

  • 将学生表导入Navicat中
  • 查询语句
  • [合并语句(left join right join 等等)](#合并语句(left join right join 等等))
    • [inner join 内连接(默认的连接方式)](#inner join 内连接(默认的连接方式))
    • [left join (左连接)](#left join (左连接))
    • [right join(右连接)](#right join(右连接))
    • [union (上下合并)并且去重](#union (上下合并)并且去重)
    • [union all (上下合并)并且不去重](#union all (上下合并)并且不去重)
    • 全连接
    • 笛卡尔积
  • [where in 使用方法](#where in 使用方法)
    • [自增列插入数据 自增列数据使用null 或 0 占位](#自增列插入数据 自增列数据使用null 或 0 占位)
  • 复习
    • [updata 语句 更新语句 delete 语句 删除语句](#updata 语句 更新语句 delete 语句 删除语句)
    • [主键 ,FOREIGN KEY 约束建](#主键 ,FOREIGN KEY 约束建)
  • 全部代码





select * from students;


select *

from students

where students.age > 22;


select clazz




from students

where students.age > 22 and students.gender = "女";


select *

from students

where clazz like "%文科%"; # %为模糊匹配


select *

from students

where clazz like "%六班%";

select *

from students

where clazz like "%六%";

计算学生的总分 (group by)

group by 后面的字段必须在select 里面体现出
并且不能体现出不在group by 之后的字段 只有
sum avg count max min 这些函数才可以另外体现

select score.id


from score

group by score.id;

这是计算全部学生的总和 可以看成是一个值 在where 判断语句中可以直接用

select sum(sco) from score;

合并两表 (join on xxxx)

select t1.*



from students as t1

join score as t2

on t1.id = t2.id;

合并两张表 并求总分


select tt1.id




,sum(tt1.sco) as sum_sco

,max(tt1.sco) as max_sco

from (select t1.*


from students as t1

join score as t2

on t1.id = t2.id ) as tt1

group by tt1.id,tt1.sname,tt1.gender,tt1.clazz;


select t2.*


from (select score.id

,sum(score.sco) as sum_sco

from score

group by score.id) as t1

join students as t2

on t1.id = t2.id;


having方法(在group by 之后执行)

select tt1.id





,sum(sco) as sum_sco

from (select t1.*



from students as t1

join score as t2

on t1.id = t2.id ) as tt1

group by tt1.id,tt1.sname,tt1.age,tt1.gender,tt1.clazz

having sum_sco > 500;

用where 方法来选择

select t1.*


from students as t1

join (select score.id

,sum(sco) as sum_sco

from score

group by score.id) t2

on t1.id = t2.id

where t2.sum_sco > 500;

降序排列 (order by xxxx desc )

select tt1.id





,sum(sco) as sum_sco

from (select t1.*



from students as t1

join score as t2

on t1.id = t2.id ) as tt1

group by tt1.id,tt1.sname,tt1.age,tt1.gender,tt1.clazz

having sum_sco > 500

order by sum_sco desc # 不加desc 为升序排列

只展示5个学生 (limit number)

select tt1.id





,sum(sco) as sum_sco

from (select t1.*



from students as t1

join score as t2

on t1.id = t2.id ) as tt1

group by tt1.id,tt1.sname,tt1.age,tt1.gender,tt1.clazz

having sum_sco > 500

order by sum_sco desc # 不加desc 为升序排列

limit 5;

求前三门课程总分(where 在group by 之前执行)

select score.id

,sum(sco) as sum_sco

from score

where score.sub_id = 1000001

or score.sub_id = 1000002

or score.sub_id = 1000003

group by score.id;

合并语句(left join right join 等等)


a表 (id 学号)(name 姓名)

b表 (id 学号) (s_id 学科编号)

inner join 内连接(默认的连接方式)

只会合并两者都有的元素 没有的元素直接舍弃

left join (左连接)

以左边为基准进行左连接 没有的值则为null显示

right join(右连接)

