#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
import os
import os.path
import time
# import pingmianF
# from pingmianF import vector
import numpy as np
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import simpledialog
def popupmsg(msg):
messagebox.showerror('Warning', msg)
def resource_path(relative_path):
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): #是否Bundle Resource
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
# print(WLname)
# print(WDname)
# ['2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957', '1_open_2_WELDLINE_371520', '3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799', '4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050']
# ['2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449250', '1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858', '3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047', '4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218']
# print(start_node)
# print(start_element)
# ['2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957', '1_open_2_WELDLINE_371520', '3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799', '4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050']
# ['2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449450', '1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858', '3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047', '4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218']
def automation(path_inpname):
ls_weldline = []
ls_welddomain = []
ls1 = []
ls1_ = []
ls1_data = []
ls2 = []
ls2_ = []
ls2_data = []
filename = resource_path(os.path.join("file",path_inpname))
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fa:
data_b =
# print(data_b)
for i in range(0,len(data_b)):
data_b[i] = str.upper(data_b[i])
if "WELDLINE_" in data_b[i]:
while "*" not in data_b[j]:
ls1_ = ls1_+ ls1_data
ls1_ = ','.join(ls1_)
ls1_ = []
ls1_data = []
if "WELDDOMAIN_" in data_b[i]:
k = i + 1
while "*" not in data_b[k]:
ls2_ = ls2_ + ls2_data
ls2_ = ','.join(ls2_)
ls2_ = []
ls2_data = []
ls = ls1 + ls2
# ['*NSET, NSET=Closed_2_weldline_126578_143528\n', '*NSET, NSET=Closed_2_weldline_126051_144027\n', '*NSET, NSET=Open_3_weldline_126776_189374\n']
# ['*ELSET, ELSET=Closed_2_welddomain_318468\n', '*ELSET, ELSET=Closed_2_welddomain_318666\n', '*ELSET, ELSET=Open_3_welddomain_628339\n']
for i in range(0, len(ls1)):
# print(ls_weldline)
for j in range(0, len(ls2)):
# print(ls_welddomain[j])
# print(ls_welddomain)
# print(len(ls_welddomain))
# ['Closed_1_2_weldline_126578', 'Closed_2_2_weldline_126051, 'Open_3_3_weldline_126776']
# ['Closed_1_2_welddomain_318468', 'Closed_2_2_welddomain_318666', 'Open_3_3_welddomain_628339']
data = ls_weldline + ls_welddomain
WLname = []
WDname = []
content = []
result_dict = {}
for item in data:
key = int(item.split('_')[1]) # 获取首个数字作为键
value = item[0:] # 获取后续数字作为值
if key in result_dict:
result_dict[key] = [value]
# ['1_open_2_WELDLINE_371520', '2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957', '3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799', '4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050', '1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858', '2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449450', '3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047', '4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218']
# {1: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '371520'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1448858']], 2: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '370957'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1449450']], 3: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '371799'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1449047']], 4: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '371050'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1449218']]}
WLD = []
for i in range(0, len(result_dict)):
WLD = list(result_dict.values())
# print(WLD)
# print(len(WLD))
for i in range(len(WLD)):
content = WLname + WDname
