// ssl_publish.cpp
// This is a Paho MQTT C++ client, sample application.
// It's an example of how to connect to an MQTT broker securely, and then
// send messages as an MQTT publisher using the C++ asynchronous client
// interface.
// The sample demonstrates:
// - Connecting to an MQTT server/broker securely
// - Setting SSL/TLS options
// - Last will and testament
// - Publishing messages
// - Using asynchronous tokens
// - Implementing callbacks and action listeners
// We can test this using mosquitto configured with certificates in the
// Paho C library. The C library has an SSL/TSL test suite, and we can use
// that to test:
// $ cd paho.mqtt.c
// $ mosquitto -c test/tls-testing/mosquitto.conf
// Then use the files "test-root-ca.crt" and "client.pem" from the
// test/ssl directory (paho.mqtt.c/test/ssl) for the trust store and
// key_store, respectively, for this program.
* Author luozesong
* email zesong.luo@seres.cn
* phone 17815029213
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstring>
#include "async_client.h"
#include "toml.hpp"
//#include "comlog/comlog.h"
//const std::string DFLT_SERVER_ADDRESS { "mqtts://localhost:18884" };
const std::string DFLT_SERVER_ADDRESS { "mqtts://" };
const std::string DFLT_CLIENT_ID { "ssl_publish_cpp" };
const std::string KEY_STORE { "/home/workspace/tmp/openssl_ca/emqx.pem" };
const std::string TRUST_STORE { "/home/workspace/tmp/openssl_ca/ca.pem" };
const std::string LWT_TOPIC { "events/disconnect" };
const std::string LWT_PAYLOAD { "Last will and testament." };
const auto TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(10);
* A callback class for use with the main MQTT client.
class callback : public virtual mqtt::callback
void connection_lost(const std::string& cause) override {
std::cout << "\nConnection lost" << std::endl;
if (!cause.empty())
std::cout << "\tcause: " << cause << std::endl;
void delivery_complete(mqtt::delivery_token_ptr tok) override {
std::cout << "\tDelivery complete for token: "
<< (tok ? tok->get_message_id() : -1) << std::endl;
using namespace std;
int main()
// conf init
const auto conf = toml::parse("./cfg/mqtt_pub.toml");
std::string clientID = conf.at("module").at("name").as_string();
//const auto servers = toml::find<std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>>>(conf, "servers");
std::string address = conf.at("servers").at("ccu_broker").at("addr").as_string();
std::string ca_crt = conf.at("servers").at("ccu_broker").at("ca_crt").as_string();
std::string client_crt = conf.at("servers").at("ccu_broker").at("client_crt").as_string();
std::string client_key = conf.at("servers").at("ccu_broker").at("client_key").as_string();
cout << ca_crt << ", " << client_crt << ", " << client_key << endl;
int timeout = conf.at("servers").at("ccu_broker").at("timeout").as_integer();
const auto TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(timeout);
int mqtt_qos = conf.at("mqtt").at("qos").as_integer();
std::string mqtt_topic = conf.at("mqtt").at("topic").as_string();
cout << "Initializing for server '" << address << "'..." << endl;
mqtt::async_client client(address, clientID);
callback cb;
// Build the connect options, including SSL and a LWT message.
auto sslopts = mqtt::ssl_options_builder()
.error_handler([](const std::string& msg) {
std::cerr << "SSL Error: " << msg << std::endl;
auto willmsg = mqtt::message(LWT_TOPIC, LWT_PAYLOAD, mqtt_qos, true);
auto connopts = mqtt::connect_options_builder()
cout << " ...OK" << endl;
try {
// Connect using SSL/TLS
cout << "\nConnecting..." << endl;
mqtt::token_ptr conntok = client.connect(connopts);
cout << "Waiting for the connection..." << endl;
cout << " ...OK" << endl;
// Send a message
cout << "\nSending message..." << endl;
auto msg = mqtt::make_message("hello", "Hello secure C++ world!", mqtt_qos, false);
cout << " ...OK" << endl;
// Disconnect
cout << "\nDisconnecting..." << endl;
cout << " ...OK" << endl;
catch (const mqtt::exception& exc) {
cerr << exc.what() << endl;
return 1;
return 0;
// sync_consume.cpp
// This is a Paho MQTT C++ client, sample application.
