macos php开发环境之macport安装的php扩展安装,php常用扩展安装,port中可用的所有php扩展列表

macos中,我们使用了port 安装了php后,默认只带有php基本的核心扩展的, 如果需要使用其他的扩展,如 redis, https, xdebug等扩展就需要我们手动来安装对应的扩展。

macos php开发环境 macport安装的php的方法见macos 中使用macport安装,配置,切换多版本php,使用port 安装php扩展方法总结-CSDN博客


切换当前的php版本使用sudo port select php php 80 这个命令将php80设置为当前的默认php版本,要换其他版本,该 php80为你想要的即可, 如 php56, php72, php83等。

port安装的php默认启用的扩展 查看方法为 php -m

一般情况下,port install 安装的php, 这些扩展默认被启用:

[PHP Modules]




























从上面的内容可见, 基本上就是只启用了核心扩展, 另外mysqlnd 这个mysql的链接扩展也是默认启用 了的。注意这里mysqlnd不包含 mysqli和 pod_mysql,这2个包需要安装 phpxx-mysql扩展。 如果需要其他扩展,就需要我们自己安装了。


对于开发环境,xdebug这个应该是必须要安装的了, 另外就是openssl, curl 网络应用离不开的扩展,gd图形库, iconv字符编码转换,opcache php加速工具,mysql(mysqli, pdo_mysql扩展), redis, sqlite 数据库支持, mcrypt加解密支持(微信小程序开发数据加解密必备扩展), gettext文本处理扩展, zip压缩文件处理扩展等。


以下是部分的主要的php版本的常用扩展的安装示例,大家按需自取! 方法都是一样的,先使用select设置当前php版本,然后使用install 安装扩展包


bash 复制代码
# 设置当前php为php 5.6
sudo port select --set php php56
# 一键安装php56的常用扩展
sudo port install php56-mysql php56-gd php56-openssl php56-curl php56-iconv php56-opcache php56-redis php56-sqlite  php56-gettext php56-zip php56-sodium php56-sockets

注意这里的这个php5.6版本的xdebug和 mcrypt 扩展( php56-xdebug php56-mcrypt )如果当前系统的xcode版本为12以上的话,可能会提示 Error: php56-xxx @2.5.5 cannot currently be compiled with Xcode 12 or later 无法安装 ,因为在php5.6里面使用的xdebug版本是2.x的老版本,这时就只能使用别人编译好的php5.6对应的 和 mcrypt.so文件了, 这种情况直接去掉这个扩展install其他即可。


bash 复制代码
# 设置当前php为php 7.2
sudo port select --set php php72
# 一键安装php72的常用扩展
sudo port install php72-xdebug php72-mysql php72-gd php72-openssl php72-curl php72-iconv php72-opcache php72-redis php72-sqlite php72-mcrypt  php72-gettext  php72-zip php72-sodium php72-sockets php72-swoole 


bash 复制代码
# 设置当前php为php 8.0
sudo port select --set php php80
# 一键安装php80的常用扩展
sudo port install php80-xdebug php80-mysql php80-gd php80-openssl php80-curl php80-iconv php80-opcache php80-redis php80-sqlite php80-mcrypt php80-gettext php80-zip php80-sodium php80-sockets php80-swoole 


bash 复制代码
# 设置当前php为php 8.3
sudo port select --set php php83
# 一键安装php83的常用扩展
sudo port install php83-xdebug php83-mysql php83-gd php83-openssl php83-curl php83-iconv php83-opcache php83-redis php83-sqlite php83-mcrypt php83-gettext php83-zip php83-sodium php83-sockets php83-swoole


在port中,我们可以通过search 来查找我们需要的扩展,支持使用正则来匹配查找内容。 在port里面, php的扩展的命名方式为 php+2位版本号-扩展名 , 如 php83-openssl 代表的是php 8.3的openssl扩展包的名称。 而且使用port安装的php扩展安装后自动启用。


port search --name --line --regex '^php(\d+)-'

查找特定版本(如php 8.0)的PHP扩展:

port search --name --line --regex '^php80-'


如果需要对扩展进行配置, 可以使用 php --ini查看已安装的php扩展的配置文件,然后直接修改对应配置文件即可。

执行 php --ini 命令后即可查看当前php的配置信息和以加载的php扩展的配置信息, 示例如下:

Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /opt/local/etc/php80

Loaded Configuration File: /opt/local/etc/php80/php.ini

Scan for additional .ini files in: /opt/local/var/db/php80

Additional .ini files parsed: /opt/local/var/db/php80/curl.ini,











port search --name --line --regex '^php(\d+)-'


bash 复制代码
> port search --name --line --regex '^php(\d+)-'