# ['2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957', '1_open_2_WELDLINE_371520', '3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799', '4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050']
# ['2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449250', '1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858', '3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047', '4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218']
new_content = []
old_content = []
# print(content)
# ['NSET COUNT = 37\n*NSET, NSET=2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957\n 274706, 370957, 372104, 372107, 372108, 372115, 372116, 372125,\n 372126, 372133, 372134, 372142, 372143, 372152, 372153, 372162,\n 372163, 372164, 372166, 572824, 572826, 572831, 572834, 572836,\n 572840, 572843, 572846, 572848, 572852, 572854, 572857, 572861,\n 572863, 572866, 572869, 572873, 572876,\n\n',
# 'NSET COUNT = 20\n*NSET, NSET=1_open_2_WELDLINE_371222\n 299140, 371520, 372110, 372112, 372118, 372121, 372122, 372123,\n 372130, 372131, 372138, 372139, 372146, 372148, 372149, 372157,\n 372159, 373496, 373497, 373498,\n\n',
# 'NSET COUNT = 18\n*NSET, NSET=3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799\n 298792, 371799, 372168, 372176, 372178, 372184, 372185, 372192,\n 372203, 372205, 372214, 372227, 373506, 373507, 373508, 373509,\n 373510, 373511,\n',
# 'NSET COUNT = 41\n*NSET, NSET=4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050\n 274430, 371050, 372171, 372179, 372188, 372197, 372207, 372208,\n 372209, 372210, 372216, 372217, 372218, 372229, 373499, 373500,\n 373501, 373502, 373503, 373504, 373505, 572820, 573233, 573324,\n 573326, 573327, 573329, 573341, 573343, 573345, 573347, 573349,\n 573351, 573352, 573354, 573355, 573357, 573358, 573360, 573414,\n 573415,\n',
# 'ELSET COUNT = 38\n*ELSET,ELSET=1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858\n 1448891, 1448870, 1448864, 1448874, 1448862, 1448873, 1448866, 1448888,\n 1448863, 1448872, 1448884, 1448889, 1448892, 1448869, 1448859, 1448895,\n 1448868, 1448885, 1448876, 1448875, 1448880, 1448886, 1448883, 1448881,\n 1448858, 1448877, 1448878, 1448860, 1448871, 1448890, 1448867, 1448894,\n 1448879, 1448865, 1448861, 1448882, 1448893, 1448887,\n',
# 'ELSET COUNT = 72\n*ELSET, ELSET=2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449450\n 1449416, 1449417, 1449418, 1449419, 1449420, 1449421, 1449422, 1449423,\n 1449424, 1449425, 1449426, 1449427, 1449428, 1449429, 1449430, 1449431,\n 1449432, 1449433, 1449434, 1449435, 1449436, 1449437, 1449438, 1449439,\n 1449440, 1449441, 1449442, 1449443, 1449444, 1449445, 1449446, 1449447,\n 1449448, 1449449, 1449450, 1449451, 1656548, 1656549, 1656550, 1656551,\n 1656552, 1656553, 1656554, 1656555, 1656556, 1656557, 1656558, 1656559,\n 1656560, 1656561, 1656562, 1656563, 1656564, 1656565, 1656566, 1656567,\n 1656568, 1656569, 1656570, 1656571, 1656572, 1656573, 1656574, 1656575,\n 1656576, 1656577, 1656578, 1656579, 1656580, 1656581, 1656582, 1656583,\n',
# 'ELSET COUNT = 34\n*ELSET, ELSET=4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218\n 1449218, 1449219, 1449220, 1449221, 1449222, 1449223, 1449224, 1449225,\n 1449226, 1449227, 1449228, 1449229, 1449230, 1449231, 1449232, 1449233,\n 1449234, 1449235, 1449236, 1449237, S1449238, 1449239, 1449240, 1449241,\n 1449242, 1449243, 1449244, 1449245, 1449246, 1449247, 1449248, 1449249,\n 1449250, 1449251, 1449252, 1449253, 1449254, 1449255, 1449256, 1449257,\n 1656698, 1656699, 1656700, 1656701, 1656702, 1656703, 1656704, 1656705,\n 1656706, 1656707, 1656708, 1656709, 1656710, 1656711, 1656712, 1656713,\n 1656714, 1656715, 1656716, 1656717, 1656718, 1656719, 1656720, 1656721,\n 1656722, 1656723, 1656724, 1656725, 1656726, 1656727, 1656728, 1656729,\n 1656730, 1656731, 1656732, 1656733, 1656734, 1656735, 1656736, 1656737,\n\n\n',
# 'ELSET COUNT = 38\n*ELSET, ELSET=3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047\n 1449047, 1449048, 1449049, 1449050, 1449051, 1449052, 1449053, 1449054,\n 1449055, 1449056, 1449057, 1449058, 1449059, 1449060, 1449061, 1449062,\n 1449063, 1449064, 1449065, 1449066, 1449067, 1449068, 1449069, 1449070,\n 1449071, 1449072, 1449073, 1449074, 1449075, 1449076, 1449077, 1449078,\n 1449079, 1449080,\n', 'ELSET COUNT = 80\n\n']
for i in range(0, len(content)):
