Chromium 前端window对象c++实现定义

前端中window.document window.alert()等一些列方法和对象在c++对应定义如下:



cpp 复制代码

// FIXME: explain all uses of [CrossOrigin]
// NOTE: In the spec, Window inherits from EventTarget. We inject an additional
// layer to implement window's named properties object.
] interface Window : WindowProperties {
    // the current browsing context
    // FIXME: The spec uses the WindowProxy type for this and many other attributes.
    [LegacyUnforgeable, CrossOrigin, CachedAccessor=kWindowProxy] readonly attribute Window window;
    [Replaceable, CrossOrigin, CachedAccessor=kWindowProxy] readonly attribute Window self;
    [LegacyUnforgeable, CachedAccessor=kWindowDocument] readonly attribute Document document;
    attribute DOMString name;
    [PutForwards=href, LegacyUnforgeable, CrossOrigin=(Getter,Setter)] readonly attribute Location location;
    [CallWith=ScriptState] readonly attribute CustomElementRegistry customElements;
    readonly attribute History history;
    [Replaceable] readonly attribute Navigation navigation;
    [Replaceable, MeasureAs=BarPropLocationbar] readonly attribute BarProp locationbar;
    [Replaceable, MeasureAs=BarPropMenubar] readonly attribute BarProp menubar;
    [Replaceable, MeasureAs=BarPropPersonalbar] readonly attribute BarProp personalbar;
    [Replaceable, MeasureAs=BarPropScrollbars] readonly attribute BarProp scrollbars;
    [Replaceable, MeasureAs=BarPropStatusbar] readonly attribute BarProp statusbar;
    [Replaceable, MeasureAs=BarPropToolbar] readonly attribute BarProp toolbar;
    attribute DOMString status;
    [CrossOrigin, CallWith=Isolate] void close();
    [MeasureAs=WindowClosed, CrossOrigin] readonly attribute boolean closed;
    void stop();
    [CrossOrigin, CallWith=Isolate] void focus();
    [CrossOrigin] void blur();

    // other browsing contexts
    [Replaceable, CrossOrigin, CachedAccessor=kWindowProxy] readonly attribute Window frames;
    [Replaceable, CrossOrigin] readonly attribute unsigned long length;
    [LegacyUnforgeable, CrossOrigin] readonly attribute Window? top;
    // FIXME: opener should be of type any.
    [CrossOrigin, ImplementedAs=openerForBindings, CallWith=Isolate, RaisesException=Setter] attribute any opener;
    [Replaceable, CrossOrigin] readonly attribute Window? parent;
    [CheckSecurity=ReturnValue] readonly attribute Element? frameElement;

    [CallWith=Isolate, RaisesException] Window? open(optional USVString url="", optional DOMString target = "_blank", optional [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString features = "");

    // indexed properties
    [NotEnumerable, CrossOrigin] getter Window (unsigned long index);

    // named properties
    // The spec defines the named getter on the Window interface, but we inject
    // the named properties object as its own interface that Window inherits
    // from.
    // getter object (DOMString name);

    // the user agent
    [LogActivity=GetterOnly] readonly attribute Navigator navigator;

    [RuntimeEnabled=OriginIsolationHeader] readonly attribute boolean originAgentCluster;

    // user prompts
    [Measure, CallWith=ScriptState] void alert();
    [Measure, CallWith=ScriptState] void alert(DOMString message);
    [Measure, CallWith=ScriptState] boolean confirm(optional DOMString message = "");
    [Measure, CallWith=ScriptState] DOMString? prompt(optional DOMString message = "", optional DOMString defaultValue = "");
    [Measure, CallWith=ScriptState] void print();

    [CrossOrigin, CallWith=Isolate, RaisesException] void postMessage(any message, USVString targetOrigin, optional sequence<object> transfer = []);

    [CrossOrigin, CallWith=Isolate, RaisesException] void postMessage(any message, optional WindowPostMessageOptions options = {});

    // WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope mixin
    [Replaceable] readonly attribute DOMString origin;
    void queueMicrotask(VoidFunction callback);

