
从本章开始 讲解 医疗行业的语音识别 。在开始之前先聊聊 医疗行业的语音识别的一些要求。


一、 Capitalization 单词大写处理

  1. 句首单词首字母大写.
  2. 人称代词I出现在句中任何位置都要大写.
  3. 标题(heading)全部字母大写.例如: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY
  4. 地名要首字母大写.例如: Indiana, Michigan.
  5. 周一至周日, 1-12月,节假日 全部首字母大写,并且要全拼, 不用缩写形式. 例如: Monday; January; Christmas.
  6. 只取首字母的缩写词(acronym) 必须全部字母大写. 例如: COPD, GERD.
  7. 特定的药品名和疾病名, 必须首字母或全部字母大写, 编辑报告时在参照SRT文件的基础上, 与itext里的形式一致。例如:QVAR; Levothroid; Singulair
  8. 表示医学科室类的专有名词,首字母要大写。 例如:Obstetrics and Gynecology Department; OB/GYN 妇产科(详见附件三).
  9. 表示医院,诊所,公司名称,某种组织,特定机构名称,首字母要大写。(详见附件一).例如:Mercy Southwest Hospital; Same Day Clinic; American Express Company; Comprehensive Bariatric Program; U.S. Marine Corps 美国海军陆战队
  10. 正文中提到医生名字时,首字母大写。例如: Dr. Tulin
  11. 某项体检或试验, 首字母或者全部字母大写。 例如: AST;ANA;PET scan;CHEM-7
  12. 人类学词汇, 某个国籍的人或者表示人种划分的形容词 首字母要大写:如 Caucasian; Indian; Filipino; Anglo-Saxon; African-American 但是white/black man 不需要大写.
  13. 冒号后面首字母大写. 例如: EXTREMITIES: Normal.
  14. O部分体检项目全部字母大写. 例如: T: P: R: BP: WT: HT: HEENT: CNS:

二、 Numeral 数字的处理

数字基本上有三种写法 : 阿拉伯数字 : 123, 罗马数字 : 1=Ⅰ 2=Ⅱ 3=Ⅲ 4=Ⅳ 5=Ⅴ 6=Ⅵ 7=Ⅶ 8=Ⅷ 9=Ⅸ 10=Ⅹ 11=Ⅺ 12=Ⅻ**,** 英文拼写 : Twenty-three


  1. 报告中提到具体的年月日,无论说的是阿拉伯数字还是月份+阿拉伯数字的形式,只要年月日都说全了就一律写成八位数字加/的形式. 例如: 医生念10062006或者October 062006 都写成这样的形式:10/06/2006 (表示2006年10月6日).
  2. 在S; A; P部分,医生念到number one; number two; number three 分类阐述的时候, typed as: 1. 2. 3.
  3. 表达年龄一般用阿拉伯数字,无论在句中还是句首。例如: 54-year-old man. 但是医生有特别要求要用英文拼写的除外,比如357,217医生要求用英文拼写的形式。
  4. 糖尿病类型用阿拉伯数字.例如: Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2.
  5. 表示size, measurement 的时候用阿拉伯数字. 特别注意: 在数字和度量单位之间空一格,或者用-连接作为定语. 例如: 20 mg 2 tablets a day; a 2-mm lesion.
  6. 所有与药品有关的表达式都用阿拉伯数字. 例如: Z-PAK 250 mg daily on day 1, then 150 mg daily on days 2-5.
  7. 表达分数的时候用阿拉伯数字. 例如: 1-1/2 inches (医生读作one and a half inches). 注意读half的时候用1/2表示,不可以用0.5 (0.5一般医生读作 point five)
  8. 重要的体检数据,包括temperature, height, weight, blood pressure, pulse and respiration统一用阿拉伯数字.
  9. 时间状语不在句首时,一律用阿拉伯数字. 例如: She has been diabetic 10-12 years ago.
  10. 用小数来表示公制计量单位metric measurement. 例如: 1.5 cm用分数来表示英制计量单位English system measurement.例如: 1-1/2 inches
  11. 在不足1的小数数字前一定要有0. 例如: 0.75 mg
  12. 表示一个范围值的情况写法如下:His blood sugars are ranging in the 110s-130s.