以右边的表为基准进行合并 没有的值则补位空值

union (上下合并)并且去重

union all (上下合并)并且不去重


sql中实际上不提供全连接 但是如果把左连接根右连接合并则就是全连接



where in 使用方法

自增列插入数据 自增列数据使用null 或 0 占位

insert into users() values(null,"zp");

insert into users() values(0,"yn");


order 的执行顺序还在select 之后


== from > where > group by > select > having > order by > limit==


sql 复制代码
-- select 语句
select * 
from table
where conditions
group by columns
having conditions
order by columns
limit start,length;
sql 复制代码
join (left right inner) 三种形式
union (去重) union all 去重和不去重的区别

updata 语句 更新语句 delete 语句 删除语句

sql 复制代码
-- updata 语句 更新语句
UPDATE students set gender='1' where gender='男';
UPDATE students set gender='0' where gender='女';
UPDATE students set gender='1';

-- delete 语句 删除语句
delete from students where gender='女';
delete from students;
-- 截断表 将表删除并清空 所有的东西重新开始刷新 在进行新的书写
truncate students;


主键是唯一的 是唯一约束 并且特性是 非空且唯一

FOREIGN KEY 这个是与另外一个表关联 ,当另外一个表变化后 子表也会变化


sql 复制代码
-- 查询一整张表
select * from students;

-- 查询年龄大于22
select *
from students
where students.age > 22;

-- 年龄大于22的女生
select clazz
from students
where students.age > 22 and students.gender = "女";

-- 查找文科的学生
select *
from students
where clazz like "%文科%"; # %为模糊匹配

-- 查找六班的学生
select *
from students
where clazz like "%六班%";

select *
from students
where clazz like "%六%";

-- 计算学生的总分  
# group by 后面的字段必须在select 里面体现出
# 并且不能体现出不在group by 之后的字段 只有 
# sum avg count max min 这些函数才可以另外体现
select score.id
from score
group by score.id;

# 这是计算全部学生的总和 可以看成是一个值 在where 判断语句中可以直接用
select sum(sco) from score;

-- 合并两表
select t1.*
from students as t1
join score as t2
on t1.id = t2.id;

-- 合并两张表 并求总分

# 先合并在聚合 
select tt1.id
			 ,sum(tt1.sco) as sum_sco
			 ,max(tt1.sco) as max_sco
from (select t1.*
from students as t1
join score as t2
on t1.id = t2.id ) as tt1
group by tt1.id,tt1.sname,tt1.gender,tt1.clazz;

# 先聚合在合并
select t2.*
from (select score.id
             ,sum(score.sco) as sum_sco
from score 
group by score.id) as t1
join students as t2
on t1.id = t2.id;

-- 找到总分分数大于500的学生
# having 在group by 之后执行
select tt1.id
			 ,sum(sco) as sum_sco
from (select t1.*
from students as t1
join score as t2
on t1.id = t2.id ) as tt1
group by tt1.id,tt1.sname,tt1.age,tt1.gender,tt1.clazz
having sum_sco > 500;

# where 方法 !! where要在having前面执行
select t1.*
from students as t1
join (select score.id
       ,sum(sco) as sum_sco
from score 
group by score.id) t2
on t1.id = t2.id
where t2.sum_sco > 500;

-- 降序排列
select tt1.id
			 ,sum(sco) as sum_sco
from (select t1.*
from students as t1
join score as t2
on t1.id = t2.id ) as tt1
group by tt1.id,tt1.sname,tt1.age,tt1.gender,tt1.clazz
having sum_sco > 500
## 降序排列
order by sum_sco desc # 不加desc 为升序排列
## 只展示5个学生
limit 5;

-- where 在group by 之前执行
-- 求前三门课程总分
select  score.id
        ,sum(sco) as sum_sco
from score
where score.sub_id = 1000001 
      or score.sub_id = 1000002 
			or score.sub_id = 1000003
group by score.id;
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