php5-simpletest	1.1.0	php devel	unit testing for PHP
php5-unit-db	1.0.1	php devel	DbUnit for PHP
php5-unit-selenium	1.0.3	php devel	Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit
php5-web	5.3.5	lang php www	Meta-port for PHP web server support
php52-apache2handler	5.2.17	lang www	php52 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php52-calendar	5.2.17	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php52-cgi	5.2.17	lang www	php52 CGI SAPI
php52-curl	5.2.17	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php52-dba	5.2.17	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php52-exif	5.2.17	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php52-ftp	5.2.17	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php52-gd	5.2.17	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php52-gettext	5.2.17	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php52-gmp	5.2.17	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php52-iconv	5.2.17	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php52-imap	5.2.17	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php52-ipc	5.2.17	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php52-ldap	5.2.17	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php52-mbstring	5.2.17	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php52-mcrypt	5.2.17	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php52-mssql	5.2.17	php databases	a PHP interface to MSSQL using FreeTDS, including the mssql and pdo_dblib extensions
php52-mysql	5.2.17	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php52-odbc	5.2.17	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php52-openssl	5.2.17	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php52-oracle	5.2.17	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php52-pcntl	5.2.17	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php52-posix	5.2.17	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php52-postgresql	5.2.17	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php52-pspell	5.2.17	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php52-snmp	5.2.17	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php52-soap	5.2.17	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php52-sockets	5.2.17	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php52-suhosin	php security www	Advanced protection extension for PHP
php52-tidy	5.2.17	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php52-wddx	5.2.17	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php52-xmlrpc	5.2.17	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php52-xsl	5.2.17	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php52-zip	1.16.1	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php53-amf	0.9.2	php devel	ActionScript Message Format extension
php53-amqp	1.9.3	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php53-apache2handler	5.3.29	lang www	php53 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php53-APC	3.1.13	php devel	Alternative PHP Cache
php53-APCu	4.0.11	php devel	APC User Cache
php53-bbcode	1.0.3b1	php devel	BBCode parsing Extension
php53-big_int	1.0.7	php devel	big_int library
php53-cairo	0.3.2	php devel	Cairo Graphics Library Extension
php53-cairo_wrapper	0.2.4	php devel	Cairo Wrapper Extension
php53-calendar	5.3.29	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php53-cgi	5.3.29	lang www	php53 CGI SAPI
php53-code-coverage	1.2.12	php devel	code coverage information for PHP
php53-colorer	0.7	php devel	Syntax highlighting
php53-crack	0.4	php mail devel	{"Good} Password\" Checking Utility
php53-curl	5.3.29	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php53-dba	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php53-dbase	5.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php53-eaccelerator	php www devel	php5 extension for PHP acceleration, optimization, and dynamic content caching
php53-enchant	5.3.29	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php53-esmtp	0.3.1	php devel	ESMTP client extension
php53-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php53-exif	5.3.29	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php53-file-iterator	1.3.3	php devel	file iterator for PHP
php53-fpm	5.3.29	lang www	php53 FPM SAPI
php53-FreeImage	0.1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the FreeImage library.
php53-ftp	5.3.29	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php53-gd	5.3.29	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php53-gdchart	0.2.0	php devel	GDChart Based Graphing Interface
php53-gearman	1.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php53-geoip	1.0.8	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php53-gettext	5.3.29	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php53-gmagick	1.1.7RC3	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php53-gmp	5.3.29	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php53-gtk	2.0.3-20121108	php x11	PHP-GTK: Gtk+ bindings for PHP 5.
php53-hidef	0.1.13	php devel	Constants for real
php53-html_parse	1.0.0	php textproc devel	HTML parser extension
php53-htscanner	1.0.1	php www	a PHP extension to enable the use of per-directory htaccess-like PHP configuration files
php53-http	1.7.6	php www	Extended HTTP Support
php53-http2	2.6.0	php www	Extended HTTP Support
php53-iconv	5.3.29	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php53-igbinary	2.0.8	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php53-imagick	3.3.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php53-imap	5.3.29	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php53-imlib2	0.1.00	php devel	Provides an image manipulation interface using libimlib2
php53-inclued	0.1.3	php devel	Clued-in about your inclueds
php53-intl	5.3.29	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php53-ipc	5.3.29	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php53-jsmin	2.0.1	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php53-Judy	1.0.2	php	sparse dynamic arrays
php53-ldap	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php53-libev	20131219	php devel	object-oriented binding to libev
php53-libevent	0.1.0	php devel	PHP wrapper for libevent
php53-lzf	1.6.8	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php53-magickwand	1.0.9-2	php graphics	MagickWand for PHP
php53-mailparse	2.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php53-markdown	1.0.0	php textproc devel	A fast Markdown parser
php53-mbstring	5.3.29	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php53-mcrypt	5.3.29	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php53-memcache	3.0.8	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php53-memcached	2.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php53-midgard2	12.09.1	php	A content management system
php53-mongo	1.6.16	php databases devel	Mongo Database Driver
php53-mssql	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface to MSSQL using FreeTDS, including the mssql and pdo_dblib extensions
php53-mysql	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php53-oauth	1.2.3	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php53-odbc	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php53-opcache	7.0.5	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php53-openssl	5.3.29	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php53-oracle	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php53-pcntl	5.3.29	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php53-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php53-peb	0.20b	php devel	PHP-Erlang Bridge
php53-phalcon	2.0.9	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php53-phalcon2	2.0.9	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php53-pop3	1.0.2	php mail devel	POP3 Client Library
php53-posix	5.3.29	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php53-postgresql	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php53-propro	1.0.2	php	a reusable property proxy API
php53-pspell	5.3.29	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php53-raphf	1.1.2	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php53-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php53-redis	4.3.0	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php53-rrd	1.1.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php53-scrypt	1.4.3	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php53-snmp	5.3.29	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php53-soap	5.3.29	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php53-sockets	5.3.29	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php53-solr	2.4.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php53-sphinx	1.3.3	php textproc	PHP bindings for Sphinx full-text search
php53-SPL_Types	0.4.0	php devel	Standard PHP Library, Types Addon
php53-sqlite	5.3.29	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite, sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php53-ssh2	0.13	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php53-stomp	1.0.9	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php53-suhosin	php security www	Advanced protection extension for PHP
php53-svm	0.1.9	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php53-svn	1.0.3	php devel	PHP bindings for Subversion
php53-swoole	1.10.5	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php53-syck	0.9.3	php net devel	PHP bindings for syck
php53-taint	1.2.2	php	detects XSS and SQL-injection vulnerabilities
php53-text-template	1.1.4	php devel	simple template engine for PHP
php53-tidy	5.3.29	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php53-timer	1.0.4	php devel	utility class for timing in PHP
php53-timezonedb	2021.1	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php53-token-stream	1.1.5	php devel	wrapper around PHP's tokenizer extension
php53-Twig	1.16.2	php devel	Enhances the performance of the Twig runtime engine.
php53-unit	3.7.22	php devel	unit testing for PHP
php53-unit-mock-objects	1.2.3	php devel	Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php53-uploadprogress	1.1.4	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php53-uuid	1.0.5	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php53-vld	0.13.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php53-wddx	5.3.29	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php53-xcache	3.2.0	php www	fast, stable PHP opcode cacher
php53-xdebug	2.2.7	php net devel	php debugging extension
php53-xhprof	0.9.4	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php53-xmlrpc	5.3.29	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php53-xrange	1.3.2	php devel	Numeric iterator primitives
php53-xsl	5.3.29	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php53-xslcache	0.7.2	php www devel	a modification of PHP's standard XSL extension that caches the parsed XSL stylesheet representation
php53-yaf	2.3.5	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php53-yaml	1.3.1	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php53-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php53-zip	1.16.1	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php53-zstd	0.11.0	php devel	Zstandard compression
php54-amf	0.9.2	php devel	ActionScript Message Format extension
php54-amqp	1.9.3	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php54-apache2handler	5.4.45	lang www	php54 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php54-APC	3.1.13	php devel	Alternative PHP Cache
php54-APCu	4.0.11	php devel	APC User Cache
php54-bbcode	1.0.3b1	php devel	BBCode parsing Extension
php54-big_int	1.0.7	php devel	big_int library
php54-cairo	0.3.2	php devel	Cairo Graphics Library Extension
php54-cairo_wrapper	0.2.4	php devel	Cairo Wrapper Extension
php54-calendar	5.4.45	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php54-cgi	5.4.45	lang www	php54 CGI SAPI
php54-code-coverage	1.2.12	php devel	code coverage information for PHP
php54-curl	5.4.45	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php54-dba	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php54-dbase	5.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php54-enchant	5.4.45	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php54-esmtp	0.3.1	php devel	ESMTP client extension
php54-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php54-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php54-exif	5.4.45	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php54-file-iterator	1.3.3	php devel	file iterator for PHP
php54-fpm	5.4.45	lang www	php54 FPM SAPI
php54-FreeImage	0.1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the FreeImage library.
php54-ftp	5.4.45	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php54-gd	5.4.45	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php54-gdchart	0.2.0	php devel	GDChart Based Graphing Interface