备注: 5个或5个以上的阿拉伯数字每隔三位用逗号断开, 4位数字及其一下不用逗号. 例如: 10,000,400 1000


  1. 报告中时间状语出现在句首,数字用英文拼写。例如:Two days ago, she had cough.
  2. 当医生按照英文字母表的顺序来排序的时候,typed as:





  1. Cranial nerves - Roman numerals I-XII
  2. Roman numerals are used for psychiatric Axis diagnoses, stage, class, cranial nerve (not spinal nerve), type, eponym, limb lead (not chest lead), phase, factor, names (Bill Smith, III) and outlining.


  1. Apgar scores - Use numerals for ratings and spell out numbers relating to minutes. Rationale - to draw attention to the scores. Example: The Apgar scores were 6 and 9 at one and five minutes.
  2. Use Roman numerals for cancer stages.
    Use Arabic numerals for cancer grades.
  3. 当医生说月份+数字的形式,表示1-12月的单词要首字母大写,并且要用全拼,不用缩写形式,后面的数字用序数词。例如: September 1st/2nd/3rd/4th

三、度量 单位写法


长度单位mm =millimeter毫米; cm =centimeter厘米;

容量单位:mL =milliliter毫升;dL =deciliter分升;cL=centiliter厘升

质量单位:mg =milligram毫克; mcg = microgram微克; (特别注意gram 和kilogram 的规定按照医生的特定要求写全拼或缩写。)

浓度单位:Eq = equivalent克当量; mEq =milliequivalent毫克当量 (克当量(Eq)和毫克当量(mEq)是计量一种物质与另一种物质结合能力的单位。)

压强单位:mmHg =millimeters of mercury毫米汞柱; cmHg =centimeter mercury column厘米汞柱

放射单位:mCi =millicurie 毫居里

注意: 某些复合式写法如下:

mg/dL=milligrams per deciliter毫克/分升;

mEq/L= milliequivalents per liter毫克当量/升;

mg/L = milligrams per liter毫克/升;

g/mL = grams per milliliter克/毫升.

ng/mL/hr=nanograms per milliliter per hour


  1. 最重要的原则:不允许有任何中文的标点符号。
  2. times 表示次数的时候,用x3表示,连写不空格。 如: stool Hemoccult x3. Awake, alert, oriented x3。 但是 3 times不要写x。 例如 Lipitor 80 mg 3 times a day.
  3. times 表示乘数或倍数的时候(有的医生说by,处理方法与times 相同), 写x 并与数字之间空一格. 例如: a 2.5 x 3.2 x 4.1-mm size lesion.
  4. dash, hyphen 写成-
  5. slash, over 写成/
  6. 药品名+number 写成 #; 例如: Tylenol #3. Code number 写成Code #
  7. plus 写成 +; 例如: 2+ bipedal edema
  8. minus 写成-. 例如: percent change -2.5%
  9. 一些标点符号的念法:period (句号),comma(逗号), semicolon(分号), open/closed bracket、parentheses/parenthesis (圆括号),question mark(问号),quote and quote(引号).
  10. 特别注意当一个句子以 类似 p.r.n. b.i.d. h.s. etc. 这样的拉丁语结束的时候,句尾不用点句号,但是逗号和其它标点符号和平常一样写。 例如: MEDS: Benodryl 25-50 mg p.o. q.h.s., and famotidine 20 mg b.i.d.
  11. 引号的用法

(1). 句号和逗号写在引号里面. 例如: He pointed out the First Amendment "assumes attempts to regulate speech are more dangerous than attempts to regulate conduct," and that the regulation of commercial speech "is no different than regulating any other form of speech."

