t* hessians) {
  Common::FunctionTimer fun_timer("GBDT::TrainOneIter", global_timer);
  // init_scores存放单棵树所贡献的 predictRaw,类似于神经网络的logits
  std::vector<double> init_scores(num_tree_per_iteration_, 0.0);
  if (gradients == nullptr || hessians == nullptr) {
    for (int cur_tree_id = 0; cur_tree_id < num_tree_per_iteration_; ++cur_tree_id) {
      // 对predictRaw初始化:
      // 如果目标函数(obj)为logloss, 经过BoostFromAverage后 
      // score = log(p/(1-p)) 
      //    => sigmoid(score) = p
      // 如果训练样本weight=1,p为该类别在训练数据集中的占比
      init_scores[cur_tree_id] = BoostFromAverage(cur_tree_id, true); 
    // Boosting()更新梯度(GBDT::gradients_pointer_)与二阶偏导(GBDT::hessians_pointer_)
    // 获取更新后的梯度与二阶偏导
    gradients = gradients_pointer_; 
    hessians = hessians_pointer_;
  } else { // 如果调用方传入了梯度和二阶偏导数据,则直接将传入数据复制到GBDT梯度和二阶偏导属性下

    CHECK(objective_function_ == nullptr);
    if (data_sample_strategy_->IsHessianChange()) {
      // need to copy customized gradients when using GOSS
      int64_t total_size = static_cast<int64_t>(num_data_) * num_tree_per_iteration_;
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
      for (int64_t i = 0; i < total_size; ++i) {
        // 复制数据,GBDT::gradients_和GBDT::gradients_pointer_
        // 一个是使用自定义的allocator分配堆内存所得到的容器,一个是指针,
         // 两者两位一体,GBDT::hessians_和GBDT::hessians_pointer_也一样
         // 具体关系可见 GBDT::init() => ResetGradientBuffers()
        gradients_[i] = gradients[i]; 
        hessians_[i] = hessians[i];
      // 重新指向GBDT下的梯度和二阶偏导指针
      gradients = gradients_pointer_; 
      hessians = hessians_pointer_;
  // 对行进行bagging采样逻辑,由GBDT::data_sample_strategy_决定是采用简单的bagging,还是Goss

  data_sample_strategy_->Bagging(iter_, tree_learner_.get(),,;
  const bool is_use_subset = data_sample_strategy_->is_use_subset();
  const data_size_t bag_data_cnt = data_sample_strategy_->bag_data_cnt();
  const std::vector<data_size_t, Common::AlignmentAllocator<data_size_t, kAlignedSize>>& bag_data_indices = data_sample_strategy_->bag_data_indices();

  if (objective_function_ == nullptr && is_use_subset && bag_data_cnt < num_data_ && !boosting_on_gpu_ && !data_sample_strategy_->IsHessianChange()) {

  bool should_continue = false;
  // 新子树的生成,每个类别1棵,每个类别的梯度数据在1列上
  for (int cur_tree_id = 0; cur_tree_id < num_tree_per_iteration_; ++cur_tree_id) {
    // 生成单个类别的子树
    const size_t offset = static_cast<size_t>(cur_tree_id) * num_data_; // 列索引计算偏移量
    std::unique_ptr<Tree> new_tree(new Tree(2, false, false)); // 初始化一棵树
    if (class_need_train_[cur_tree_id] && train_data_->num_features() > 0) {
      auto grad = gradients + offset; // 获取该列梯度和二阶偏导
      auto hess = hessians + offset;
      if (is_use_subset && bag_data_cnt < num_data_ && !boosting_on_gpu_) {
          // 根据bagging索引,获取采样得到的子集梯度
        for (int i = 0; i < bag_data_cnt; ++i) {
          gradients_pointer_[offset + i] = grad[bag_data_indices[i]];
          hessians_pointer_[offset + i] = hess[bag_data_indices[i]];
        grad = gradients_pointer_ + offset;
        hess = hessians_pointer_ + offset;
      bool is_first_tree = models_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(num_tree_per_iteration_);
      // 学习、分裂、生成树
      new_tree.reset(tree_learner_->Train(grad, hess, is_first_tree));

