Leetcode 3035. Maximum Palindromes After Operations

  • [Leetcode 3035. Maximum Palindromes After Operations](#Leetcode 3035. Maximum Palindromes After Operations)
    • [1. 解题思路](#1. 解题思路)
    • [2. 代码实现](#2. 代码实现)

1. 解题思路




2. 代码实现


python 复制代码
class Solution:
    def maxPalindromesAfterOperations(self, words: List[str]) -> int:
        cnt = defaultdict(int)
        for w in words:
            for ch in w:
                cnt[ch] += 1
        odd, even = 0, 0
        for v in cnt.values():
            odd += v % 2
            even += v // 2

        ans = 0
        lengths = sorted([len(w) for w in words])
        for l in lengths:
            if l % 2 <= odd and l // 2 <= even:
                ans += 1
                odd -= l % 2
                even -= l // 2
            elif l % 2 > odd and l // 2 < even:
                ans += 1
                odd += 1
                even -= (l+1) // 2
        return ans


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