从头开始构建数据库:05. B-Tree: The Practice (Part II)

05. B-Tree: The Practice (Part II)


Following the previous chapter on B-tree implementation.


5.1 The B-Tree Deletion

5.1 B树删除

Step 1: Delete From Leaf Nodes


The code for deleting a key from a leaf node is just like other nodeReplace* functions.

从叶节点删除键的代码与其他 nodeReplace* 函数一样。

go 复制代码
// remove a key from a leaf node
func leafDelete(new BNode, old BNode, idx uint16) {
    new.setHeader(BNODE_LEAF, old.nkeys()-1)
    nodeAppendRange(new, old, 0, 0, idx)
    nodeAppendRange(new, old, idx, idx+1, old.nkeys()-(idx+1))

Step 2: Recursive Deletion


The structure is similar to the insertion.


go 复制代码
// delete a key from the tree
func treeDelete(tree *BTree, node BNode, key []byte) BNode {
    // where to find the key?
    idx := nodeLookupLE(node, key)
    // act depending on the node type
    switch node.btype() {
    case BNODE_LEAF:
        if !bytes.Equal(key, node.getKey(idx)) {
            return BNode{} // not found
        // delete the key in the leaf
        new := BNode{data: make([]byte, BTREE_PAGE_SIZE)}
        leafDelete(new, node, idx)
        return new
    case BNODE_NODE:
        return nodeDelete(tree, node, idx, key)
        panic("bad node!")

Step 3: Handle Internal Nodes


The difference is that we need to merge nodes instead of splitting nodes. A node may be merged into one of its left or right siblings. The nodeReplace* functions are for updating links.

不同的是我们需要合并节点而不是分裂节点。一个节点可以合并到它的左兄弟节点或右兄弟节点之一。 nodeReplace 函数用于更新链接。

go 复制代码
// part of the treeDelete()
func nodeDelete(tree *BTree, node BNode, idx uint16, key []byte) BNode {
    // recurse into the kid
    kptr := node.getPtr(idx)
    updated := treeDelete(tree, tree.get(kptr), key)
    if len(updated.data) == 0 {
        return BNode{} // not found

    new := BNode{data: make([]byte, BTREE_PAGE_SIZE)}
    // check for merging
    mergeDir, sibling := shouldMerge(tree, node, idx, updated)
    switch {
    case mergeDir < 0: // left
        merged := BNode{data: make([]byte, BTREE_PAGE_SIZE)}
        nodeMerge(merged, sibling, updated)
        tree.del(node.getPtr(idx - 1))
        nodeReplace2Kid(new, node, idx-1, tree.new(merged), merged.getKey(0))
    case mergeDir > 0: // right
        merged := BNode{data: make([]byte, BTREE_PAGE_SIZE)}
        nodeMerge(merged, updated, sibling)
        tree.del(node.getPtr(idx + 1))
        nodeReplace2Kid(new, node, idx, tree.new(merged), merged.getKey(0))
    case mergeDir == 0:
        if updated.nkeys() == 0 {
            // kid is empty after deletion and has no sibling to merge with.
            // this happens when its parent has only one kid.
            // discard the empty kid and return the parent as an empty node.
            assert(node.nkeys() == 1 && idx == 0)
            new.setHeader(BNODE_NODE, 0)
            // the empty node will be eliminated before reaching root.
        } else {
            nodeReplaceKidN(tree, new, node, idx, updated)
    return new

Extra care regarding empty nodes: If a node has no siblings, it cannot be merged, even if all its keys are deleted. In this case, we need to remove the empty node, this will also cause its parent to become an empty node, the empty node will propagate upwords until eventually merged.


go 复制代码
// merge 2 nodes into 1
func nodeMerge(new BNode, left BNode, right BNode) {
    new.setHeader(left.btype(), left.nkeys()+right.nkeys())
    nodeAppendRange(new, left, 0, 0, left.nkeys())
    nodeAppendRange(new, right, left.nkeys(), 0, right.nkeys())

Step 4: The Conditions for Merging


The conditions for merging are:


  1. The node is smaller than 1/4 of a page (this is arbitrary).
    该节点小于页面的 1/4(这是任意的)。
  2. Has a sibling and the merged result does not exceed one page.
go 复制代码
// should the updated kid be merged with a sibling?
func shouldMerge(
    tree *BTree, node BNode,
    idx uint16, updated BNode,
) (int, BNode) {
    if updated.nbytes() > BTREE_PAGE_SIZE/4 {
        return 0, BNode{}

    if idx > 0 {
        sibling := tree.get(node.getPtr(idx - 1))
        merged := sibling.nbytes() + updated.nbytes() - HEADER
        if merged <= BTREE_PAGE_SIZE {
            return -1, sibling
    if idx+1 < node.nkeys() {
        sibling := tree.get(node.getPtr(idx + 1))
        merged := sibling.nbytes() + updated.nbytes() - HEADER
        if merged <= BTREE_PAGE_SIZE {
            return +1, sibling
    return 0, BNode{}

The deletion code is done.


5.2 The Root Node

5.2 根节点

We need to keep track of the root node as the tree grows and shrinks. Let's start with deletion.


