【小贪】Kinect V2相机标定、图像获取、图像处理(Python)

完整项目链接:GitHub - xfliu1998/kinectProject

Kinect V2相机标定

使用张正友标定法对Kinect V2相机标定。原理及参考代码见以下链接:

  1. 导入需要的包
python 复制代码
import os
import time
import datetime
import glob as gb
import h5py
import keyboard
import cv2
import numpy as np
from utils.calibration import Calibrator
from utils.kinect import Kinect
  1. 拍摄不同角度的标定图。取照要求:不同角度不同位置拍摄(10-20)张标定图,棋盘格的视野在整张图的1/4~2/3左右。以下函数默认拍摄20张图,按空格键拍摄照片,按q键结束拍摄,拍的标定图会保存到指定路径。
python 复制代码
def get_chess_image(image_num=20):
    out_path = './data/chess/'
    if not os.path.exists(out_path):
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    i = 0
    while 1:
        (grabbed, img) = camera.read()
        cv2.imshow('img', img)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & keyboard.is_pressed('space'):  # press space to save an image
            i += 1
            firename = str(f'{out_path}img{str(i)}.jpg')
            cv2.imwrite(firename, img)
            print('write: ', firename)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q') or i == image_num:  # press q to finish
  1. 对相机标定。函数将相机的内参和畸变系数输出至指定路径,同时可以获得每张标定图的外参矩阵。函数需要用到标定类,代码在utils包中。
python 复制代码
def camera_calibrator(shape_inner_corner=(11, 8), size_grid=0.025):
    :param shape_inner_corner: checkerboard size = 12*9
    :param size_grid: the length of the sides of the checkerboard = 25mm
    chess_dir = "./data/chess"
    out_path = "./data/dedistortion/chess"
    if not os.path.exists(out_path):
    # create calibrator
    calibrator = Calibrator(chess_dir, shape_inner_corner, size_grid)
    # calibrate the camera
    mat_intri, coff_dis = calibrator.calibrate_camera()
    np.save('./data/intrinsic_matrix.npy', mat_intri)
    np.save('./data/distortion_cofficients.npy', coff_dis)
    print("intrinsic matrix: \n {}".format(mat_intri))
    print("distortion cofficients: \n {}".format(coff_dis))  # (k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2, k_3)
    # dedistortion
    calibrator.dedistortion(chess_dir, out_path)
    return mat_intri, coff_dis
python 复制代码
import os
import glob
import cv2
import numpy as np

class Calibrator(object):
    def __init__(self, img_dir, shape_inner_corner, size_grid, visualization=True):
        img_dir: the directory that save images for calibration, str
        shape_inner_corner: the shape of inner corner, Array of int, (h, w)
        size_grid: the real size of a grid in calibrator, float
        visualization: whether visualization, bool
        self.img_dir = img_dir
        self.shape_inner_corner = shape_inner_corner
        self.size_grid = size_grid
        self.visualization = visualization
        self.mat_intri = None   # intrinsic matrix
        self.coff_dis = None    # cofficients of distortion

        # create the conner in world space
        w, h = shape_inner_corner
        # cp_int: save the coordinate of corner points in world space in 'int' form. like (0,0,0), ...., (10,7,0)
        cp_int = np.zeros((w * h, 3), np.float32)
        cp_int[:, :2] = np.mgrid[0:w, 0:h].T.reshape(-1, 2)
        # cp_world: corner point in world space, save the coordinate of corner points in world space
        self.cp_world = cp_int * size_grid

        # images
        self.img_paths = []
        for extension in ["jpg", "png", "jpeg"]:
            self.img_paths += glob.glob(os.path.join(img_dir, "*.{}".format(extension)))
        assert len(self.img_paths), "No images for calibration found!"

    def calibrate_camera(self):
        w, h = self.shape_inner_corner
        # criteria: only for subpix calibration, which is not used here
        # criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)
        points_world = []   # the points in world space
        points_pixel = []   # the points in pixel space (relevant to points_world)
        for img_path in self.img_paths:
            img = cv2.imread(img_path)
            gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            # find the corners, cp_img: corner points in pixel space
            ret, cp_img = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray_img, (w, h), None)
            # if ret is True, save
            if ret:
                # cv2.cornerSubPix(gray_img, cp_img, (11,11), (-1,-1), criteria)
                # view the corners
                if self.visualization:
                    cv2.drawChessboardCorners(img, (w, h), cp_img, ret)
                    _, img_name = os.path.split(img_path)
                    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.img_dir, f"dedistortion/coner_detect/{img_name}"), img)
                    cv2.imshow('FoundCorners', img)

