Custom Autograd Functions in PyTorch


PyTorch's autograd system allows users to define custom operations and gradients through the torch.autograd.Function class. This tutorial will cover the essential components of creating a custom autograd function, focusing on the forward and backward methods, how gradients are passed, and how to manage input-output relationships.

Key Concepts

1. Structure of a Custom Autograd Function

A custom autograd function typically consists of two static methods:

  • forward: Computes the output given the input tensors.
  • backward: Computes the gradients of the input tensors based on the output gradients.

2. Implementing the Forward Method

The forward method takes in input tensors and may also accept additional parameters. Here's a simplified structure:

python 复制代码
def forward(ctx, *inputs):
    # Perform operations on inputs
    # Save necessary tensors for backward using ctx.save_for_backward()
    return outputs
  • Context (ctx) : A context object that can be used to save information needed for the backward pass.
  • Saving Tensors : Use ctx.save_for_backward(tensors) to store tensors that will be needed later.

3. Implementing the Backward Method

The backward method receives gradients from the output and computes the gradients for the input tensors:

python 复制代码
def backward(ctx, *grad_outputs):
    # Retrieve saved tensors
    # Compute gradients with respect to inputs
    return gradients
  • Gradients from Output : The parameters passed to backward correspond to the gradients of the outputs from the forward method.
  • Return Order : The return values must match the order of the inputs to forward.

4. Gradient Flow and Loss Calculation

  • When you compute a loss based on the outputs from the forward method and call .backward() on that loss, PyTorch automatically triggers the backward method of your custom function.
  • Gradients are calculated based on the loss, and only the tensors involved in the loss will have their gradients computed. For instance, if you only use one output (e.g., out_img) to compute the loss, the gradient for any unused outputs (e.g., out_alpha) will be zero.

5. Managing Input-Output Relationships

  • The return values from the backward method are assigned to the gradients of the inputs based on their position. For example, if the forward method took in tensors a, b, and c, and you returned gradients in that order from backward, PyTorch knows which gradient corresponds to which input.
  • Each tensor that has requires_grad=True will have its .grad attribute updated with the corresponding gradient from the backward method.

6. Example Walkthrough

Here's a simple example to illustrate the concepts discussed:

python 复制代码
import torch
from torch.autograd import Function

class MyCustomFunction(Function):
    def forward(ctx, input_tensor):
        return input_tensor * 2  # Example operation

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        input_tensor, = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output * 2  # Gradient of the output with respect to input
        return grad_input  # Return gradient for input_tensor

# Usage
input_tensor = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], requires_grad=True)
output = MyCustomFunction.apply(input_tensor)
loss = output.sum()
loss.backward()  # Trigger backward pass

print(input_tensor.grad)  # Output: tensor([2., 2., 2.])

7. Summary of Questions and Knowledge

  • What are v_out_img and v_out_alpha? : These are gradients of outputs from the forward method, passed to the backward method. If only one output is used for loss calculation, the gradient of the unused output will be zero.
  • How are return values in backward linked to input tensors? : The return values correspond to the inputs passed to forward, allowing PyTorch to update the gradients of those inputs properly.


Creating custom autograd functions in PyTorch allows for flexibility in defining complex operations while still leveraging automatic differentiation. Understanding how to implement forward and backward methods, manage gradients, and handle tensor relationships is crucial for effective usage of PyTorch's autograd system.

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