1. 基本查询
select * from 表名;
select 字段,字段2,... from 表名;
select * from 表名 where 筛选条件;
select 字段,字段2,... from 表名 where 筛选条件;
2. 范围查询
select * from emp where sal = 3000;
select * from emp where sal != 3000;
select * from emp where sal >= 3000;
select * from emp where sal <= 3000;
select * from emp where sal > 3000;
select * from emp where sal < 3000;
select * from emp where sal <> 3000; -- 不等于
3. 包含查询
select * from emp where deptno in(10,20);
4. 闭区间查询
select * from emp where sal between 950 and 2450;
5. 逻辑查询
逻辑查询 not>and>or and:遇假则假 or:遇真则真 not:取反
and:遇假则假 or:遇真则真 not:取反
select * from emp where deptno=20 and sal>2000;
select * from emp where job='SALESMAN' or job='ANALYST';
select * from emp where not job='PRESIDENT';
6. 空值查询
is null 为空 is not null 不为空
select * from emp where comm is null;
select * from emp where comm is not null;
7. 模糊查询
select * from emp where job like'M%';
select * from emp where ename like'%E_';
- 查询表格中带有%的数据 -- escape
select * from op9 where n like'%\%%' escape'\';
select * from op9 where n like'%\_%' escape'\';