    // AnimationFrameProvider mixin
    [MeasureAs=UnprefixedRequestAnimationFrame] long requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback);
    void cancelAnimationFrame(long handle);

    // HTML obsolete features
    [MeasureAs=WindowCaptureEvents] void captureEvents();
    [MeasureAs=WindowReleaseEvents] void releaseEvents();

    [Replaceable, SameObject] readonly attribute External external;

    // CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
    [Affects=Nothing, NewObject] CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element elt, optional DOMString? pseudoElt);

    // CSSOM View Module
    [HighEntropy, Measure, NewObject] MediaQueryList matchMedia(DOMString query);
    [SameObject, Replaceable] readonly attribute Screen screen;

    // browsing context
    [MeasureAs=WindowMove] void moveTo(long x, long y);
    [MeasureAs=WindowMove] void moveBy(long x, long y);
    [MeasureAs=WindowResize, RaisesException] void resizeTo(long x, long y);
    [MeasureAs=WindowResize, RaisesException] void resizeBy(long x, long y);

    // viewport
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowInnerWidth, Replaceable] readonly attribute long innerWidth;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowInnerHeight, Replaceable] readonly attribute long innerHeight;

    // viewport scrolling
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowScrollX, Replaceable] readonly attribute double scrollX;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowPageXOffset, Replaceable] readonly attribute double pageXOffset;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowScrollY, Replaceable] readonly attribute double scrollY;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowPageYOffset, Replaceable] readonly attribute double pageYOffset;
    void scroll(optional ScrollToOptions options = {});
    void scroll(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
    void scrollTo(optional ScrollToOptions options = {});
    void scrollTo(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
    void scrollBy(optional ScrollToOptions options = {});
    void scrollBy(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);

    // Visual Viewport API
    [Replaceable, SameObject] readonly attribute VisualViewport visualViewport;

    // client
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowScreenX, Replaceable] readonly attribute long screenX;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowScreenY, Replaceable] readonly attribute long screenY;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowOuterWidth, Replaceable] readonly attribute long outerWidth;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowOuterHeight, Replaceable] readonly attribute long outerHeight;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowDevicePixelRatio, Replaceable] readonly attribute double devicePixelRatio;

    // Selection API
    [Affects=Nothing] Selection? getSelection();

    // Console API
    // [Replaceable] readonly attribute Console console;
    // Console is installed by v8 inspector when context is created
    // and is left commented here just for documentation.

    // Compatibility
    [RuntimeEnabled=OrientationEvent] attribute EventHandler onorientationchange;
    // This is the interface orientation in degrees. Some examples are:
    //  0 is straight up; -90 is when the device is rotated 90 clockwise;
    //  90 is when rotated counter clockwise.
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowOrientation, RuntimeEnabled=OrientationEvent] readonly attribute long orientation;

    // Event handler attribute for the pagereveal event.
    [RuntimeEnabled=PageRevealEvent] attribute EventHandler onpagereveal;

    // Accessibility Object Model
    [RuntimeEnabled=AccessibilityObjectModel, CallWith=ScriptState] Promise<ComputedAccessibleNode> getComputedAccessibleNode(Element element);

    [Replaceable, GetterCallWith=ScriptState, MeasureAs=WindowEvent, NotEnumerable] readonly attribute any event;

    // Non-standard APIs
    [MeasureAs=WindowClientInformation, Replaceable] readonly attribute Navigator clientInformation;
    [MeasureAs=WindowFind] boolean find(optional DOMString string = "",
                                        optional boolean caseSensitive = false,
                                        optional boolean backwards = false,
                                        optional boolean wrap = false,
                                        optional boolean wholeWord = false,
                                        optional boolean searchInFrames = false,
                                        optional boolean showDialog = false);
    [MeasureAs=WindowOffscreenBuffering, Replaceable, NotEnumerable] readonly attribute boolean offscreenBuffering;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowScreenLeft, Replaceable] readonly attribute long screenLeft;
    [HighEntropy=Direct, MeasureAs=WindowScreenTop, Replaceable] readonly attribute long screenTop;
    [RuntimeEnabled=WindowDefaultStatus,MeasureAs=WindowDefaultStatus] attribute DOMString defaultStatus;
    [RuntimeEnabled=WindowDefaultStatus,MeasureAs=WindowDefaultstatus, ImplementedAs=defaultStatus] attribute DOMString defaultstatus;
    [MeasureAs=StyleMedia] readonly attribute StyleMedia styleMedia;
    [DeprecateAs=PrefixedRequestAnimationFrame] long webkitRequestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback);
    [DeprecateAs=PrefixedCancelAnimationFrame, ImplementedAs=cancelAnimationFrame] void webkitCancelAnimationFrame(long id);

