分布式锁不再复杂:Spring Boot 无缝切换 Redis、Curator 与 Zookeeper


在 Java 中分布式锁的实现框架‌主要包括基于 数据库RedisZookeeper 的实现方式。使用 Redis 实现的组件可以选择 Jedis API 或者 Redisson API,使用 Zookeeper 实现的组件可以选择 Zookeeper API 或者 Curator API。笔者在项目中看到不少这种混用 API 的情况,维护性较差。


封装通用接口,屏蔽 API 细节,基于 Spring Boot 自动装配管理。



java 复制代码
public interface DistributedLock {

	 * 锁类型
	 * @return 锁类型
	String lockType();

	 * 加锁(阻塞)
	 * @param key 锁对象
	boolean lock(String key);

	 * 加锁(阻塞直到超时)
	 * @param key      锁对象
	 * @param waitTime 等待时间
	 * @param timeUnit 时间单位
	 * @return 是否加锁成功
	boolean lock(String key, int waitTime, TimeUnit timeUnit);

	 * 释放锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	void unlock(String key);

使用 Jedis 实现接口。

java 复制代码
public class JedisDistributedLock implements DistributedLock {

	private static final String UNLOCK_LUA =
		"if redis.call(\"get\",KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] "
			+ "then return redis.call(\"del\",KEYS[1])"
			+ "else return 0 end";

	private final TransmittableThreadLocal<String> threadLocal = new TransmittableThreadLocal<>();

	private final Jedis jedis;

	 * 锁类型
	 * @return 锁类型
	public String lockType() {
		return DistributedLockType.JEDIS.name();

	 * 阻塞加锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Jedis create lock '{}'", key);
		String value = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
		SetParams setParams = new SetParams();
		boolean isSuccess;
		try {
			String result = jedis.set(key, value, setParams);
			isSuccess = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(result);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Jedis create lock '{}', catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockAcquireException(e);
		if (isSuccess) {
			log.debug("Jedis create lock '{}' successfully", key);
		} else {
			log.warn("Jedis create lock '{}' failed", key);
		return isSuccess;

	 * 加锁
	 * @param key      锁对象
	 * @param waitTime 等待时间
	 * @param timeUnit 时间单位
	 * @return 加锁是否成功
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key, int waitTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
		log.warn("Jedis create lock '{}' not support waitTime", key);
		return lock(key);

	 * 释放锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public void unlock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Jedis release lock '{}'", key);
		String uuid = threadLocal.get();
		if (uuid == null) {
			log.warn("Jedis release lock '{}' failed due to thread local is null", key);
		List<String> args = Collections.singletonList(uuid);
		List<String> keys = Collections.singletonList(key);
		Long result;
		try {
			result = (Long) jedis.eval(UNLOCK_LUA, keys, args);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Jedis release lock '{}', catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockReleaseException(e);
		if (result == null || result == 0L) {
			log.warn("Jedis release lock '{}', but it not work", key);
		} else {
			log.debug("Jedis release lock '{}' successfully", key);

使用 Redisson 实现接口。

java 复制代码
public class RedissonDistributedLock implements DistributedLock {

	private static final TransmittableThreadLocal<RLock> threadLocal = new TransmittableThreadLocal<>();

	private final RedissonClient redissonClient;

	 * 锁类型
	 * @return 锁类型
	public String lockType() {
		return DistributedLockType.REDISSON.name();

	 * 阻塞加锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Redisson create lock '{}'", key);
		RLock rLock = redissonClient.getFairLock(key);
		boolean isSuccess;
		try {
			isSuccess = rLock.tryLock();
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Redisson create lock '{}', catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockAcquireException(e);
		return isSuccess;

