

SkyWalking 通过字节码增强技术 实现,结合依赖注入和控制反转思想,以SkyWalking方式将追踪身份traceId编织到链路追踪上下文TraceContext中。






java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.trace;

import java.util.Optional;

 * Try to access the sky-walking tracer context. The context is not existed, always. only the middleware, component, or
 * rpc-framework are supported in the current invoke stack, in the same thread, the context will be available.
 * <p>
public class TraceContext {

     * Try to get the traceId of current trace context.
     * @return traceId, if it exists, or empty {@link String}.
    public static String traceId() {
        return "";

     * Try to get the segmentId of current trace context.
     * @return segmentId, if it exists, or empty {@link String}.
    public static String segmentId() {
        return "";

     * Try to get the spanId of current trace context. The spanId is a negative number when the trace context is
     * missing.
     * @return spanId, if it exists, or empty {@link String}.
    public static int spanId() {
        return -1;

     * Try to get the custom value from trace context.
     * @return custom data value.
    public static Optional<String> getCorrelation(String key) {
        return Optional.empty();

     * Put the custom key/value into trace context.
     * @return previous value if it exists.
    public static Optional<String> putCorrelation(String key, String value) {
        return Optional.empty();



repo:apache/skywalking-java org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.trace.TraceContext language:Java

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【结论】通过字节码增强技术 实现,结合依赖注入和控制反转思想,以SkyWalking方式将追踪身份traceId编织到链路追踪上下文TraceContext中。




java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace;

import net.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription;
import net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatcher;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.ClassStaticMethodsEnhancePluginDefine;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.match.ClassMatch;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.match.NameMatch;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.StaticMethodsInterceptPoint;

import static net.bytebuddy.matcher.ElementMatchers.named;

 * Active the toolkit class "TraceContext". Should not dependency or import any class in
 * "skywalking-toolkit-trace-context" module. Activation's classloader is diff from "TraceContext", using direct will
 * trigger classloader issue.
 * <p>
public class TraceContextActivation extends ClassStaticMethodsEnhancePluginDefine {

    // 追踪身份traceId拦截类
    public static final String TRACE_ID_INTERCEPT_CLASS = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace.TraceIDInterceptor";
    public static final String SEGMENT_ID_INTERCEPT_CLASS = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace.SegmentIDInterceptor";
    public static final String SPAN_ID_INTERCEPT_CLASS = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace.SpanIDInterceptor";
    // 增加类
    public static final String ENHANCE_CLASS = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.trace.TraceContext";
    public static final String ENHANCE_TRACE_ID_METHOD = "traceId";
    public static final String ENHANCE_SEGMENT_ID_METHOD = "segmentId";
    public static final String ENHANCE_SPAN_ID_METHOD = "spanId";
    public static final String ENHANCE_GET_CORRELATION_METHOD = "getCorrelation";
    public static final String INTERCEPT_GET_CORRELATION_CLASS = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace.CorrelationContextGetInterceptor";
    public static final String ENHANCE_PUT_CORRELATION_METHOD = "putCorrelation";
    public static final String INTERCEPT_PUT_CORRELATION_CLASS = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace.CorrelationContextPutInterceptor";

     * @return the target class, which needs active.
    protected ClassMatch enhanceClass() {
        return NameMatch.byName(ENHANCE_CLASS);

     * @return the collection of {@link StaticMethodsInterceptPoint}, represent the intercepted methods and their
     * interceptors.
    public StaticMethodsInterceptPoint[] getStaticMethodsInterceptPoints() {
        // 方法拦截点
        return new StaticMethodsInterceptPoint[] {
            new StaticMethodsInterceptPoint() {
                public ElementMatcher<MethodDescription> getMethodsMatcher() {
                    return named(ENHANCE_TRACE_ID_METHOD);

                public String getMethodsInterceptor() {
                    return TRACE_ID_INTERCEPT_CLASS;

                public boolean isOverrideArgs() {
                    return false;
            // ...




java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.api.ILog;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.api.LogManager;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.StaticMethodsAroundInterceptor;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ContextManager;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.MethodInterceptResult;

public class TraceIDInterceptor implements StaticMethodsAroundInterceptor {

    private static final ILog LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(TraceIDInterceptor.class);

    public void beforeMethod(Class clazz, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] parameterTypes,
        MethodInterceptResult result) {
        // 获取第一个全局追踪身份traceId,将其定义为方法返回值

    public Object afterMethod(Class clazz, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] parameterTypes,
        Object ret) {
        // 返回追踪身份traceId
        return ret;

    public void handleMethodException(Class clazz, Method method, Object[] allArguments, Class<?>[] parameterTypes,
        Throwable t) {
        LOGGER.error("Failed to getDefault trace Id.", t);




java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context;

import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.BootService;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.api.ILog;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.logging.api.LogManager;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.sampling.SamplingService;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.util.StringUtil;

import static org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config.Agent.OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD;

