


Deep learning--based denoising of low‑dose SPECT myocardialperfusion images: quantitative assessment and clinical performance






迭代图像重建算法将低剂量图像重建视为一个凸优化问题,并通过对信号形成和噪声进行统计建模来抑制噪声。先进的迭代图像重建算法已经表明,在SPECT-MPI成像中注射剂量或获取时间可以降低两倍或更高。在此方面,Ramon等人量化了SPECT-MPI图像中灌注缺损检测的准确性,作为注射剂量的函数以最小化给药剂量而不影响诊断性能。其他方法依赖于不同的后处理和/或后重建去噪技术,包括非局部均值(NLM)或双边滤波器来抑制低剂量图像中的噪声。最近,创新的碘化物探测器设计和SPECT相机以及新算法主要设计用于减少扫描时间或注射活性,同时保留基础信息和临床价值。装备有光电倍增管和平行孔屏蔽器的传统双头SPECT系统在分辨率和灵敏度上表现不佳,并且通常需要长时间的数据采集、高给药剂量等。专用心脏SPECT仪器在过去几年取得了巨大进步。新的商业化超快固态心脏相机(DSPECT和GE 530c/570c)能够进行低剂量的诊断质量成像。除了前述方法外,一定程度上能够恢复低剂量图像中的基础信号/结构的深度学习算法已经展示出了有前景的性能/潜力,直接从相应的低剂量图像中估计/预测高质量的标准剂量图像。



This work was set out to investigate the feasibility of dose reduction in SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) without sacrifcing diagnostic accuracy. A deep learning approach was proposed to synthesize full-dose images from the corresponding low-dose images at diferent dose reduction levels in the projection space.




Clinical SPECT-MPI images of 345 patients acquired on a dedicated cardiac SPECT camera in list-mode format were retrospectively employed to predict standard-dose from low-dose images at half-, quarter-, and one-eighth-dose levels. To simulate realistic low-dose projections, 50%, 25%, and 12.5% of the events were randomly selected from the list-mode data through applying binomial subsampling. A generative adversarial network was implemented to predict non-gated standarddose SPECT images in the projection space at the diferent dose reduction levels. Well-established metrics, including peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), root mean square error (RMSE), and structural similarity index metrics (SSIM) in addition to Pearson correlation coefcient analysis and clinical parameters derived from Cedars-Sinai software were used to quantitatively assess the predicted standard-dose images. For clinical evaluation, the quality of the predicted standard-dose images was evaluated by a nuclear medicine specialist using a seven-point (−3 to+3) grading scheme.




The highest PSNR (42.49±2.37) and SSIM (0.99±0.01) and the lowest RMSE (1.99±0.63) were achieved at a half-dose level. Pearson correlation coefcients were 0.997±0.001, 0.994±0.003, and 0.987±0.004 for the predicted standard-dose images at half-, quarter-, and one-eighth-dose levels, respectively. Using the standard-dose images as reference, the Bland--Altman plots sketched for the Cedars-Sinai selected parameters exhibited remarkably less bias and variance in the predicted standard-dose images compared with the low-dose images at all reduced dose levels. Overall, considering the clinical assessment performed by a nuclear medicine specialist, 100%, 80%, and 11% of the predicted standard-dose images were clinically acceptable at half-, quarter-, and one-eighth-dose levels, respectively.




The noise was efectively suppressed by the proposed network, and the predicted standard-dose images were comparable to reference standard-dose images at half- and quarter-dose levels. However, recovery of the underlying signals/information in low-dose images beyond a quarter of the standard dose would not be feasible (due to very poor signal-to-noise ratio) which will adversely afect the clinical interpretation of the resulting images.



Fig. 1 Architecture of the generator network in the GAN model

图1 GAN模型中生成器网络的架构

Fig. 2 Architecture of the discriminator network in the GAN model. Conv2D, 2D convolutional layer; BN, batch normalization layer; Lrelu, Leaky ReLU activation function

图2 GAN模型中鉴别器网络的架构。Conv2D,2D卷积层;BN,批归一化层;Lrelu,泄漏线性整流激活函数

Fig. 3 The predicted non-gated projections for a randomly selected patient from the test dataset at half-, quarter-, and one-eighth-dose levels compared to the reference standarddose and low-dose projections

图3 在测试数据集中随机选择的一个患者的预测非门控投影图像,与参考标准剂量和低剂量投影图像进行对比,分别在一半、四分之一和八分之一剂量水平上。

Fig. 4 Reconstructed non-gated images for a patient with severerisks. a Short-axis view, b long vertical-axis view, and c horizontal long-axis view. In a, b, and c, the rows from top to bottom correspond to the standard-dose (SD), half-dose (HD), quarter-dose (QD), oneeighth-dose (OD), predicted half-dose (PHD), predicted quarter-dose (PQD), and predicted one-eighth-dose (POD), respectively