        # calibrate the camera
        ret, mat_intri, coff_dis, v_rot, v_trans = cv2.calibrateCamera(points_world, points_pixel, gray_img.shape[::-1], None, None)
        # print("ret: {}".format(ret))
        # print("intrinsic matrix: \n {}".format(mat_intri))
        # # in the form of (k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2, k_3)
        # print("distortion cofficients: \n {}".format(coff_dis))
        # print("rotation vectors: \n {}".format(v_rot))
        # print("translation vectors: \n {}".format(v_trans))

        # calculate the error of reproject
        total_error = 0
        for i in range(len(points_world)):
            points_pixel_repro, _ = cv2.projectPoints(points_world[i], v_rot[i], v_trans[i], mat_intri, coff_dis)
            error = cv2.norm(points_pixel[i], points_pixel_repro, cv2.NORM_L2) / len(points_pixel_repro)
            total_error += error
        # print("Average error of reproject: {}".format(total_error / len(points_world)))

        self.mat_intri = mat_intri
        self.coff_dis = coff_dis
        return mat_intri, coff_dis

    def dedistortion(self, img_dir, save_dir):
        if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
        # if not calibrated, calibrate first
        if self.mat_intri is None:
            assert self.coff_dis is None

        img_paths = []
        for extension in ["jpg", "png", "jpeg"]:
            img_paths += glob.glob(os.path.join(img_dir, "*.{}".format(extension)))

        for img_path in img_paths:
            _, img_name = os.path.split(img_path)
            img = cv2.imread(img_path)
            h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
            newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.mat_intri, self.coff_dis, (w, h), 1, (w, h))
            dst = cv2.undistort(img, self.mat_intri, self.coff_dis, None, newcameramtx)
            # clip the data
            # x, y, w, h = roi
            # dst = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_dir, img_name), dst)
        # print("Dedistorted images have been saved to: {}".format(save_dir))

Kinect V2相机获取图像及图像预处理

  1. 使用Kinect V2相机拍摄RGB-D数据流 。设定拍摄目标的名字name,运行函数后延时1s开始拍摄,按ESC键结束拍摄。拍摄的RGB-D数据首先保存到指定路径下的h5文件中,同时输出拍摄的时间。拍摄Kinect图像需要用到Kinect类,代码在utils包中。
python 复制代码
def capture_image(name):
    file_name = './data/h5/' + name + '.h5'
    if os.path.exists(file_name):
    open(file_name, "x")
    f = h5py.File(file_name, 'a')
    i = 1
    kinect = Kinect()

    s = time.time()
    while 1:
        data = kinect.get_the_data_of_color_depth_infrared_image()
        # save data
        f.create_dataset(str(i), data=data[0])
        f.create_dataset(str(i+1), data=data[1])
        i += 2
        cv2.imshow('kinect', data[0])
        if keyboard.is_pressed('esc'):  # press ESC to exit
    print('record time: %f s' % (time.time() - s))
    return file_name
python 复制代码
from pykinect2 import PyKinectV2
from pykinect2.PyKinectV2 import *
from pykinect2 import PyKinectRuntime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2 as cv
import ctypes
import math
import time
import copy
import keyboard

class Kinect(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._kinect = PyKinectRuntime.PyKinectRuntime(PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Color | PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Depth | PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Infrared)
        self.color_frame = None
        self.depth_frame = None
        self.infrared_frame = None
        self.w_color = 1920
        self.h_color = 1080
        self.w_depth = 512
        self.h_depth = 424
        self.csp_type = _ColorSpacePoint * np.int(self.w_color * self.h_color)
        self.csp = ctypes.cast(self.csp_type(), ctypes.POINTER(_DepthSpacePoint))
        self.color = None
        self.depth = None
        self.infrared = None
        self.first_time = True

