区块链会议投稿资讯CCF A--ICSE 2025 截止8.2 附录用率

Conference:International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)

CCF level:CCF A

Categories:Software Engineering/System Software/Programming Languages


Conference time: April 27-May 3 2025

录用率 : ICSE 2024共收投稿1051篇,最终录取234篇,录用率22.2%。其中区块链论文13篇,详情请点击此处查看

Research Areas

AI for Software Engineering
  • AI-enabled recommender systems for automated SE (e.g., code generation, program repair, AIOps, software composition analysis, etc.)

  • Human-centered AI for SE (e.g., how software engineers can synergistically work with AI agents)

  • Trustworthy AI for SE (e.g., how to provide guarantees, characterize limits, and prevent misuse of AI for SE)

  • Sustainable AI for SE (e.g., how to reduce energy footprint for greener AI for SE)

  • Collaborative AI for SE (e.g., how AI agents collaborate for automating SE)

  • Automating SE tasks with LLM and other foundation models (e.g., large vision model)

  • Efficacy measurement beyond traditional metrics (e.g., accuracy, BLEU, etc.)

  • Prompt engineering for SE (e.g., novel prompt design)

  • AI-assisted software design and model driven engineering (e.g., specification mining, program synthesis, software architectural design)

  • Mining software repositories, including version control systems, issue tracking systems, software ecosystems, configurations, app stores, communication platforms, and novel software engineering data sources, to generate insights through various research methods

  • Software visualization

  • Data-driven user experience understanding and improvement

  • Data driven decision making in software engineering

  • Software metrics (and measurements)

Architecture and Design
  • Architecture and design measurement and assessment

  • Software design methodologies, principles, and strategies

  • Theory building for/of software design

  • Architecture quality attributes, such as security, privacy, performance, reliability

  • Modularity and reusability

  • Design and architecture modeling and analysis

  • Architecture recovery

  • Dependency and complexity analysis

  • Distributed architectures, such as microservice, SOA, cloud computing

  • Patterns and anti-patterns

  • Technical debt in design and architecture

  • Architecture refactoring

  • Adaptive architectures

  • Architecture knowledge management

Dependability and Security
  • Formal methods and model checking (excluding solutions focusing solely on hardware)

  • Reliability, availability, and safety

  • Resilience and antifragility

  • Confidentiality, integrity, privacy, and fairness

  • Performance

  • Design for dependability and security

  • Vulnerability detection to enhance software security

  • Dependability and security for embedded and cyber-physical systems

  • Evolution and maintenance

  • API design and evolution

  • Release engineering and DevOps

  • Software reuse

  • Refactoring and program differencing

  • Program comprehension

  • Reverse engineering

  • Environments and software development tools

  • Traceability to understand evolution

Human and Social Aspects
  • Focusing on individuals (from program comprehension, workplace stress to job satisfaction and career progression)

  • Focusing on teams (e.g., collocated, distributed, global, virtual; communication and collaboration within a team), communities (e.g., open source, communities of practice) and companies (organization, economics)

  • Focusing on society (e.g., sustainability; diversity and inclusion)

  • Focusing on programming languages, environments, and tools supporting individuals, teams, communities, and companies.

  • Focusing on software development processes

Requirements and Modeling
  • Requirements engineering (incl. non-functional requirements)

  • Theoretical requirement foundations

  • Requirements and architecture

  • Feedback, user and requirements management

  • Requirements traceability and dependencies

  • Modeling and model-driven engineering

  • Variability and product lines

  • Systems and software traceability

  • Modeling languages, techniques, and tools

  • Empirical studies on the application of model-based engineering

  • Model-based monitoring and analysis

Software Engineering for AI
  • SE for AI models

  • SE for systems with AI components

  • SE for AI code, libraries, and datasets

  • Engineering autonomic systems and self-healing systems

  • Automated repair of AI models

  • Testing and verification of AI-based systems

  • Validation and user-based evaluation of AI-based systems

  • Requirements engineering for AI-based systems

Testing and Analysis
  • Software testing

  • Automated test generation techniques such as fuzzing, search-based approaches, and symbolic execution

  • Testing and analysis of non-functional properties

  • GUI testing

  • Mobile application testing

  • Program analysis

  • Program synthesis (e.g., constraint based techniques)

  • Program repair

  • Debugging and fault localization

  • Runtime analysis and/or error recovery

Important Dates

First submission cycle

  • (Mandatory) Abstract: Mar 15, 2024

  • Submission: Mar 22, 2024

  • Author response period (3 days): Jun 10-13, 2024

  • Notification: Jul 5, 2024

  • Revision due: Aug 2, 2024

  • Camera-ready (of directly accepted papers): Aug 16, 2024

  • Final decision (of revised papers): Nov 1, 2024

  • Camera-ready (of accepted revised papers): Dec 13, 2024

Second submission cycle

  • (Mandatory) Abstract: Jul 26, 2024

  • Submission: Aug 2, 2024

  • Author response period (3 days): Oct 7-10, 2024

  • Notification: Nov 1, 2024

  • Revision due: Nov 29, 2024

  • Camera-ready (of directly accepted papers): Dec 13, 2024

  • Final decision (of revised papers): Jan 22, 2025

  • Camera-ready (of accepted revised papers): Feb 12, 2025

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h).




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