Java programme cs11

You have been asked to develop a Course Scheduling application for a College. The application will enable two types of Users to perform their necessary functions to schedule courses by semester. The Admin User will perform multiple functions to set up the database so that Students my schedule courses. The functions each User will be able to perform will be described below.
This application should have a very nice GUI interface and will be a database driven application. The database used will be Derby. This application must use good Object
Oriented Design and Programming. The database must use good Object-Oriented Design and Programming. There is a very close correlation between Object-Oriented Design and Database Design. Your application design should include at least four classes besides the main GUI class. Your database access should be in the classes that correlate with the database tables.
This assignment is the first half of the final project and will be submitted as
Final Project Part 1.
This phase of the project will implement the following Admin functions:
Add Semester
A semester is added to the database. The semester is identified by one name.
Add Course
A new course is added to the database. The course is identified by the code for the course, and the description of the course.
Add Class
A new class is added to the database. The class is identified by the semester the course is offered, the code for the course, and the maximum number of students the course will contain that semester.
Add Student
A student is added to the database. The student is identified by a studentID, the student's first name, and the student's last name.
This phase of the project will implement the following Student functions:
Schedule Class
The student will be scheduled in the class for the specified semester if there are seats available. If there are no seats available, the student will be put in a wait status for that Class. The waiting status must be maintained in the order the students tried to schedule the class. It will display whether the student gets scheduled for the class or is waitlisted.
Display Schedule
The Display Schedule function will display the current schedule of classes for a specified student for the current semester. It will display the course code and the status of the student in the class, whether scheduled or waitlisted.
Display Classes
The Display Classes function will display a complete list of classes for the current semester showing the course code, description, and number of seats.
Testing scenario:
A testing scenario will be provided to assist you in testing this application. It will be called Final Project Part 1 Test Script on Canvas.
Database considerations:
Your database will be created but all the tables should be empty when your project is submitted.
Initial NetBeans Project:
An initial project is provided for you to be used as the basis of your final project. It is provided as a .zip file in Week 11 in Canvas under the name It MUST be used for your Final Project. You will change the project name after you download it. There is a video in Week 11 about how to do this.
GUI Guidelines:
The user should be required to enter only unknown data. Drop down lists of known data such as Student names, Course Codes, or Semesters should be displayed for the user to select. Combo Boxes should be used for the drop-down lists on the form. When information is requested to be displayed, e.g., for a Display command, all the requested information must be displayed. When a command is performed, the results of that command should be displayed to the user on the same display without the user needing
to use a Display function to see what was done.

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