(2). 冒号和分号写在引号外面. 例如: He wrote about the "Unique Selling Proposition"; she wrote about "Positioning."

  1. 逗号的用法:


(1) and, but, although, because, so, if, whether, or, nor, when, while, where, which, why, 类似的连接词来引导两个句子的时候,前面用逗号断句.

(2) 用逗号来隔开介绍性的短语. 例如: He will be seen by Dr. Tulin, cardiologist.

(3) 遇到secondary to, status post 在前面打逗号, 表示补充说明病症的起因或者后续情况.

(4) 用逗号来隔开用于修饰名词的大于和等于3个以上的形容词. 例如: a 20-year-old, healthy-looking, female patient.

(5) otherwise, however, accordingly, moreover, hence等类似副词位于句首时,用逗号与后面的句子隔开。例如:Otherwise, the patient is asymptomatic at present.

(6) 用逗号来隔开位于句中的插入语和从属子句, 并且前后都要用逗号隔开. 例如: That copy, although written by a junior copywriter, was some of the best I've seen.


(1) and连接的只有2个词。例如:MEDS: Hydrochlorothiazide and Kelfex.

(2) 主语有过去分词修饰的时候,不要和谓语用逗号断开。例如: Chest x-ray done on 04/04/2006 shows no acute cardiopulmonary disease.

(3) 宾语从句不要用逗号断开. 例如:The patient wonders that/if/whether this medicine can improve his symptoms.

(4) otherwise, however, accordingly, moreover, hence等类似副词插在主语和谓语中间时,不要用逗号隔开. 例如:The patient said otherwise he had hyperlipidemia.

(5) otherwise, however, accordingly, moreover, hence等类似副词位于句子的末尾时,不要用逗号隔开。The patient did not take the medications regularly however.


(1) 一定要用逗号来隔开用于列举的三个或者更多个同类性质的名词或者形容词,但是最后两个词用and,or或者 as well as 连接的时候,中间不用点逗号. 例如: PSA, fasting blood sugar, lipid panel, ALT, BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, CBC and TSH are requested.

(2) 当一个主语有两个谓语动词的时候,录音中没有说and 就用逗号隔开,例如:The patient comes in for evaluation of blood pressure, complaints migraine headache. 但是 录音中有and时,and前面不要打逗号。 The patient comes in for evaluation of blood pressureandcomplaints migraine headache. 一个主语有3个 或更多谓语动词的时候,每个动词前面打逗号,最后两个谓语用and连接,中间不要打逗号。