    // 新树赋值
    if (new_tree->num_leaves() > 1) { // 没到叶子节点,还可以继续分裂
      should_continue = true;
      // 更新子树的leaf_value_
      auto score_ptr = train_score_updater_->score() + offset;
      auto residual_getter = [score_ptr](const label_t* label, int i) {return static_cast<double>(label[i]) - score_ptr[i]; };
      tree_learner_->RenewTreeOutput(new_tree.get(), objective_function_, residual_getter,
                                     num_data_,, bag_data_cnt, train_score_updater_->score());
      // 对子树进行shrinkage, leaf_value_ *= rate; internal_value_*=rate 
      // 更新GBDT score
      UpdateScore(new_tree.get(), cur_tree_id);
      if (std::fabs(init_scores[cur_tree_id]) > kEpsilon) {
    } else {
      // 无需分裂的叶子节点
      if (models_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(num_tree_per_iteration_)) {
        if (objective_function_ != nullptr && !config_->boost_from_average && !train_score_updater_->has_init_score()) {
          init_scores[cur_tree_id] = ObtainAutomaticInitialScore(objective_function_, cur_tree_id);

          train_score_updater_->AddScore(init_scores[cur_tree_id], cur_tree_id);
          for (auto& score_updater : valid_score_updater_) {
            score_updater->AddScore(init_scores[cur_tree_id], cur_tree_id);
    // 将新生成的树添加到GBDT::models_中

  if (!should_continue) {
    Log::Warning("Stopped training because there are no more leaves that meet the split requirements");
    if (models_.size() > static_cast<size_t>(num_tree_per_iteration_)) {
      for (int cur_tree_id = 0; cur_tree_id < num_tree_per_iteration_; ++cur_tree_id) {
    return true;

  return false;

GBDT::TrainOneIter()方法中传入了两个指针gradients和hessians,类型score_t是使用typedef定义的浮点数别名,用宏在预编译阶段控制数据类型为float还是double。gradients和hessians分别用来存放梯度和二阶偏导 ,数据size = num_data_ * num_tree_per_iteration_,其中num_data_为训练集样本数量,num_tree_per_iteration_为每一轮迭代中生成树的棵树,与多分类任务类别数量对应 ,默认二分类num_tree_per_iteration_值为1,即在每一轮迭代中只需生成1棵树。gradients和hessians存放的是num_data_ × num_tree_per_iteration_ 二维数据,布局方式为列主序(0~num_data_-1处数据在内存中连续)。GBDT类下有两对属性:GBDT::gradients_ || GBDT::gradients_pointer_, GBDT::hessians_ || GBDT::hessians_pointer_,两对属性两位一体,一个是使用自定义的allocator分配堆内存所得到的容器,一个是指针。

TrainOneIter分为3个部分: 5 ~ 41行初始化score,并更新GBDT梯度和二阶偏导;

44 ~ 51 进行bagging;根据初始化参数执行普通或GOSS行采样;

51 ~ 108 生成子树,并更新子树的leaf_value_和整个GBDT的score

GBDT的score为所有子树的leaf_value_之和,也是predictRaw API的输出,相当于神经网络的logits,具体的细节请见代码和本人提供的注释。

LightGBM tree_learner


C++ 复制代码
Tree* SerialTreeLearner::Train(const score_t* gradients, const score_t *hessians, bool /*is_first_tree*/) {
  Common::FunctionTimer fun_timer("SerialTreeLearner::Train", global_timer);
  gradients_ = gradients;
  hessians_ = hessians;
  int num_threads = OMP_NUM_THREADS();
  if (share_state_->num_threads != num_threads && share_state_->num_threads > 0) {
        "Detected that num_threads changed during training (from %d to %d), "
        "it may cause unexpected errors.",
        share_state_->num_threads, num_threads);
  share_state_->num_threads = num_threads;

  if (config_->use_quantized_grad) {
    gradient_discretizer_->DiscretizeGradients(num_data_, gradients_, hessians_);

  // 对ialTreeLearner相关属性初始化

  // 构造一棵树
  bool track_branch_features = !(config_->interaction_constraints_vector.empty());
  auto tree = std::unique_ptr<Tree>(new Tree(config_->num_leaves, track_branch_features, false));
  auto tree_ptr = tree.get();