list_1 = content[i].strip().split(',')
# print("list" + str(list))
target_number = list_1[0].split('_')[-1]
data = list_1[1:]
# print(data)
# 将数据合并为一个字符串
data_str = ''.join(data)
# print(data_str)
# data[' 274706, 370957, 372104, 372107, 372108, 372115, 372116, 372125,', ' 372126, 372133, 372134, 372142, 372143, 372152, 372153, 372162,', ' 372163, 372164, 372166, 572824, 572826, 572831, 572834, 572836,', ' 572840, 572843, 572846, 572848, 572852, 572854, 572857, 572861,', ' 572863, 572866, 572869, 572873, 572876,', '', '']
# data_str 274706, 370957, 372104, 372107, 372108, 372115, 372116, 372125, 372126, 372133, 372134, 372142, 372143, 372152, 372153, 372162, 372163, 372164, 372166, 572824, 572826, 572831, 572834, 572836, 572840, 572843, 572846, 572848, 572852, 572854, 572857, 572861, 572863, 572866, 572869, 572873, 572876,
# 370957 存在于列表中。
# [' 299140, 371520, 372110, 372112, 372118, 372121, 372122, 372123,', ' 372130, 372131, 372138, 372139, 372146, 372148, 372149, 372157,', ' 372159, 373496, 373497, 373498,', '', '']
# 299140, 371520, 372110, 372112, 372118, 372121, 372122, 372123, 372130, 372131, 372138, 372139, 372146, 372148, 372149, 372157, 372159, 373496, 373497, 373498,
# 371222 不存在于列表中,请输入正确标号。
# [' 298792, 371799, 372168, 372176, 372178, 372184, 372185, 372192,', ' 372203, 372205, 372214, 372227, 373506, 373507, 373508, 373509,', ' 373510, 373511,', '']
# 298792, 371799, 372168, 372176, 372178, 372184, 372185, 372192, 372203, 372205, 372214, 372227, 373506, 373507, 373508, 373509, 373510, 373511,
# 371799 存在于列表中。
# [' 274430, 371050, 372171, 372179, 372188, 372197, 372207, 372208,', ' 372209, 372210, 372216, 372217, 372218, 372229, 373499, 373500,', ' 373501, 373502, 373503, 373504, 373505, 572820, 573233, 573324,', ' 573326, 573327, 573329, 573341, 573343, 573345, 573347, 573349,', ' 573351, 573352, 573354, 573355, 573357, 573358, 573360, 573414,', ' 573415,', '']
# 274430, 371050, 372171, 372179, 372188, 372197, 372207, 372208, 372209, 372210, 372216, 372217, 372218, 372229, 373499, 373500, 373501, 373502, 373503, 373504, 373505, 572820, 573233, 573324, 573326, 573327, 573329, 573341, 573343, 573345, 573347, 573349, 573351, 573352, 573354, 573355, 573357, 573358, 573360, 573414, 573415,
# 371050 存在于列表中。
# [' 1448891, 1448870, 1448864, 1448874, 1448862, 1448873, 1448866, 1448888,', ' 1448863, 1448872, 1448884, 1448889, 1448892, 1448869, 1448859, 1448895,', ' 1448868, 1448885, 1448876, 1448875, 1448880, 1448886, 1448883, 1448881,', ' 1448858, 1448877, 1448878, 1448860, 1448871, 1448890, 1448867, 1448894,', ' 1448879, 1448865, 1448861, 1448882, 1448893, 1448887,', '']
# 1448891, 1448870, 1448864, 1448874, 1448862, 1448873, 1448866, 1448888, 1448863, 1448872, 1448884, 1448889, 1448892, 1448869, 1448859, 1448895, 1448868, 1448885, 1448876, 1448875, 1448880, 1448886, 1448883, 1448881, 1448858, 1448877, 1448878, 1448860, 1448871, 1448890, 1448867, 1448894, 1448879, 1448865, 1448861, 1448882, 1448893, 1448887,
# 1448858 存在于列表中。
# [' 1449416, 1449417, 1449418, 1449419, 1449420, 1449421, 1449422, 1449423,', ' 1449424, 1449425, 1449426, 1449427, 1449428, 1449429, 1449430, 1449431,', ' 1449432, 1449433, 1449434, 1449435, 1449436, 1449437, 1449438, 1449439,', ' 1449440, 1449441, 1449442, 1449443, 1449444, 1449445, 1449446, 1449447,', ' 1449448, 1449449, 1449450, 1449451, 1656548, 1656549, 1656550, 1656551,', ' 1656552, 1656553, 1656554, 1656555, 1656556, 1656557, 1656558, 1656559,', ' 1656560, 1656561, 1656562, 1656563, 1656564, 1656565, 1656566, 1656567,', ' 1656568, 1656569, 1656570, 1656571, 1656572, 1656573, 1656574, 1656575,', ' 1656576, 1656577, 1656578, 1656579, 1656580, 1656581, 1656582, 1656583,', '']
# 1449416, 1449417, 1449418, 1449419, 1449420, 1449421, 1449422, 1449423, 1449424, 1449425, 1449426, 1449427, 1449428, 1449429, 1449430, 1449431, 1449432, 1449433, 1449434, 1449435, 1449436, 1449437, 1449438, 1449439, 1449440, 1449441, 1449442, 1449443, 1449444, 1449445, 1449446, 1449447, 1449448, 1449449, 1449450, 1449451, 1656548, 1656549, 1656550, 1656551, 1656552, 1656553, 1656554, 1656555, 1656556, 1656557, 1656558, 1656559, 1656560, 1656561, 1656562, 1656563, 1656564, 1656565, 1656566, 1656567, 1656568, 1656569, 1656570, 1656571, 1656572, 1656573, 1656574, 1656575, 1656576, 1656577, 1656578, 1656579, 1656580, 1656581, 1656582, 1656583,
# 1449450 存在于列表中。