    // Event handler attributes
    attribute EventHandler onsearch;

    readonly attribute boolean isSecureContext;

    // TrustedTypes API:
    [CallWith=ScriptState] readonly attribute TrustedTypePolicyFactory trustedTypes;

    // Anonymous iframe:
    [RuntimeEnabled=AnonymousIframe] readonly attribute boolean credentialless;

    // Collection of fenced frame APIs
    [RuntimeEnabled=FencedFrames] readonly attribute Fence? fence;

Window includes GlobalEventHandlers;
Window includes WindowEventHandlers;
Window includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope;







cpp 复制代码
// Note: if you're thinking of returning something DOM-related by reference,
// please ping first. You probably don't want to do that.
class CORE_EXPORT LocalDOMWindow final : public DOMWindow,
                                         public ExecutionContext,
                                         public WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope,
                                         public WindowEventHandlers,
                                         public Supplementable<LocalDOMWindow>

在local_dom_window.h LocalDOMWindow类中对应这前端window所有方法和对象实现

cpp 复制代码

#include <memory>

#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_recorder.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/frame/delegated_capability_request_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/frame/history_user_activation_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/metrics/post_message_counter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/event_target.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/spellcheck/spell_checker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/suggestion/text_suggestion_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/dom_window.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/use_counter_impl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/window_event_handlers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/window_or_worker_global_scope.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/closewatcher/close_watcher.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/frame_loader.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/prefinalizer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/storage/blink_storage_key.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/supplementable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/uuid.h"

namespace blink {

class BarProp;
class CSSStyleDeclaration;
class CustomElementRegistry;
class Document;
class DocumentInit;
class DOMSelection;
class DOMVisualViewport;
class Element;
class ExceptionState;
class External;
class Fence;
class FrameConsole;
class History;
class InputMethodController;
class LocalFrame;
class MediaQueryList;
class MessageEvent;
class Modulator;
class NavigationApi;
class Navigator;
class Screen;
class ScriptController;
class ScriptPromise;
class ScriptState;
class ScrollToOptions;
class SecurityOrigin;
class SerializedScriptValue;
class SourceLocation;
class StyleMedia;
class TrustedTypePolicyFactory;
class V8FrameRequestCallback;
class V8VoidFunction;
struct WebPictureInPictureWindowOptions;
class WindowAgent;

namespace scheduler {
class TaskAttributionInfo;

enum PageTransitionEventPersistence {
  kPageTransitionEventNotPersisted = 0,
  kPageTransitionEventPersisted = 1

// Note: if you're thinking of returning something DOM-related by reference,
// please ping first. You probably don't want to do that.
class CORE_EXPORT LocalDOMWindow final : public DOMWindow,
                                         public ExecutionContext,
                                         public WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope,
                                         public WindowEventHandlers,
                                         public Supplementable<LocalDOMWindow> {
  USING_PRE_FINALIZER(LocalDOMWindow, Dispose);

  class CORE_EXPORT EventListenerObserver : public GarbageCollectedMixin {
    virtual void DidAddEventListener(LocalDOMWindow*, const AtomicString&) = 0;
    virtual void DidRemoveEventListener(LocalDOMWindow*,
                                        const AtomicString&) = 0;
    virtual void DidRemoveAllEventListeners(LocalDOMWindow*) = 0;

  static LocalDOMWindow* From(const ScriptState*);

  LocalDOMWindow(LocalFrame&, WindowAgent*);
  ~LocalDOMWindow() override;