php54-gearman	1.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php54-geoip	1.0.8	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php54-gettext	5.4.45	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php54-gmagick	1.1.7RC3	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php54-gmp	5.4.45	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php54-gtk	2.0.3-20121108	php x11	PHP-GTK: Gtk+ bindings for PHP 5.
php54-hidef	0.1.13	php devel	Constants for real
php54-html_parse	1.0.0	php textproc devel	HTML parser extension
php54-htscanner	1.0.1	php www	a PHP extension to enable the use of per-directory htaccess-like PHP configuration files
php54-http	1.7.6	php www	Extended HTTP Support
php54-http2	2.6.0	php www	Extended HTTP Support
php54-iconv	5.4.45	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php54-igbinary	2.0.8	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php54-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php54-imap	5.4.45	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php54-imlib2	0.1.00	php devel	Provides an image manipulation interface using libimlib2
php54-inclued	0.1.3	php devel	Clued-in about your inclueds
php54-intl	5.4.45	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php54-ipc	5.4.45	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php54-jsmin	2.0.1	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php54-Judy	1.0.2	php	sparse dynamic arrays
php54-ldap	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php54-libev	20131219	php devel	object-oriented binding to libev
php54-libevent	0.1.0	php devel	PHP wrapper for libevent
php54-lzf	1.6.8	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php54-magickwand	1.0.9-2	php graphics	MagickWand for PHP
php54-mailparse	2.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php54-markdown	1.0.0	php textproc devel	A fast Markdown parser
php54-mbstring	5.4.45	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php54-mcrypt	5.4.45	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php54-memcache	3.0.8	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php54-memcached	2.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php54-meminfo	1.0.5	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php54-midgard2	12.09.1	php	A content management system
php54-mongo	1.6.16	php databases devel	Mongo Database Driver
php54-mongodb	1.2.11	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php54-mssql	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface to MSSQL using FreeTDS, including the mssql and pdo_dblib extensions
php54-mysql	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php54-oauth	1.2.3	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php54-odbc	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php54-opcache	7.0.5	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php54-openssl	5.4.45	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php54-oracle	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php54-pcntl	5.4.45	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php54-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php54-peb	0.20b	php devel	PHP-Erlang Bridge
php54-phalcon	2.0.13	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php54-phalcon2	2.0.13	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php54-pop3	1.0.2	php mail devel	POP3 Client Library
php54-posix	5.4.45	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php54-postgresql	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php54-propro	1.0.2	php	a reusable property proxy API
php54-pspell	5.4.45	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php54-raphf	1.1.2	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php54-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php54-redis	4.3.0	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php54-rrd	1.1.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php54-scrypt	1.4.3	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php54-snmp	5.4.45	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php54-soap	5.4.45	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php54-sockets	5.4.45	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php54-solr	2.4.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php54-sphinx	1.3.3	php textproc	PHP bindings for Sphinx full-text search
php54-SPL_Types	0.4.0	php devel	Standard PHP Library, Types Addon
php54-sqlite	5.4.45	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php54-ssh2	0.13	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php54-stomp	1.0.9	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php54-suhosin	0.9.38	php security www	Advanced protection extension for PHP
php54-svm	0.1.9	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php54-svn	1.0.3	php devel	PHP bindings for Subversion
php54-swoole	1.10.5	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php54-syck	0.9.3	php net devel	PHP bindings for syck
php54-taint	1.2.2	php	detects XSS and SQL-injection vulnerabilities
php54-text-template	1.1.4	php devel	simple template engine for PHP
php54-tidy	5.4.45	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php54-timer	1.0.4	php devel	utility class for timing in PHP
php54-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php54-token-stream	1.1.5	php devel	wrapper around PHP's tokenizer extension
php54-Twig	1.16.2	php devel	Enhances the performance of the Twig runtime engine.
php54-unit	3.7.22	php devel	unit testing for PHP
php54-unit-mock-objects	1.2.3	php devel	Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php54-uploadprogress	1.1.4	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php54-uuid	1.0.5	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php54-vld	0.14.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php54-wddx	5.4.45	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php54-xcache	3.2.0	php www	fast, stable PHP opcode cacher
php54-xdebug	2.4.1	php net devel	php debugging extension
php54-xhprof	0.9.4	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php54-xmlrpc	5.4.45	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php54-xrange	1.3.2	php devel	Numeric iterator primitives
php54-xsl	5.4.45	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php54-xslcache	0.7.2	php www devel	a modification of PHP's standard XSL extension that caches the parsed XSL stylesheet representation
php54-yaf	2.3.5	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php54-yaml	1.3.1	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php54-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php54-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php54-zstd	0.11.0	php devel	Zstandard compression
php55-amf	0.9.2	php devel	ActionScript Message Format extension
php55-amqp	1.9.3	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php55-apache2handler	5.5.38	lang www	php55 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php55-APCu	4.0.11	php devel	APC User Cache
php55-bbcode	1.0.3b1	php devel	BBCode parsing Extension
php55-big_int	1.0.7	php devel	big_int library
php55-cairo	0.3.2	php devel	Cairo Graphics Library Extension
php55-cairo_wrapper	0.2.4	php devel	Cairo Wrapper Extension
php55-calendar	5.5.38	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php55-cgi	5.5.38	lang www	php55 CGI SAPI
php55-code-coverage	1.2.12	php devel	code coverage information for PHP
php55-curl	5.5.38	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php55-dba	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php55-dbase	5.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php55-enchant	5.5.38	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php55-esmtp	0.3.1	php devel	ESMTP client extension
php55-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php55-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php55-exif	5.5.38	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php55-file-iterator	1.3.3	php devel	file iterator for PHP
php55-fpm	5.5.38	lang www	php55 FPM SAPI
php55-FreeImage	0.1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the FreeImage library.
php55-ftp	5.5.38	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php55-gd	5.5.38	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php55-gdchart	0.2.0	php devel	GDChart Based Graphing Interface
php55-gearman	1.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php55-geoip	1.0.8	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php55-gettext	5.5.38	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php55-gmagick	1.1.7RC3	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php55-gmp	5.5.38	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php55-hidef	0.1.13	php devel	Constants for real
php55-html_parse	1.0.0	php textproc devel	HTML parser extension
php55-htscanner	1.0.1	php www	a PHP extension to enable the use of per-directory htaccess-like PHP configuration files
php55-http	1.7.6	php www	Extended HTTP Support
php55-http2	2.6.0	php www	Extended HTTP Support
php55-iconv	5.5.38	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php55-igbinary	2.0.8	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php55-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php55-imap	5.5.38	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php55-imlib2	0.1.00	php devel	Provides an image manipulation interface using libimlib2
php55-intl	5.5.38	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php55-ipc	5.5.38	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php55-jsmin	2.0.1	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php55-Judy	1.0.2	php	sparse dynamic arrays
php55-ldap	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php55-libev	20131219	php devel	object-oriented binding to libev
php55-libevent	0.1.0	php devel	PHP wrapper for libevent
php55-lzf	1.6.8	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php55-magickwand	1.0.9-2	php graphics	MagickWand for PHP
php55-mailparse	2.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php55-markdown	1.0.0	php textproc devel	A fast Markdown parser
php55-mbstring	5.5.38	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php55-mcrypt	5.5.38	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php55-memcache	3.0.8	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php55-memcached	2.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php55-meminfo	1.0.5	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php55-mongo	1.6.16	php databases devel	Mongo Database Driver
php55-mongodb	1.5.5	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php55-mssql	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface to MSSQL using FreeTDS, including the mssql and pdo_dblib extensions
php55-mysql	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php55-oauth	1.2.3	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php55-odbc	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php55-opcache	5.5.38	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php55-openssl	5.5.38	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php55-oracle	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php55-pcntl	5.5.38	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php55-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php55-peb	0.20b	php devel	PHP-Erlang Bridge
php55-phalcon	3.4.4	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php55-phalcon2	2.0.13	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php55-phalcon3	3.4.5	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php55-pop3	1.0.2	php mail devel	POP3 Client Library
php55-posix	5.5.38	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php55-postgresql	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php55-propro	1.0.2	php	a reusable property proxy API
php55-pspell	5.5.38	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php55-raphf	1.1.2	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php55-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php55-redis	4.3.0	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php55-rrd	1.1.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php55-scrypt	1.4.3	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php55-snmp	5.5.38	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php55-soap	5.5.38	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php55-sockets	5.5.38	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php55-solr	2.4.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php55-sphinx	1.3.3	php textproc	PHP bindings for Sphinx full-text search
php55-SPL_Types	0.4.0	php devel	Standard PHP Library, Types Addon