 * {@link ContextManager} controls the whole context of {@link TraceSegment}. Any {@link TraceSegment} relates to
 * single-thread, so this context use {@link ThreadLocal} to maintain the context, and make sure, since a {@link
 * TraceSegment} starts, all ChildOf spans are in the same context. <p> What is 'ChildOf'?
 * <p> Also, {@link ContextManager} delegates to all {@link AbstractTracerContext}'s major methods.
public class ContextManager implements BootService {
    private static final String EMPTY_TRACE_CONTEXT_ID = "N/A";
    private static final ILog LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ContextManager.class);
    // 追踪上下文
    private static ThreadLocal<AbstractTracerContext> CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<AbstractTracerContext>();
    private static ThreadLocal<RuntimeContext> RUNTIME_CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<RuntimeContext>();
    private static ContextManagerExtendService EXTEND_SERVICE;

    private static AbstractTracerContext getOrCreate(String operationName, boolean forceSampling) {
        AbstractTracerContext context = CONTEXT.get();
        if (context == null) {
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(operationName)) {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnable()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("No operation name, ignore this trace.");
                context = new IgnoredTracerContext();
            } else {
                if (EXTEND_SERVICE == null) {
                    EXTEND_SERVICE = ServiceManager.INSTANCE.findService(ContextManagerExtendService.class);
                context = EXTEND_SERVICE.createTraceContext(operationName, forceSampling);

        return context;

    private static AbstractTracerContext get() {
        return CONTEXT.get();

     * 获取第一个全局追踪身份traceId
     * @return the first global trace id when tracing. Otherwise, "N/A".
    public static String getGlobalTraceId() {
        // 追踪上下文
        AbstractTracerContext context = CONTEXT.get();
        // 获取全局追踪身份traceId
        return Objects.nonNull(context) ? context.getReadablePrimaryTraceId() : EMPTY_TRACE_CONTEXT_ID;

     * @return the current segment id when tracing. Otherwise, "N/A".
    public static String getSegmentId() {
        AbstractTracerContext context = CONTEXT.get();
        return Objects.nonNull(context) ? context.getSegmentId() : EMPTY_TRACE_CONTEXT_ID;

     * @return the current span id when tracing. Otherwise, the value is -1.
    public static int getSpanId() {
        AbstractTracerContext context = CONTEXT.get();
        return Objects.nonNull(context) ? context.getSpanId() : -1;

     * @return the current primary endpoint name. Otherwise, the value is null.
    public static String getPrimaryEndpointName() {
        AbstractTracerContext context = CONTEXT.get();
        return Objects.nonNull(context) ? context.getPrimaryEndpointName() : null;

    public static AbstractSpan createEntrySpan(String operationName, ContextCarrier carrier) {
        AbstractSpan span;
        AbstractTracerContext context;
        operationName = StringUtil.cut(operationName, OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD);
        if (carrier != null && carrier.isValid()) {
            SamplingService samplingService = ServiceManager.INSTANCE.findService(SamplingService.class);
            context = getOrCreate(operationName, true);
            span = context.createEntrySpan(operationName);
        } else {
            context = getOrCreate(operationName, false);
            span = context.createEntrySpan(operationName);
        return span;

    public static AbstractSpan createLocalSpan(String operationName) {
        operationName = StringUtil.cut(operationName, OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD);
        AbstractTracerContext context = getOrCreate(operationName, false);
        return context.createLocalSpan(operationName);

    public static AbstractSpan createExitSpan(String operationName, ContextCarrier carrier, String remotePeer) {
        if (carrier == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ContextCarrier can't be null.");
        operationName = StringUtil.cut(operationName, OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD);
        AbstractTracerContext context = getOrCreate(operationName, false);
        AbstractSpan span = context.createExitSpan(operationName, remotePeer);
        return span;

    public static AbstractSpan createExitSpan(String operationName, String remotePeer) {
        operationName = StringUtil.cut(operationName, OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD);
        AbstractTracerContext context = getOrCreate(operationName, false);
        return context.createExitSpan(operationName, remotePeer);

    public static void inject(ContextCarrier carrier) {

    public static void extract(ContextCarrier carrier) {
        if (carrier == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ContextCarrier can't be null.");
        if (carrier.isValid()) {

    public static ContextSnapshot capture() {
        return get().capture();

