IDE Plugin FAQ-ApiHug - API design Copilot

🤗 ApiHug × {Postman|Swagger|Api...} = 快↑ 准√ 省↓

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Proto 文件不能识别, can not recognize proto file

目前IDE 支持的 Proto buffer 插件最流行有两个:

  1. IDE 自带的, 供应商是 JetBrains s.r.o. ✅✅✅
  2. 三方 HIGAN ❌❌❌


ApiHug Plugin 依赖 IDE 自带的 Proto Editor 插件,进行AST 语法树的解析,所以必须激活 JetBrains s.r.o. ✅ Proto插件:

Proto 文件不能import, cannot recognize the proto import

ApiHug SDK proto 导入 import "swagger/annotations.proto"; 报错:

ApiHug SDK proto import import "swagger/annotations.proto"; fail:

01: 编译项目, compile the project (markdown or gradle task)

02: 编译完成后, 查看proto 项目的 build缓存, after compile success, check the project proto build cache:


03: 如果还是没有引入, 手动配置 proto import; if still not import then please add path manually:

  1. open Settings panel
  2. find Protocol Buffers
  3. un-check Configure Automatically
  4. add the {PROJECT}/{PROTO-MODULE}/build/extracted-include-protos to the Import Paths:

最终所有 import 应该都变绿, Eventually all the import should turn green!

⚠️ sometime the official proto editor may crash, please pay attention to the crash notification!

if even restart IDEA this broken still consistent, please report to us: report issue


不能识别Gradle, can not recognize as gradle project

IDE 应该弹出 Load Gradle Project , 如果通知被被关闭, 打开 Notification 手动触发。

IDE should pop up a notification: Load Gradle Project , if notification pop up was forbidden, then please open the Notification panel to load it manually!

Gradle 编译报错, gradle compile failure

  1. report issue
  2. Homepage find QR code to join out chat group.

API Design tree not present/refresh

  1. refresh the tree
  2. rebuild the tree(heavy), recompile and then refresh

if the error still consistent, then report issue!

Check version

Check the ApiHug IDE plugin version installed:

Top Menu: ApiHug -> About:

Plugin 0.2+ issue

Please check here

Especially Spring boot upgrade!


  1. ApiHug101-Bilibili
  2. ApiHug101-Youtube
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