php55-sqlite	5.5.38	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php55-ssh2	0.13	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php55-stomp	1.0.9	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php55-suhosin	0.9.38	php security www	Advanced protection extension for PHP
php55-svm	0.1.9	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php55-svn	1.0.3	php devel	PHP bindings for Subversion
php55-swoole	2.0.11	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php55-syck	0.9.3	php net devel	PHP bindings for syck
php55-text-template	1.1.4	php devel	simple template engine for PHP
php55-tidy	5.5.38	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php55-timer	1.0.4	php devel	utility class for timing in PHP
php55-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php55-token-stream	1.1.5	php devel	wrapper around PHP's tokenizer extension
php55-Twig	1.16.2	php devel	Enhances the performance of the Twig runtime engine.
php55-unit	3.7.22	php devel	unit testing for PHP
php55-unit-mock-objects	1.2.3	php devel	Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php55-uploadprogress	1.1.4	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php55-uuid	1.0.5	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php55-vld	0.14.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php55-wddx	5.5.38	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php55-xcache	3.2.0	php www	fast, stable PHP opcode cacher
php55-xdebug	2.5.5	php net devel	php debugging extension
php55-xhprof	0.9.4	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php55-xmlrpc	5.5.38	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php55-xrange	1.3.2	php devel	Numeric iterator primitives
php55-xsl	5.5.38	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php55-xslcache	0.7.2	php www devel	a modification of PHP's standard XSL extension that caches the parsed XSL stylesheet representation
php55-yaf	2.3.5	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php55-yaml	1.3.1	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php55-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php55-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php55-zstd	0.11.0	php devel	Zstandard compression
php56-amf	0.9.2	php devel	ActionScript Message Format extension
php56-amqp	1.11.0	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php56-apache2handler	5.6.40	lang www	php56 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php56-APCu	4.0.11	php devel	APC User Cache
php56-bbcode	1.0.3b1	php devel	BBCode parsing Extension
php56-big_int	1.0.7	php devel	big_int library
php56-cairo	0.3.2	php devel	Cairo Graphics Library Extension
php56-cairo_wrapper	0.2.4	php devel	Cairo Wrapper Extension
php56-calendar	5.6.40	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php56-cgi	5.6.40	lang www	php56 CGI SAPI
php56-curl	5.6.40	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php56-dba	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php56-dbase	5.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php56-enchant	5.6.40	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php56-esmtp	0.3.1	php devel	ESMTP client extension
php56-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php56-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php56-exif	5.6.40	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php56-fpm	5.6.40	lang www	php56 FPM SAPI
php56-FreeImage	0.1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the FreeImage library.
php56-ftp	5.6.40	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php56-gd	5.6.40	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php56-gdchart	0.2.0	php devel	GDChart Based Graphing Interface
php56-gearman	1.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php56-geoip	1.0.8	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php56-gettext	5.6.40	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php56-gmagick	1.1.7RC3	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php56-gmp	5.6.40	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php56-html_parse	1.0.0	php textproc devel	HTML parser extension
php56-htscanner	1.0.1	php www	a PHP extension to enable the use of per-directory htaccess-like PHP configuration files
php56-http2	2.6.0	php www	Extended HTTP Support
php56-iconv	5.6.40	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php56-igbinary	2.0.8	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php56-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php56-imap	5.6.40	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php56-imlib2	0.1.00	php devel	Provides an image manipulation interface using libimlib2
php56-intl	5.6.40	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php56-ipc	5.6.40	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php56-jsmin	2.0.1	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php56-Judy	1.0.2	php	sparse dynamic arrays
php56-ldap	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php56-libev	20131219	php devel	object-oriented binding to libev
php56-libevent	0.1.0	php devel	PHP wrapper for libevent
php56-lzf	1.6.8	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php56-magickwand	1.0.9-2	php graphics	MagickWand for PHP
php56-mailparse	2.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php56-markdown	1.0.0	php textproc devel	A fast Markdown parser
php56-mbstring	5.6.40	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php56-mcrypt	5.6.40	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php56-memcache	3.0.8	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php56-memcached	2.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php56-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php56-mongo	1.6.16	php databases devel	Mongo Database Driver
php56-mongodb	1.7.5	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php56-mssql	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface to MSSQL using FreeTDS, including the mssql and pdo_dblib extensions
php56-mysql	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php56-oauth	1.2.3	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php56-odbc	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php56-opcache	5.6.40	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php56-openssl	5.6.40	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php56-oracle	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php56-pcntl	5.6.40	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php56-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php56-peb	0.20b	php devel	PHP-Erlang Bridge
php56-phalcon	3.4.4	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php56-phalcon2	2.0.13	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php56-phalcon3	3.4.5	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php56-pop3	1.0.2	php mail devel	POP3 Client Library
php56-posix	5.6.40	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php56-postgresql	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php56-propro	1.0.2	php	a reusable property proxy API
php56-pspell	5.6.40	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php56-raphf	1.1.2	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php56-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php56-redis	4.3.0	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php56-rrd	1.1.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php56-scrypt	1.4.3	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php56-snmp	5.6.40	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php56-soap	5.6.40	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php56-sockets	5.6.40	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php56-solr	2.4.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php56-sphinx	1.3.3	php textproc	PHP bindings for Sphinx full-text search
php56-SPL_Types	0.4.0	php devel	Standard PHP Library, Types Addon
php56-sqlite	5.6.40	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php56-ssh2	0.13	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php56-stomp	1.0.9	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php56-suhosin	0.9.38	php security www	Advanced protection extension for PHP
php56-svm	0.1.9	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php56-svn	1.0.3	php devel	PHP bindings for Subversion
php56-swoole	2.0.11	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php56-syck	0.9.3	php net devel	PHP bindings for syck
php56-tidy	5.6.40	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php56-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php56-Twig	1.16.2	php devel	Enhances the performance of the Twig runtime engine.
php56-uploadprogress	1.1.4	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php56-uuid	1.0.5	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php56-vld	0.14.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php56-wddx	5.6.40	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php56-xcache	3.2.0	php www	fast, stable PHP opcode cacher
php56-xdebug	2.5.5	php net devel	php debugging extension
php56-xhprof	0.9.4	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php56-xmlrpc	5.6.40	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php56-xrange	1.3.2	php devel	Numeric iterator primitives
php56-xsl	5.6.40	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php56-xslcache	0.7.2	php www devel	a modification of PHP's standard XSL extension that caches the parsed XSL stylesheet representation
php56-yaf	2.3.5	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php56-yaml	1.3.1	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php56-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php56-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php56-zstd	0.11.0	php devel	Zstandard compression
php70-amqp	1.11.0	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php70-apache2handler	7.0.33	lang www	php70 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php70-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php70-calendar	7.0.33	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php70-cgi	7.0.33	lang www	php70 CGI SAPI
php70-curl	7.0.33	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php70-dba	7.0.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php70-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php70-enchant	7.0.33	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php70-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php70-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php70-exif	7.0.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php70-fpm	7.0.33	lang www	php70 FPM SAPI
php70-ftp	7.0.33	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php70-gd	7.0.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php70-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php70-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php70-gettext	7.0.33	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php70-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php70-gmp	7.0.33	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php70-iconv	7.0.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php70-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php70-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php70-imap	7.0.33	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php70-intl	7.0.33	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php70-ipc	7.0.33	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php70-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php70-ldap	7.0.33	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php70-lzf	1.6.8	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php70-mailparse	3.1.3	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php70-mbstring	7.0.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php70-mcrypt	7.0.33	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php70-memcache	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php70-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php70-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php70-mongodb	1.9.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php70-mysql	7.0.33	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php70-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php70-odbc	7.0.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php70-opcache	7.0.33	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php70-openssl	7.0.33	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php70-oracle	7.0.33	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php70-pcntl	7.0.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php70-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php70-phalcon	3.4.4	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php70-phalcon3	3.4.5	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php70-posix	7.0.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php70-postgresql	7.0.33	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php70-propro	2.1.0	php	a reusable property proxy API
