
  1. What are the subsystems of the Neumann computer models? (6 points)

The subsystems are the memory, arithmetic/logic unit, control unit, and input/output

  1. What are the functions of the three buses that connect the CPU with memory? (8 points)

The data bus is used to transfer data to and from memory. The address bus allows

access to particular words in memory. The control bus is used to control the operations

of the CPU and memory.

  1. What is the components of an operating system? (8 points)

The components of an operating system are: memory manager, process manager,

device manager, file manager, and the user interface

  1. Name the layers of the OSI(Open Systems Interconnection) model. (8 points)

The seven layers of the OSI model are: physical, data link, network, transport, session,

presentation, and application

  1. What is meant by the software life cycle? (8 points)

Software goes through a cycle of repeating phases until it becomes obsolete.

  1. Name five types of data that a computer can process. (6 points)

Text, numbers, images, audio, and video

  1. Define the term overflow.

Overflow happens when the result of an arithmetic operation is outside the range

of possible values for the bit allocation being used.

  1. What is the USB controller? (6 points)

The USB (universal serial bus) controller is a serial controller used to communicate

with slower devices. It also supplies power to the devices.

  1. What are the four phases in software development? (8 points)

Analysis, design, implementation, and testing

  1. Name the layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite. (7 points)

The layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite are: network, transport, and application.

  1. Define software engineering.

Software engineering is the establishment and use of sound engineering methods

and principles to obtain reliable software that works on real machines.

  1. Name the logical binary operation.?

The logical binary operations are: AND, OR, and XOR.

  1. Neumann计算机模型的子系统是内存、算术/逻辑单元、控制单元和输入/输出。

  2. 连接CPU与内存的三个总线的功能如下:数据总线用于在内存和CPU之间传输数据,地址总线允许访问内存中的特定字,控制总线用于控制CPU和内存的操作。

  3. 操作系统的组件包括内存管理器、进程管理器、设备管理器、文件管理器和用户界面。

  4. OSI(开放系统互联)模型的层包括:物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层、会话层、表示层和应用层。

  5. 软件生命周期指的是软件经历一系列重复阶段直到过时的过程。

  6. 计算机可以处理的五种数据类型包括文本、数字、图像、音频和视频。

  7. 溢出指的是算术运算的结果超出了所分配位的可能值范围。

  8. USB(通用串行总线)控制器是用于与较慢设备通信并为设备提供电源的串行控制器。

  9. 软件开发的四个阶段包括分析、设计、实施和测试。

  10. TCP/IP协议套件的层包括网络层、传输层和应用层。

  11. 软件工程是建立并使用良好的工程方法和原则来获得在实际机器上运行的可靠软件。

  12. 逻辑二进制操作包括:AND(与)、OR(或)和XOR(异或)。

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