    # Copying this image directly in python is not as efficient as getting another frame directly from C++
    """Get the latest color data"""
    def get_the_last_color(self):
        if self._kinect.has_new_color_frame():
            # the obtained image data is 2d and needs to be converted to the desired format
            frame = self._kinect.get_last_color_frame()
            # return 4 channels, and one channel is not registered
            gbra = frame.reshape([self._kinect.color_frame_desc.Height, self._kinect.color_frame_desc.Width, 4])
            # remove color image data, the default is that the mirror image needs to be flipped
            color_frame = gbra[..., :3][:, ::-1, :]
            return color_frame

    """Get the latest depth data"""
    def get_the_last_depth(self):
        if self._kinect.has_new_depth_frame():
            frame = self._kinect.get_last_depth_frame()
            depth_frame_all = frame.reshape([self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Height, self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Width])
            self.depth_frame = depth_frame_all[:, ::-1]
            return self.depth_frame

    """Get the latest infrared data"""
    def get_the_last_infrared(self, Infrared_threshold = 16000):
        if self._kinect.has_new_infrared_frame():
            frame = self._kinect.get_last_infrared_frame()
            image_infrared_all = frame.reshape([self._kinect.infrared_frame_desc.Height, self._kinect.infrared_frame_desc.Width])
            # image_infrared_all[image_infrared_all > Infrared_threshold] = 0
            # image_infrared_all = image_infrared_all / Infrared_threshold * 255
            self.infrared_frame = image_infrared_all[:, ::-1]
            return self.infrared_frame

    """Match the depth pixels into the color image"""
    def map_depth_points_to_color_points(self, depth_points):
        depth_points = [self.map_depth_point_to_color_point(x) for x in depth_points]
        return depth_points

    def map_depth_point_to_color_point(self, depth_point):
        global valid
        depth_point_to_color = copy.deepcopy(depth_point)
        n = 0
        while 1:
            color_point = self._kinect._mapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(_DepthSpacePoint(511 - depth_point_to_color[1], depth_point_to_color[0]), self.depth_frame[depth_point_to_color[0], 511 - depth_point_to_color[1]])
            if math.isinf(float(color_point.y)):
                n += 1
                if n >= 10000:
                    color_point = [0, 0]
                color_point = [np.int0(color_point.y), 1920 - np.int0(color_point.x)]  # image coordinates, human eye Angle
                valid += 1
                print('valid number:', valid)
        return color_point

    """Map an array of color pixels into a depth image"""
    def map_color_points_to_depth_points(self, color_points):
        self._kinect._mapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(ctypes.c_uint(512 * 424), self._kinect._depth_frame_data, ctypes.c_uint(1920 * 1080), self.csp)
        depth_points = [self.map_color_point_to_depth_point(x, True) for x in color_points]
        return depth_points

    def map_color_point_to_depth_point(self, color_point, if_call_flg=False):
        n = 0
        color_point_to_depth = copy.deepcopy(color_point)
        color_point_to_depth[1] = 1920 - color_point_to_depth[1]
        while 1:
            if not if_call_flg:
                self._kinect._mapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(ctypes.c_uint(512 * 424), self._kinect._depth_frame_data, ctypes.c_uint(1920 * 1080), self.csp)
            if math.isinf(float(self.csp[color_point_to_depth[0] * 1920 + color_point_to_depth[1] - 1].y)) \
                    or np.isnan(self.csp[color_point_to_depth[0] * 1920 + color_point_to_depth[1] - 1].y):
                n += 1
                if n >= 10000:
                    print('Color mapping depth, invalid points')
                    depth_point = [0, 0]
                    depth_point = [np.int0(self.csp[color_point_to_depth[0] * 1920 + color_point_to_depth[1] - 1].y),
                                   np.int0(self.csp[color_point_to_depth[0] * 1920 + color_point_to_depth[1] - 1].x)]
                except OverflowError as e:
                    print('Color mapping depth, invalid points')
                    depth_point = [0, 0]
        depth_point[1] = 512 - depth_point[1]
        return depth_point