# [' 1449218, 1449219, 1449220, 1449221, 1449222, 1449223, 1449224, 1449225,', ' 1449226, 1449227, 1449228, 1449229, 1449230, 1449231, 1449232, 1449233,', ' 1449234, 1449235, 1449236, 1449237, S1449238, 1449239, 1449240, 1449241,', ' 1449242, 1449243, 1449244, 1449245, 1449246, 1449247, 1449248, 1449249,', ' 1449250, 1449251, 1449252, 1449253, 1449254, 1449255, 1449256, 1449257,', ' 1656698, 1656699, 1656700, 1656701, 1656702, 1656703, 1656704, 1656705,', ' 1656706, 1656707, 1656708, 1656709, 1656710, 1656711, 1656712, 1656713,', ' 1656714, 1656715, 1656716, 1656717, 1656718, 1656719, 1656720, 1656721,', ' 1656722, 1656723, 1656724, 1656725, 1656726, 1656727, 1656728, 1656729,', ' 1656730, 1656731, 1656732, 1656733, 1656734, 1656735, 1656736, 1656737,', '', '', '']
# 1449218, 1449219, 1449220, 1449221, 1449222, 1449223, 1449224, 1449225, 1449226, 1449227, 1449228, 1449229, 1449230, 1449231, 1449232, 1449233, 1449234, 1449235, 1449236, 1449237, S1449238, 1449239, 1449240, 1449241, 1449242, 1449243, 1449244, 1449245, 1449246, 1449247, 1449248, 1449249, 1449250, 1449251, 1449252, 1449253, 1449254, 1449255, 1449256, 1449257, 1656698, 1656699, 1656700, 1656701, 1656702, 1656703, 1656704, 1656705, 1656706, 1656707, 1656708, 1656709, 1656710, 1656711, 1656712, 1656713, 1656714, 1656715, 1656716, 1656717, 1656718, 1656719, 1656720, 1656721, 1656722, 1656723, 1656724, 1656725, 1656726, 1656727, 1656728, 1656729, 1656730, 1656731, 1656732, 1656733, 1656734, 1656735, 1656736, 1656737,
# 1449218 存在于列表中。
# [' 1449047, 1449048, 1449049, 1449050, 1449051, 1449052, 1449053, 1449054,', ' 1449055, 1449056, 1449057, 1449058, 1449059, 1449060, 1449061, 1449062,', ' 1449063, 1449064, 1449065, 1449066, 1449067, 1449068, 1449069, 1449070,', ' 1449071, 1449072, 1449073, 1449074, 1449075, 1449076, 1449077, 1449078,', ' 1449079, 1449080,', '']
# 1449047, 1449048, 1449049, 1449050, 1449051, 1449052, 1449053, 1449054, 1449055, 1449056, 1449057, 1449058, 1449059, 1449060, 1449061, 1449062, 1449063, 1449064, 1449065, 1449066, 1449067, 1449068, 1449069, 1449070, 1449071, 1449072, 1449073, 1449074, 1449075, 1449076, 1449077, 1449078, 1449079, 1449080,
# 1449047 存在于列表中。
if target_number in data_str:
# print(f"{target_number} 存在于列表中。")
# print(f"{target_number} 不存在于列表中,请输入正确标号。")
new = simpledialog.askinteger(title="",
# print(new)
# content = str(content).replace(str(target_number),str(new))
# print(content)
new_list = list_1[0].replace(str(target_number), str(new))
# print()
filename1 = resource_path(os.path.join("file","weld-current_modify.wdf"))
filename2 = resource_path(os.path.join("file","weld_current_shell.txt"))
f1 = open(filename1,'a',encoding='utf-8')
with open(filename2,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f2:
# content =
# f1.write('<weld_definition>\n'+content)
for i in range(0,len(ls1)):
lines =
lines = lines.replace('%New_Line',old_content[i].upper())
plate_thick = str.upper(old_content[i].strip('\n').split('_')[2])
if 'P' in plate_thick:
lines = lines.replace('%plate_thickness', plate_thick.replace('P','.'))
lines = lines.replace('%plate_thickness', plate_thick)
# "PART-1-1_"+
lines = lines.replace('%welddomain',"PART-1-1_"+old_content[i+len(ls1)].upper())
lines = lines.replace('%start_element', new_content[i+len(ls1)].strip('\n').split('_')[-1])
# lines = lines.replace('%reference_normal',str(pingmianF.vector(node_list[j],node_list[j+1],node_list[j+2])))
# print(vector(node_list[j], node_list[j + 1], node_list[j + 2]))
# if '%weldline' in line:
# f1.write(line.replace('%weldline', 'weldline1234_4567'))
# "PART-1-1_"+
lines = lines.replace('%weldline',"PART-1-1_"+old_content[i].upper()+"_nodal")
lines = lines.replace('%start_node', new_content[i].strip('\n').split('_')[-1])
lines = lines.replace('%weld_type', old_content[i].strip('\n').split('_')[0].capitalize())
# j = j+3
if __name__ == '__main__':
path_inpname = filedialog.askopenfilenames(title="Select Text File",
filetypes=[("INP File", "*.inp"), ("All Files", "*.*")])