  // 根节点根据SerialTreeLearner::forced_split_json_进行分裂
  // forced_split_json_可以理解为已经提前训练好的节点的信息
  int left_leaf = 0;
  int cur_depth = 1;
  int right_leaf = -1;
  // SerialTreeLearner::ForceSplits()根据forced_split_json_中的信息采用广度优先的方式,一层一层的构造
  int init_splits = ForceSplits(ptr, &left_leaf, &right_leaf, &cur_depth);
  // "续训"
  for (int split = init_splits; split < config_->num_leaves - 1; ++split) {
    if (BeforeFindBestSplit(tree_ptr, left_leaf, right_leaf)) {
      // 找到每个特征的最佳分裂点
    // 获取增益最大的叶子节点索引
    int best_leaf = static_cast<int>(ArrayArgs<SplitInfo>::ArgMax(best_split_per_leaf_));
    // 获取增益最大叶子节点的分裂信息
    const SplitInfo& best_leaf_SplitInfo = best_split_per_leaf_[best_leaf];
    // 如果增益<=0,停止分裂
    if (best_leaf_SplitInfo.gain <= 0.0) {
      Log::Warning("No further splits with positive gain, best gain: %f", best_leaf_SplitInfo.gain);
    // 对增益最大的叶子节点进行分裂
    Split(tree_ptr, best_leaf, &left_leaf, &right_leaf);
    cur_depth = std::max(cur_depth, tree->leaf_depth(left_leaf));

  if (config_->use_quantized_grad && config_->quant_train_renew_leaf) {
    gradient_discretizer_->RenewIntGradTreeOutput(tree.get(), config_, data_partition_.get(), gradients_, hessians_,
      [this] (int leaf_index) { return GetGlobalDataCountInLeaf(leaf_index); });

  Log::Debug("Trained a tree with leaves = %d and depth = %d", tree->num_leaves(), cur_depth);
  return tree.release();

tree_learner_->Train()会先根据传入的forced_split_json_加载一棵树,force_split_json_可以想象成一个载有"预训练树"信息的json,然后在37~54行对加载的"预训练树"进行续训,直到深度达到最大数深(num_leaves-1)或不再有增益(best_leaf_SplitInfo.gain <= 0.0),则树的生长停止。

LightGBM cuda算子


  1. include/LightGBM/cuda目录下的cuda头文件,cuda_algorithms.hpp中定义了在设备端调用(_device _)的基础并行算子,包括规约双调排序两类;cuda_utils.hpp中定义了设备端内存分配,host-device数据传输函数,其他.hpp中对相关数据结构进行了定义,如meta_data, split_info, tree等。

  2. cuda源文件(.cu)在src目录下较为分散,src/cuda目录下有两个源文件cuda_algorithms.cu和cuda_utils.cpp,对基础的算子进行了补充和封装。子目录boosting、metric、objective下也都有cuda文件夹,其中boosting/cuda目录下定义了cuda版本的score_update,treelearner/cuda目录下定义了split、histogram、learner的cuda逻辑。


首先介绍cuda_algorithms(.hpp, .cu)中实现的两类基础并行算法:规约和双调排序。其中并行规约算子采用线程束的洗牌指令(shuffle)实现,用于求数组的和,求最大、最小值。cuda_algorithms.hpp中以内联函数的形式定义设备端运行的主要逻辑,然后在cuda_algorithms.cu中进行调用,以ShufflePrefixSum为例:

C++ 复制代码
template <typename T>
__device__ __forceinline__ T ShufflePrefixSum(T value, T* shared_mem_buffer) {
  // mask 控制warp中哪些线程参与shuffle运算
  const uint32_t mask = 0xffffffff;
  // 定义warpLane, warpID, warpNum
  const uint32_t warpLane = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
  const uint32_t warpID = threadIdx.x / warpSize;
  const uint32_t num_warp = blockDim.x / warpSize;
  // warp内规约
  for (uint32_t offset = 1; offset < warpSize; offset <<= 1) {
    const T other_value = __shfl_up_sync(mask, value, offset);
    if (warpLane >= offset) {
      value += other_value;
  // warp内之和存入共享内存
  if (warpLane == warpSize - 1) {
    shared_mem_buffer[warpID] = value;
  // warp间进行第二次规约
  if (warpID == 0) {
    T warp_sum = (warpLane < num_warp ? shared_mem_buffer[warpLane] : 0);
    for (uint32_t offset = 1; offset < warpSize; offset <<= 1) {
      const T other_warp_sum = __shfl_up_sync(mask, warp_sum, offset);
      if (warpLane >= offset) {
        warp_sum += other_warp_sum;
    shared_mem_buffer[warpLane] = warp_sum;
  const T warp_base = warpID == 0 ? 0 : shared_mem_buffer[warpID - 1];
  return warp_base + value;