    """Get the latest color and depth images as well as infrared images"""
    def get_the_data_of_color_depth_infrared_image(self):
        time_s = time.time()
        if self.first_time:
            while 1:
                n = 0
                self.color = self.get_the_last_color()
                n += 1

                self.depth = self.get_the_last_depth()
                n += 1

                if self._kinect.has_new_infrared_frame():
                    frame = self._kinect.get_last_infrared_frame()
                    image_infrared_all = frame.reshape([self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Height, self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Width])
                    self.infrared = image_infrared_all[:, ::-1]
                    n += 1

                t = time.time() - time_s
                if n == 3:
                    self.first_time = False
                elif t > 5:
                    print('No image data is obtained, please check that the Kinect2 connection is normal')
            if self._kinect.has_new_color_frame():
                frame = self._kinect.get_last_color_frame()
                gbra = frame.reshape([self._kinect.color_frame_desc.Height, self._kinect.color_frame_desc.Width, 4])
                gbr = gbra[:, :, :3][:, ::-1, :]
                self.color = gbr

            if self._kinect.has_new_depth_frame():
                frame = self._kinect.get_last_depth_frame()
                image_depth_all = frame.reshape([self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Height, self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Width])
                depth = image_depth_all[:, ::-1]
                self.depth = depth

            if self._kinect.has_new_infrared_frame():
                frame = self._kinect.get_last_infrared_frame()
                image_infrared_all = frame.reshape([self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Height, self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Width])
                self.infrared = image_infrared_all[:, ::-1]

        return self.color, self.depth, self.infrared

if __name__ == '__main__':
    i = 1
    kinect = Kinect()
    s = time.time()

    while 1:
        data = kinect.get_the_data_of_color_depth_infrared_image()
        img = data[0]
        mat_intri = np.load('./data/intrinsic_matrix.npy')
        coff_dis = np.load('./data/distortion_cofficients.npy')
        h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
        newcameramtx, roi = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mat_intri, coff_dis, (w, h), 1, (w, h))
        dst = cv.undistort(img, mat_intri, coff_dis, None, newcameramtx)
        dst = cv.cvtColor(dst, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        # store the mapping matrix in an npy file
        color_points = np.zeros((512 * 424, 2), dtype=np.int)  # valid number: 207662
        k = 0
        for i in range(424):
            for j in range(512):
                color_points[k] = [i, j]
                k += 1
        depth_map_color = kinect.map_depth_points_to_color_points(color_points)

        # turn to 0 that is not in the mapping range
        depth_map_color[..., 0] = np.where(depth_map_color[..., 0] >= 1080, 0, depth_map_color[..., 0])
        depth_map_color[..., 0] = np.where(depth_map_color[..., 0] < 0, 0, depth_map_color[..., 0])
        depth_map_color[..., 1] = np.where(depth_map_color[..., 1] >= 1920, 0, depth_map_color[..., 1])
        depth_map_color[..., 1] = np.where(depth_map_color[..., 1] < 0, 0, depth_map_color[..., 1])
        # interpolated fill 0 values
        zeros = np.array(list(set(np.where(depth_map_color == 0)[0])))
        for zero in zeros:
            if zero < 40 * 512 or zero > 360 * 512:
            j = 1
            while depth_map_color[zero - j].any() == 0 or depth_map_color[zero + j].any() == 0:
                j += 1
            depth_map_color[zero][0] = (depth_map_color[zero - j][0] + depth_map_color[zero + j][0]) // 2
            depth_map_color[zero][1] = (depth_map_color[zero - j][1] + depth_map_color[zero + j][1]) // 2
        np.save('full_depth_map_color.npy', full_depth_map_color)

        depth_map_color = np.load('./data/full_depth_map_color.npy')   # (424*512, 2)
        full_depth_map_color = depth_map_color
        map_color = dst[full_depth_map_color[..., 0], full_depth_map_color[..., 1]]  # (424*512, 2)
        map_color = map_color.reshape((424, 512, 3))

        if keyboard.is_pressed('esc'):
  1. 彩色图去畸变。利用上文计算的相机参数对每一张彩色图去除畸变,同时保存去畸变后的彩色图。需要用到以下两个函数:
python 复制代码
def dedistortion(mat_intri, coff_dis, img):
    h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
    newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mat_intri, coff_dis, (w, h), 1, (w, h))
    dst = cv2.undistort(img, mat_intri, coff_dis, None, newcameramtx)
    return dst