    // ...






java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context;

import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;

 * The <code>AbstractTracerContext</code> represents the tracer context manager.
public interface AbstractTracerContext {
     * Get the global trace id, if needEnhance. How to build, depends on the implementation.
     * 获取全局追踪身份traceId
     * @return the string represents the id.
    String getReadablePrimaryTraceId();

     * Prepare for the cross-process propagation. How to initialize the carrier, depends on the implementation.
     * @param carrier to carry the context for crossing process.
    void inject(ContextCarrier carrier);

     * Build the reference between this segment and a cross-process segment. How to build, depends on the
     * implementation.
     * @param carrier carried the context from a cross-process segment.
    void extract(ContextCarrier carrier);

     * Capture a snapshot for cross-thread propagation. It's a similar concept with ActiveSpan.Continuation in
     * OpenTracing-java How to build, depends on the implementation.
     * @return the {@link ContextSnapshot} , which includes the reference context.
    ContextSnapshot capture();

     * Build the reference between this segment and a cross-thread segment. How to build, depends on the
     * implementation.
     * @param snapshot from {@link #capture()} in the parent thread.
    void continued(ContextSnapshot snapshot);

     * Get the current segment id, if needEnhance. How to build, depends on the implementation.
     * @return the string represents the id.
    String getSegmentId();

     * Get the active span id, if needEnhance. How to build, depends on the implementation.
     * @return the string represents the id.
    int getSpanId();

     * Create an entry span
     * @param operationName most likely a service name
     * @return the span represents an entry point of this segment.
    AbstractSpan createEntrySpan(String operationName);

     * Create a local span
     * @param operationName most likely a local method signature, or business name.
     * @return the span represents a local logic block.
    AbstractSpan createLocalSpan(String operationName);

     * Create an exit span
     * @param operationName most likely a service name of remote
     * @param remotePeer    the network id(ip:port, hostname:port or ip1:port1,ip2,port, etc.). Remote peer could be set
     *                      later, but must be before injecting.
     * @return the span represent an exit point of this segment.
    AbstractSpan createExitSpan(String operationName, String remotePeer);

     * @return the active span of current tracing context(stack)
    AbstractSpan activeSpan();

     * Finish the given span, and the given span should be the active span of current tracing context(stack)
     * @param span to finish
     * @return true when context should be clear.
    boolean stopSpan(AbstractSpan span);

     * Notify this context, current span is going to be finished async in another thread.
     * @return The current context
    AbstractTracerContext awaitFinishAsync();

     * The given span could be stopped officially.
     * @param span to be stopped.
    void asyncStop(AsyncSpan span);

     * Get current correlation context
    CorrelationContext getCorrelationContext();

     * Get current primary endpoint name
    String getPrimaryEndpointName();






java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.NoopSpan;

 * The <code>IgnoredTracerContext</code> represent a context should be ignored. So it just maintains the stack with an
 * integer depth field.
 * <p>
 * All operations through this will be ignored, and keep the memory and gc cost as low as possible.
public class IgnoredTracerContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
    private static final NoopSpan NOOP_SPAN = new NoopSpan();
    private static final String IGNORE_TRACE = "Ignored_Trace";

    private final CorrelationContext correlationContext;
    private final ExtensionContext extensionContext;

    private int stackDepth;

    public IgnoredTracerContext() {
        this.stackDepth = 0;
        this.correlationContext = new CorrelationContext();
        this.extensionContext = new ExtensionContext();

    public String getReadablePrimaryTraceId() {
        // 获取全局追踪身份traceId
        return IGNORE_TRACE;

    public String getSegmentId() {
        return IGNORE_TRACE;

    public int getSpanId() {
        return -1;

    // ...






java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.dynamic.watcher.SpanLimitWatcher;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.DistributedTraceId;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.PropagatedTraceId;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractTracingSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.EntrySpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.ExitSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.ExitTypeSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.LocalSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.NoopExitSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.NoopSpan;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegmentRef;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.profile.ProfileStatusReference;
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.profile.ProfileTaskExecutionService;

