Linux 36.3 + JetPack v6.0@jetson-inference之视频操作
- [1. 源由](#1. 源由)
- [2. 输入输出源](#2. 输入输出源)
- [2.1 输入](#2.1 输入)
- [2.2 输出](#2.2 输出)
- [3. 示例](#3. 示例)
- [3.1 MIPI CSI 摄像头](#3.1 MIPI CSI 摄像头)
- [3.2 V4L2 摄像头](#3.2 V4L2 摄像头)
- [3.3 WebRTC](#3.3 WebRTC)
- [3.4 RTP](#3.4 RTP)
- [3.5 RTSP](#3.5 RTSP)
- [3.6 Video 文件](#3.6 Video 文件)
- [3.7 Image 文件](#3.7 Image 文件)
- [4. 代码分析](#4. 代码分析)
- [4.1 Python](#4.1 Python)
- [4.2 C++](#4.2 C++)
- [5. 参考资料](#5. 参考资料)
1. 源由
2. 输入输出源
2.1 输入
Input | Protocol | Resource URI | Notes |
MIPI CSI camera | csi:// | csi://0 | CSI camera 0 (substitute other camera numbers for 0) |
V4L2 camera | v4l2:// | v4l2:///dev/video0 | V4L2 device 0 (substitute other camera numbers for 0) |
WebRTC stream | webrtc:// | webrtc://@:8554/my_input | From browser webcam to localhost, port 8554 (requires HTTPS/SSL) |
RTP stream | rtp:// | rtp://@:1234 | localhost, port 1234 (requires additional configuration) |
RTSP stream | rtsp:// | rtsp://:1234 | Replace with remote host's IP or hostname |
Video file | file:// | file://my_video.mp4 | Supports loading MP4, MKV, AVI, FLV (see codecs below) |
Image file | file:// | file://my_image.jpg | Supports loading JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, GIF, etc. |
Image sequence | file:// | file://my_directory/ | Searches for images in alphanumeric order |
input resource URI of the input stream, for example:
* /dev/video0 (V4L2 camera #0)
* csi://0 (MIPI CSI camera #0)
* rtp://@:1234 (RTP stream)
* rtsp://user:pass@ip:1234 (RTSP stream)
* webrtc://@:1234/my_stream (WebRTC stream)
* file://my_image.jpg (image file)
* file://my_video.mp4 (video file)
* file://my_directory/ (directory of images)
--input-width=WIDTH explicitly request a width of the stream (optional)
--input-height=HEIGHT explicitly request a height of the stream (optional)
--input-rate=RATE explicitly request a framerate of the stream (optional)
--input-save=FILE path to video file for saving the input stream to disk
--input-codec=CODEC RTP requires the codec to be set, one of these:
* h264, h265
* vp8, vp9
* mpeg2, mpeg4
* mjpeg
--input-decoder=TYPE the decoder engine to use, one of these:
* cpu
* omx (aarch64/JetPack4 only)
* v4l2 (aarch64/JetPack5 only)
--input-flip=FLIP flip method to apply to input:
* none (default)
* counterclockwise
* rotate-180
* clockwise
* horizontal
* vertical
* upper-right-diagonal
* upper-left-diagonal
--input-loop=LOOP for file-based inputs, the number of loops to run:
* -1 = loop forever
* 0 = don't loop (default)
* >0 = set number of loops
2.2 输出
Output | Protocol | Resource URI | Notes |
WebRTC stream | webrtc:// | webrtc://@:8554/my_output | Send to browser, port 8554, stream name "my_output" |
RTP stream | rtp:// | rtp://:1234 | Replace with remote host's IP or hostname |
RTSP stream | rtsp:// | rtsp://@:1234/my_output | Reachable at rtsp://:1234/my_output |
Video file | file:// | file://my_video.mp4 | Supports saving MP4, MKV, AVI, FLV (see codecs below) |
Image file | file:// | file://my_image.jpg | Supports saving JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP |
Image sequence | file:// | file://image_%i.jpg | %i is replaced by the image number in the sequence |
OpenGL window | display:// | display://0 | Creates GUI window on screen 0 |
output resource URI of the output stream, for example:
* file://my_image.jpg (image file)
* file://my_video.mp4 (video file)
* file://my_directory/ (directory of images)
* rtp://<remote-ip>:1234 (RTP stream)
* rtsp://@:8554/my_stream (RTSP stream)
* webrtc://@:1234/my_stream (WebRTC stream)
* display://0 (OpenGL window)
--output-codec=CODEC desired codec for compressed output streams:
* h264 (default), h265
* vp8, vp9
* mpeg2, mpeg4
* mjpeg
--output-encoder=TYPE the encoder engine to use, one of these:
* cpu
* omx (aarch64/JetPack4 only)