This is the final interface for B-tree deletion. The height of the tree will be reduced by one when:


  1. The root node is not a leaf.
  2. The root node has only one child.
go 复制代码
func (tree *BTree) Delete(key []byte) bool {
    assert(len(key) != 0)
    assert(len(key) <= BTREE_MAX_KEY_SIZE)
    if tree.root == 0 {
        return false

    updated := treeDelete(tree, tree.get(tree.root), key)
    if len(updated.data) == 0 {
        return false // not found

    if updated.btype() == BNODE_NODE && updated.nkeys() == 1 {
        // remove a level
        tree.root = updated.getPtr(0)
    } else {
        tree.root = tree.new(updated)
    return true

And below is the final interface for insertion:


go 复制代码
// the interface
func (tree *BTree) Insert(key []byte, val []byte) {
    assert(len(key) != 0)
    assert(len(key) <= BTREE_MAX_KEY_SIZE)
    assert(len(val) <= BTREE_MAX_VAL_SIZE)

    if tree.root == 0 {
        // create the first node
        root := BNode{data: make([]byte, BTREE_PAGE_SIZE)}
        root.setHeader(BNODE_LEAF, 2)
        // a dummy key, this makes the tree cover the whole key space.
        // thus a lookup can always find a containing node.
        nodeAppendKV(root, 0, 0, nil, nil)
        nodeAppendKV(root, 1, 0, key, val)
        tree.root = tree.new(root)

    node := tree.get(tree.root)

    node = treeInsert(tree, node, key, val)
    nsplit, splitted := nodeSplit3(node)
    if nsplit > 1 {
        // the root was split, add a new level.
        root := BNode{data: make([]byte, BTREE_PAGE_SIZE)}
        root.setHeader(BNODE_NODE, nsplit)
        for i, knode := range splitted[:nsplit] {
            ptr, key := tree.new(knode), knode.getKey(0)
            nodeAppendKV(root, uint16(i), ptr, key, nil)
        tree.root = tree.new(root)
    } else {
        tree.root = tree.new(splitted[0])

It does two things:


  1. A new root node is created when the old root is split into multiple nodes.
  2. When inserting the first key, create the first leaf node as the root.

There is a little trick here. We insert an empty key into the tree when we create the first node. The empty key is the lowest possible key by sorting order, it makes the lookup function nodeLookupLE always successful, eliminating the case of failing to find a node that contains the input key.

这里有一个小技巧。当我们创建第一个节点时,我们在树中插入一个空键。空键是按排序顺序可能的最低键,它使查找函数 nodeLookupLE 始终成功,消除了无法找到包含输入键的节点的情况。

5.3 Testing the B-Tree

5.3 测试 B 树

Since our data structure code is pure data structure code (without IO), the page allocation code is isolated via 3 callbacks. Below is the container code for testing our B-tree, it keeps pages in an in-memory hashmap without persisting them to disk. In the next chapter, we'll implement persistence without modifying the B-tree code.

由于我们的数据结构代码是纯数据结构代码(没有IO),因此页面分配代码通过3个回调进行隔离。下面是用于测试 B 树的容器代码,它将页面保存在内存中的哈希图中,而不将它们保存到磁盘。在下一章中,我们将在不修改 B 树代码的情况下实现持久化。

go 复制代码
type C struct {
    tree  BTree
    ref   map[string]string
    pages map[uint64]BNode

func newC() *C {
    pages := map[uint64]BNode{}
    return &C{
        tree: BTree{
            get: func(ptr uint64) BNode {
                node, ok := pages[ptr]
                return node
            new: func(node BNode) uint64 {
                assert(node.nbytes() <= BTREE_PAGE_SIZE)
                key := uint64(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&node.data[0])))
                assert(pages[key].data == nil)
                pages[key] = node
                return key
            del: func(ptr uint64) {
                _, ok := pages[ptr]
                delete(pages, ptr)
        ref:   map[string]string{},
        pages: pages,

We use a reference map to record each B-tree update, so that we can verify the correctness of a B-tree later.

我们使用引用Map 来记录每次B树的更新,以便我们以后可以验证B树的正确性。

go 复制代码
func (c *C) add(key string, val string) {
    c.tree.Insert([]byte(key), []byte(val))
    c.ref[key] = val

func (c *C) del(key string) bool {
    delete(c.ref, key)
    return c.tree.Delete([]byte(key))

Test cases are left to the reader as an exercise.


5.4 Closing Remarks 5.4 结束语

This B-tree implementation is pretty minimal, but minimal is good for the purpose of learning. Real-world implementations can be much more complicated and contain practical optimizations.

这个 B 树实现非常小,但最小对于学习来说是有好处的。现实世界的实现可能要复杂得多,并且包含实际的优化。

There are some easy improvements to our B-tree implementation:

我们的 B 树实现有一些简单的改进:

  1. Use different formats for leaf nodes and internal nodes. Leaf nodes do not need pointers and internal nodes do not need values. This saves some space.
  2. One of the lengths of the key or value is redundant --- the length of the KV pair can be inferred from the offset of the next key.
    键或值的长度之一是冗余的------KV 对的长度可以从下一个键的偏移量推断出来。
  3. The first key of a node is not needed because it's inherited from a link of its parent.
  4. Add a checksum to detect data corruption.

The next step in building a KV store is to persist our B-tree to the disk, which is the topic of the next chapter.

构建 KV 存储的下一步是将 B 树持久化到磁盘,这是下一章的主题。

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