  // Returns the token identifying the frame that this ExecutionContext was
  // associated with at the moment of its creation. This remains valid even
  // after the frame has been destroyed and the ExecutionContext is detached.
  // This is used as a stable and persistent identifier for attributing detached
  // context memory usage.
  const LocalFrameToken& GetLocalFrameToken() const { return token_; }
  ExecutionContextToken GetExecutionContextToken() const final {
    return token_;

  LocalFrame* GetFrame() const {
    // UnsafeTo<> is safe here because DOMWindow's frame can only change to
    // nullptr, and it was constructed with a LocalFrame in the constructor.
    return UnsafeTo<LocalFrame>(DOMWindow::GetFrame());

  ScriptController& GetScriptController() const { return *script_controller_; }

  void Initialize();
  void ClearForReuse() { document_ = nullptr; }

  void ResetWindowAgent(WindowAgent*);

  mojom::blink::V8CacheOptions GetV8CacheOptions() const override;

  // Bind Content Security Policy to this window. This will cause the
  // CSP to resolve the 'self' attribute and all policies will then be
  // applied to this document.
  void BindContentSecurityPolicy();

  void Trace(Visitor*) const override;

  // ExecutionContext overrides:
  bool IsWindow() const final { return true; }
  bool IsContextThread() const final;
  bool ShouldInstallV8Extensions() const final;
  ContentSecurityPolicy* GetContentSecurityPolicyForWorld(
      const DOMWrapperWorld* world) final;
  const KURL& Url() const final;
  const KURL& BaseURL() const final;
  KURL CompleteURL(const String&) const final;
  void DisableEval(const String& error_message) final;
  void SetWasmEvalErrorMessage(const String& error_message) final;
  String UserAgent() const final;
  UserAgentMetadata GetUserAgentMetadata() const final;
  HttpsState GetHttpsState() const final;
  ResourceFetcher* Fetcher() final;
  bool CanExecuteScripts(ReasonForCallingCanExecuteScripts) final;
  void ExceptionThrown(ErrorEvent*) final;
  void AddInspectorIssue(AuditsIssue) final;
  EventTarget* ErrorEventTarget() final { return this; }
  String OutgoingReferrer() const final;
  CoreProbeSink* GetProbeSink() final;
  const BrowserInterfaceBrokerProxy& GetBrowserInterfaceBroker() const final;
  FrameOrWorkerScheduler* GetScheduler() final;
  scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner(TaskType) final;
  TrustedTypePolicyFactory* GetTrustedTypes() const final {
    return GetTrustedTypesForWorld(*GetCurrentWorld());
  ScriptWrappable* ToScriptWrappable() final { return this; }
  void ReportPermissionsPolicyViolation(
      const absl::optional<String>& reporting_endpoint,
      const String& message = g_empty_string) const final;
  void ReportDocumentPolicyViolation(
      const String& message = g_empty_string,
      // If source_file is set to empty string,
      // current JS file would be used as source_file instead.
      const String& source_file = g_empty_string) const final;
  void SetIsInBackForwardCache(bool) final;
  bool HasStorageAccess() const final;

  void AddConsoleMessageImpl(ConsoleMessage*, bool discard_duplicates) final;

  GetAgentGroupSchedulerCompositorTaskRunner() final;

  // UseCounter orverrides:
  void CountUse(mojom::WebFeature feature) final;

  // Count |feature| only when this window is associated with a cross-origin
  // iframe.
  void CountUseOnlyInCrossOriginIframe(mojom::blink::WebFeature feature);

  // Count |feature| only when this window is associated with a same-origin
  // iframe with the outermost main frame.
  void CountUseOnlyInSameOriginIframe(mojom::blink::WebFeature feature);

  // Count |feature| only when this window is associated with a cross-site
  // iframe. A "site" is a scheme and registrable domain.
  void CountUseOnlyInCrossSiteIframe(mojom::blink::WebFeature feature) override;

  // Count permissions policy feature usage through use counter.
  void CountPermissionsPolicyUsage(
      mojom::blink::PermissionsPolicyFeature feature,
      UseCounterImpl::PermissionsPolicyUsageType type);