# print(path_inpname)
# except:
# popupmsg('工具运行不成功!')
# f2.close()
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
import os
import os.path
import time
import pingmianF
from pingmianF import vector
import numpy as np
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import simpledialog
def popupmsg(msg):
messagebox.showerror('Warning', msg)
def resource_path(relative_path):
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): #是否Bundle Resource
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
# print(WLname)
# print(WDname)
# ['2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957', '1_open_2_WELDLINE_371520', '3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799', '4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050']
# ['2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449250', '1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858', '3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047', '4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218']
# print(start_node)
# print(start_element)
# ['2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957', '1_open_2_WELDLINE_371520', '3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799', '4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050']
# ['2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449450', '1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858', '3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047', '4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218']
def automation(path_inpname):
ls_weldline = []
ls_welddomain = []
ls_face = []
ls1 = []
ls1_ = []
ls1_data = []
ls2 = []
ls2_ = []
ls2_data = []
ls3 = []
ls3_ = []
ls3_data = []
filename = resource_path(os.path.join("file",path_inpname))
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fa:
data_b =
# print(data_b)
for i in range(0,len(data_b)):
data_b[i] = str.upper(data_b[i])
if "WELDLINE_" in data_b[i]:
while "*" not in data_b[j]:
ls1_ = ls1_+ ls1_data
ls1_ = ','.join(ls1_)
ls1_ = []
ls1_data = []
if "WELDDOMAIN_" in data_b[i]:
k = i + 1
while "*" not in data_b[k]:
ls2_ = ls2_ + ls2_data
ls2_ = ','.join(ls2_)
ls2_ = []
ls2_data = []
if "FACE_" in data_b[i]:
m = i + 1
while "*" not in data_b[m]:
ls3_ = ls3_ + ls3_data
ls3_ = ','.join(ls3_)
ls3_ = []
ls3_data = []
# print(ls1)
# print(ls2)
# print(ls3)
ls = ls1 + ls2 +ls3
# print(ls)
# ['*NSET, NSET=Closed_2_weldline_126578_143528\n', '*NSET, NSET=Closed_2_weldline_126051_144027\n', '*NSET, NSET=Open_3_weldline_126776_189374\n']
# ['*ELSET, ELSET=Closed_2_welddomain_318468\n', '*ELSET, ELSET=Closed_2_welddomain_318666\n', '*ELSET, ELSET=Open_3_welddomain_628339\n']
for i in range(0, len(ls1)):
# print(ls_weldline)
for j in range(0, len(ls2)):
# print(ls_welddomain[j])
for k in range(0, len(ls3)):
# print(ls_welddomain[j])
# print(ls_welddomain)
# print(len(ls_welddomain))
# ['Closed_1_2_weldline_126578', 'Closed_2_2_weldline_126051, 'Open_3_3_weldline_126776']
# ['Closed_1_2_welddomain_318468', 'Closed_2_2_welddomain_318666', 'Open_3_3_welddomain_628339']
data = ls_weldline + ls_welddomain + ls_face
# print(data)
WLname = []
WDname = []
WFname = []
content = []
result_dict = {}
for item in data:
key = int(item.split('_')[1]) # 获取首个数字作为键
value = item[0:] # 获取后续数字作为值
if key in result_dict:
result_dict[key] = [value]
# print(result_dict)
# ['1_open_2_WELDLINE_371520', '2_open_2_WELDLINE_370957', '3_open_2_WELDLINE_371799', '4_open_2_WELDLINE_371050', '1_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1448858', '2_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449450', '3_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449047', '4_open_2_WELDDOMAIN_1449218']
# {1: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '371520'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1448858']], 2: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '370957'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1449450']], 3: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '371799'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1449047']], 4: [['open', '2', 'WELDLINE', '371050'], ['open', '2', 'WELDDOMAIN', '1449218']]}
WLD = []
for i in range(0, len(result_dict)):
WLD = list(result_dict.values())
# print(WLD)
# print(len(WLD))
for i in range(len(WLD)):
# print(WLname)
# print(WDname)
# print(WFname)
content = WLname + WDname
node_set = []
for i in range(0,len(WFname)):
WFname[i] = WFname[i].strip().split(",")
# print(node_set)
new_content = []
old_content = []
for i in range(0, len(content)):
list_1 = content[i].strip().split(',')
# print("list" + str(list))
target_number = list_1[0].split('_')[-1]
data = list_1[1:]