* v4l2 (aarch64/JetPack5 only)
--output-save=FILE path to a video file for saving the compressed stream
to disk, in addition to the primary output above
--bitrate=BITRATE desired target VBR bitrate for compressed streams,
in bits per second. The default is 4000000 (4 Mbps)
--headless don't create a default OpenGL GUI window
3. 示例
3.1 MIPI CSI 摄像头
$ video-viewer csi://0 # MIPI CSI camera 0 (substitue other camera numbers)
$ video-viewer csi://0 output.mp4 # save output stream to MP4 file (H.264 by default)
$ video-viewer csi://0 rtp://<remote-ip>:1234 # broadcast output stream over RTP to <remote-ip>
3.2 V4L2 摄像头
$ video-viewer v4l2:///dev/video0 # /dev/video0 can be replaced with /dev/video1, ect.
$ video-viewer /dev/video0 # dropping the v4l2:// protocol prefix is fine
$ video-viewer /dev/video0 output.mp4 # save output stream to MP4 file (H.264 by default)
$ video-viewer /dev/video0 rtp://<remote-ip>:1234 # broadcast output stream over RTP to <remote-ip>
3.3 WebRTC
$ video-viewer /dev/video0 webrtc://@:8554/my_output # send V4L2 webcam to browser
$ video-viewer webrtc://@:8554/my_input output.mp4 # receive browser webcam (requires HTTPS/SSL) and save to MP4
$ video-viewer webrtc://@:8554/my_input webrtc://@:8554/my_output # receieve + send (full-duplex loopback)
3.4 RTP
$ video-viewer --input-codec=h264 rtp://@:1234 # recieve on localhost port 1234
$ video-viewer --input-codec=h264 rtp:// # subscribe to multicast group
$ video-viewer --bitrate=1000000 csi://0 rtp://<remote-ip>:1234 # transmit camera over RTP, encoded as H.264 @ 1Mbps
$ video-viewer --output-codec=h265 my_video.mp4 rtp://<remote-ip>:1234 # transmit a video file over RTP, encoded as H.265
3.5 RTSP
$ video-viewer rtsp://<remote-ip>:1234 my_video.mp4 # subscribe to RTSP feed from <remote-ip>, port 1234 (and save it to file)
$ video-viewer rtsp://username:password@<remote-ip>:1234 # with authentication (replace username/password with credentials)
$ video-viewer /dev/video0 rtsp://@:1234/my_output # stream a V4L2 camera out over RTSP
$ video-viewer rtsp://<remote-ip>:1234/input rtsp://@:1234/output # subscribe to an RTSP feed, and relay it (loopback)
3.6 Video 文件
# playback
$ video-viewer my_video.mp4 # display the video file
$ video-viewer my_video.mp4 rtp://<remote-ip>:1234 # transmit the video over RTP
# recording
$ video-viewer csi://0 my_video.mp4 # record CSI camera to video file
$ video-viewer /dev/video0 my_video.mp4 # record V4L2 camera to video file
3.7 Image 文件
$ video-viewer input.jpg output.jpg # load/save an image
$ video-viewer input_dir/ output_dir/ # load all images from input_dir and save them to output_dir
$ video-viewer "*.jpg" output_%i.jpg # load all jpg images and save them to output_0.jpg, output_1.jpg, ect
4. 代码分析
4.1 Python
├── Imports
│ ├── import sys
│ ├── import argparse
│ └── from jetson_utils import videoSource, videoOutput, Log
├── Command-line Argument Parsing
│ ├── Create Argument Parser
│ │ ├── Description: "View various types of video streams"
│ │ ├── Formatter Class: argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
│ │ └── Epilog: videoSource.Usage() + videoOutput.Usage() + Log.Usage()
│ ├── Add Arguments
│ │ ├── input (URI of the input stream)
│ │ └── output (URI of the output stream, optional)
│ └── Parse Arguments
│ ├── args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]
│ └── Handle Parsing Exceptions
│ ├── Print Help
│ └── Exit
├── Create Video Sources & Outputs
│ ├── input = videoSource(args.input, argv=sys.argv)
│ └── output = videoOutput(args.output, argv=sys.argv)
├── Capture Frames Loop
├── Initialize Frame Counter
│ └── numFrames = 0
├── while True Loop
├── Capture Image
│ └── img = input.Capture()
├── Handle Timeout
│ └── if img is None: continue
├── Log Verbose Information
│ └── if numFrames % 25 == 0 or numFrames < 15:
│ └── Log.Verbose(...)