  // Checks if navigation to Javascript URL is allowed. This check should run
  // before any action is taken (e.g. creating new window) for all
  // same-origin navigations.
  String CheckAndGetJavascriptUrl(
      const DOMWrapperWorld* world,
      const KURL& url,
      Element* element,
      network::mojom::CSPDisposition csp_disposition =

  Document* InstallNewDocument(const DocumentInit&);

  // EventTarget overrides:
  ExecutionContext* GetExecutionContext() const override;
  const LocalDOMWindow* ToLocalDOMWindow() const override;
  LocalDOMWindow* ToLocalDOMWindow() override;

  // Same-origin DOM Level 0
  Screen* screen();
  History* history();
  BarProp* locationbar();
  BarProp* menubar();
  BarProp* personalbar();
  BarProp* scrollbars();
  BarProp* statusbar();
  BarProp* toolbar();
  Navigator* navigator();
  Navigator* clientInformation() { return navigator(); }

  bool offscreenBuffering() const;

  int outerHeight() const;
  int outerWidth() const;
  int innerHeight() const;
  int innerWidth() const;
  int screenX() const;
  int screenY() const;
  int screenLeft() const { return screenX(); }
  int screenTop() const { return screenY(); }
  double scrollX() const;
  double scrollY() const;
  double pageXOffset() const { return scrollX(); }
  double pageYOffset() const { return scrollY(); }

  DOMVisualViewport* visualViewport();

  const AtomicString& name() const;
  void setName(const AtomicString&);

  String status() const;
  void setStatus(const String&);
  String defaultStatus() const;
  void setDefaultStatus(const String&);
  String origin() const;

  // DOM Level 2 AbstractView Interface
  Document* document() const;

  // CSSOM View Module
  StyleMedia* styleMedia();

  // WebKit extensions
  double devicePixelRatio() const;

  // This is the interface orientation in degrees. Some examples are:
  //  0 is straight up; -90 is when the device is rotated 90 clockwise;
  //  90 is when rotated counter clockwise.
  int orientation() const;

  DOMSelection* getSelection();

  void print(ScriptState*);
  void stop();

  void alert(ScriptState*, const String& message = String());
  bool confirm(ScriptState*, const String& message);
  String prompt(ScriptState*,
                const String& message,
                const String& default_value);

  bool find(const String&,
            bool case_sensitive,
            bool backwards,
            bool wrap,
            bool whole_word,
            bool search_in_frames,
            bool show_dialog) const;

  // FIXME: ScrollBehaviorSmooth is currently unsupported in VisualViewport.
  void scrollBy(double x, double y) const;
  void scrollBy(const ScrollToOptions*) const;
  void scrollTo(double x, double y) const;
  void scrollTo(const ScrollToOptions*) const;
  void scroll(double x, double y) const { scrollTo(x, y); }
  void scroll(const ScrollToOptions* scroll_to_options) const {
  void moveBy(int x, int y) const;
  void moveTo(int x, int y) const;

  void resizeBy(int x, int y, ExceptionState&) const;
  void resizeTo(int width, int height, ExceptionState&) const;

  MediaQueryList* matchMedia(const String&);

  // DOM Level 2 Style Interface
  CSSStyleDeclaration* getComputedStyle(
      const String& pseudo_elt = String()) const;

  // Acessibility Object Model
  ScriptPromise getComputedAccessibleNode(ScriptState*, Element*);

  // WebKit animation extensions
  int requestAnimationFrame(V8FrameRequestCallback*);
  int webkitRequestAnimationFrame(V8FrameRequestCallback*);
  void cancelAnimationFrame(int id);

  void queueMicrotask(V8VoidFunction*);

  bool originAgentCluster() const;

  // Custom elements
  CustomElementRegistry* customElements(ScriptState*) const;
  CustomElementRegistry* customElements() const;
  CustomElementRegistry* MaybeCustomElements() const;

  void SetModulator(Modulator*);

  // Obsolete APIs
  void captureEvents() {}
  void releaseEvents() {}
  External* external();

  bool isSecureContext() const;


  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(orientationchange, kOrientationchange)

  DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(pagereveal, kPagereveal)

  void RegisterEventListenerObserver(EventListenerObserver*);

  void FrameDestroyed();
  void Reset();