# print(data)
# 将数据合并为一个字符串
data_str = ''.join(data)
# print(data_str)
# data[' 274706, 370957, 372104, 372107, 372108, 372115, 372116, 372125,', ' 372126, 372133, 372134, 372142, 372143, 372152, 372153, 372162,', ' 372163, 372164, 372166, 572824, 572826, 572831, 572834, 572836,', ' 572840, 572843, 572846, 572848, 572852, 572854, 572857, 572861,', ' 572863, 572866, 572869, 572873, 572876,', '', '']
# data_str 274706, 370957, 372104, 372107, 372108, 372115, 372116, 372125, 372126, 372133, 372134, 372142, 372143, 372152, 372153, 372162, 372163, 372164, 372166, 572824, 572826, 572831, 572834, 572836, 572840, 572843, 572846, 572848, 572852, 572854, 572857, 572861, 572863, 572866, 572869, 572873, 572876,
# 370957 存在于列表中。
# [' 299140, 371520, 372110, 372112, 372118, 372121, 372122, 372123,', ' 372130, 372131, 372138, 372139, 372146, 372148, 372149, 372157,', ' 372159, 373496, 373497, 373498,', '', '']
# 299140, 371520, 372110, 372112, 372118, 372121, 372122, 372123, 372130, 372131, 372138, 372139, 372146, 372148, 372149, 372157, 372159, 373496, 373497, 373498,
# 371222 不存在于列表中,请输入正确标号。
# [' 298792, 371799, 372168, 372176, 372178, 372184, 372185, 372192,', ' 372203, 372205, 372214, 372227, 373506, 373507, 373508, 373509,', ' 373510, 373511,', '']
# 298792, 371799, 372168, 372176, 372178, 372184, 372185, 372192, 372203, 372205, 372214, 372227, 373506, 373507, 373508, 373509, 373510, 373511,
# 371799 存在于列表中。
# [' 274430, 371050, 372171, 372179, 372188, 372197, 372207, 372208,', ' 372209, 372210, 372216, 372217, 372218, 372229, 373499, 373500,', ' 373501, 373502, 373503, 373504, 373505, 572820, 573233, 573324,', ' 573326, 573327, 573329, 573341, 573343, 573345, 573347, 573349,', ' 573351, 573352, 573354, 573355, 573357, 573358, 573360, 573414,', ' 573415,', '']
# 274430, 371050, 372171, 372179, 372188, 372197, 372207, 372208, 372209, 372210, 372216, 372217, 372218, 372229, 373499, 373500, 373501, 373502, 373503, 373504, 373505, 572820, 573233, 573324, 573326, 573327, 573329, 573341, 573343, 573345, 573347, 573349, 573351, 573352, 573354, 573355, 573357, 573358, 573360, 573414, 573415,
# 371050 存在于列表中。
# [' 1448891, 1448870, 1448864, 1448874, 1448862, 1448873, 1448866, 1448888,', ' 1448863, 1448872, 1448884, 1448889, 1448892, 1448869, 1448859, 1448895,', ' 1448868, 1448885, 1448876, 1448875, 1448880, 1448886, 1448883, 1448881,', ' 1448858, 1448877, 1448878, 1448860, 1448871, 1448890, 1448867, 1448894,', ' 1448879, 1448865, 1448861, 1448882, 1448893, 1448887,', '']
# 1448891, 1448870, 1448864, 1448874, 1448862, 1448873, 1448866, 1448888, 1448863, 1448872, 1448884, 1448889, 1448892, 1448869, 1448859, 1448895, 1448868, 1448885, 1448876, 1448875, 1448880, 1448886, 1448883, 1448881, 1448858, 1448877, 1448878, 1448860, 1448871, 1448890, 1448867, 1448894, 1448879, 1448865, 1448861, 1448882, 1448893, 1448887,
# 1448858 存在于列表中。
# [' 1449416, 1449417, 1449418, 1449419, 1449420, 1449421, 1449422, 1449423,', ' 1449424, 1449425, 1449426, 1449427, 1449428, 1449429, 1449430, 1449431,', ' 1449432, 1449433, 1449434, 1449435, 1449436, 1449437, 1449438, 1449439,', ' 1449440, 1449441, 1449442, 1449443, 1449444, 1449445, 1449446, 1449447,', ' 1449448, 1449449, 1449450, 1449451, 1656548, 1656549, 1656550, 1656551,', ' 1656552, 1656553, 1656554, 1656555, 1656556, 1656557, 1656558, 1656559,', ' 1656560, 1656561, 1656562, 1656563, 1656564, 1656565, 1656566, 1656567,', ' 1656568, 1656569, 1656570, 1656571, 1656572, 1656573, 1656574, 1656575,', ' 1656576, 1656577, 1656578, 1656579, 1656580, 1656581, 1656582, 1656583,', '']
# 1449416, 1449417, 1449418, 1449419, 1449420, 1449421, 1449422, 1449423, 1449424, 1449425, 1449426, 1449427, 1449428, 1449429, 1449430, 1449431, 1449432, 1449433, 1449434, 1449435, 1449436, 1449437, 1449438, 1449439, 1449440, 1449441, 1449442, 1449443, 1449444, 1449445, 1449446, 1449447, 1449448, 1449449, 1449450, 1449451, 1656548, 1656549, 1656550, 1656551, 1656552, 1656553, 1656554, 1656555, 1656556, 1656557, 1656558, 1656559, 1656560, 1656561, 1656562, 1656563, 1656564, 1656565, 1656566, 1656567, 1656568, 1656569, 1656570, 1656571, 1656572, 1656573, 1656574, 1656575, 1656576, 1656577, 1656578, 1656579, 1656580, 1656581, 1656582, 1656583,
# 1449450 存在于列表中。