php70-pspell	7.0.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php70-psr	1.1.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php70-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php70-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php70-redis	5.3.7	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php70-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php70-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php70-snmp	7.0.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php70-soap	7.0.33	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php70-sockets	7.0.33	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php70-solr	2.6.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php70-sqlite	7.0.33	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php70-sqlsrv	5.3.0	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php70-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php70-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php70-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php70-swoole	4.3.6	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php70-taint	2.1.0	php	detects XSS and SQL-injection vulnerabilities
php70-tideways_xhprof	5.0.4	devel	A PHP 7 rewrite of the original XHProf (Hierarchical Profiler) for PHP
php70-tidy	7.0.33	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php70-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php70-uploadprogress	1.1.4	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php70-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php70-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php70-wddx	7.0.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php70-xdebug	2.7.2	php net devel	php debugging extension
php70-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php70-xmlrpc	7.0.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php70-xsl	7.0.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php70-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php70-yaml	2.0.4	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php70-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php70-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php70-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php71-amqp	1.11.0	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php71-apache2handler	7.1.33	lang www	php71 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php71-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php71-calendar	7.1.33	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php71-cgi	7.1.33	lang www	php71 CGI SAPI
php71-curl	7.1.33	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php71-dba	7.1.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php71-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php71-enchant	7.1.33	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php71-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php71-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php71-exif	7.1.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php71-fpm	7.1.33	lang www	php71 FPM SAPI
php71-ftp	7.1.33	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php71-gd	7.1.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php71-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php71-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php71-gettext	7.1.33	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php71-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php71-gmp	7.1.33	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php71-iconv	7.1.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php71-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php71-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php71-imap	7.1.33	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php71-intl	7.1.33	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php71-ipc	7.1.33	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php71-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php71-ldap	7.1.33	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php71-lzf	1.6.8	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php71-mailparse	3.1.3	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php71-mbstring	7.1.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php71-mcrypt	7.1.33	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php71-memcache	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php71-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php71-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php71-mongodb	1.11.1	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php71-mysql	7.1.33	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php71-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php71-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php71-odbc	7.1.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php71-opcache	7.1.33	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php71-openssl	7.1.33	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php71-oracle	7.1.33	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php71-pcntl	7.1.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php71-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php71-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php71-phalcon	3.4.4	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php71-phalcon3	3.4.5	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php71-posix	7.1.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php71-postgresql	7.1.33	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php71-propro	2.1.0	php	a reusable property proxy API
php71-pspell	7.1.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php71-psr	1.1.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php71-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php71-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php71-redis	5.3.7	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php71-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php71-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php71-snmp	7.1.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php71-soap	7.1.33	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php71-sockets	7.1.33	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php71-solr	2.6.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php71-sqlite	7.1.33	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php71-sqlsrv	5.6.1	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php71-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php71-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php71-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php71-swoole	4.5.11	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php71-taint	2.1.0	php	detects XSS and SQL-injection vulnerabilities
php71-tideways_xhprof	5.0.4	devel	A PHP 7 rewrite of the original XHProf (Hierarchical Profiler) for PHP
php71-tidy	7.1.33	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php71-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php71-uploadprogress	1.1.4	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php71-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php71-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php71-wddx	7.1.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php71-xdebug	2.9.8	php net devel	php debugging extension
php71-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php71-xmlrpc	7.1.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php71-xsl	7.1.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php71-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php71-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php71-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php71-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php71-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php72-amqp	1.11.0	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php72-apache2handler	7.2.34	lang www	php72 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php72-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php72-calendar	7.2.34	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php72-cgi	7.2.34	lang www	php72 CGI SAPI
php72-curl	7.2.34	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php72-dba	7.2.34	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php72-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php72-enchant	7.2.34	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php72-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php72-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php72-exif	7.2.34	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php72-fpm	7.2.34	lang www	php72 FPM SAPI
php72-ftp	7.2.34	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php72-gd	7.2.34	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php72-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php72-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php72-gettext	7.2.34	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php72-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php72-gmp	7.2.34	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php72-iconv	7.2.34	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php72-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php72-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php72-imap	7.2.34	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php72-intl	7.2.34	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php72-ipc	7.2.34	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php72-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php72-ldap	7.2.34	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php72-lzf	1.7.0	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php72-mailparse	3.1.3	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php72-maxminddb	1.11.1	php devel	PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files
php72-mbstring	7.2.34	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php72-mcrypt	1.0.7	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php72-memcache	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php72-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php72-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php72-mongodb	1.16.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php72-mysql	7.2.34	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php72-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php72-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php72-odbc	7.2.34	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php72-opcache	7.2.34	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php72-openssl	7.2.34	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php72-openswoole	4.10.0	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php72-oracle	7.2.34	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php72-pcntl	7.2.34	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php72-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php72-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php72-phalcon	3.4.4	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php72-phalcon3	3.4.5	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php72-phalcon4	4.1.1	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php72-posix	7.2.34	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php72-postgresql	7.2.34	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php72-propro	2.1.0	php	a reusable property proxy API
php72-pspell	7.2.34	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php72-psr	1.1.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php72-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php72-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php72-redis	6.0.2	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php72-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php72-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php72-snmp	7.2.34	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php72-soap	7.2.34	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php72-sockets	7.2.34	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php72-sodium	7.2.34	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php72-solr	2.6.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php72-sqlite	7.2.34	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php72-sqlsrv	5.8.1	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php72-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php72-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php72-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php72-swoole	4.8.13	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php72-taint	2.1.0	php	detects XSS and SQL-injection vulnerabilities