  Element* frameElement() const;

  DOMWindow* open(v8::Isolate*,
                  const String& url_string,
                  const AtomicString& target,
                  const String& features,

  DOMWindow* openPictureInPictureWindow(v8::Isolate*,
                                        const WebPictureInPictureWindowOptions&,

  FrameConsole* GetFrameConsole() const;

  void PrintErrorMessage(const String&) const;

  void DispatchPostMessage(
      MessageEvent* event,
      scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> intended_target_origin,
      std::unique_ptr<SourceLocation> location,
      const base::UnguessableToken& source_agent_cluster_id);

  void DispatchMessageEventWithOriginCheck(
      const SecurityOrigin* intended_target_origin,
      const base::UnguessableToken& source_agent_cluster_id);

  // Events
  // EventTarget API
  void RemoveAllEventListeners() override;

  using EventTarget::DispatchEvent;
  DispatchEventResult DispatchEvent(Event&, EventTarget*);

  void FinishedLoading(FrameLoader::NavigationFinishState);

  // Dispatch the (deprecated) orientationchange event to this DOMWindow and
  // recurse on its child frames.
  void SendOrientationChangeEvent();

  void EnqueueWindowEvent(Event&, TaskType);
  void EnqueueDocumentEvent(Event&, TaskType);
  void EnqueueNonPersistedPageshowEvent();
  void EnqueueHashchangeEvent(const String& old_url, const String& new_url);
  void DispatchPopstateEvent(scoped_refptr<SerializedScriptValue>,
                             scheduler::TaskAttributionInfo* parent_task);
  void DispatchWindowLoadEvent();
  void DocumentWasClosed();

  void AcceptLanguagesChanged();

  ScriptValue event(ScriptState*);
  Event* CurrentEvent() const;
  void SetCurrentEvent(Event*);

  TrustedTypePolicyFactory* trustedTypes(ScriptState*) const;
  TrustedTypePolicyFactory* GetTrustedTypesForWorld(
      const DOMWrapperWorld&) const;

  // Returns true if this window is cross-site to the outermost main frame.
  // Defaults to false in a detached window. Note: This uses an outdated
  // definition of "site" which only includes the registrable domain and not the
  // scheme. IsCrossSiteSubframeIncludingScheme() uses HTML's definition of
  // "site" as a registrable domain and scheme.
  bool IsCrossSiteSubframe() const;

  bool IsCrossSiteSubframeIncludingScheme() const;

  void DispatchPersistedPageshowEvent(base::TimeTicks navigation_start);

  void DispatchPagehideEvent(PageTransitionEventPersistence persistence);

  InputMethodController& GetInputMethodController() const {
    return *input_method_controller_;
  TextSuggestionController& GetTextSuggestionController() const {
    return *text_suggestion_controller_;
  SpellChecker& GetSpellChecker() const { return *spell_checker_; }

  void ClearIsolatedWorldCSPForTesting(int32_t world_id);

  bool CrossOriginIsolatedCapability() const override;
  bool IsIsolatedContext() const override;

  // These delegate to the document_.
  ukm::UkmRecorder* UkmRecorder() override;
  ukm::SourceId UkmSourceID() const override;

  const BlinkStorageKey& GetStorageKey() const { return storage_key_; }
  void SetStorageKey(const BlinkStorageKey& storage_key);

  // This storage key must only be used when binding session storage.
  // TODO( Remove this when deprecation trial is complete.
  const BlinkStorageKey& GetSessionStorageKey() const {
    return session_storage_key_;
  void SetSessionStorageKey(const BlinkStorageKey& session_storage_key);

  void DidReceiveUserActivation();

  // Returns the state of the |payment_request_token_| in this document.
  bool IsPaymentRequestTokenActive() const;

  // Consumes the |payment_request_token_| if it was active in this document.
  bool ConsumePaymentRequestToken();

  // Returns the state of the |fullscreen_request_token_| in this document.
  bool IsFullscreenRequestTokenActive() const;

  // Consumes the |fullscreen_request_token_| if it was active in this document.
  bool ConsumeFullscreenRequestToken();

