C# Solidworks二次开发:枚举应用实战(第十讲)




Member Description
swsMaterialErrorWarningCreepWithForceControl 24 = Creep option for material works only with force control method; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningDefineCurveForEx 10 = Define curve for EX; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningDefinePointForStressStrainCurve 16 = Define point (0,0) for this stress-strain curve; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningDefineProperty 6 = Define at least one property; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningDefineStressStrainCurve 15 = Define stress-strain curve for material; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningDensityNotDefined 13 = Material density not defined; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningEXNotDefined 8 = EX (modulus of elasticity) not defined; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningEXValue 9 =EX should be > 0; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningFatigueSNCurvesCycles 3 = Cycle values of fatigue S-N curves should be monotonically increasing; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningInvalidLinearElasticAnisotropicMaterialModel 1 = The linear elastic anisotropic material model is invalid for this study; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningInvalidMaterialModel 2 = Invalid material model for this study; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningMaterialPropertyValue 7 = Material property value should be > 0; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningMaterialTemperatureCurveForNitinol 11 = Material temperature curve is not allowed for Nitinol; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningMaterialTemperatureDependencyIgnored 30 = Material temperature dependency is ignored for drop test analysis; warning
swsMaterialErrorWarningNUXYNotDefined 32 = Poisson's Ratio (NUXY) is not defined; program will use a default value of 0.0; warning
swsMaterialErrorWarningNUXYValue 12 = NUXY (Poissons Ratio) should be < 0.5; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningOnlyBilinearPlasticityForDropTestStudies 31 = Only bilinear plasticity is supported for drop test studies; stress-strain curves are ignored; warning
swsMaterialErrorWarningrKXNotDefined 14 = KX (thermal conductivity) not defined; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSIGC_F2LessThanSIGC_S2 23 = Property SIGC_F2 should be less than SIGC_S2; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSIGC_S1LessThanSIGC_F1 21 = Property SIGC_S1 should be less than SIGC_F1; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSIGC_S2LessThanSIGC_F1 22 = Property SIGC_S2 should be less than SIGC_F1; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSIGT_F2LessThanSIGT_S2 20 = Property SIGT_F2 should be less than SIGT_S2; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSIGT_S1_F1_S2_F2Values 17 = Properties SIGT_S1, SIGT_F1, SIGT_S2 and SIGT_F2 should be > 0; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSIGT_S1LessThanSIGT_F1 18 = Property SIGT_S1 should be less than SIGT_F1; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSIGT_S2LessThanSIGT_F1 19 = Property SIGT_S2 should be less than SIGT_F1; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningSuccessful 0 = Successful
swsMaterialErrorWarningTooManyPointsSNCurve 5 = S-N curves should not have more than 200 data points; error
swsMaterialErrorWarningUniqueStressRatioForEachSNCurve 4 = Stress ratio should be unique for each S-N curve; error


Member Description
swsNonLinearStudyInvalidArcLengthMaximumDisplacementValue 17 = Invalid arc-length displacement value
swsNonLinearStudyInvalidArcLengthMaximumLoadValue 18 = Invalid arc-length load value
swsNonLinearStudyInvalidArcLengthMultiplierValue 16 = Value for maximum displacement (for translation DOF) is either <0.1 or >1
swsNonLinearStudyInvalidArcLengthStepsValue 19 = Invalid arc-length steps value
swsNonLinearStudyInvalidDisplaceComponentUnitValue 15 = Unit value for displacement component unit is <0 or >4
swsNonLinearStudyInvalidDisplaceComponentValue 14 = Displacement component value is <0 or >5
swsNonLinearStudyInvalidSingularityEliminationfactorValue 20 = Invalid singularity elimination factor value
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorAutoSteppingParameters 2 = All auto-stepping parameters should be less than end time
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorEmptyDispatch 12 = Empty Dispatch parameter
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSelectArcLengthControlType 7 = Select the arc-length control type
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSelectDirectSolver 9 = Select direct solver
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSelectDisplacementControlType 6 = Select the displacement control type
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSelectForceControl 10 = Select force control type
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSelectTimeCurve 8 = Select a time curve
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSelectVerticesOrDatumPoint 5 = Select a vertex or datum point
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSolutionSteps 4 = Nonlinear analysis can have up to 15,000 solution steps
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorStartEndStepsAndIncrement 1 = Start time step, end time step, and increment should all be > 0
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorStartTimeLessThanEndTime 3 = Start time should be < end time
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorSuccessful 0 = Successful
swsNonLinearStudyOptionsErrorWrongArcLengthUnit 11 = Incorrect unit input; must be between 0 and 4
swsNonLinearStudyTimeCurveErrorInvalidStudyType 13 = Invalid study type


Member Description
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorBodyExcludedFromAnalysis 23 = Selected entity is on a body excluded from analysis
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorEntityAlreadyAdded 2 = Entity already added
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorHasBeamBody 11 = Connector has a beam body
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorHasMassElement 12 = Connection has a mass element
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorIncludeStrengthData 25 = Select to include strength data
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorIndexTooBig 10 = Specified index > number of entities
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorInvalidConnectionType 27
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorInvalidForAnalysis 26
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorNoEntityAtIndex 1 = No entity at specified index
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorNullEntity 24 = Entity is null
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorPinBoltStrength 20 = Specify a positive value for the pin or bolt yield
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorPinMass 17 = Specify a positive value for the pin mass
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorRadiiNotEqual 7 = Radii of cylindrical faces of components are not equal
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSafetyFactor 21 = Specify a positive value for safety factor
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectAssemblyDocument 8 = Select assembly document
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectCircularEdge 22 = Select a circular edge
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectCircularEdges 13 = Select circular edges on shells
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectConcentricCylindricalFacesConnection 9 = Select two concentric cylindrical faces from two bodies for pin connector
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectConcentricCylindricalFacesConnector 6 = Select two concentric cylindrical faces from two bodies for pin connector
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectDifferentBody 14 = Select a different body for either entity
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectEntity 3 = Select an entity
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectFace 4 = Select a face
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectFaceCylindricalSurface 5 = Select a face with cylindrical surface
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSelectFacesFromSameHole 15 = Select the faces that belong to the same hole for the source
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSpecifyPositiveValue 16 = Specify a positive value
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorSuccessful 0 = Successful
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorTensileStressArea 18 = Specify a positive value for tensile stress area
swsPinConnectorEndEditErrorTesileStressAreaLarge 19 = Tensile stress area is too large


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