template <typename T>
__global__ void ShufflePrefixSumGlobalKernel(T* values, size_t len, T* block_prefix_sum_buffer) {
  // 定义共享内存
  __shared__ T shared_mem_buffer[32];
  // 定义全局线程索引
  const size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x);
  T value = 0;
  if (index < len) {
    value = values[index];
  // 调用ShufflePrefixSum进行块内规约,并将规约结果写入block_prefix_sum_buffer中
  const T prefix_sum_value = ShufflePrefixSum<T>(value, shared_mem_buffer);
  values[index] = prefix_sum_value;
  if (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1) {
    block_prefix_sum_buffer[blockIdx.x] = prefix_sum_value;




C++ 复制代码
template <typename VAL_T, typename INDEX_T, bool ASCENDING, uint32_t BLOCK_DIM, uint32_t MAX_DEPTH>
__device__ void BitonicArgSortDevice(const VAL_T* values, INDEX_T* indices, const int len) {
  __shared__ VAL_T shared_values[BLOCK_DIM];
  __shared__ INDEX_T shared_indices[BLOCK_DIM];
  // 根据数据长度len获取深度depth,即每个block上需要进行双调排序的次数
  int len_to_shift = len - 1;
  int max_depth = 1;
  while (len_to_shift > 0) {
    len_to_shift >>= 1;
  // 获取block数量,grid中只使用单个block?
  const int num_blocks = (len + static_cast<int>(BLOCK_DIM) - 1) / static_cast<int>(BLOCK_DIM);
  // 使用共享内存在每个block内对1~MAX_DEPTH深度的数据进行双调排序
  for (int block_index = 0; block_index < num_blocks; ++block_index) {
    const int this_index = block_index * static_cast<int>(BLOCK_DIM) + static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x);
    if (this_index < len) {
      // 读取全局内存数据到共享内存
      shared_values[threadIdx.x] = values[this_index];
      shared_indices[threadIdx.x] = this_index;
    } else {
      shared_indices[threadIdx.x] = len;
    // 第一轮双调排序, depth:[max_depth-1, max_depth-MAXDEPTH)
    for (int depth = max_depth - 1; depth > max_depth - static_cast<int>(MAX_DEPTH); --depth) {
      // 获取段长度、段索引、段上单调性(升序或降序)
      const int segment_length = (1 << (max_depth - depth));
      const int segment_index = this_index / segment_length;
      // ascending控制升序和降序的segment各一半
      const bool ascending = ASCENDING ? (segment_index % 2 == 0) : (segment_index % 2 == 1);
        const int half_segment_length = (segment_length >> 1);
        const int half_segment_index = this_index / half_segment_length;
        // len和segment_lenth不对齐的情形,len往往不可能刚好是2^n
        const int num_total_segment = (len + segment_length - 1) / segment_length;
        // offset也是用于不对齐场景
        const int offset = (segment_index == num_total_segment - 1 && ascending == ASCENDING) ?
          (num_total_segment * segment_length - len) : 0;
        if (half_segment_index % 2 == 0) {
          // len与segment_lenth不对齐兼容
          const int segment_start = segment_index * segment_length;
          if (this_index >= offset + segment_start) {
            // other_index与this_index间隔half_segment_length
            const int other_index = static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x) + half_segment_length - offset;
            // 读取值this_data和other_data
            const INDEX_T this_data_index = shared_indices[threadIdx.x];
            const INDEX_T other_data_index = shared_indices[other_index];
            const VAL_T this_value = shared_values[threadIdx.x];
            const VAL_T other_value = shared_values[other_index];
            // 在段内对将不满足段单调条件的元素和索引进行位置交换
            if (other_data_index < len && (this_value > other_value) == ascending) {
              shared_indices[threadIdx.x] = other_data_index;
              shared_indices[other_index] = this_data_index;
              shared_values[threadIdx.x] = other_value;
              shared_values[other_index] = this_value;
      // 内存循环,half_segment_length每次减半,段内进行排序
      for (int inner_depth = depth + 1; inner_depth < max_depth; ++inner_depth) {
        const int half_segment_length = (1 << (max_depth - inner_depth - 1));
        const int half_segment_index = this_index / half_segment_length;
        // 同样的逻辑对不满足单调条件的元素和索引进行位置交换
        if (half_segment_index % 2 == 0) {
          const int other_index = static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x) + half_segment_length;
          const INDEX_T this_data_index = shared_indices[threadIdx.x];
          const INDEX_T other_data_index = shared_indices[other_index];
          const VAL_T this_value = shared_values[threadIdx.x];
          const VAL_T other_value = shared_values[other_index];
          if (other_data_index < len && (this_value > other_value) == ascending) {
            shared_indices[threadIdx.x] = other_data_index;
            shared_indices[other_index] = this_data_index;
            shared_values[threadIdx.x] = other_value;
            shared_values[other_index] = this_value;
    if (this_index < len) {
      indices[this_index] = shared_indices[threadIdx.x];
  // 使用全局内存对MAX_DEPTH~max_depth深度的数据进行双调排序,逻辑相似,相当于是对上一个循环块的补充
  // 共享内存的size BLOCK_DIM 与 MAX_DEPTH有关
