我们以下面的SQL为例,条件表达式为a > 1 + 1
-- 常量表达式可以进行化简
postgres=# explain select * from t1 where a > 1 + 1;
Seq Scan on t1 (cost=0.00..17.50 rows=998 width=8)
Filter: (a > 2) -- 进入执行器中, 表达式已被提前替换为常量,每扫描一个元组,不用再进行1+1的表达式计算了
(2 rows)
-- 不满足常量表达式化简的条件
postgres=# explain select * from t1 where a > 1 + random();
Seq Scan on t1 (cost=0.00..25.00 rows=333 width=8)
Filter: ((a)::double precision > ('1'::double precision + random())) -- 执行器中每扫描一个元组,都要进行一次表达式计算
(2 rows)
我们以select * from t1 where a = 1 + 1;
--> pg_parse_query
--> raw_parser
--> base_yyparse
--> pg_analyze_and_rewrite
--> transformStmt
--> transformSelectStmt
--> transformWhereClause
--> transformExpr
--> pg_plan_queries
--> pg_plan_query
--> planner
--> standard_planner
--> subquery_planner
--> preprocess_qual_conditions
--> preprocess_expression
--> eval_const_expressions // 在这里完成常量表达式化简,完成1+1表达式替换为常量2
--> eval_const_expressions_mutator
--> simplify_function
--> evaluate_function
--> evaluate_expr // 1+1的表达式被计算为常量2
--> create_plan
--> PortalStart
--> PortalRun // 执行器执行
--> PortalDrop
* preprocess_qual_conditions
* Recursively scan the query's jointree and do subquery_planner's
* preprocessing work on each qual condition found therein.
static void preprocess_qual_conditions(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode)
if (jtnode == NULL)
if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))
/* nothing to do here */
else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))
FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, f->fromlist)
preprocess_qual_conditions(root, lfirst(l));
f->quals = preprocess_expression(root, f->quals, EXPRKIND_QUAL);
else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr))
// ...
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
(int) nodeTag(jtnode));
* preprocess_expression
* Do subquery_planner's preprocessing work for an expression,
* which can be a targetlist, a WHERE clause (including JOIN/ON
* conditions), a HAVING clause, or a few other things.
static Node *preprocess_expression(PlannerInfo *root, Node *expr, int kind)
// ...
* Simplify constant expressions. For function RTEs, this was already
* done by preprocess_function_rtes.
if (kind != EXPRKIND_RTFUNC)
expr = eval_const_expressions(root, expr);
/* If it's a qual or havingQual, canonicalize it. */
if (kind == EXPRKIND_QUAL)
expr = (Node *) canonicalize_qual((Expr *) expr, false);
// ...
* If it's a qual or havingQual, convert it to implicit-AND format. (We
* don't want to do this before eval_const_expressions, since the latter
* would be unable to simplify a top-level AND correctly. Also,
* SS_process_sublinks expects explicit-AND format.)
if (kind == EXPRKIND_QUAL)
expr = (Node *) make_ands_implicit((Expr *) expr);
return expr;
* eval_const_expressions
* Reduce any recognizably constant subexpressions of the given
* expression tree, for example "2 + 2" => "4". More interestingly,
* we can reduce certain boolean expressions even when they contain
* non-constant subexpressions: "x OR true" => "true" no matter what
* the subexpression x is. */
Node *eval_const_expressions(PlannerInfo *root, Node *node)
eval_const_expressions_context context;
if (root)
context.boundParams = root->glob->boundParams; /* bound Params */
context.boundParams = NULL;
context.root = root; /* for inlined-function dependencies */
context.active_fns = NIL; /* nothing being recursively simplified */
context.case_val = NULL; /* no CASE being examined */
context.estimate = false; /* safe transformations only */
return eval_const_expressions_mutator(node, &context);
/* Recursive guts of eval_const_expressions/estimate_expression_value */
static Node *eval_const_expressions_mutator(Node *node,
eval_const_expressions_context *context)
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
switch (nodeTag(node))
case T_FuncExpr:
// ...
case T_OpExpr:
OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr *) node;
List *args = expr->args;
Expr *simple;
OpExpr *newexpr;
/* Need to get OID of underlying function. Okay to scribble on input to this extent. */
* Code for op/func reduction is pretty bulky, so split it out
* as a separate function. */
simple = simplify_function(expr->opfuncid,
expr->opresulttype, -1,
if (simple) /* successfully simplified it */
return (Node *) simple;
* If the operator is boolean equality or inequality, we know
* how to simplify cases involving one constant and one
* non-constant argument.
if (expr->opno == BooleanEqualOperator ||
expr->opno == BooleanNotEqualOperator)
simple = (Expr *) simplify_boolean_equality(expr->opno,
if (simple) /* successfully simplified it */
return (Node *) simple;
* The expression cannot be simplified any further, so build
* and return a replacement OpExpr node using the
* possibly-simplified arguments.
newexpr = makeNode(OpExpr);
newexpr->opno = expr->opno;
newexpr->opfuncid = expr->opfuncid;
newexpr->opresulttype = expr->opresulttype;
newexpr->opretset = expr->opretset;
newexpr->opcollid = expr->opcollid;
newexpr->inputcollid = expr->inputcollid;
newexpr->args = args;
newexpr->location = expr->location;
return (Node *) newexpr;
// ...