 * The <code>TracingContext</code> represents a core tracing logic controller. It build the final {@link
 * TracingContext}, by the stack mechanism, which is similar with the codes work.
 * <p>
 * In opentracing concept, it means, all spans in a segment tracing context(thread) are CHILD_OF relationship, but no
 * <p>
 * In skywalking core concept, FOLLOW_OF is an abstract concept when cross-process MQ or cross-thread async/batch tasks
 * happen, we used {@link TraceSegmentRef} for these scenarios. Check {@link TraceSegmentRef} which is from {@link
 * ContextCarrier} or {@link ContextSnapshot}.
public class TracingContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
    private static final ILog LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(TracingContext.class);
    private long lastWarningTimestamp = 0;

     * @see ProfileTaskExecutionService
    private static ProfileTaskExecutionService PROFILE_TASK_EXECUTION_SERVICE;

     * The final {@link TraceSegment}, which includes all finished spans.
     * 追踪段,同一线程内的所有调用
    private TraceSegment segment;

     * Active spans stored in a Stack, usually called 'ActiveSpanStack'. This {@link LinkedList} is the in-memory
     * storage-structure. <p> I use {@link LinkedList#removeLast()}, {@link LinkedList#addLast(Object)} and {@link
     * LinkedList#getLast()} instead of {@link #pop()}, {@link #push(AbstractSpan)}, {@link #peek()}
    private LinkedList<AbstractSpan> activeSpanStack = new LinkedList<>();

     * @since 8.10.0 replace the removed "firstSpan"(before 8.10.0) reference. see {@link PrimaryEndpoint} for more details.
    private PrimaryEndpoint primaryEndpoint = null;

     * A counter for the next span.
    private int spanIdGenerator;

     * The counter indicates
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") // updated by ASYNC_SPAN_COUNTER_UPDATER
    private volatile int asyncSpanCounter;
    private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<TracingContext> ASYNC_SPAN_COUNTER_UPDATER =
        AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TracingContext.class, "asyncSpanCounter");
    private volatile boolean isRunningInAsyncMode;
    private volatile ReentrantLock asyncFinishLock;

    private volatile boolean running;

    private final long createTime;

     * profile status
    private final ProfileStatusReference profileStatus;
    private final CorrelationContext correlationContext;
    private final ExtensionContext extensionContext;

    //CDS watcher
    private final SpanLimitWatcher spanLimitWatcher;

     * Initialize all fields with default value.
    TracingContext(String firstOPName, SpanLimitWatcher spanLimitWatcher) {
        this.segment = new TraceSegment();
        this.spanIdGenerator = 0;
        isRunningInAsyncMode = false;
        createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        running = true;

        // profiling status
            PROFILE_TASK_EXECUTION_SERVICE = ServiceManager.INSTANCE.findService(ProfileTaskExecutionService.class);
        this.profileStatus = PROFILE_TASK_EXECUTION_SERVICE.addProfiling(
            this, segment.getTraceSegmentId(), firstOPName);

        this.correlationContext = new CorrelationContext();
        this.extensionContext = new ExtensionContext();
        this.spanLimitWatcher = spanLimitWatcher;

     * 获取全局追踪身份traceId
     * @return the first global trace id.
    public String getReadablePrimaryTraceId() {
        // 获取分布式的追踪身份的id字段属性
        return getPrimaryTraceId().getId();

    private DistributedTraceId getPrimaryTraceId() {
        // 获取追踪段相关的分布式的追踪身份
        return segment.getRelatedGlobalTrace();

    // ...





java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids;

import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;

 * The <code>DistributedTraceId</code> presents a distributed call chain.
 * 表示一个分布式调用链路。
 * <p>
 * This call chain has a unique (service) entrance,
 * <p>
 * such as: Service :, all the remote, called behind this service, rest remote, db
 * executions, are using the same <code>DistributedTraceId</code> even in different JVM.
 * <p>
 * The <code>DistributedTraceId</code> contains only one string, and can NOT be reset, creating a new instance is the
 * only option.
public abstract class DistributedTraceId {
    private final String id;





java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids;

 * The <code>PropagatedTraceId</code> represents a {@link DistributedTraceId}, which is propagated from the peer.
public class PropagatedTraceId extends DistributedTraceId {
    public PropagatedTraceId(String id) {





java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids;

