麒麟v10 sp1 arm64下安装k8s 1.27失败

由于服务器无法访问外网,经过反复拷贝 rpm 包到服务器,终于把 docker kubelet 安装上去。结果 kubelet 运行报错。折腾几天,放弃。最后改为1.25版本才运行成功,大家是否和我一样弃坑了?

服务器版本:Linux i-6F4B0439 4.19.90-23.8.v2101.ky10.aarch64 #1 SMP Mon May 17 17:07:38 CST 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

kubelet 报错:

8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 systemd[1]: Started kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent.
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: Flag --address has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/ku>
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: Flag --container-runtime-endpoint has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/ad>
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: Flag --pod-manifest-path has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer->
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: Flag --cgroup-driver has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-clus>
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.470998 1049853 server.go:415] "Kubelet version" kubeletVersion="v1.27.6"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.471102 1049853 server.go:417] "Golang settings" GOGC="" GOMAXPROCS="" GOTRACEBACK=""
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.471482 1049853 server.go:578] "Standalone mode, no API client"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: W0828 13:45:05.474015 1049853 machine.go:65] Cannot read vendor id correctly, set empty.
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.475380 1049853 server.go:466] "No api server defined - no events will be sent to API server"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.475417 1049853 server.go:662] "--cgroups-per-qos enabled, but --cgroup-root was not specified.  defaulting to /"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.475836 1049853 container_manager_linux.go:265] "Container manager verified user specified cgroup-root exists" cgroupRoot=[]
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.475926 1049853 container_manager_linux.go:270] "Creating Container Manager object based on Node Config" nodeConfig={RuntimeCgroupsName: SystemCgroupsName: KubeletCgroupsN>
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.475956 1049853 topology_manager.go:136] "Creating topology manager with policy per scope" topologyPolicyName="none" topologyScopeName="container"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.475975 1049853 container_manager_linux.go:301] "Creating device plugin manager"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.476009 1049853 state_mem.go:36] "Initialized new in-memory state store"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.480209 1049853 kubelet.go:411] "Kubelet is running in standalone mode, will skip API server sync"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.480416 1049853 kubelet.go:298] "Adding static pod path" path="/etc/kubernetes/manifests"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.481329 1049853 kuberuntime_manager.go:257] "Container runtime initialized" containerRuntime="docker" version="20.10.24" apiVersion="v1"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.481685 1049853 volume_host.go:75] "KubeClient is nil. Skip initialization of CSIDriverLister"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: W0828 13:45:05.482007 1049853 csi_plugin.go:189] kubernetes.io/csi: kubeclient not set, assuming standalone kubelet
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: W0828 13:45:05.482062 1049853 csi_plugin.go:266] Skipping CSINode initialization, kubelet running in standalone mode
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.482668 1049853 server.go:1168] "Started kubelet"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.482688 1049853 kubelet.go:1548] "No API server defined - no node status update will be sent"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.482744 1049853 server.go:162] "Starting to listen" address="" port=10250
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.483113 1049853 ratelimit.go:65] "Setting rate limiting for podresources endpoint" qps=100 burstTokens=10
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.483599 1049853 server.go:194] "Starting to listen read-only" address="" port=10255
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.483689 1049853 server.go:461] "Adding debug handlers to kubelet server"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.483973 1049853 fs_resource_analyzer.go:67] "Starting FS ResourceAnalyzer"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.485289 1049853 volume_manager.go:284] "Starting Kubelet Volume Manager"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.485395 1049853 desired_state_of_world_populator.go:145] "Desired state populator starts to run"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: E0828 13:45:05.486341 1049853 cri_stats_provider.go:455] "Failed to get the info of the filesystem with mountpoint" err="unable to find data in memory cache" mountpoint="/data/docker"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: E0828 13:45:05.486379 1049853 kubelet.go:1400] "Image garbage collection failed once. Stats initialization may not have completed yet" err="invalid capacity 0 on image filesystem"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.499646 1049853 kubelet_network_linux.go:63] "Initialized iptables rules." protocol=IPv4
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.500956 1049853 kubelet_network_linux.go:63] "Initialized iptables rules." protocol=IPv6
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.501002 1049853 status_manager.go:203] "Kubernetes client is nil, not starting status manager"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.501039 1049853 kubelet.go:2257] "Starting kubelet main sync loop"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: E0828 13:45:05.501107 1049853 kubelet.go:2281] "Skipping pod synchronization" err="[container runtime status check may not have completed yet, PLEG is not healthy: pleg has yet to be su>
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: E0828 13:45:05.602161 1049853 kubelet.go:2281] "Skipping pod synchronization" err="container runtime status check may not have completed yet"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.605820 1049853 cpu_manager.go:214] "Starting CPU manager" policy="none"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.605850 1049853 cpu_manager.go:215] "Reconciling" reconcilePeriod="10s"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.605875 1049853 state_mem.go:36] "Initialized new in-memory state store"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.606149 1049853 state_mem.go:88] "Updated default CPUSet" cpuSet=""