五、 细节处理

  1. 医生提到病人的名字或者说patient时, 一律用the patient 代替. 特别要注意区分病人性别,纠正医生的语误,不要出现前后he;she不一致的情况.
  2. 报告中动词否定式不用缩写。例如: has't 应写成has not, didn't = did not
  3. followup 连在一起写的表示作为一个形容词或者名词.例如: The patient came here for followup (形容词) checkup; CHIEF COMPLAINT: Followup.(名词) (注意:尽管follow-up和followup同一个意思,我们为了格式统一,以后不要在报告中使用follow-up) follow up 分开写的时候是表示动词词组,用在句首表示祈使句,所以一定要分成两个词写. 例如: We will follow up with regular return visits; Follow up in 2-3 weeks.
  4. status post 是拉丁用语,意思是指后续情形和状况,不要加hyphen, 也不要把post 和后面的词连在一起写. 例如: The patient is a 51-year-old man with a history of positive pertussis serology, status post treatment with erythromycin.
  5. O2 saturation is 95%. Pulses ox 90% on room air.
  6. 空格问题。逗号分号后面空一格, 句号冒号后面空两格,段落之间空一行。另外在VS中,T: WT: P: BP:每项后都要空两格,各项之间也要空两格,各项数据后面不要写句号。 例如:VS: T: 98.6 P: 94 R: 16 WT: 213 pounds BP: 147/75
  7. 听不出的单词Use Alt +B for blanks. Not ( ). Should be [ ].
  8. 数词+度量单位 的写法: 2--mm lesion; The lesion measures about 5 x 3 mm.
  9. S O A P段尾句号与下一部分之间空一行.
  10. PCP (as Attending Dr ID), DOB(date of birth), DOS (date of service), Last name first name 必须在RIS(Report Information Screen)里面填, 修改也要在RIS里面修改,千万不要手动在报告里面修改.
  11. 关于headings 标题,一律全部字母大写. 例如: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY. 如果模板里的某个标题没有念,就删掉它, 例如: PCP 或者 vital signs
  12. 如果医生在S, A 或者P部分只说了一个number one 而后面的内容不全部属于number one 的内容,可以根据经验手动分1 2 3点.
  13. Pain scale score is ________. 作为单独一段. typed as: Pain scale score is zero. typed as: Pain scale score is 0 to 2.
  14. 不要混淆千克和英镑的概念. 1 kilogram=2.20 pounds
  15. 不要混淆Fahrenheit 华氏和centigrade 摄氏度的概念. 37摄氏= 98.6华氏 35摄氏= 95华氏; 42摄氏= 107.6华氏. 所以体温值T一般在95-107.6 Fahrenheit之间.
  16. If Dr. dictates NKDA, do not type No known drug allergies. If Dr. dictates No known drug allergies, do not type NKDA.
  17. to 表示程度、范围时, 用hyphen代替. 例如: He is to take 1-2 tablets of Tylenol every 4-6 hours p.r.n.
  18. 时间的写法:
    半点就写8:30 a.m.
    整点时间: 医生说3 a.m.的时候就写3:00 a.m. 如果说3 o 'clock 就写 3 o 'clock 正午时间写noon, 不要写 12:00 noon
    午夜就写midnight, 不要写 12:00 midnight, 12 o 'clock, 12:00 p.m.
  19. 传真的写法: 664-3853
  20. The prefix "peri" means "around, surrounding, encircling"; the prefix "para" means "beside, near, resembling, accessory, beyond, apart from, abnormal".
  21. 类似p.o. q.h.s. b.i.d., 句中像平常一样点逗号, 句尾不用点句号。
  22. 某些特殊写法:

(1). Closed with three 5-0 nylon sutures.

(2). subcut. = subcutaneously adv. 皮下地

(3). Motor 5/5

(4). Systolic murmur 1 to 2/6 at apex.

(5). Cocci titer 1:2

(6). complement fixation 1:26

(7). Mini-mental status 27/30.

(8). Functional scale 20/20

(9). IDL is 12/14

(10). Gait is 6/12

(11). For Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, the optimal threshold concentration was 250 PNU/mL

(12). Followup; checkup; workup; bedtime 都是连着写的

六、 断句问题 .

  1. 基本原则:一般, 一个意群用逗号与下一个意群断开. (意群的概念:一个句子可根据意思和语法结构分成若干小段,每一小段称之为一个意群。意群可以是一个词,一个词组或短语,也可以是并列句的一个分句或复合句的一个主句、从句等等,意群在句子中具有语义、语法和语调三种特征) 典型例句: This is a 76-year-old Hispanic male, complaining of right arm pain, as well as occasional left arm pain, associated with occasional tingling sensation.
  2. 介词短语或者副词+介词短语在句中或句首或做插入语时,用逗号与句子断开. 例如: from now on; with an effort; per the patient, early in the morning
  3. 副词短语day and night; first of all
  4. 非限制性定语从句 who, which, who (注意that 不做非限制性定语从句连接词) 例如: This is a 70-year-old Caucasian male, who is here for followup checkup. Chest x-ray was done on 10/26/2006, which was normal.
  5. 时间状语从句when, whenever, as, while, before, after, since, as soon as, till, until, hardly...when, no sooner...than, every time, the moment等
  6. 原因状语从句:because, as, since, for 等
  7. 条件状语从句if, whether, when, where, as far as, in case, unless, so(as)long as; on condition that; supposing that. 注意if/whether/that引导宾语从句的时候不要用逗号断开. 例如: He wonders if/whether the accident causes his leg pain.
  8. 让步状语从句:although, though, as, even if, no matter(who, what, how, when, where), whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever, however等
  9. 插入语. The x-ray result shows the patient, ++a 30-year-old female++, has the rheumatoid arthritis.
  10. 现在分词作伴随或结果状语,用逗号断开. 例如: The patient came in for followup visit, complaining of neck pain. (伴随状语) The patient had a lipid panel done recently, showing an elevation of triglyceride level. (结果状语)
  11. 禁止 and but 引导句子做句首.