 * The <code>NewDistributedTraceId</code> is a {@link DistributedTraceId} with a new generated id.
public class NewDistributedTraceId extends DistributedTraceId {
    public NewDistributedTraceId() {
        // 生成新的全局id





java 复制代码
package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids;

import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.skywalking.apm.util.StringUtil;

public final class GlobalIdGenerator {
    // 应用实例进程身份id
    private static final String PROCESS_ID = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");
    // 线程的id序列号的上下文
    private static final ThreadLocal<IDContext> THREAD_ID_SEQUENCE = ThreadLocal.withInitial(
        () -> new IDContext(System.currentTimeMillis(), (short) 0));

    private GlobalIdGenerator() {

     * 生成一个新的id。
     * Generate a new id, combined by three parts.
     * <p>
     * The first one represents application instance id.
     * 第一部分,表示应用实例进程身份id
     * <p>
     * The second one represents thread id.
     * 第二部分,表示线程身份id
     * <p>
     * The third one also has two parts, 1) a timestamp, measured in milliseconds 2) a seq, in current thread, between
     * 0(included) and 9999(included)
     * 第三部分,也有两个部分, 1) 一个时间戳,单位是毫秒ms 2) 在当前线程中的一个序列号,位于[0,9999]之间
     * @return unique id to represent a trace or segment
     * 表示追踪或追踪段的唯一id
    public static String generate() {
        return StringUtil.join(

    private static class IDContext {
        private long lastTimestamp;
        private short threadSeq;

        // Just for considering time-shift-back only.
        private long lastShiftTimestamp;
        private int lastShiftValue;

        private IDContext(long lastTimestamp, short threadSeq) {
            this.lastTimestamp = lastTimestamp;
            this.threadSeq = threadSeq;

        private long nextSeq() {
            return timestamp() * 10000 + nextThreadSeq();

        private long timestamp() {
            long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

            if (currentTimeMillis < lastTimestamp) {
                // Just for considering time-shift-back by Ops or OS. @hanahmily 's suggestion.
                if (lastShiftTimestamp != currentTimeMillis) {
                    lastShiftTimestamp = currentTimeMillis;
                return lastShiftValue;
            } else {
                lastTimestamp = currentTimeMillis;
                return lastTimestamp;

        private short nextThreadSeq() {
            if (threadSeq == 10000) {
                threadSeq = 0;
            return threadSeq++;


Arthas monitor/watch/trace 相关

shell 复制代码
stack org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.NewDistributedTraceId <init> '@java.lang.Thread@currentThread().getName().startsWith("wanda_event")'

watch org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.NewDistributedTraceId <init> '{target, returnObj}' '@java.lang.Thread@currentThread().getName().startsWith("wanda_event")' -x 6
shell 复制代码
[arthas@7]$ stack org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.AbstractTracerContext getReadablePrimaryTraceId '@java.lang.Thread@currentThread().getName().startsWith("wanda_event")'
Press Q or Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class count: 2 , method count: 1) cost in 423 ms, listenerId: 3
ts=2024-03-04 21:03:59;thread_name=wanda_event-thread-1;id=140;is_daemon=false;priority=5;TCCL=org.springframework.boot.loader.LaunchedURLClassLoader@67fe380b
        at org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ContextManager.getGlobalTraceId(
        at org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.activation.trace.TraceIDInterceptor.beforeMethod(
        at org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.StaticMethodsInter.intercept(
        at org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.trace.TraceContext.traceId(
        // SkyWalking核心链路是上面👆🏻
        // 调用TraceContext.traceId()
        at com.leoao.lpaas.logback.LeoaoJsonLayout.addCustomDataToJsonMap(
        at ch.qos.logback.contrib.json.classic.JsonLayout.toJsonMap(null:-1)
        at ch.qos.logback.contrib.json.classic.JsonLayout.toJsonMap(null:-1)
        at ch.qos.logback.contrib.json.JsonLayoutBase.doLayout(null:-1)
        at ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder.encode(
        at ch.qos.logback.core.OutputStreamAppender.subAppend(
        at ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender.subAppend(
        at ch.qos.logback.core.OutputStreamAppender.append(
        at ch.qos.logback.core.UnsynchronizedAppenderBase.doAppend(
        at ch.qos.logback.core.spi.AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders(
        at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.appendLoopOnAppenders(
        at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.callAppenders(
        at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.buildLoggingEventAndAppend(
        at ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.filterAndLog_1(
        // 输出打印日志
        //"receive event persistUserPositionEvent=[{}]", event);
        at com.lefit.wanda.domain.event.listener.PersistUserPositionEventListener.change(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstMethodsInterWithOverrideArgs.intercept(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$




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