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.606178 1049853 state_mem.go:96] "Updated CPUSet assignments" assignments=map[]
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.606189 1049853 policy_none.go:49] "None policy: Start"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.607522 1049853 memory_manager.go:169] "Starting memorymanager" policy="None"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.607554 1049853 state_mem.go:35] "Initializing new in-memory state store"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.607816 1049853 state_mem.go:75] "Updated machine memory state"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.612935 1049853 manager.go:471] "Failed to read data from checkpoint" checkpoint="kubelet_internal_checkpoint" err="checkpoint is not found"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.613282 1049853 plugin_manager.go:118] "Starting Kubelet Plugin Manager"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.802893 1049853 topology_manager.go:212] "Topology Admit Handler" podUID=53e9062975f3c96c83ff5ffb00d51463 podNamespace="kube-system" podName="lb-nginx-master1"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.886642 1049853 desired_state_of_world_populator.go:153] "Finished populating initial desired state of world"
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.887000 1049853 reconciler_common.go:258] "operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume started for volume \"nginx-lb-conf\" (UniqueName: \"kubernetes.io/host-path/53e>
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.887079 1049853 reconciler_common.go:258] "operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume started for volume \"localtime\" (UniqueName: \"kubernetes.io/host-path/53e9062>
8月 28 13:45:05 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: I0828 13:45:05.88
7096 1049853 reconciler.go:41] "Reconciler: start to sync state"
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: E0828 13:45:06.108786 1049853 runtime.go:79] Observed a panic: "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" (runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: goroutine 393 [running]:
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime.logPanic({0x31b63a0?, 0x5ff8790})
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:75 +0x7c
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime.HandleCrash({0x0, 0x0, 0x4015880?})
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:49 +0x78
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: panic({0x31b63a0, 0x5ff8790})
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x1f4
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*Kubelet).getPullSecretsForPod(0x4000885400, 0x400094e000)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/kubelet_pods.go:892 +0x84
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*Kubelet).SyncPod(0x4000885400, {0x400098cd40?, 0xfffc5952ef18?}, 0x2, 0x400094e000, 0x0, 0x40007a2120)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:1881 +0x1e14
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).podWorkerLoop.func1({0x0, {0x2, {0xc1abcc386fd936de, 0x174da4b0, 0x60447e0}, 0x400094e000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, 0x40008a3e00, ...)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:1279 +0x17c
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).podWorkerLoop(0x400098cd40?, {0x400098cd40, 0x20}, 0xa?)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:1284 +0x304
8��� 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).UpdatePod.func1()
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:952 +0xf4
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: created by k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).UpdatePod
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:947 +0x1f5c
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered]
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x2b30c94]
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: goroutine 393 [running]:
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime.HandleCrash({0x0, 0x0, 0x4015880?})
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime/runtime.go:56 +0xe0
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: panic({0x31b63a0, 0x5ff8790})
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:884 +0x1f4
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*Kubelet).getPullSecretsForPod(0x4000885400, 0x400094e000)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/kubelet_pods.go:892 +0x84
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*Kubelet).SyncPod(0x4000885400, {0x400098cd40?, 0xfffc5952ef18?}, 0x2, 0x400094e000, 0x0, 0x40007a2120)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:1881 +0x1e14
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).podWorkerLoop.func1({0x0, {0x2, {0xc1abcc386fd936de, 0x174da4b0, 0x60447e0}, 0x400094e000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, 0x40008a3e00, ...)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:1279 +0x17c
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).podWorkerLoop(0x400098cd40?, {0x400098cd40, 0x20}, 0xa?)
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:1284 +0x304
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).UpdatePod.func1()
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:952 +0xf4
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]: created by k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet.(*podWorkers).UpdatePod
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 kubelet[1049853]:         pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go:947 +0x1f5c
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
8月 28 13:45:06 i-6F4B0439 systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
8月 28 13:45:16 i-6F4B0439 systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Service RestartSec=10s expired, scheduling restart.
8月 28 13:45:16 i-6F4B0439 systemd[1]: kubelet.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2.
8月 28 13:45:16 i-6F4B0439 systemd[1]: Stopped kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent.
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