  // Returns the state of the |display_capture_request_token_| in this document.
  bool IsDisplayCaptureRequestTokenActive() const;

  // Consumes the |display_capture_request_token_| if it was active in this
  // document.
  bool ConsumeDisplayCaptureRequestToken();

  // Called when a network request buffered an additional `num_bytes` while this
  // frame is in back-forward cache.
  void DidBufferLoadWhileInBackForwardCache(bool update_process_wide_count,
                                            size_t num_bytes);

  // Whether the window is credentialless or not.
  bool credentialless() const;

  bool IsInFencedFrame() const override;

  Fence* fence();

  CloseWatcher::WatcherStack* closewatcher_stack() {
    return closewatcher_stack_.Get();

  void GenerateNewNavigationId();

  String GetNavigationId() const { return navigation_id_; }

  NavigationApi* navigation();

  // Is this a Document Picture in Picture window?
  bool IsPictureInPictureWindow() const;

  void set_is_picture_in_picture_window_for_testing(
      bool is_picture_in_picture) {
    is_picture_in_picture_window_ = is_picture_in_picture;

  // Sets the HasStorageAccess member. Note that it can only be granted for a
  // given window, it cannot be taken away.
  void SetHasStorageAccess();

  // EventTarget overrides.
  void AddedEventListener(const AtomicString& event_type,
                          RegisteredEventListener&) override;
  void RemovedEventListener(const AtomicString& event_type,
                            const RegisteredEventListener&) override;

  // Protected DOMWindow overrides.
  void SchedulePostMessage(PostedMessage*) override;

  class NetworkStateObserver;

  // Intentionally private to prevent redundant checks.
  bool IsLocalDOMWindow() const override { return true; }

  bool HasInsecureContextInAncestors() const override;

  Document& GetDocumentForWindowEventHandler() const override {
    return *document();

  void Dispose();

  void DispatchLoadEvent();

  void SetIsPictureInPictureWindow();

  // Return the viewport size including scrollbars.
  gfx::Size GetViewportSize() const;

  Member<ScriptController> script_controller_;

  Member<Document> document_;
  Member<DOMVisualViewport> visualViewport_;

  bool should_print_when_finished_loading_;

  mutable Member<Screen> screen_;
  mutable Member<History> history_;
  mutable Member<BarProp> locationbar_;
  mutable Member<BarProp> menubar_;
  mutable Member<BarProp> personalbar_;
  mutable Member<BarProp> scrollbars_;
  mutable Member<BarProp> statusbar_;
  mutable Member<BarProp> toolbar_;
  mutable Member<Navigator> navigator_;
  mutable Member<StyleMedia> media_;
  mutable Member<CustomElementRegistry> custom_elements_;
  Member<External> external_;

  Member<NavigationApi> navigation_;

  String status_;
  String default_status_;

  HeapHashSet<WeakMember<EventListenerObserver>> event_listener_observers_;

  // Trackers for delegated payment, fullscreen, and display-capture requests.
  // These are related to |Frame::user_activation_state_|.
  DelegatedCapabilityRequestToken payment_request_token_;
  DelegatedCapabilityRequestToken fullscreen_request_token_;
  DelegatedCapabilityRequestToken display_capture_request_token_;

  // We represent the "undefined" value as nullptr.
  Member<Event> current_event_;

  // Store TrustedTypesPolicyFactory, per DOMWrapperWorld.
  mutable HeapHashMap<scoped_refptr<const DOMWrapperWorld>,

  // A dummy scheduler to return when the window is detached.
  // All operations on it result in no-op, but due to this it's safe to
  // use the returned value of GetScheduler() without additional checks.
  // A task posted to a task runner obtained from one of its task runners
  // will be forwarded to the default task runner.
  // TODO(altimin): We should be able to remove it after we complete
  // frame:document lifetime refactoring.
  std::unique_ptr<FrameOrWorkerScheduler> detached_scheduler_;

  Member<InputMethodController> input_method_controller_;
  Member<SpellChecker> spell_checker_;
  Member<TextSuggestionController> text_suggestion_controller_;

  // Map from isolated world IDs to their ContentSecurityPolicy instances.
  Member<HeapHashMap<int, Member<ContentSecurityPolicy>>>