php72-tideways_xhprof	5.0.4	devel	A PHP 7 rewrite of the original XHProf (Hierarchical Profiler) for PHP
php72-tidy	7.2.34	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php72-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php72-uploadprogress	2.0.2	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php72-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php72-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php72-wddx	7.2.34	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php72-xdebug	3.1.6	php net devel	php debugging extension
php72-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php72-xmlrpc	7.2.34	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php72-xsl	7.2.34	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php72-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php72-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php72-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php72-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php72-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php73-amqp	1.11.0	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php73-apache2handler	7.3.33	lang www	php73 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php73-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php73-calendar	7.3.33	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php73-cgi	7.3.33	lang www	php73 CGI SAPI
php73-curl	7.3.33	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php73-dba	7.3.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php73-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php73-enchant	7.3.33	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php73-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php73-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php73-exif	7.3.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php73-fpm	7.3.33	lang www	php73 FPM SAPI
php73-ftp	7.3.33	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php73-gd	7.3.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php73-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php73-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php73-gettext	7.3.33	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php73-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php73-gmp	7.3.33	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php73-iconv	7.3.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php73-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php73-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php73-imap	7.3.33	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php73-intl	7.3.33	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php73-ipc	7.3.33	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php73-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php73-ldap	7.3.33	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php73-lzf	1.7.0	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php73-mailparse	3.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php73-maxminddb	1.11.1	php devel	PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files
php73-mbstring	7.3.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php73-mcrypt	1.0.7	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php73-memcache	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php73-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php73-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php73-mongodb	1.16.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php73-mysql	7.3.33	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php73-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php73-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php73-odbc	7.3.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php73-opcache	7.3.33	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php73-openssl	7.3.33	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php73-openswoole	4.10.0	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php73-oracle	7.3.33	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php73-pcntl	7.3.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php73-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php73-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php73-phalcon	3.4.4	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php73-phalcon3	3.4.5	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php73-phalcon4	4.1.2	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php73-posix	7.3.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php73-postgresql	7.3.33	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php73-propro	2.1.0	php	a reusable property proxy API
php73-pspell	7.3.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php73-psr	1.2.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php73-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php73-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php73-redis	6.0.2	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php73-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php73-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php73-snmp	7.3.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php73-soap	7.3.33	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php73-sockets	7.3.33	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php73-sodium	7.3.33	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php73-solr	2.6.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php73-sqlite	7.3.33	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php73-sqlsrv	5.9.0	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php73-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php73-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php73-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php73-swoole	4.8.13	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php73-taint	2.1.0	php	detects XSS and SQL-injection vulnerabilities
php73-tideways_xhprof	5.0.4	devel	A PHP 7 rewrite of the original XHProf (Hierarchical Profiler) for PHP
php73-tidy	7.3.33	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php73-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php73-uploadprogress	2.0.2	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php73-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php73-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php73-wddx	7.3.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange
php73-xdebug	3.1.6	php net devel	php debugging extension
php73-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php73-xmlrpc	7.3.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php73-xsl	7.3.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php73-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php73-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php73-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php73-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php73-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php74-amqp	2.1.2	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php74-apache2handler	7.4.33	lang www	php74 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php74-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php74-calendar	7.4.33	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php74-cgi	7.4.33	lang www	php74 CGI SAPI
php74-curl	7.4.33	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php74-dba	7.4.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php74-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php74-enchant	7.4.33	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php74-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php74-excel	1.0.2	php textproc	PHP interface to LibXL for reading and writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
php74-exif	7.4.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php74-ffi	7.4.33	php devel	a PHP interface to allow loading of shared libraries
php74-fpm	7.4.33	lang www	php74 FPM SAPI
php74-ftp	7.4.33	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php74-gd	7.4.33	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php74-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php74-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php74-gettext	7.4.33	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php74-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php74-gmp	7.4.33	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php74-iconv	7.4.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php74-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php74-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php74-imap	7.4.33	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php74-intl	7.4.33	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php74-ipc	7.4.33	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php74-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php74-ldap	7.4.33	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php74-lzf	1.7.0	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php74-mailparse	3.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php74-maxminddb	1.11.1	php devel	PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files
php74-mbstring	7.4.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php74-mcrypt	1.0.7	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php74-memcache	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php74-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php74-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php74-mongodb	1.16.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php74-mysql	7.4.33	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php74-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php74-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php74-odbc	7.4.33	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php74-opcache	7.4.33	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php74-openssl	7.4.33	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php74-openswoole	22.0.0	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php74-oracle	7.4.33	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php74-pcntl	7.4.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php74-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php74-pdflib	4.1.4	php print textproc	PHP bindings for pdflib
php74-phalcon4	4.1.2	php	full stack PHP framework written as an extension
php74-posix	7.4.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php74-postgresql	7.4.33	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php74-propro	2.1.0	php	a reusable property proxy API
php74-pspell	7.4.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php74-psr	1.2.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php74-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php74-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php74-redis	6.0.2	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php74-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php74-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php74-snmp	7.4.33	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php74-soap	7.4.33	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php74-sockets	7.4.33	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php74-sodium	7.4.33	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php74-solr	2.7.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php74-sqlite	7.4.33	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php74-sqlsrv	5.10.1	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php74-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php74-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php74-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php74-swoole	4.8.13	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php74-taint	2.1.0	php	detects XSS and SQL-injection vulnerabilities
php74-tideways_xhprof	5.0.4	devel	A PHP 7 rewrite of the original XHProf (Hierarchical Profiler) for PHP
php74-tidy	7.4.33	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php74-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php74-uploadprogress	2.0.2	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php74-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php74-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php74-xdebug	3.1.6	php net devel	php debugging extension