	 * 加锁
	 * @param key      锁对象
	 * @param waitTime 等待时间
	 * @param timeUnit 时间单位
	 * @return 加锁是否成功
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key, int waitTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
		log.debug("Redisson create lock '{}' with waitTime '{}'", key, waitTime);
		RLock rLock = redissonClient.getFairLock(key);
		boolean isSuccess;
		try {
			isSuccess = rLock.tryLock(waitTime, 1, timeUnit);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Redisson create lock '{}' with waitTime '{}', catch exception: {}", key, waitTime, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockTimeoutException(e);
		if (isSuccess) {
			log.debug("Redisson create lock '{}' with waitTime '{}' successfully", key, waitTime);
		} else {
			log.warn("Redisson create lock '{}' with waitTime '{}' failed", key, waitTime);
		return isSuccess;

	 * 释放锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public void unlock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Redisson release lock '{}'", key);
		RLock rLock = threadLocal.get();
		if (rLock == null) {
			log.warn("Redisson release lock '{}' failed due to thread local is null", key);
		if (!rLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
			log.warn("Curator release lock '{}' failed that is not held by current thread", key);
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Redisson release lock '{}', catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockReleaseException(e);
		log.debug("Redisson release lock '{}' successfully", key);

使用 Zookeeper 实现接口。

java 复制代码
public class ZookeeperDistributedLock implements DistributedLock {

	private static final TransmittableThreadLocal<String> threadLocal = new TransmittableThreadLocal<>();

	private static final byte[] EMPTY_DATA = new byte[0];

	private final ZooKeeper zooKeeper;

	 * 锁类型
	 * @return 锁类型
	public String lockType() {
		return DistributedLockType.ZOOKEEPER.name();

	 * 阻塞加锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Zookeeper create lock '{}'", key);
		boolean isSuccess;
		String result;
		try {
			result = zooKeeper.create(key, EMPTY_DATA, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);
			isSuccess = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(result);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Zookeeper create lock '{}', catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockAcquireException(e);
		if (isSuccess) {
			log.debug("Zookeeper create lock '{}' successfully", key);
		} else {
			log.warn("Zookeeper create lock '{}' failed", key);
		return isSuccess;

	 * 加锁
	 * @param key      锁对象
	 * @param waitTime 等待时间
	 * @param timeUnit 时间单位
	 * @return 加锁是否成功
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key, int waitTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
		log.warn("Zookeeper create lock '{}' not support waitTime", key);
		return lock(key);

	 * 释放锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public void unlock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Zookeeper release lock '{}'", key);
		String result = threadLocal.get();
		if (result == null) {
			log.warn("Zookeeper release lock '{}' failed due to thread local is null", key);
		try {
			zooKeeper.delete(key, -1);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Zookeeper release lock '{}', catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockReleaseException(e);
		log.debug("Zookeeper release lock '{}' successfully", key);

使用 Curator 实现接口。

java 复制代码
public class CuratorDistributedLock implements DistributedLock {

	private static final TransmittableThreadLocal<InterProcessMutex> threadLocal = new TransmittableThreadLocal<>();

	private final CuratorFramework curatorFramework;

	 * 锁类型
	 * @return 锁类型
	public String lockType() {
		return DistributedLockType.CURATOR.name();

	 * 阻塞加锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Curator create lock '{}'", key);
		if (!key.startsWith(Strings.SLASH)) {
			throw new DistributedLockAcquireException("Invalid curator lock: " + key);
		InterProcessMutex interProcessMutex = new InterProcessMutex(curatorFramework, key);
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Curator create lock '{}', catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockAcquireException(e);
		log.debug("Curator create lock '{}' successfully", key);
		return true;

	 * 加锁
	 * @param key      锁对象
	 * @param waitTime 等待时间
	 * @param timeUnit 时间单位
	 * @return 加锁是否成功
	public boolean lock(@NonNull String key, int waitTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
		log.debug("Curator create lock '{}' with waitTime '{}'", key, waitTime);
		if (!key.startsWith(Strings.SLASH)) {
			throw new DistributedLockAcquireException("Invalid curator lock: " + key);
		InterProcessMutex interProcessMutex = new InterProcessMutex(curatorFramework, key);
		boolean isSuccess;
		try {
			isSuccess = interProcessMutex.acquire(waitTime, timeUnit);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Curator create lock '{}' with waitTime '{}', catch exception: {}", key, waitTime, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockTimeoutException(e);
		if (isSuccess) {
			log.debug("Curator create lock '{}' with waitTime '{} successfully", key, waitTime);
		} else {
			log.warn("Curator create lock '{}' with waitTime '{} failed", key, waitTime);
		return isSuccess;