# [' 1449218, 1449219, 1449220, 1449221, 1449222, 1449223, 1449224, 1449225,', ' 1449226, 1449227, 1449228, 1449229, 1449230, 1449231, 1449232, 1449233,', ' 1449234, 1449235, 1449236, 1449237, S1449238, 1449239, 1449240, 1449241,', ' 1449242, 1449243, 1449244, 1449245, 1449246, 1449247, 1449248, 1449249,', ' 1449250, 1449251, 1449252, 1449253, 1449254, 1449255, 1449256, 1449257,', ' 1656698, 1656699, 1656700, 1656701, 1656702, 1656703, 1656704, 1656705,', ' 1656706, 1656707, 1656708, 1656709, 1656710, 1656711, 1656712, 1656713,', ' 1656714, 1656715, 1656716, 1656717, 1656718, 1656719, 1656720, 1656721,', ' 1656722, 1656723, 1656724, 1656725, 1656726, 1656727, 1656728, 1656729,', ' 1656730, 1656731, 1656732, 1656733, 1656734, 1656735, 1656736, 1656737,', '', '', '']
# 1449218, 1449219, 1449220, 1449221, 1449222, 1449223, 1449224, 1449225, 1449226, 1449227, 1449228, 1449229, 1449230, 1449231, 1449232, 1449233, 1449234, 1449235, 1449236, 1449237, S1449238, 1449239, 1449240, 1449241, 1449242, 1449243, 1449244, 1449245, 1449246, 1449247, 1449248, 1449249, 1449250, 1449251, 1449252, 1449253, 1449254, 1449255, 1449256, 1449257, 1656698, 1656699, 1656700, 1656701, 1656702, 1656703, 1656704, 1656705, 1656706, 1656707, 1656708, 1656709, 1656710, 1656711, 1656712, 1656713, 1656714, 1656715, 1656716, 1656717, 1656718, 1656719, 1656720, 1656721, 1656722, 1656723, 1656724, 1656725, 1656726, 1656727, 1656728, 1656729, 1656730, 1656731, 1656732, 1656733, 1656734, 1656735, 1656736, 1656737,
# 1449218 存在于列表中。
# [' 1449047, 1449048, 1449049, 1449050, 1449051, 1449052, 1449053, 1449054,', ' 1449055, 1449056, 1449057, 1449058, 1449059, 1449060, 1449061, 1449062,', ' 1449063, 1449064, 1449065, 1449066, 1449067, 1449068, 1449069, 1449070,', ' 1449071, 1449072, 1449073, 1449074, 1449075, 1449076, 1449077, 1449078,', ' 1449079, 1449080,', '']
# 1449047, 1449048, 1449049, 1449050, 1449051, 1449052, 1449053, 1449054, 1449055, 1449056, 1449057, 1449058, 1449059, 1449060, 1449061, 1449062, 1449063, 1449064, 1449065, 1449066, 1449067, 1449068, 1449069, 1449070, 1449071, 1449072, 1449073, 1449074, 1449075, 1449076, 1449077, 1449078, 1449079, 1449080,
# 1449047 存在于列表中。
if target_number in data_str:
# print(f"{target_number} 存在于列表中。")
# print(f"{target_number} 不存在于列表中,请输入正确标号。")
new = simpledialog.askinteger(title="",
# print(new)
# content = str(content).replace(str(target_number),str(new))
# print(content)
new_list = list_1[0].replace(str(target_number), str(new))
# print()
# print("new_content"+str(new_content))
# print(old_content)
filename = resource_path(os.path.join("file",path_inpname))
# print(filename)
node_coordinate = []
ls4 = []
ls4_ = []
ls4_data = []
with open(filename,'r',encoding='utf-8') as fa:
data_c =
# print(data_b)
for i in range(0, len(data_c)):
data_c[i] = str.upper(data_c[i])
if "*NODE" in data_c[i]:
n = i + 1
while "*" not in data_c[n]:
n = n + 1
ls4_data = []
# print(ls4)
node_cor = []
node_cor = ls4[0]
node = []
for j in range(0,len(node_set)):
for k in range(0,3):
for i in range(0, len(node_cor)):
str1 = node_cor[i].split(',')[0]
int_str1 = int(str1)
if int_str1 == int(node_set[j][k]):
# print(node_coordinate)
#['126051, -213.32157, -23.94757, 55.92702\n',
# '126578, -49.68242, -23.94821, -50.66072\n',
# '126776, -114.42335, -23.94608, -46.53174\n',
# '127140, -212.51184, -23.98995, 56.26252\n',
# '143528, -48.68259, -23.94195, -50.67784\n',
# '143529, -48.67345, -23.97157, -50.15527\n',
# '144028, -212.89419, -23.97285, 57.18638\n',
# '189374, -115.39657, -23.94313, -46.30191\n',
# '189375, -115.09989, -23.98079, -45.04446\n']
node_list = []
for j in range (0,len(node_coordinate)):
str3 = node_coordinate[j].strip(' ').strip('\n').split(',')[1:4]
# print(node_list)
#['126776, -114.42335, -23.94608, -46.53174\n',
# '189374, -115.39657, -23.94313, -46.30191\n',
# '189375, -115.09989, -23.98079, -45.04446\n',
# '144028, -212.89419, -23.97285, 57.18638\n',
# '127140, -212.51184, -23.98995, 56.26252\n',
# '126051, -213.32157, -23.94757, 55.92702\n',
# '143529, -48.67345, -23.97157, -50.15527\n',
# '143528, -48.68259, -23.94195, -50.67784\n',
# '126578, -49.68242, -23.94821, -50.66072\n']
# [[' -114.42335', ' -23.94608', ' -46.53174'],
# [' -115.39657', ' -23.94313', ' -46.30191'],
# [' -115.09989', ' -23.98079', ' -45.04446'],
# [' -212.89419', ' -23.97285', ' 57.18638'],
# [' -212.51184', ' -23.98995', ' 56.26252'],
# [' -213.32157', ' -23.94757', ' 55.92702'],
# [' -48.67345', ' -23.97157', ' -50.15527'],
# [' -48.68259', ' -23.94195', ' -50.67784'],
# [' -49.68242', ' -23.94821', ' -50.66072']]
filename1 = resource_path(os.path.join("file","weld-current_modify.wdf"))
filename2 = resource_path(os.path.join("file","weld_current.txt"))
f1 = open(filename1,'a',encoding='utf-8')
j = 0
with open(filename2,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f2:
# content =
# f1.write('<weld_definition>\n'+content)
for i in range(0,len(ls1)):
lines =
lines = lines.replace('%New_Line',old_content[i].upper())
plate_thick = str.upper(WLname[i].strip('\n').split('_')[2])
if 'P' in plate_thick:
lines = lines.replace('%plate_thickness', plate_thick.replace('P', '.'))