php74-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php74-xmlrpc	7.4.33	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php74-xsl	7.4.33	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php74-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php74-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php74-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php74-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php74-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php80-amqp	2.1.2	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php80-apache2handler	8.0.30	lang www	php80 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php80-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php80-calendar	8.0.30	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php80-cgi	8.0.30	lang www	php80 CGI SAPI
php80-curl	8.0.30	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php80-dba	8.0.30	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php80-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php80-enchant	8.0.30	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php80-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php80-exif	8.0.30	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php80-ffi	8.0.30	php devel	a PHP interface to allow loading of shared libraries
php80-fpm	8.0.30	lang www	php80 FPM SAPI
php80-ftp	8.0.30	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php80-gd	8.0.30	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php80-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php80-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php80-gettext	8.0.30	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php80-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php80-gmp	8.0.30	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php80-iconv	8.0.30	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php80-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php80-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php80-imap	8.0.30	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php80-intl	8.0.30	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php80-ipc	8.0.30	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php80-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php80-ldap	8.0.30	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php80-lzf	1.7.0	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php80-mailparse	3.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php80-maxminddb	1.11.1	php devel	PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files
php80-mbstring	8.0.30	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php80-mcrypt	1.0.7	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php80-memcache	8.2	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php80-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php80-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php80-mongodb	1.16.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php80-mysql	8.0.30	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php80-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php80-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php80-odbc	8.0.30	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php80-opcache	8.0.30	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php80-openssl	8.0.30	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php80-openswoole	22.0.0	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php80-oracle	8.0.30	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php80-pcntl	8.0.30	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php80-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php80-posix	8.0.30	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php80-postgresql	8.0.30	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php80-pspell	8.0.30	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php80-psr	1.2.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php80-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php80-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php80-redis	6.0.2	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php80-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php80-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php80-snmp	8.0.30	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php80-soap	8.0.30	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php80-sockets	8.0.30	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php80-sodium	8.0.30	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php80-solr	2.7.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php80-sqlite	8.0.30	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php80-sqlsrv	5.11.1	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php80-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php80-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php80-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php80-swoole	5.0.3	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php80-tideways_xhprof	5.0.4	devel	A PHP 7 rewrite of the original XHProf (Hierarchical Profiler) for PHP
php80-tidy	8.0.30	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php80-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php80-uploadprogress	2.0.2	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php80-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php80-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php80-xapian	1.4.26	devel	Xapian bindings for PHP 8.0
php80-xdebug	3.3.2	php net devel	php debugging extension
php80-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php80-xmlrpc	1.0.0RC3	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php80-xsl	8.0.30	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php80-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php80-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php80-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php80-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php80-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php81-amqp	2.1.2	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php81-apache2handler	8.1.30	lang www	php81 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php81-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php81-calendar	8.1.30	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php81-cgi	8.1.30	lang www	php81 CGI SAPI
php81-curl	8.1.30	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php81-dba	8.1.30	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php81-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php81-enchant	8.1.30	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php81-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php81-exif	8.1.30	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php81-ffi	8.1.30	php devel	a PHP interface to allow loading of shared libraries
php81-fpm	8.1.30	lang www	php81 FPM SAPI
php81-ftp	8.1.30	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php81-gd	8.1.30	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php81-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php81-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php81-gettext	8.1.30	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php81-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php81-gmp	8.1.30	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php81-iconv	8.1.30	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php81-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php81-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php81-imap	8.1.30	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php81-intl	8.1.30	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php81-ipc	8.1.30	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php81-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php81-ldap	8.1.30	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php81-lzf	1.7.0	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php81-mailparse	3.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php81-maxminddb	1.11.1	php devel	PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files
php81-mbstring	8.1.30	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php81-mcrypt	1.0.7	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php81-memcache	8.2	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php81-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php81-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php81-mongodb	1.16.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php81-mysql	8.1.30	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php81-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php81-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php81-odbc	8.1.30	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php81-opcache	8.1.30	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php81-openssl	8.1.30	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php81-openswoole	22.0.0	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php81-oracle	8.1.30	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php81-pcntl	8.1.30	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php81-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php81-posix	8.1.30	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php81-postgresql	8.1.30	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php81-pspell	8.1.30	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php81-psr	1.2.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php81-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php81-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php81-redis	6.0.2	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php81-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php81-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php81-snmp	8.1.30	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php81-soap	8.1.30	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php81-sockets	8.1.30	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php81-sodium	8.1.30	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php81-solr	2.7.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php81-sqlite	8.1.30	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php81-sqlsrv	5.12.0	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php81-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php81-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php81-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php81-swoole	5.0.3	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php81-tideways_xhprof	5.0.4	devel	A PHP 7 rewrite of the original XHProf (Hierarchical Profiler) for PHP
php81-tidy	8.1.30	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php81-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php81-uploadprogress	2.0.2	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php81-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php81-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php81-xapian	1.4.26	devel	Xapian bindings for PHP 8.1
php81-xdebug	3.3.2	php net devel	php debugging extension
php81-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php81-xmlrpc	1.0.0RC3	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php81-xsl	8.1.30	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php81-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php81-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php81-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php81-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php81-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php82-amqp	2.1.2	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php82-apache2handler	8.2.24	lang www	php82 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php82-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php82-calendar	8.2.24	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php82-cgi	8.2.24	lang www	php82 CGI SAPI
php82-curl	8.2.24	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php82-dba	8.2.24	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php82-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php82-enchant	8.2.24	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php82-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php82-exif	8.2.24	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php82-ffi	8.2.24	php devel	a PHP interface to allow loading of shared libraries
php82-fpm	8.2.24	lang www	php82 FPM SAPI