  // Tracks which features have already been potentially violated in this
  // document. This helps to count them only once per page load.
  // We don't use std::bitset to avoid to include
  // permissions_policy.mojom-blink.h.
  mutable Vector<bool> potentially_violated_features_;

  // Token identifying the LocalFrame that this window was associated with at
  // creation. Remains valid even after the frame is destroyed and the context
  // is detached.
  const LocalFrameToken token_;

  // Tracks which document policy violation reports have already been sent in
  // this document, to avoid reporting duplicates. The value stored comes
  // from |DocumentPolicyViolationReport::MatchId()|.
  mutable HashSet<unsigned> document_policy_violation_reports_sent_;

  // Tracks metrics related to postMessage usage.
  // TODO( Remove when no longer needed.
  PostMessageCounter post_message_counter_;

  // The storage key for this LocalDomWindow.
  BlinkStorageKey storage_key_;

  // The storage key here is the one to use when binding session storage. This
  // may differ from `storage_key_` as a deprecation trial can prevent the
  // partitioning of session storage.
  // TODO( Remove this when deprecation trial is complete.
  BlinkStorageKey session_storage_key_;

  // Fire "online" and "offline" events.
  Member<NetworkStateObserver> network_state_observer_;

  // The total bytes buffered by all network requests in this frame while frozen
  // due to back-forward cache. This number gets reset when the frame gets out
  // of the back-forward cache.
  size_t total_bytes_buffered_while_in_back_forward_cache_ = 0;

  // Collection of fenced frame APIs.
  Member<Fence> fence_;

  Member<CloseWatcher::WatcherStack> closewatcher_stack_;

  // If set, this window is a Document Picture in Picture window.
  bool is_picture_in_picture_window_ = false;

  // The navigation id of a document is to identify navigation of special types
  // like bfcache navigation or soft navigation. It changes when navigations
  // of these types occur.
  String navigation_id_;

  // Records whether this window has obtained storage access. It cannot be
  // revoked once set to true.
  bool has_storage_access_ = false;

  // Tracks whether this window has shown a payment request without a user
  // activation. It cannot be revoked once set to true.
  // TODO( Move this bit to a new payments-specific
  // per-LocalDOMWindow class in the payments module.
  bool had_activationless_payment_request_ = false;

template <>
struct DowncastTraits<LocalDOMWindow> {
  static bool AllowFrom(const ExecutionContext& context) {
    return context.IsWindow();
  static bool AllowFrom(const DOMWindow& window) {
    return window.IsLocalDOMWindow();

inline String LocalDOMWindow::status() const {
  return status_;

inline String LocalDOMWindow::defaultStatus() const {
  return default_status_;

}  // namespace blink






cpp 复制代码
void SelfAttributeSetCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
RUNTIME_CALL_TIMER_SCOPE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT(info.GetIsolate(), "Blink_DOMWindow_self_Setter");

v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
const char* const property_name = "self";
if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < 1)) {
  const ExceptionContextType exception_context_type = ExceptionContextType::kAttributeSet;
const char* const class_like_name = "Window";
ExceptionState exception_state(isolate, exception_context_type, class_like_name, property_name);
exception_state.ThrowTypeError(ExceptionMessages::NotEnoughArguments(1, info.Length()));

// [Replaceable]
bool did_create;
v8::Local<v8::Object> v8_receiver = info.This();
v8::Local<v8::Context> current_context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_property_value = info[0];
if (!v8_receiver->CreateDataProperty(current_context, V8AtomicString(isolate, property_name), v8_property_value).To(&did_create)) {

void DocumentAttributeGetCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
RUNTIME_CALL_TIMER_SCOPE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT(info.GetIsolate(), "Blink_DOMWindow_document_Getter");

v8::Local<v8::Object> v8_receiver = info.This();
LocalDOMWindow* blink_receiver = &UnsafeTo<LocalDOMWindow>(*V8Window::ToWrappableUnsafe(v8_receiver));
auto&& return_value = blink_receiver->document();
bindings::V8SetReturnValue(info, return_value, blink_receiver);


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