图4 对一位风险严重的患者进行的重建的非门控图像。a 短轴视图,b 长纵轴视图,以及 c 水平长轴视图。在 a、b 和 c 中,从上到下的行对应于标准剂量(SD)、一半剂量(HD)、四分之一剂量(QD)、八分之一剂量(OD)、预测的一半剂量(PHD)、预测的四分之一剂量(PQD)和预测的八分之一剂量(POD)。

Fig. 5 Comparison of Pearson correlation coefcients obtained from the low-dose and predicted standard-dose reconstructed images at half-, quarter-, and one-eighth-dose levels

图5 在一半、四分之一和八分之一剂量水平上,低剂量和预测的标准剂量重建图像所获得的皮尔逊相关系数的比较。

Fig. 6 Bland--Altman plots of SSS index for the low-dose and predicted standard-dose images at a half-dose, b quarter-dose level, and c one-eighth-dose levels compared with the reference standard-dose images. The blue and red dashed lines indicate the mean and 95% confdence interval of the SSS diferences in the low-dose and predicted standard-dose images, respectively. HD, half-dose; PHD, predicted half-dose; QD, quarter-dose; PQD, predicted quarter-dose; OD, one-eighthdose; POD, predicted oneeighth-dose

图6 在一半剂量、四分之一剂量和八分之一剂量水平上,低剂量和预测的标准剂量图像的SSS指数的Bland-Altman图。与参考标准剂量图像进行比较。蓝色和红色虚线表示低剂量图像和预测的标准剂量图像中SSS差异的均值和95%置信区间,分别。HD,一半剂量;PHD,预测的一半剂量;QD,四分之一剂量;PQD,预测的四分之一剂量;OD,八分之一剂量;POD,预测的八分之一剂量

Fig. 7 Bland--Altman plots of TPD% index for the low-dose and predicted standard-dose images at a half-dose, b quarterdose, and c one-eighth-dose levels compared with the reference standard-dose images. The blue and red dashed lines designate the mean and 95% confdence interval of the TPD% diferences in the low-dose and predicted standard-dose images, respectively. HD, half-dose; PHD, predicted half-dose; QD, quarter-dose; PQD, predicted quarter-dose; OD, one-eighthdose; POD, predicted oneeighth-dose

图7 在一半剂量、四分之一剂量和八分之一剂量水平上,低剂量和预测的标准剂量图像的TPD%指数的Bland-Altman图。与参考标准剂量图像进行比较。蓝色和红色虚线表示低剂量图像和预测的标准剂量图像中TPD%差异的均值和95%置信区间,分别。HD,一半剂量;PHD,预测的一半剂量;QD,四分之一剂量;PQD,预测的四分之一剂量;OD,八分之一剂量;POD,预测的八分之一剂量

Fig. 8 Results of image quality assessment (summed score diference) by the nuclear medicine specialist for the low-dose and predicted standard-dose images at the three reduced dose levels. Clinically acceptable cases are hatched. HD, half-dose, PHD, predicted half-dose, QD, quarter-dose, PQD, predicted quarter-dose, OD, one-eighth-dose, POD, predicted one-eighth-dose

图8 核医学专家对三个减少剂量水平下的低剂量和预测的标准剂量图像的图像质量评估结果(总和评分差异)。临床可接受的情况用斜线标记。HD,一半剂量;PHD,预测的一半剂量;QD,四分之一剂量;PQD,预测的四分之一剂量;OD,八分之一剂量;POD,预测的八分之一剂量

Fig. 9 The predicted gated projections for a randomly selected patient from the test dataset at the half-dose level compared to the reference standard-dose and low-dose projections

图9 在一半剂量水平上,从测试数据集中随机选择的一个患者的预测门控投影图像,与参考标准剂量和低剂量投影图像进行对比


Table 1 Quantitative results associated with the diferent dose levels in the projection space. The p value between the low-dose and the predicted standard-dose projections at each reduced dose level is given

表1 在投影空间中不同剂量水平相关的定量结果。给出了每个减少剂量水平下低剂量和预测的标准剂量投影之间的p值。

Table 2 Quantitative results associated with diferent dose levels in the image space. The p value between the low-dose and the predicted standard-dose projections at each reduced dose level is given

表2 在图像空间中与不同剂量水平相关的定量结果。给出了每个减少剂量水平下低剂量和预测的标准剂量投影之间的p值。

Table 3 Pearson correlation coefcients of the QPS quantitative parameters considering the actual standarddose images as reference

表3 考虑实际标准剂量图像作为参考的QPS定量参数的皮尔逊相关系数

Table 4 Pearson correlation coefcients for SS values assigned by the nuclear medicine specialist. The p value between the low-dose and the predicted standard-dose projections at each reduced dose level are given

表4 核医学专家分配的SS值的皮尔逊相关系数。给出了每个减少剂量水平下低剂量和预测的标准剂量投影之间的p值。

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