七、 语法问题

  1. 主谓一致. She still has
  2. 单复数一致. Multiple; a lot of; several; many; most 后面的名词必须复数形式.
  3. 时态一致.
  4. 主动和被动语态.

八、hyphen 的用法.

Always hyphened when:

1. 用来修饰名词的复合形容词. Rule: adjective + adjective.

up-to-date; off-and-on/on-and-off; blue-black; down-to-earth; mild-to-moderate; moderate-to-severe; over-the-counter; pre- and post-

2. 两个或两个以上的种族、民族、部族、和语言作为修饰语.

African-American; French-Canadian; Afro-American; Anglo-Saxon; Indo-Chinese.

3. 以 "high" and "low" 开头的复合形容词.

Low-salt; low-sugar; low-quality; low-dose;

4. 形容词+现在分词/过去分词before or after a noun:

rough-hewn; long-standing; ready-made; sweet-smelling; hard-hitting; short-acting

5. 名词+分词 before or after a noun:

awe-inspiring; face-saving; law-abiding; market-tested; smoke-filled; tailor-made; computer-aided; eye-catching; habit-forming
6. 名词+形容词before or after a noun:

accident-prone; age-old; brain-dead; sky-high; water-repellent; tax-exempt; HIV-positive

7. 形容词+名词+ed preceding a noun:

broad-minded; quick-witted; hot-tempered; single-spaced; middle-aged; old-fashioned; left-sided; right-sided
8. 数词+计量单位preceding a noun:

2-liter nasal cannular; 8-foot ceiling; 20-year-old; 50-cent fee; 100-mL flask; 3 x 5 x 7-mm lesion; 55-mile-an-hour speed limit; two-week average

9. 颜色词+pigmented preceding a noun:

melanin-pigmented; brown-pigmented; pink-pigmented; dark-pigmented; light-pigmented

特别注意这几个词的写法 : nonpigmented 无色素的; hyperpigmented 色素沉着过度的; hypopigmented色素减少的,低色素的

10. self 作为前缀+名词/形容词/分词表示 "a person or thing affected."

self-addressed; self-evident; self-important; self-image; self-discontinued; self-referred; self-examination

注意: "self"作为词根+后缀时,不要hyphen.例如: selfdom, selfish, selfhood.

11. 形容词+looking/appearing修饰male/female表示人的外貌特征或精神状态:

normal-looking; curious-looking; healthy-looking; well-appearing

12. well+ 分词,作为作为复合形容词修饰名词:

well-developed; well-nourished; well-controlled

13. mid+ 形容词作为复合形容词 preceding a noun:

mid-upper; mid-diastolic; mid-thoracic; mid-facial;

14. 名词+dependent 作为复合形容词preceding a noun:

steroid-dependent; opiate-dependent; oxygen-dependent; insulin-dependent; prolactin-dependent;

15. 名词+guided作为复合形容词 preceding a noun:

fluoroscopy-guided; CT-guided; laser-guided

16. 名词+induced作为复合形容词 preceding a noun:

viral-induced; UV-induced; procainamide-induced; moisture-induced; drug-induced

More Examples to Compare:

  1. This is a well-developed, well-nourished, 58-year-old man.
    He was 58 years old, well developed and well nourished.
  2. This is a very ill-appearing, moderately distressed white male.
    He is very ill appearing.
  3. He is on a 10-day course of steroids.