  // 这一块双调排序为了更好的利用共享内存,内存循环被拆成了两部分
  // 第2轮排序,剩余深度[max_depth-MAX_DEPTH, 1]
  for (int depth = max_depth - static_cast<int>(MAX_DEPTH); depth >= 1; --depth) {
    const int segment_length = (1 << (max_depth - depth));
      const int num_total_segment = (len + segment_length - 1) / segment_length;
      const int half_segment_length = (segment_length >> 1);
      // 每个block内在base-half_segment_length上进行第一次元素交换
      for (int block_index = 0; block_index < num_blocks; ++block_index) {
        const int this_index = block_index * static_cast<int>(BLOCK_DIM) + static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x);
        const int segment_index = this_index / segment_length;
        const int half_segment_index = this_index / half_segment_length;
        const bool ascending = ASCENDING ? (segment_index % 2 == 0) : (segment_index % 2 == 1);
        const int offset = (segment_index == num_total_segment - 1 && ascending == ASCENDING) ?
          (num_total_segment * segment_length - len) : 0;
        if (half_segment_index % 2 == 0) {
          const int segment_start = segment_index * segment_length;
          if (this_index >= offset + segment_start) {
            const int other_index = this_index + half_segment_length - offset;
            if (other_index < len) {
              const INDEX_T this_data_index = indices[this_index];
              const INDEX_T other_data_index = indices[other_index];
              const VAL_T this_value = values[this_data_index];
              const VAL_T other_value = values[other_data_index];
              if ((this_value > other_value) == ascending) {
                indices[this_index] = other_data_index;
                indices[other_index] = this_data_index;
    // 内层循环1,对half_segment_length进行逐次减半,边界[depth+1, max_depth-MAX_DEPTH];是直接在全局内存上进行的
    for (int inner_depth = depth + 1; inner_depth <= max_depth - static_cast<int>(MAX_DEPTH; ++inner_depth) {
      const int half_segment_length = (1 << (max_depth - inner_depth - 1));
      for (int block_index = 0; block_index < num_blocks; ++block_index) {
        const int this_index = block_index * static_cast<int>(BLOCK_DIM) + static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x);
        const int segment_index = this_index / segment_length;
        const int half_segment_index = this_index / half_segment_length;
        const bool ascending = ASCENDING ? (segment_index % 2 == 0) : (segment_index % 2 == 1);
        if (half_segment_index % 2 == 0) {
          const int other_index = this_index + half_segment_length;
          if (other_index < len) {
            const INDEX_T this_data_index = indices[this_index];
            const INDEX_T other_data_index = indices[other_index];
            const VAL_T this_value = values[this_data_index];
            const VAL_T other_value = values[other_data_index];
            if ((this_value > other_value) == ascending) {
              indices[this_index] = other_data_index;
              indices[other_index] = this_data_index;
    // 内层循环2,对half_segment_length继续逐次减半,边界[max_depth-MAX_DEPTH+1, max_depth)在共享内存上进行。
    for (int block_index = 0; block_index < num_blocks; ++block_index) {
      const int this_index = block_index * static_cast<int>(BLOCK_DIM) + static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x);
      const int segment_index = this_index / segment_length;
      const bool ascending = ASCENDING ? (segment_index % 2 == 0) : (segment_index % 2 == 1);
      if (this_index < len) {
        const INDEX_T index = indices[this_index];
        shared_values[threadIdx.x] = values[index];
        shared_indices[threadIdx.x] = index;
      } else {
        shared_indices[threadIdx.x] = len;
      // 内存循环2的具体位置
      for (int inner_depth = max_depth - static_cast<int>(MAX_DEPTH) + 1; inner_depth < max_depth; ++inner_depth) {
        const int half_segment_length = (1 << (max_depth - inner_depth - 1));
        const int half_segment_index = this_index / half_segment_length;
        if (half_segment_index % 2 == 0) {
          const int other_index = static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x) + half_segment_length;
          const INDEX_T this_data_index = shared_indices[threadIdx.x];
          const INDEX_T other_data_index = shared_indices[other_index];
          const VAL_T this_value = shared_values[threadIdx.x];
          const VAL_T other_value = shared_values[other_index];
          if (other_data_index < len && (this_value > other_value) == ascending) {
            shared_indices[threadIdx.x] = other_data_index;
            shared_indices[other_index] = this_data_index;
            shared_values[threadIdx.x] = other_value;
            shared_values[other_index] = this_value;
      if (this_index < len) {
        indices[this_index] = shared_indices[threadIdx.x];