lines = lines.replace('%plate_thickness', plate_thick)
# "PART-1-1_"+
lines = lines.replace('%welddomain',"PART-1-1_"+old_content[i+len(ls1)].upper())
lines = lines.replace('%start_element', new_content[i+len(ls1)].strip('\n').split('_')[-1])
lines = lines.replace('%reference_normal',str(pingmianF.vector(node_list[j],node_list[j+1],node_list[j+2])))
# print(vector(node_list[j], node_list[j + 1], node_list[j + 2]))
# if '%weldline' in line:
# f1.write(line.replace('%weldline', 'weldline1234_4567'))
# "PART-1-1_"+
lines = lines.replace('%weldline',"PART-1-1_"+old_content[i].upper()+"_nodal")
lines = lines.replace('%start_node', new_content[i].strip('\n').split('_')[-1])
lines = lines.replace('%weld_type', new_content[i].strip('\n').split('_')[0].capitalize())
j = j+3
if __name__ == '__main__':
path_inpname = filedialog.askopenfilenames(title="Select Text File",
filetypes=[("INP File", "*.inp"), ("All Files", "*.*")])
# print(path_inpname)
# except:
# popupmsg('工具运行不成功!')
# f2.close()
# import numpy as np
# def compute_normal_vector(point1, point2, point3):
# vector1 = np.array(point2) - np.array(point1)
# vector2 = np.array(point3) - np.array(point1)
# normal_vector = np.cross(vector1, vector2)
# return normal_vector
# # 示例输入
# point1 = [-114.42335, -23.94608, -46.53174]
# point2 = [-115.39657, -23.94313, -46.30191]
# point3 = [-115.09989, -23.98079, -45.04446]
# normal_vector = compute_normal_vector(point1, point2, point3)
# print(normal_vector)
# # 在上面的代码示例中,我们使用了numpy库来进行向量的计算。
# # compute_normal_vector函数接受三个点作为输入,然后使用numpy库中的array函数将这些点转换为数组。
# # 接着,我们计算两个向量vector1和vector2,它们分别是point2-point1和point3-point1。
# # 最后,我们使用numpy库中的cross函数计算向量的叉积,得到平面的法向量。
# import read_inp_auto as read_inp
import numpy as np
p1 =[' -114.42335', ' -23.94608', ' -46.53174']
p2 =[' -115.39657', ' -23.94313', ' -46.30191']
p3 =[' -115.09989', ' -23.98079', ' -45.04446']
def vector(p1,p2,p3):
# 定义三个点的坐标
point1 = np.array(p1)
point2 = np.array(p2)
point3 = np.array(p3)
float_point1 = point1.astype(np.float64)
float_point2 = point2.astype(np.float64)
float_point3 = point3.astype(np.float64)
# 计算两个向量
vector1 = float_point2 - float_point1
vector2 = float_point3 - float_point1
# 计算法向量
normal_vector = np.cross(vector1, vector2)
# 归一化为单位向量
unit_normal_vector = normal_vector / np.linalg.norm(normal_vector)
vector_final =",".join(("{:.4f}".format(num) for num in unit_normal_vector))
return vector_final
# print(vector(p1,p2,p3))

<!--fe-safe weld definition file-->
<group name="%welddomain" type="elemental"></group>
<weld name="%New_Line" type="line">
<parameter id="plate thickness">
<!--Plate Thickness-->
<parameter id="smoothing iterations">
<!--Number of smoothing iterations-->
<parameter id="ir function">
<!--I(r) Function-->
<value>Structural Joints / Displacement Control</value>
<parameter id="weld end correction">
<!--Weld End Correction-->
<value>Virtual node (original)</value>
<parameter id="element type">
<!--Element type-->
<parameter id="weld line group name">
<!--Weld line nodes-->
<parameter id="weld toe elements">
<!--Weld reference elements-->
<parameter id="start node">
<!--Start Node-->
<parameter id="start element">
<!--Start Element-->
<parameter id="reference normal">
<!--Reference Normal-->
<parameter id="weld type">
<!--Weld type-->
<parameter id="failure mode">
<!--Failure Mode-->
<value>Unspecified Failure Mode</value>
<parameter id="through thickness node validation tolerance">
<!--Through thickness node validation cone tolerance-->
<parameter id="Through thickness node search co-planarity tolerance angle">
<!--Through thickness node search co-planarity tolerance angle-->
<group name="%weldline" type="nodal" id="weld nodes"></group>