* For any node type not handled above, copy the node unchanged but
* const-simplify its subexpressions. This is the correct thing for node
* types whose behavior might change between planning and execution, such
* as CurrentOfExpr. It's also a safe default for new node types not
* known to this routine.
return ece_generic_processing(node);
* Subroutine for eval_const_expressions: try to simplify a function call
* (which might originally have been an operator; we don't care)
static Expr *
simplify_function(Oid funcid, Oid result_type, int32 result_typmod,
Oid result_collid, Oid input_collid, List **args_p,
bool funcvariadic, bool process_args, bool allow_non_const,
eval_const_expressions_context *context)
// ...
/* Now attempt simplification of the function call proper. */
newexpr = evaluate_function(funcid, result_type, result_typmod,
result_collid, input_collid,
args, funcvariadic,
func_tuple, context);
// ...
return newexpr;
* evaluate_function: try to pre-evaluate a function call
static Expr *
evaluate_function(Oid funcid, Oid result_type, int32 result_typmod,
Oid result_collid, Oid input_collid, List *args,
bool funcvariadic,
HeapTuple func_tuple,
eval_const_expressions_context *context)
// ...
return evaluate_expr((Expr *) newexpr, result_type, result_typmod,
* evaluate_expr: pre-evaluate a constant expression
* We use the executor's routine ExecEvalExpr() to avoid duplication of
* code and ensure we get the same result as the executor would get.
Expr *
evaluate_expr(Expr *expr, Oid result_type, int32 result_typmod,
Oid result_collation)
EState *estate;
ExprState *exprstate;
MemoryContext oldcontext;
Datum const_val;
bool const_is_null;
int16 resultTypLen;
bool resultTypByVal;
* To use the executor, we need an EState.
estate = CreateExecutorState();
/* We can use the estate's working context to avoid memory leaks. */
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
/* Make sure any opfuncids are filled in. */
fix_opfuncids((Node *) expr);
* Prepare expr for execution. (Note: we can't use ExecPrepareExpr
* because it'd result in recursively invoking eval_const_expressions.)
exprstate = ExecInitExpr(expr, NULL);
* And evaluate it.
* It is OK to use a default econtext because none of the ExecEvalExpr()
* code used in this situation will use econtext. That might seem
* fortuitous, but it's not so unreasonable --- a constant expression does
* not depend on context, by definition, n'est ce pas?
const_val = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(exprstate,
&const_is_null); // 计算表达式 1 + 1
/* Get info needed about result datatype */
get_typlenbyval(result_type, &resultTypLen, &resultTypByVal);
/* Get back to outer memory context */
* Must copy result out of sub-context used by expression eval.
* Also, if it's varlena, forcibly detoast it. This protects us against
* storing TOAST pointers into plans that might outlive the referenced
* data. (makeConst would handle detoasting anyway, but it's worth a few
* extra lines here so that we can do the copy and detoast in one step.)
if (!const_is_null)
if (resultTypLen == -1)
const_val = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(const_val));
const_val = datumCopy(const_val, resultTypByVal, resultTypLen);
/* Release all the junk we just created */
* Make the constant result node.
return (Expr *) makeConst(result_type, result_typmod, result_collation,
const_val, const_is_null,
。where a = 1 + 1
WHERE a_expr { $$ = $2; }
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; }
a_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; }
| a_expr '+' a_expr // 表示 1 + 1
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "+", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '=' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=", $1, $3, @2); }
c_expr: columnref { $$ = $1; }
| AexprConst { $$ = $1; }
AexprConst: Iconst
$$ = makeIntConst($1, @1);
Iconst: ICONST { $$ = $1; }; // 1
A_Expr *
makeSimpleA_Expr(A_Expr_Kind kind, char *name,
Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr, int location)
A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr);
a->kind = kind;
a->name = list_make1(makeString((char *) name));
a->lexpr = lexpr;
a->rexpr = rexpr;
a->location = location;
return a;
typedef struct A_Expr
NodeTag type;
A_Expr_Kind kind; /* see above */
List *name; /* possibly-qualified name of operator */
Node *lexpr; /* left argument, or NULL if none */
Node *rexpr; /* right argument, or NULL if none */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} A_Expr;
/* A_Const - a literal constant */
typedef struct A_Const
NodeTag type;
Value val; /* value (includes type info, see value.h) */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} A_Const;