def save_image(data, name, type, dir='test'):
    global num
    idx = str(num).zfill(6)
    if dir == 'raw':
        color_path = './data/' + name + '/color'
        depth_path = './data/' + name + '/depth'
        color_path = "./test_data/" + name + '/color'
        depth_path = "./test_data/" + name + '/depth'
    if not os.path.exists(color_path):
    if not os.path.exists(depth_path):
    if type == 'color':
        cv2.imwrite(color_path + '/color-' + idx + '.png', data)
        cv2.imwrite(depth_path + '/depth-' + idx + '.png', data)
        if dir == 'test':
            num += 1
  1. 深度图彩色图对齐 。kinect相机的颜色相机和深度传感器之间存在距离,导致深度图和颜色图像素不是一一对应,需要对齐,使用以下函数对齐color和depth,对齐后将图像中心裁剪为尺寸(480, 360)。但是对齐后的颜色图可以会出现对齐错误(对齐npy文件存储在data包中,获取方式见kinect.py的main函数)。
python 复制代码
def center_crop(img,  crop_size):
    tw, th = crop_size
    h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
    if len(img.shape) == 2:
        crop_img = img[(h - th) // 2:(h + th) // 2, (w - tw) // 2:(w + tw) // 2]
        crop_img = img[(h - th) // 2:(h + th) // 2, (w - tw) // 2:(w + tw) // 2, :]
    return crop_img

def match_color_depth(color, depth):
    # crop+resize is worse
    full_depth_map_color = np.load('data/full_depth_map_color.npy')
    map_color = color[full_depth_map_color[..., 0], full_depth_map_color[..., 1]]  # (424*512, 2)
    map_color = map_color.reshape((424, 512, 3))
    # 512 * 424
    color = center_crop(map_color, (480, 360))
    depth = center_crop(depth, (480, 360))
    # plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    # plt.imshow(color)
    # plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    # plt.imshow(depth)
    # plt.show()
    return color, depth
  1. 输出color视频。将校正后的color图像流输出为指定路径下的视频。
python 复制代码
def trans_video(image_path, video_name, fps, res, type):
    img_path = gb.glob(image_path + "/*.png")
    videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(video_name, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX'), fps, res)
    for path in img_path:
        img = cv2.imread(path)
        img = cv2.resize(img, res)
    print('transform ' + type + ' video done!')

def save_video(name):
    currentdate = datetime.datetime.now()
    file_name = str(currentdate.day) + "." + str(currentdate.month) + "." + str(currentdate.hour) + "." + str(currentdate.minute)
    color_path = './data/' + name + '/color'
    # depth_path = './data/' + name + '/depth'
    video_path = './data/' + name + '/video'
    if not os.path.exists(video_path):
    trans_video(color_path, video_path + '/color-' + file_name + '.avi', 30, (1920, 1080), 'color')
    # trans_video(depth_path, depth_path + '/depth-' + file_name + '.avi', 30, (512, 424), 'depth')
  1. 完整调用。调用以上程序的主程序如下:
python 复制代码
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 1. shooting calibration images

    # 2. camera calibration
    mat_intri, coff_dis = camera_calibrator()
    # mat_intri = np.load('./data/intrinsic_matrix.npy')
    # coff_dis = np.load('./data/distortion_cofficients.npy')

    # 3. capture object images to save h5 file
    name = 'object'
    file_name = capture_image(name)

    f = h5py.File(file_name, 'r')
    num = 0
    for i in range(1, len(f.keys()), 2):
        color = f[str(i)][:]
        depth = f[str(i + 1)][:]

        # 4. data process: dedistortion; match color and depth images; save color/depth images
        dedistortion_color = dedistortion(mat_intri, coff_dis, color)
        save_image(dedistortion_color, name, 'color', 'raw')
        save_image(depth, name, 'depth', 'raw')
        new_color, new_depth = match_color_depth(dedistortion_color, depth)
        save_image(new_color, name, 'color', 'test')
        save_image(new_depth, name, 'depth', 'test')
    print('image save done!')

    # 5. convert to video
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