UnrealEngine - 从源码编译UE5的步骤

  1. Install GitHub Desktop for Windows then fork and clone our repository.

    When GitHub Desktop is finished creating the fork, it asks, How are you planning to use this fork? . Select For my own purposes. This will help ensure that any changes you make stay local to your repository and avoid creating unintended pull requests. You'll still be able to make pull requests if you want to submit modifications that you make in your fork back to our repository.

    Other options:

    • To use Git from the command line, see the Setting up Git and Fork a Repo articles.

    • If you'd prefer not to use Git, you can get the source with the Download ZIP button on the right. Note that the zip utility built in to Windows marks the contents of .zip files downloaded from the Internet as unsafe to execute, so right-click the .zip file and select Properties... and Unblock before decompressing it.

  2. Install Visual Studio 2022.

    All desktop editions of Visual Studio 2022, 17.4 or later, 17.8 recommended, can build UE5, including Visual Studio Community, which is free for small teams and individual developers.

    To install the correct components for UE5 development, please see Setting Up Visual Studio.

  3. Open your source folder in Windows Explorer and run Setup.bat. This will download binary content for the engine, install prerequisites, and set up Unreal file associations.

    On Windows 8, a warning from SmartScreen may appear. Click More info , then Run anyway to continue.

    A clean download of the engine binaries is currently 18+ GiB, which may take some time to complete. Subsequent runs will be much faster, as they only download new and updated content.

  4. Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat to create project files for the engine. It should take less than a minute to complete.

  5. Load the project into Visual Studio by double-clicking the new UE5.sln file.

  6. Set your solution configuration to Development Editor and your solution platform to Win64 , then right click the UE5 target and select Build. It may take anywhere between 10 and 40 minutes to finish compiling, depending on your system specs.

  7. After compiling finishes, you can run the editor from Visual Studio by setting your startup project to UE5 and pressing F5 to start debugging.

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