He has a several-week history of malaise.

  1. He had blood-tinged sputum.
    His sputum was blood tinged.
  2. She has community-acquired pneumonia.
    Her pneumonia was community acquired.
  3. He had Hemoccult-positive stool.
    Stool was Hemoccult positive.
  4. She had diet-controlled diabetes.
    Diabetes was diet controlled.
  5. She had biopsy-proven carcinoma.
    Carcinoma was biopsy proven.

Always hyphened when:

1. 用来修饰名词的复合形容词. Rule: adjective + adjective.

up-to-date; off-and-on/on-and-off; blue-black; down-to-earth; mild-to-moderate; moderate-to-severe; over-the-counter; pre- and post-

2. 两个或两个以上的种族、民族、部族、和语言作为修饰语.

African-American; French-Canadian; Afro-American; Anglo-Saxon; Indo-Chinese.

3. 以 "high" and "low" 开头的复合形容词.

Low-salt; low-sugar; low-quality; low-dose;

4. 形容词+现在分词/过去分词before or after a noun:

rough-hewn; long-standing; ready-made; sweet-smelling; hard-hitting; short-acting

5. 名词+分词 before or after a noun:

awe-inspiring; face-saving; law-abiding; market-tested; smoke-filled; tailor-made; computer-aided; eye-catching; habit-forming
6. 名词+形容词before or after a noun:

accident-prone; age-old; brain-dead; sky-high; water-repellent; tax-exempt; HIV-positive

7. 形容词+名词+ed preceding a noun:

broad-minded; quick-witted; hot-tempered; single-spaced; middle-aged; old-fashioned; left-sided; right-sided
8. 数词+计量单位preceding a noun:

2-liter nasal cannular; 8-foot ceiling; 20-year-old; 50-cent fee; 100-mL flask; 3 x 5 x 7-mm lesion; 55-mile-an-hour speed limit; two-week average

9. 颜色词+pigmented preceding a noun:

melanin-pigmented; brown-pigmented; pink-pigmented; dark-pigmented; light-pigmented

特别注意这几个词的写法 : nonpigmented 无色素的; hyperpigmented 色素沉着过度的; hypopigmented色素减少的,低色素的

10. self 作为前缀+名词/形容词/分词表示 "a person or thing affected."

self-addressed; self-evident; self-important; self-image; self-discontinued; self-referred; self-examination

注意: "self"作为词根+后缀时,不要hyphen.例如: selfdom, selfish, selfhood.

11. 形容词+looking/appearing修饰male/female表示人的外貌特征或精神状态:

normal-looking; curious-looking; healthy-looking; well-appearing

12. well+ 分词,作为作为复合形容词修饰名词:

well-developed; well-nourished; well-controlled

13. mid+ 形容词作为复合形容词 preceding a noun:

mid-upper; mid-diastolic; mid-thoracic; mid-facial;

14. 名词+dependent 作为复合形容词preceding a noun:

steroid-dependent; opiate-dependent; oxygen-dependent; insulin-dependent; prolactin-dependent;

15. 名词+guided作为复合形容词 preceding a noun:

fluoroscopy-guided; CT-guided; laser-guided

16. 名词+induced作为复合形容词 preceding a noun:

viral-induced; UV-induced; procainamide-induced; moisture-induced; drug-induced

More Examples to Compare:

  1. This is a well-developed, well-nourished, 58-year-old man.
    He was 58 years old, well developed and well nourished.
  2. This is a very ill-appearing, moderately distressed white male.
    He is very ill appearing.
  3. He is on a 10-day course of steroids.