php82-ftp	8.2.24	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php82-gd	8.2.24	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php82-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php82-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php82-gettext	8.2.24	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php82-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php82-gmp	8.2.24	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php82-iconv	8.2.24	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php82-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php82-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php82-imap	8.2.24	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php82-intl	8.2.24	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php82-ipc	8.2.24	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php82-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php82-ldap	8.2.24	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php82-lzf	1.7.0	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php82-mailparse	3.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php82-maxminddb	1.11.1	php devel	PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files
php82-mbstring	8.2.24	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php82-mcrypt	1.0.7	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php82-memcache	8.2	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php82-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php82-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php82-mongodb	1.16.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php82-mysql	8.2.24	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php82-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php82-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php82-odbc	8.2.24	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php82-opcache	8.2.24	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php82-openssl	8.2.24	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php82-openswoole	22.0.0	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php82-oracle	8.2.24	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php82-pcntl	8.2.24	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php82-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php82-posix	8.2.24	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php82-postgresql	8.2.24	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php82-pspell	8.2.24	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php82-psr	1.2.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php82-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php82-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php82-redis	6.0.2	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php82-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php82-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php82-snmp	8.2.24	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php82-soap	8.2.24	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php82-sockets	8.2.24	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php82-sodium	8.2.24	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php82-solr	2.7.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php82-sqlite	8.2.24	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php82-sqlsrv	5.12.0	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php82-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php82-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php82-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php82-swoole	5.0.3	php net devel	an event-driven asynchronous & concurrent & coroutine networking engine with high performance for PHP
php82-tidy	8.2.24	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php82-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php82-uploadprogress	2.0.2	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php82-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php82-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php82-xapian	1.4.26	devel	Xapian bindings for PHP 8.2
php82-xdebug	3.3.2	php net devel	php debugging extension
php82-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php82-xmlrpc	1.0.0RC3	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php82-xsl	8.2.24	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php82-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php82-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php82-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php82-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php82-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php83-amqp	2.1.2	php net	AMQP interface for PHP
php83-apache2handler	8.3.12	lang www	php83 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php83-APCu	5.1.24	php devel	APC User Cache
php83-calendar	8.3.12	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php83-cgi	8.3.12	lang www	php83 CGI SAPI
php83-curl	8.3.12	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php83-dba	8.3.12	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php83-dbase	7.1.1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases
php83-enchant	8.3.12	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php83-event	3.1.4	php devel	efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events
php83-exif	8.3.12	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php83-ffi	8.3.12	php devel	a PHP interface to allow loading of shared libraries
php83-fpm	8.3.12	lang www	php83 FPM SAPI
php83-ftp	8.3.12	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php83-gd	8.3.12	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php83-gearman	2.1.2	php net devel	Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.
php83-geoip	1.1.1	php devel	Map IP address to geographic places
php83-gettext	8.3.12	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php83-gmagick	2.0.6RC1	php devel	Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
php83-gmp	8.3.12	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php83-iconv	8.3.12	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php83-igbinary	3.2.16	php net devel	PHP serializer.
php83-imagick	3.7.0	php graphics	PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick
php83-imap	8.3.12	php mail	a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol
php83-intl	8.3.12	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php83-ipc	8.3.12	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php83-jsmin	3.0.0	php devel	PHP API for minifying and uglifying JavaScript
php83-ldap	8.3.12	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php83-lzf	1.7.0	php devel	Handles LZF compression / decompression.
php83-mailparse	3.1.6	php mail devel	Email message manipulation
php83-maxminddb	1.11.1	php devel	PHP API for reading MaxMind DB files
php83-mbstring	8.3.12	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php83-mcrypt	1.0.7	php security	a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms
php83-memcache	8.2	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php83-memcached	3.2.0	php net devel	PHP bindings for memcache
php83-meminfo	1.1.1	php	extension to examine PHP memory contents
php83-mongodb	1.16.2	php databases devel	MongoDB Database Driver
php83-mysql	8.3.12	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php83-mysql_xdevapi	8.0.30	php databases	MySQL X DevAPI for PHP
php83-oauth	2.0.7	php devel	oauth consumer extension
php83-odbc	8.3.12	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php83-opcache	8.3.12	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php83-openssl	8.3.12	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php83-oracle	8.3.12	php databases	a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions
php83-pcntl	8.3.12	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php83-pcov	1.0.11	php devel	A self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP.
php83-posix	8.3.12	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php83-postgresql	8.3.12	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php83-pspell	8.3.12	php textproc	a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions
php83-psr	1.2.0	php	interfaces to PHP Standards Recommendations
php83-raphf	2.0.1	php	a reusable persistent handle and resource factory API
php83-rar	4.2.0	php devel	A PECL extension to create and read rar files.
php83-redis	6.0.2	php databases	an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP
php83-rrd	2.0.3	php net devel	PHP rrdtool extension
php83-scrypt	2.0.1	php security	a PHP wrapper for scrypt
php83-snmp	8.3.12	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php83-soap	8.3.12	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php83-sockets	8.3.12	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php83-sodium	8.3.12	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php83-solr	2.7.0	php devel	a PHP interface to Apache Solr
php83-sqlite	8.3.12	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php83-sqlsrv	5.12.0	php databases	Microsoft sqlsrv drivers for PHP
php83-ssh2	1.4.1	php net	PHP bindings for libssh2
php83-stomp	2.0.3	php devel	PECL extension of stomp client
php83-svm	0.2.3	php math	PHP bindings for libsvm, a support vector machine implementation
php83-tidy	8.3.12	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php83-timezonedb	2024.2	php devel	A PECL Timezone Database.
php83-uploadprogress	2.0.2	php www devel	An extension to track progress of a file upload.
php83-uuid	1.2.0	php net www	A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.
php83-vld	0.18.0	php devel	Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php83-xapian	1.4.26	devel	Xapian bindings for PHP 8.3
php83-xdebug	3.3.2	php net devel	php debugging extension
php83-xhprof	2.3.10	php devel	A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
php83-xmlrpc	1.0.0RC3	php textproc	a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers
php83-xsl	8.3.12	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
php83-yaf	3.3.6	php net devel	a fast php framework written in c, built in php-ext
php83-yaml	2.2.3	php devel	a PHP interface to the YAML parsing library
php83-yaz	1.2.4	php net databases devel	PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol
php83-zip	1.22.4	php archivers	PHP zip functions
php83-zstd	0.13.3	php devel	Zstandard compression
php84-apache2handler	8.4.0RC1	lang www	php84 Apache 2 Handler SAPI
php84-calendar	8.4.0RC1	php	a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats
php84-cgi	8.4.0RC1	lang www	php84 CGI SAPI
php84-curl	8.4.0RC1	php net www	a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols
php84-dba	8.4.0RC1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB
php84-enchant	8.4.0RC1	php textproc devel	a PHP interface to enchant
php84-exif	8.4.0RC1	php graphics	a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions
php84-ffi	8.4.0RC1	php devel	a PHP interface to allow loading of shared libraries
php84-fpm	8.4.0RC1	lang www	php84 FPM SAPI
php84-ftp	8.4.0RC1	php net	a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol
php84-gd	8.4.0RC1	php graphics	a PHP interface to the gd library
php84-gettext	8.4.0RC1	php devel	a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions
php84-gmp	8.4.0RC1	php devel math	a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers
php84-iconv	8.4.0RC1	php textproc	a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions
php84-intl	8.4.0RC1	php devel	internationalization extension for PHP
php84-ipc	8.4.0RC1	php	interprocess communication extensions for PHP
php84-ldap	8.4.0RC1	php databases	a PHP interface to LDAP
php84-mbstring	8.4.0RC1	php textproc	a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings
php84-mysql	8.4.0RC1	php databases	a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions
php84-odbc	8.4.0RC1	php databases	a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
php84-opcache	8.4.0RC1	php	OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request.
php84-openssl	8.4.0RC1	php devel security	a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions
php84-pcntl	8.4.0RC1	php sysutils	a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions
php84-posix	8.4.0RC1	php sysutils	a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions
php84-postgresql	8.4.0RC1	php databases	a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions
php84-snmp	8.4.0RC1	php sysutils	a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
php84-soap	8.4.0RC1	php net	a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers
php84-sockets	8.4.0RC1	php net	a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions
php84-sodium	8.4.0RC1	php security	a PHP interface to libsodium, a modern and easy-to-use crypto library
php84-sqlite	8.4.0RC1	php databases	a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite extensions
php84-tidy	8.4.0RC1	php www	a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility
php84-xsl	8.4.0RC1	php textproc	a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations
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