// This application is an MQTT consumer/subscriber using the C++ synchronous
// client interface, which uses the queuing API to receive messages.
// The sample demonstrates:
// - Connecting to an MQTT server/broker
// - Using a persistent (non-clean) session
// - Subscribing to multiple topics
// - Receiving messages through the queueing consumer API
// - Receiving and acting upon commands via MQTT topics
// - Auto reconnect
// - Updating auto-reconnect data
* @author luozesong
* @email zesong.luo@seres.cn
* @phone 17815029213
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include "mqtt/client.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
const string SERVER_ADDRESS { "mqtts://localhost:8883" };
const string CLIENT_ID { "paho_cpp_sync_consume" };
const std::string KEY_STORE { "/home/workspace/tmp/openssl_ca/client.pem" };
const std::string TRUST_STORE { "/home/workspace/tmp/openssl_ca/ca.pem" };
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
mqtt::client cli(SERVER_ADDRESS, CLIENT_ID);
auto sslopts = mqtt::ssl_options_builder()
.error_handler([](const std::string& msg) {
std::cerr << "SSL Error: " << msg << std::endl;
auto connOpts = mqtt::connect_options_builder()
.automatic_reconnect(seconds(2), seconds(30))
// You can install a callback to change some connection data
// on auto reconnect attempts. To make a change, update the
// `connect_data` and return 'true'.
[](mqtt::connect_data& connData) {
string newUserName { "newuser" };
if (connData.get_user_name() == newUserName)
return false;
cout << "Previous user: '" << connData.get_user_name()
<< "'" << endl;
cout << "New user name: '" << connData.get_user_name()
<< "'" << endl;
return true;
const vector<string> TOPICS { "data/#", "command", "hello" };
const vector<int> QOS { 0, 1, 2 };
try {
cout << "Connecting to the MQTT server..." << flush;
mqtt::connect_response rsp = cli.connect(connOpts);
cout << "OK\n" << endl;
if (!rsp.is_session_present()) {
std::cout << "Subscribing to topics..." << std::flush;
cli.subscribe(TOPICS, QOS);
std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
else {
cli.subscribe(TOPICS, QOS);
cout << "Session already present. Skipping subscribe." << std::endl;
// Consume messages
while (true) {
auto msg = cli.consume_message();
if (msg) {
if (msg->get_topic() == "command" &&
msg->to_string() == "exit") {
cout << "Exit command received" << endl;
cout << msg->get_topic() << ": " << msg->to_string() << endl;
else if (!cli.is_connected()) {
cout << "Lost connection" << endl;
while (!cli.is_connected()) {
cout << "Re-established connection" << endl;
// Disconnect
cout << "\nDisconnecting from the MQTT server..." << flush;
cout << "OK" << endl;
catch (const mqtt::exception& exc) {
cerr << exc.what() << endl;
return 1;
return 0;
需要注意的是,如果我们按emqx配置ssl,tls双向验证生成的ca,client端的证书和client端密钥,这三都得带上,否则验证不通过 官网案例需要再加上.private_key(client_key)
另外,suber的写法里面,如果你想再emqx的dashboard中看到连接,需在官网案例中恒定加上cli.subscribe(TOPICS, QOS);如下
if (!rsp.is_session_present()) {
std::cout << "Subscribing to topics..." << std::flush;
cli.subscribe(TOPICS, QOS);
std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
else {
cli.subscribe(TOPICS, QOS);
cout << "Session already present. Skipping subscribe." << std::endl;