- c-f forward character
- c-b backward character
- c-n next line
- c-p previous line
- c-x c-c exit
- c-x c-f open file
- c-x c-x save buffer
- c-x b switch buffer
- c-x k kill buffer
- c-x c-b display buffer
- c-/ undo
- c-x 0 delete active window
- c-x 1 delete other window
- c-x 2 split below
- c-x 3 split right
- c-x o switch other window
- c-a line begining
- c-e line end
- m-m line first non-whitespace
- m-f forward word
- m-b backward word
- m-x submode -mode
- c-m-f forward s-expression
- c-m-b backward s-expression
- c-m-d
- c-m-u
- c-m-n
- c-m-p
- m-{ forward paragraph
- m-} backward paragraph
- m-a sentence beging
- m-e sentence end
- c-m-a defun beging
- m-m-e defun end
- c-x ] forward page
- c-x [ backward page
- c-v down screen
- m-v up screen
- c-x < scroll left
- c-x > scroll right
- m-< buffer beging
- m-> buffer end
- c-x r m set a bookmark
- c-x r l list bookmark
- c-x r b jump to bookmark
- c-s incremental search
- c-r backward incremental search
- c-m-s regex search
- c-m-r backward regex search
- c-w search word at point
- c-y yark
- c-l recenter line
- m-g goto line
- c-d delete character
- m-d delete world
- c-k kill rest line
- m-k kill sentence
- c-s- kill line
- c-w kill region
- m-w copy to kill ring
- c-y yark last kill
- m-y cycle kill ring
- c-x c-t swap line
- m-t swap word
- c-t swap character
- m-%
- c-m-%
- c-x c-u upper
- c-x c-l lower
- m-c
- m-l
- m-^ join a line
- f3 start macro
- f4 stop macro
- c-x ( start macro
- c-x ) stop marcro
- c-x e play macro
- c-m-\ indent region
- c-x c-r open readonly a file
- c-x c-q toggle readonly
celltree0012023-10-20 12:08
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