  1. 7~12行根据数据长度获取max_depth;
  2. 30~95行进行了第1轮双调排序,深度[max_depth-1, max_depth-MAXDEPTH)
  3. 102到199进行了第2轮双调排序,针对剩余深度[max_depth-MAX_DEPTH, 1]


  1. 137~159行,inner_depth范围[depth+1, max_depth-MAX_DEPTH],没有使用共享内存;
  2. 162~198行,[max_depth-MAX_DEPTH+1, max_depth),使用了共享内存。

如果共享内存充足或直接使用全局内存,两次循环拆分都可以避免;源码中采用这种拆分的实现也是为了更好的兼容。 下面我们将借用一个例子,详细的介绍BitonicArgSortDevice()实现逻辑。

我们输入的数组values = [1,3,6,2,1,4,8,3,15,34,12,31,3,8,9,21];

indice = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15];

len = 16

VAL_T = int, INDEX_T = int, ASCENDING=true(升序), BLOCK_DIM=16, MAX_DEPTH=4

只定义1个block,这样只有depth和inner_depth控制的两层循环,根据len=16计算得到的max_depth = 5;外层循环控制变量depth从4~1,内存循环控制变量inner_depth从depth+1 ~ 4;循环每一步对应数组values的元素值如图5所示,其中黄色表示在该次循环中对应段中元素升序,灰色表示在该次循环中对应段中元素应降序。

第1轮depth = 4, half_segment_length=1, 此轮中首先索引0, 2...14上的元素分别与索引1, 3...15上元素进行比较,在黄色格子内应满足升序,灰色格子内应满足降序,idx = 10和11处元素不满足降序进行位置交换,idx = 14和15处元素也不满足,也进行位置交换。此轮inner_depth=5,不满足边界条件,没有内存循环对half_segment_length进行减半。

第2轮depth = 3, half_segment_length=2, 此轮中首先索引0和2处元素进行比较,1和3处元素进行比较...对不满足升降序条件idx = 1,3; idx = 4,6; idx = 9,11; idx = 12,14; idx = 13, 15处元素进行交换。然后inner_depth = 4,对half_segment_length进行1次减半,half_segment_length变为1,对不满足单调性的idx = 2,3; idx=6,7; idx=8,9; idx=14,15进行交换。



图5 双调排序实现argsort示意图


至此,我们对LightGBM源码结构和训练过程中部分核心代码进行了介绍,了解了训练过程中的boosting和tree的生长。并且对LightGBM中基础的cuda算子,如并行规约和双调排序进行了详细的介绍。后续文章中我们将介绍更多业务层面的算子,如histogram的构造、寻找best split等。

羊小猪~~4 分钟前
努力的小雨3 小时前
凭栏落花侧6 小时前
吱吱鼠叔8 小时前
学步_技术13 小时前
大神薯条老师13 小时前
_.Switch15 小时前
魔力之心15 小时前
毕小宝17 小时前
逻辑回归(下): Sigmoid 函数的发展历史
一水鉴天20 小时前
智能工厂的软件设计 作为“程序Program”的中台