	 * 释放锁
	 * @param key 锁对象
	public void unlock(@NonNull String key) {
		log.debug("Curator release lock '{}'", key);
		InterProcessMutex interProcessMutex = threadLocal.get();
		if (interProcessMutex == null) {
			log.warn("Curator release lock '{}' failed due to thread local is null", key);
		if (!interProcessMutex.isAcquiredInThisProcess()) {
			log.warn("Curator release lock '{}' failed that is not acquired in process", key);
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Curator release lock: {}, catch exception: {}", key, e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new DistributedLockReleaseException(e.getMessage());
		log.debug("Curator release lock '{}' successfully", key);

将具体实现放入 Spring Boot 管理。

java 复制代码
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "distributed-lock")
public class DistributedLockProperties {

	private boolean enabled;

	private String primary;

	private final Redisson redisson = new Redisson();

	private final Jedis jedis = new Jedis();

	private final Curator curator = new Curator();

	private final ZooKeeper zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper();

	public static class Redisson {

		private boolean enabled;

	public static class Jedis {

		private boolean enabled;

	public static class Curator {

		private boolean enabled;

	public static class ZooKeeper {

		private boolean enabled;

@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "distributed-lock.jedis", name = "enabled", havingValue = true)
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class JedisDistributedLockAutoConfiguration {

	public DistributedLock distributedLock(Jedis jedis) {
		log.debug("Autowired JedisDistributedLock");
		return new JedisDistributedLock(jedis);

@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "distributed-lock.redisson", name = "enabled", havingValue = true)
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class RedissonDistributedLockAutoConfiguration {

	public DistributedLock distributedLock(RedissonClient redissonClient) {
		log.debug("Autowired RedissonDistributedLock");
		return new RedissonDistributedLock(redissonClient);

@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "distributed-lock.zookeeper", name = "enabled", havingValue = true)
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class ZookeeperDistributedLockAutoConfiguration {

	public DistributedLock distributedLock(ZookeeperTemplate zookeeperTemplate) {
		log.debug("Autowired ZookeeperDistributedLock");
		return new ZookeeperDistributedLock(zookeeperTemplate.getZookeeper());

@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "distributed-lock.curator", name = "enabled", havingValue = true)
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class CuratorDistributedLockAutoConfiguration {

	public DistributedLock distributedLock(CuratorFramework curatorFramework) {
		log.debug("Autowired CuratorDistributedLock");
		return new CuratorDistributedLock(curatorFramework);

当项目配置 distributed-lock.redisson.enabled=true 时,开启 Redisson 作为分布式锁的底层实现。

yaml 复制代码
    enabled: true # 开启 Redisson 作为分布式锁的底层实现

    password: demo@123
    timeout: 5000
    database: 1
    host: localhost
    port: 6379	

当项目配置 distributed-lock.curator.enabled=true 时,开启 Curator 作为分布式锁的底层实现。

yaml 复制代码
    enabled: true # 开启 Curator 作为分布式锁的底层实现

	  enabled: true
	  connectString: localhost:2181

业务代码只需要引入 DistributedLock 接口,调用 lockunlock 方法完成分布式场景的加锁和解锁。

java 复制代码
public cliass Demo {

	private final DistributedLock distributedLock;

	public void test() {
		String key = "demo";
		if (distributedLock.lock(key, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
			// do something...


通过 API 封装,简化了业务项目对分布式锁的繁琐编码工作,提高开发效率。

本文涉及的代码完全开源,感兴趣的伙伴可以查阅 eden-distributed-lockeden-distributed-lock-spring-boot-starter

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