He has a several-week history of malaise.

  1. He had blood-tinged sputum.
    His sputum was blood tinged.
  2. She has community-acquired pneumonia.
    Her pneumonia was community acquired.
  3. He had Hemoccult-positive stool.
    Stool was Hemoccult positive.
  4. She had diet-controlled diabetes.
    Diabetes was diet controlled.
  5. She had biopsy-proven carcinoma.
    Carcinoma was biopsy proven.

附件一 常见机构名称

| A | Anticoagulation Clinic; AntiCoag ClinicAssistant Living; |
| B | Bakersfield Family Medical Center; Bakersfield Administrative Offices; Bakersfield Private Practice; Bakersfield Memorial Hospital; Bariatric Surgery Program; Behavioral Health Offices; |
| C | California Care Center; California Care Facility; Central Medical Offices; Child Protective Services (CPS); Coumadin Clinic; |
| D | Diabetes Population Case Management Clinic; Diabetes Nurse Case Management; Discovery Plaza Medical Offices; |
| E | East Hills Medical Offices; |
| F | Focused Care Management; Freedom from Fat (FFF) weight loss program ; Freedom Weight Loss Program; Fresno Clinic; |
| G | |
| H | HealthSouth Rehab Hospital; Home Healthcare Agency; Home Health Service; |
| I | |
| J | Jules Stein Eye Institute; |
| K | Kaiser Permanente; Kaiser Permanente Northern California ; Kaiser Bellflower Medical Center; Kern Valley Hospital; Kootenai Medical Center (KMC); |
| L | |
| M | Main Clinic; Main Nurse Clinic; Mayo Clinic; Memorial ER; Memorial Center; Memorial Risks and Possible Complications; Mercy Southwest Hospital; Mercy Hospital; Mercy Truxtun Hospital; Ming Medical Offices; |
| N | Nurse Clinic; Nurse Station; |
| O | |
| P | Pain Management Physical Medicine; Physicians Plaza Medical Offices; Pulmonary and Allergy Immunology; |
| Q | |
| R | |
| S | Same Day Clinic; Same Day Surgery Center; Sansum Clinic; Sunset Medical Office; Special Dermatology Clinic; Stockdale Clinic; Stockdale Medical Offices; Stockdale Learning Center; Shield Healthcare; Sierra Montessori Children's Center; Sleep Study Department; |
| T | Tehachapi Hospital; Tehachapi ER; |
| U | Urgent Care; |
| V | Vanderbilt Hemostasis-Thrombosis Clinic |
| W | Washoe Medical Center; Weight Watchers International, Inc.; Woodland Hills Medical Center; Women's Health Initiative (WHI); Women's Health Initiative Study; Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society ( WOCN Society ); |
| X | |
| Y | |
| Z | |

小结: 一般以clinic; hospital; center; office; institute; department; program 结尾的机构名称都要首字母大写.
附件三 医学科室分类

Department of Internal Medicine :内科 Surgical Department; Department of Surgery: 外科

Pediatrics Department: 小儿科

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department; OB/GYN 妇产科

Ophthalmology Department: 眼科

Dental Department: 牙科

ENT (ear-nose-throat) Department; Department of Otolaryngology : 耳鼻喉科

Urology Department 泌尿科

Dermatology Department; Skin Department: 皮肤科

Orthopedic Surgery Department: 矫形外科

Traumatology Department: 创伤外科

Plastic Surgery; Orthopedics 整形外科 Anesthesiology Department: 麻醉科

Pathology Department: 病理科 Cardiology Department: 心脏病科

Psychiatry Department: 精神病科 Orthopedics Department: 骨科

Department of Cardiac Surgery: 心脏外科 Department of Cerebral Surgery: 胸外科 Neurology Department: 神经科 Neurosurgery Department: 神经外科

Thoracic Surgery Department: 脑外科 X-ray Department; Radiology 放射科

Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine :中医科

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