├── Increment Frame Counter
│ └── numFrames += 1
├── Render Image
│ └── output.Render(img)
├── Update Title Bar
│ └── output.SetStatus(...)
└── Exit on EOS
├── if not input.IsStreaming() or not output.IsStreaming():
└── break
4.2 C++
#include statements
├── "videoSource.h"
├── "videoOutput.h"
├── "logging.h"
├── "commandLine.h"
└── <signal.h>
Global variables
└── bool signal_recieved = false;
Function definitions
├── void sig_handler(int signo)
│ └── if (signo == SIGINT)
│ ├── LogInfo("received SIGINT\n");
│ └── signal_recieved = true;
└── int usage()
├── printf("usage: video-viewer [--help] input_URI [output_URI]\n\n");
├── printf("View/output a video or image stream.\n");
├── printf("See below for additional arguments that may not be shown above.\n\n");
├── printf("positional arguments:\n");
├── printf(" input_URI resource URI of input stream (see videoSource below)\n");
├── printf(" output_URI resource URI of output stream (see videoOutput below)\n\n");
├── printf("%s", videoSource::Usage());
├── printf("%s", videoOutput::Usage());
└── printf("%s", Log::Usage());
main function
├── Parse command line
│ ├── commandLine cmdLine(argc, argv);
│ └── if (cmdLine.GetFlag("help"))
│ └── return usage();
├── Attach signal handler
│ └── if (signal(SIGINT, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
│ └── LogError("can't catch SIGINT\n");
├── Create input video stream
│ ├── videoSource* input = videoSource::Create(cmdLine, ARG_POSITION(0));
│ └── if (!input)
│ ├── LogError("video-viewer: failed to create input stream\n");
│ └── return 0;
├── Create output video stream
│ ├── videoOutput* output = videoOutput::Create(cmdLine, ARG_POSITION(1));
│ └── if (!output)
│ ├── LogError("video-viewer: failed to create output stream\n");
│ └── return 0;
├── Capture/display loop
│ ├── uint32_t numFrames = 0;
│ └── while (!signal_recieved)
│ ├── uchar3* image = NULL;
│ ├── int status = 0;
│ ├── if (!input->Capture(&image, &status))
│ │ └── if (status == videoSource::TIMEOUT)
│ │ └── continue;
│ │ └── break; // EOS
│ ├── if (numFrames % 25 == 0 || numFrames < 15)
│ │ └── LogVerbose("video-viewer: captured %u frames (%ux%u)\n", numFrames, input->GetWidth(), input->GetHeight());
│ ├── numFrames++;
│ └── if (output != NULL)
│ ├── output->Render(image, input->GetWidth(), input->GetHeight());
│ ├── char str[256];
│ ├── sprintf(str, "Video Viewer (%ux%u) | %.1f FPS", input->GetWidth(), input->GetHeight(), output->GetFrameRate());
│ ├── output->SetStatus(str);
│ └── if (!output->IsStreaming())
│ └── break;
├── Destroy resources
│ ├── printf("video-viewer: shutting down...\n");
│ ├── SAFE_DELETE(input);
│ └── SAFE_DELETE(output);
└── printf("video-viewer: shutdown complete\n");